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"ac circuit" atmospheric electromagnetics

What are Schumann Resonances?

29 April 2021. How To Decrypt 'The Schumann',

Part One: Introducing...The Planet.
Understanding the Global Electric Circuit.
The planetary sphere of Earth has a unque set of circuits: Upper DC Circuit, Lower DC circuit, AC circuit which is the mediation between these two poles.
The Upper DC circuit is the Sun-Earth Link, the Interplanetary Magnetic field, which includes the magnetosphere, and the ionosphere, which accumulates alot of the residual charge, coming from the solar radiance.
Lower DC circuit is the telluric current of the planetary electric grid; which includes the 'leylines' of the planet.
AC, alternating current, is the insulating cavity, or waveguide of the SR.
SR are caused by residual electromagnetics in the atmosphere is properly considered the “AC circuit”. AC is alternating current, meaning it's bouncing at its origins.
As We discuss SR, we continually mention, the influence of solar radiance on the atmosphere; due to solar forcing mainly, and less-so among the direct line of the DC circuit.  
It compresses the upper atmosphere, increasing the harmonic activation, within the AC circuit. Yet, it also works as a function of the UPPER DC circuit, that direct sunlight does pass through the upper layers, as does some UVC, etc.
As lightning discharges from the upper to the lower DC circuits, these pulses propagate-outwards, into the immediate environment. These propagate, and bounce around the atmosphere, eventually interfering with themselves, to create the standing waves of the Schumann-series of atmospheric harmonics.
Schumann Resonances (SR) are a series of atmospheric harmonics, primarily caused by lightning discharges.  This creates EMF waves, which propagate outwards into the atmosphere which surrounds humans. This phenomena occurs within a “waveguide”; which is the relatively closed-space of the atmosphere between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface.   
SR are caused by fundamental waves bouncing against each other, interfering with themselves. These interferences create resonances. Schumann resonances are a series of atmospheric resonances; which settle into a group of harmonics.  
These atmospheric harmonics of electricity-magnetism resonate at a consistent enough frequency to become a form of gravity, as per the Unified Field Theory.
( *Spoiler Alert! : At this point I will give a  the ringing and the buzzing is the gravity of these waves, in sympathetic vibrations with the atmosphere; through magnetic induction and piezo-electrics, your crystals in the inner ear are moved. )  
SR are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. It might be best to consider these to be the echoes of lightning.
Spectrogram [“Spectro-”] is the full-color graphic of the Schumann resonances. It is a composite graphic representation which plots a pattern based-upon the information received from the reporting dependencies
The atmospheric electro-magnetics are standing-waves, which resonate continuously at fairly-well fixed numbers, based on multiple real-world properties.
({ Within the real-world occurances of cosmic rays, or Gamma outburst from where-ever, or x-rays, or even higher frequency radio-waves are technically-speaking beyond the receptivity range of the SR detecting units ...
assuming, of course, those things are happening outside the ionosphere. Those aforementioned sources happening within the ionospheric “waveguide”, within 25 Km of the detector site would be another matter. This would be considered local interferences. A welder, or other industrial machinery nearby a detector site would register a blip on a SR spectroscope, for example. })
The upper atmosphere of the magnetosphere and ionosphere together, deflects, and protects us from alot of harmful radiance. There's normally an insulating factor there. However, these upper layers can be forced downwards, closer to us, which compresses the space, causing the harmonics to increase in frequency; higher harmonics are activated, as the atmosphere is “smooshed” together.
As higher frequency harmonics activate, the lower frequency harmonics are still active at these lower frequencies, yet are actually stronger, meaning more dense. Higher harmonics do not exist without the strength of the lower ones increasing as well. I like using the analogy of resonances “stacking-up” on top of each other.
Amplitude is Electric-side, which is charge (+/-, or voltage, or Intensity, measured in deci-Bels); which conducts in the fashion of a flagpole, as means of illustration; properly, it conducts in a path of least resistance, which tends to be “crooked”, like branches of a tree. This is the vertical frequency.
Quality is Magnetic flux, which is current, or direction (N-S/ E-W, which is measured in Teslas, or pico-Teslas in this case); which is given in the analogy as a teeter-totter, or see-saw, laterally, or horizontally.

