26 April 2021. Effects of gamma ray flare on the Schumann
This is an article which I was very happy to come across. This is a discussion of the measured effect of the ionosphere from a gamma burst, in 2004.
While searching for more research information from Russian scientists, specifically from Tomsk State University, I've uncovered a number of interesting research papers. The following originates with the Usikov Institute for Radio-Physics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine; in conjunction with Karasin Kharkov National University (Ukraine), NASA (NY, USA), Moshiri Observatory (Japan) and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
In the arena of Schumann resonances, within the discussions of the origins of Amplitude spikes, frequently in comments, and online in general, there comes a certain conceit. In many cases the cause of amplitude spikes is given as "incoming gamma/5D energies."
Personally, I am not one to simply accept generalized phrases like this. If true, I'd like to know how this happens, based on observations of the people who are tasked with such things. Let me see the physical observations and actual research.
Let me get to the point: The effect of gamma bursts from stellar sources, is that gamma flares reduce, or drop-down the Schumann Resonances.
According to "The effect of a gamma ray flare on Schumann resonances", by A. P. Nickolaenko (2004), the data shows that gamma bursts effectively drop the frequency of the vertical conductivity channel, therefore help to diminish the intensity of the SR:
"We postulate that only the 'knee altitude' is reduced by gamma rays.
Therefore, the 'electric' height of the Earth–ionosphere cavity goes down, while the 'magnetic' height remains undisturbed.
It is important that according to VLF records (Inan et al., 2007), the modification was detected at the angular distance from the center of disturbance reaching 60.
We assume therefore that the gamma ray modification may cover the whole hemisphere.
Physically, a huge reduction of the ionosphere height alters the eigenvalues of the Earth–ionosphere cavity.
Modification simultaneously brings down the peak amplitudes, peak frequencies, and the quality factors of all Schumann resonance modes.
In our computations that account for the daynight non-uniformity, the PUK model was used (Pechony and Price, 2004) with the 20 km reduction of knee height at the dayside.
We conclude that computations predict essentially the same modification regardless of particular model: gamma rays abruptly reduce all resonance parameters.
It is important that sudden alterations occur simultaneously at all resonance modes, and hence we must look for the similar discontinuity pattern in experimental ELF sonograms around the occurrence time of gamma flare"
To me, this explains what I needed to know. Gamma flares do not cause an amplitude burst, because the height of the 'vertical conductivity channel' has reduced by many kilometers.
If the lower resonances (7.8/14.1/20.7 Hz) are not intense, or strongly 'ringing'; then summarily there will be no higher, or upper harmonics. (27.1/33.3/39.9HZ)
["The effect of a gamma ray flare on Schumann resonances", by A. P. Nickolaenko1, et al.*Published: 7 September 2012 ]
We describe the ionospheric modification by the SGR 1806-20 gamma flare (27 December 2004) seen in the global electromagnetic (Schumann) resonance.
The gamma rays lowered the ionosphere over the dayside of the globe and modified the Schumann resonance spectra.
We present the extremely low frequency (ELF) data monitored at the Moshiri observatory, Japan.
Records are compared with the expected modifications, which facilitate detection of the simultaneous abrupt change in the dynamic resonance pattern of the experimental record.
The gamma flare modified the current of the global electric circuit and thus caused the “parametric” ELF transient. Model results are compared with observations enabling evaluation of changes in the global electric circuit.
1 Introduction
Monitoring of the global electromagnetic (Schumann) resonance allows for studying both the Earth–ionosphere cavity and the natural sources of radiation-lightning strokes (Nickolaenko, 2002).
We compare the experimental and model results concerning the impact of the powerful gamma ray flare from SGR 1806-20 that occurred on 27 December 2004.
Since 1979 a couple of intense gamma ray flares took place arriving from the extra-terrestrial sources.
Records of remote VLF transmitters indicated the ionosphere depression caused by the gamma rays (Inan et al., 1999, 2007; ), but an attempt
was unsuccessful at finding any changes in the Schumann resonance records caused by the gamma flare from SGR 1900+14 on 27 August 1998 (Price, 2001).
In this paper we report a successful detection of changes in the Schumann resonance spectra during the intense gamma ray flare SGR 1806-20
(27 December 2004).
The records were performed at the Moshiri observatory, Japan.
Experimental material is compared with the model predictions for the Schumann resonance background signal based on the “knee” ionosphere model.
Detailed description of the gamma ray event can be found in the papers by Hurley et al. (2005), We mention only the minimal information here.
The flare occurred around 21:30:26UT when the hard X/gamma rays arrived atthe dayside of the Earth.
Radiation came from a neutron star 30–40 thousand light years away.
The peak flow exceeded the most intense solar flares by five orders of magnitude, and itwas 100 times greater than the SGR 1900+14 gamma flare of 1998.
2 Conductivity profile of the lower ionosphere
The knee ionosphere model is used for computing the parameters
of Schumann resonances in the uniform Earth–ionosphere cavity (Williams et al., 2006).
The PUK model is applied for the cavity with day-night non-uniformity (Price
and Pechony, 2004).
We postulate that only the “knee altitude” is reduced by gamma rays.
Therefore, the “electric” height of the Earth–ionosphere cavity goes down, while the “magnetic” height remains undisturbed.
It is important that according to VLF records (Inan et al., 2007), the modification was detected at the angular distance from the center of disturbance reaching 60.
We assume therefore that the gamma ray modification may cover the whole hemisphere.
Physically, a huge reduction of the ionosphere height alters the eigenvalues of the Earth–ionosphere cavity.
Modification simultaneously brings down the peak amplitudes, peak frequencies, and the quality factors of all Schumann resonance modes. In our computations that account for the daynight non-uniformity, the PUK model was used (Pechony, 2004) with the 20 km reduction of knee height at the dayside.
Bearing in mind the global nature of Schumann resonance, we applied the 10 km depression over the whole globe in the model of uniform Earth–ionosphere cavity (Nickolaenko, 2010).
We compare the results of both approaches and find that the day-night asymmetry has a minor impact on the quantitative effect of the gamma rays.
We conclude that computations predict essentially the same modification regardless of particular model: gamma rays abruptly reduce all resonance parameters.
It is important that sudden alterations occur simultaneously at all resonance
modes, and hence we must look for the similar discontinuity pattern in experimental ELF sonograms around the occurrence time of gamma flare.
[ ... ]
For complete research:
(Cite: Ann. Geophys., 30, 1321–1329, 2012; www.ann-geophys.net/30/1321/2012/
doi:10.5194/angeo-30-1321-2012 © Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License.)
[*A. P. Nickolaenko1, I. G. Kudintseva2, O. Pechony3, M. Hayakawa4, Y. Hobara5, and Y. T. Tanaka6 ]
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