26-29 May 2021. What is a solar cycle, the solar wind, and sunspots?
Schumann-series Of Atmospheric Resonances
29 May 2021. Physiological symptoms associated with Atmospheric Electromagnetics.
25 May 2021. What's the difference between a CME, solar flare and solar wind ?
24 May 2021. Observations On Tomsk (S.O.S.); Coronal Mass Ejection hit; registered from 07-11 Tomsk
23 May 2021. How To Read The Schumann Resonance Spectrogram; How to interperate its color data .
21 May 2021. The Schumann Resonance Harmonics; What I Am Doing Here? [YT video]
19 May 2021. Observation on the Schumann Resonances, from Tomsk S.O.S. Midnight Peaks.
16 May 2021. The Schumann Resonance Harmonics FB Group Newbie's Introduction
14 May 2021. Tomsk (SOS) Full Report Capture Update. Real-time streaming data from Tomsk's S.O.S.
10 May 2021. Monitoring SR from Antarctica**; Part 2(A): LVIV Center
10 May 2021. Some days are worse than others. Space Weather Health Alerts | What To Do ?
08-09 May 2021. Observations on Tomsk, Russia (S.O.S.)
06-8 May 2021. Observations on Tomsk, Russia (S.O.S.)
05 May 2021. Observations for 03-05 May 2021; Tomsk, Solar, Cumiana; Peaked to 84(-dBpeV) [A1]itude
04 May 2021. Observations for: 03-4 May 2021; Tomsk, Solar, Cumiana; Peaks @ 92(-dBpeV[A1]) Ampl.
02 May 2021. Today's reading from Tomsk, Diurnal variation
01 May 2021. More on the sticky topic of: The Place for belief here. (Schumann Resonance post)
01 May 2021. Current reading; What are "white-outs" ?
Anatomy of the Brain By Regina Bailey; March 15, 2019
26 April 2021. Effects of gamma ray flare on the Schumann (YT post)