Part Two : Overview.
Along the left margin of the spectro- is the resonance frequency, which starts at 0 in the top left corner. From there moving downwards, the numbers increase by segments of 4 Hertz to a maximum value of 40 Hertz horizontal frequency.
SR phenomena tops out in the atmosphere at ~46 Hz; therefore, it's a common occurance to find dedicated SR sites capped at 40-50 Hz Hor.
Some China-based sites cap at 30 Hz.
VLF sites, such as those in Italy cap at a higher frequency due to their designed purpose of detecting seismic activity. This is why those sites have seismic meters integrated into their system. SR lay within the ELF range of the spectrum, which technically stop at 30 hz. Hor.
[*Quick note on frequency. This is a term with broad, and often confusing usage. For our purposes, we'll define this term.  Frequency properly is used to designate peak events over time, or cycles per second; such as a wave, which moves in a horizontal fashion.
Amplitude is vertical frequency, or Intensity, measured as deciBels of electron-Volts. Spikes relative to the spectro- are scaled vectors, based upon the limitations of the scope itself.
Resonant frequency is the difference between two fundamental, or originating waves, called “wavefronts”. These fundamentals run into and over each other repeatedly, causing interference patterns, called “standing waves”. These are quasi-stationary, meaning they oscillate in-situ, or in place in the atmosphere.
Harmonics are a series of resonances, which are splitting-off from the original primary resonance into a harmonic set of evenly-spaced resonant frequency varients; in this case its “differential frequency”, or the separation between the resonant harmonics is 6.6 Hz. Again, this is a diference, or differential in the series, as these more fundamentals break-up, against each other.
Frequency, as given in the standard measurement of radio waves is the distance in kilometers, over time. The number values given in the dependence from Tomsk is a measure of kilometers; this is not the resonant frequency.
Frequency of the electric scale of a person is separated by 10 Hz. Each of your primary energy center portals ('the chakras') operates in 10 Hz differentials.
Frequency as periodicity, of heart rate function; synchronization of body centers with states of brain activity: called “coherence.”
Sympathetic vibrations is the best way of looking at this phenomena; essentially it's where one base resonance was moved to meet another, stronger base resonance. *]
Running along the bottom of the graph is the measurement of Time. There are two sets of clocks, on the report available through Local time in Tomsk is directly below the graph, in white numbers. This is UTC+7; UTC is based in England; East Coast US is UTC-5.
Patterns appearing on the spectrogram are real-time representations of a portion of the signal, which arrives at the detecting unit. (These are generally very sensitive; measuring in the pico-range (which is 15 decimal places below zero.) Schumann resonances are subtle energies in the atmosphere, like a type of “ringing.”)

The Spectrograph is plotted from the reporting 12 dependencies:
Amplitude (Modes 1-4) ; The Electric Side, units measured in deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts. Earth-Sun magnetic link measures in the nano scale, which is 1,000 times stronger. Intensity is, again, the vertical frequency.
Quality (Modes 1-4) ; Magnetic Flux, measured in pico-Teslas.
Frequency (Modes 1-4); Wavelengths in kilometers.
Plotted upon the Dark Blue coloured "canvas" ; which would be our theoretical "at rest state" we theoretically return back to.
It might be considered like an "elastic", or a medium which is under a certain tension, therefore always in motion to-or- from that background "at rest", balance state.)
Upon this canvas gets the twelve dependencies to use color to represent segments of light, which plot a tapestry of patterns and “codes.”
Because the atmosphere, which includes all the way out into the magnetosphere, is elastic in this sense, this is what essentially creates this "weaving" pattern of sheparding these EM waves around the "waveguide" of the Earth-Ionosphere 'corridor.'
At rest state of "fair weather", is our theoretical "zero point"; which  starts as a dark blue (Navy)-coloured background, which is as above-stated an interactive canvas. Upon this canvas gets reported with, or plotted by the information of the dependencies.
This is the actual raw data which is graphed by the line graphs of 4 individual colours.
I am referring to these 4 colours, which correspond to the 4 modes, as our pallet of "primary colours." (Technically, White is not a colour, but blue is. We essentially have 4 colours as our primary pallet.)
When the literature refers to Modes, this relates measurements of the overall spectrum, based in relation of Amplitude to Quality; expressed as a type of ratio, or inverse relationship.
This band of signals is in the lowest end of low frequency radio waves, which encircle the globe; primarily due to lightning discharges.  
This stated, the insulating cavity which is elastic, can bulge  inwards, causing an increased “humming” as it compresses the lower atmospheric layers.

Part  Three :  The Twelve Dependencies ;  
4 Modes Of Reception across the 3 Channels of Amplitude (+/- charge-voltage, measured as decibels of electron-volts) ; Quality (Magnetic flux, current [wich is direction of N/S-E/W) ; Frequency(Wavelength in Kilometers)
Huh? Dependencies ? Modes ? This is the technical lense one needs to see properly the spectro-, as the pallete of colors used to plot the patterns splashed upon the 'canvas' of the .
This section explains the use of “the Modes”.
Modes are measurements of the bandwidths, or separations (similar to octaves) of the entire spectrum, which is measurable by the detector units. There is a pre-set, built-in limit of the range of measurable signal within the atmosphere. In the case of Tomsk, this range is 0.3-40 Hertz.  
In other words, this means we break-down the entire spectrum of EMF waves, in a range which span ELF radio waves. Specialized receiving units are necessary, and custom-built for this purpose.
(*Note: Often, the operators are the ones who also designed and built the units.)
What are the modes, relative to the patterns plotted on the spectro-?
White/  Mode 1. This correlates to the highest layer of the ionosphere, furthest away from the planet. Highest frequency, of the low-range energy where the resonances reside. This is the tallest of the Amplitude, yet shortest in Magnetics
Amplitude 1 has an inverse size and shape relationship with Quality 1. Frequency 1 is generally the wavelength measurement of Quality 1. This it follows suit for the following depencenies  listed below.  
Our canvas analogy, starts with Navy background as the at rest state. As EMF signals pass-by the antenna-detector units, it captures a range of signals, logically divided into the shape configuration, according to mathematical formulae.
The actual number values are scaled to fit the space provided-for by the constraints of the spectrographic physical size. Regardless of the actual received value, it becomes scaled to fit the size parameter of the spectrographic space of the graphing equipment.
Picture this as a tall and narrow “brush”. The othere colors attached to he  Modes are successively shorter, but fatter in this markings, as they plot the various color signatures appearing on the spectro- image.

Mode corresponds to a harmonic band. 7.8-14.1 Hertz resonance is a Mode. The Mode might best correspond to a shape and geometry of a wave. Tall and Skinny spikes are Amplitude Mode 1.
Mode 1 is the highest Amplitude spikes. White spikes on the Schumann appear to be so strong, due to the fact that white is the chosen color for Mode 1. Yet, this was determined by an engineer. Heavy Mode 1 Amplitude activity is a signal in high charge; yet, this does not equate to these spikes being “white light energy.”   
Yellow/ Mode 2;
Red/ Mode 3;
Green/ Mode 4; is lowest frequency, but largest in wavelength, between 10-100,000 Km in wavelength sizes; this indicates the waves moving closest in locating to the human populations.  

Part Four : Plotting The Spectrogram [“spectro-”] (a.k.a. 'the schumann')
The signals received of the antenna-detector units are “plotted” by the spectrograph unit, to create the published representation of the spectrogram.
This is the top panel of the full report coming from Tomsk State University's S.O.S.
Due to the abilities of the antennae to pick-up only certain signals, these colours are going to also appear in certain recognizable patterns, based-upon the type of signal; whether it is more electric, or more magnetic.
For example, the bright green shows up largely as bands, due to the fact that it is exhibiting the characteristics of the magnetic waves.
Depending on where and how the EMF signal interacts with the antennae, this is the type of mark which is going to be plotted on the spectrogram, effectively.
In other words, white, and yellow frequently, appear as spikes, or vertical lines, due to the high content of electric charge, and the fact that this is how the antennae pick-up Amplitude/charge/electrics.
White and Yellow Modes are more heavy in electric content.
Green, Red [4, 3 respectively] modes measure the layers closer to Earth.
Green Measures the layer of emf waves which occupy the space between Earth and the lowest layer of the ionosphere.
Ultimately, the ionosphere acts as a constraint, which forces a bouncing; or return characteristic to the various wavelengths.
Because the Green is high in magnetic-side, the green-based colours are going to be more of a magnetic signal;
which correspondingly will be plotted horizontally, to reflect the orientation of the reporting dependencies, Quality. We see an "upright", or vertical signal in Quality in the line graph, but the full color spectrogram shows it much better, the orientation of the magnetics, basically as "flat."
The colours teal, aqua, turquois, "indiglow" are not actually in the "Green family", dispite what your colour theory may tell you. They are...but not really. These are a product of the interaction with the background of Modes 1, and 2, the white and yellow.
White and yellow is top going down, as it were, into the otherwise calm background state of rest of the Dark Blue.   
Going upwards from rest into the bottom of the modes, due to heavy magnetics, the colouration goes from dark blue into Green. This is how we know that the bright teal and turquoise is a signal moving from top (high charge), downwards into the "at rest state."
Red and Yellow make orange, pumpkin, rust; when mixed with white we get coral, or pink. These indicate a  mid-grade electronics, fairly balanced with magnetics. This is why orange and rust colours seem to "float in the air" of the chart, because it is actually "floating" somewhat.  

Part Five : The ELF band  : Introducing The Antenna
On the subject of the receiving antennas for the data, I have posted many times in The Schumann Resonances harmonics group highlighting the technology and workings of the antennae used to collect the data. For our purposes here, we need to understand a few basic concepts on how the signals are measured.  
There are a few different type of antennae designs, yet the principle remain consistent, based on the following principle: The Electric portion of the signal transverses, rolls, or propagates vertically; while the magnetic portion of the signal travells horizontally, which is to say "hugging the ground."
Generally there is a ball on a "tower" which measures the Amplitude, or the electric portion. This is a dipole antenna for measuring the Amplitude.
Each antenna Mode reports: Amplitude, Quality, Frequency. The antenna is recording a 3  dimensional configuration This is set-upon the base which measures the magnetics, or Quality, along two separate axes, 90 degrees apart; these are North-South / East-West.
The heart of the antennae is the induction coil which is wrapped around a magnetically permeable material. The coil senses a EMF signal which is within the range of receptivity, based upon the structure of the internal windings.  The signal activates, initiates "movement" along the coil, producing a "report", or a line in the reporting dependency.
Essentially, there are 2 induction magnets: for N-S, and one for E-W. . The spectrograph is showing a 3 dimensional, spherical, construction, on a plane surface.
The ELF frequency range, as stated by Volland in Handbook of atmospheric electrodynamics, 1995, covers a frequency range from 3-60 hertz. A Hertz is a unit of frequency, which is measuring peak-to-peak amount within the time period of one second. As the frequency, wave to wave height increases, the length decreases inversely.

What Is The ELF portion of the spectrum?
This is a bit confusing, relative to the Schumann resonances.
"Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),[4] 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.[5]
"Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the ITU designation[1] for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz, and corresponding wavelengths of 100,000 to 10,000 kilometers, respectively.[2][3]
"ELF radio waves are generated by lightning and natural disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, so they are a subject of research by atmospheric scientists.  In atmospheric science, an alternative definition is usually given, from 3 Hz to 3 kHz.[4][5]
"In the related magnetosphere science, the lower frequency electromagnetic oscillations (pulsations occurring below ~3 Hz) are considered to lie in the ULF range, which is thus also defined differently from the ITU radio bands.

There are numerous ways frequency bands have been designated. The International Telecommunications Union designates bands as listed in the table below. Frequencies as designated by the International Telecommunications Union:
Band: Extremely low frequency (ELF) ; Propagation Frequency: 3 Hz-30 Hz ; Wavelength: 10^8m-10^7m .
Band: Super low frequency (SLF) ; Propagation Frequency : 30 Hz-300 Hz ; Wavelength: 10^7m-10^6m .
Band: Ultra low frequency (ULF) ; Propagation Frequency : 300 Hz-3 KHz ; Wavelength: 10^6m-10^5m


Telluric Currents

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