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14 Mar 2021 _ LIKE-MINDED : Tales Of The Ascension

First, in my humble opinion, the understanding of Schumann resonances, for the technical perspective is a steep learning curve.
The Ascension-side version of the schumann resonances is much more accessible to the average person. There is not the immense amount of technical background which needs to be present, in order for proper understanding of the schumann resonances.
I need to work to be kind, when explaining the differences.
Within the ascension community, there is not many who properly understand the Schumann resonances as an atmospheric phenomena.

As I understand the situation on this planet:
Earth school, GAIA the living spirit of the planet herself, is a free will zone, which extends to all living beings, from the wildlife on the planet, to humans, to any visitors who inhabit the Earth school.
Third density is a word of forms, but that of certain constraints. Earth is both third dimesnion, and third density.
Earth existence is different for humans, as there are multiple layers of complexity, based on concerted, focused utilization of intention. Humans are not simply products of instincts, and reactions, but we are also thinking, rationalized beings, who are capable of imagining mental forms--which precede actions.
Instinct acts in the moment, immediately, out of reflexive reaction' instinct acts based on feelings, or emotion. (Feelings are senses which are held; emotions are those which are given away.)
Rational mind considers options, circumstances; which may not be readily present.  Humans have the abililty to consider imaginary, invisible factors before acting upon the present situation. Rational mind is the objective, or non-personal perspective which we see the current situation. This is the ability to externalize thoughts and feelings, into coherent (often verbal) sentiments.
Both of these poles are equally important, and need to be put into balance, to get the complete story. Within this parameter, the poles are dimensions and densities.
There is an inherent power to belief itself. Belief does not require facts, or correct proper data, or good, sound information, in order for it to work. It simply needs to will of the possessor of the belief to be sufficiently robust, in order for the belief to succeed.
We can tell each other lies, misconceptions, and given enough of a mass of belief, a critical mass of individual's holding-on to a narrative,  it will become de facto.
In time, the myth becomes fact.  

14 Dec 2020. What Is Ascension? What Are Ascension Symptoms?

First, this term, Ascension, does not aply to everyone.
There are those who call this bullsh1t; that humans are now how they always have been; that we are not going anywhere; that subsequently, Earth is a garbage pit, full of worthless, useless individuals.  
If this describes your beliefs, you who are reading this, then none of this applies to you. Feel free to go back to sleep, or whatever else you were doing before being interrupted.
This is one of the most difficult questions to answer, ever: What is Ascension ?
The phenomena of Ascension requires the mass of humanity to believe things are not as they seem; nor as they have been going for a long time.
This process requires that human entities understand that we are a race of "intelligent beings" who occupy a third density ego-body (meat suit). As such, we maintain a much different place in the scheme of this solar system, than we have been led to believe we occupy.
Ascension may be seen as the activation, at the cellular level, of our dna. As we move into the 12-stranded double helix protocol, the genetics are "zipping-up". Disconnected dna is being recombined to form a novel crystalline structure.   
It might be seen as the eventual "waking-up" of the inherent consciousness; Stored within the code of the genetic structure, upon repair, initiates "magical abilities" such as: spontaneous regrowth of organic tissue, spontaneous manifestation or telepathic abilities.
At its most ambitious consideration, ascension might be a "mental" or "spiritual" evolution; which vaults an individual into a state of bliss and ecstacy, as a co-creator being. Yet, without the conscious understanding of the necessity for clearing-out the ballast of the (lower densities of the) genetic structure, there can be no elevation, nor growth. Ascension, as such, requires the elevation of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, etc, to a higher level of being.
It is the process of creating a cohesion of the physical body, with the spiritual bodies of the Astral, The Etheric, The Causal, Solar Portal, Earth Star, etc. realm vehicles; such that, our genetics are requited with our long-lost soul.
Ascension is the human beast becoming reunited with the spirit, with the seat of the Soul; becoming unified with the Divine within us.
Ascension is, in part, understanding that the instrument/body is an instrument of feelings, emotions, sensory perceptions. The human experience is one based in feelings and emotions. Thinking, logic, rational thinking is yet another sensory perception, which is simply the brain's way of experiencing perceptions.
It is the acceptance of the human body as a finely tuned instrument; which is not to be ignored, or dismissed in the "spiritual evolution" process.  

"Same Ol', Same Ol-"
It's my own experience that the bulk of humanity is willfully asleep. It's easier to ignore inconveniet facts, and information, in place of that which titilates, soothe, placates the human beast.
The scientific theory defining this blissful state of ignorance is called "Uniformitianism".
"Uniformitarianism, also known as the Doctrine of Uniformity or the Uniformitarian Principle, is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in our present-day scientific observations have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe"[**].
Humanity is a species with amnesia. There's a strong belief of "as it is now, it's always been."
It is the logical disconnection of the brain organ which has no feelings, nor nerve endings attached to it; which allows for the empty head to "live in a jar on the shelf of a lab somewhere". Many humans apparently do not know if they are living a Real life, or if it's simply a holographic experience, without a body attached to it.
Subsequently, this lack of innate feelings of the thinking organ, seems to lead many people into a life devoid of empathy, and connection to the suffering of others.
Ascension is, from one perspective, the acceptance that humans need to start feeling with their actual physical body. "Thinking" does not substitute for feeling.
Ascension is based on waking-up long-dormanet senses, and sensory perceptions. One of these is empathy for victims, or those who hve "gotten in our way."
Ascension means we grow-up, and accept responsibility for the hurt caused by humanity, to reconcile the garbage with the good.

Ascension Symptoms.
It is well-debated what is meant by "ascension symptoms." If, again, there's a question as to whether we, as a collective, are going through this "ascension", then it's going to be heavily-debated as to what this means.
We can understand Ascension as being, at stake, our very genetics (the actual proteins and polysaccharrides) repairing, restructuring themselves; through an improved geometrical structure.
The only way to conclusively prove that this is such, is to observe spontaneous mutations. This is seen as the ability to make changes in the genetic code, within the lifetime of the organism; resulting in a novel instruction set.
Mutants Unite!
"Mutability factor" refers to an innate ability of genetic structure to adopt to the stringent conditions of the environment. Ability to physically adapt to external conditions, is essentially a mutation; or a type of "evolution", of the individual.   
Humans are able to force, through the means of chemical and biological manipulation, this "mutability factor." In the process, has created any manner of "unnatural" creations. Ascension might be seen as the institution of the mutability factor, to the human genetic code. Mutability of organic matter is a well-established feature, within the lengthy history of humanity; (such creatures of legend have been called: Minotaur, Chimera, Griffons, Cyclops, Gargoyl, Pegasis, etc.)
Ascension is essentially the mutation of the human beast, into a refined instrument of the feeling and emotional energy exchange of third density. This is the promise, of "ascension"  
Phantom Symptoms
With the Ascension pathway, we are transmuting the lower densities into spiritual elements. This is work of a multi-dimensional nature; essentially unseen by third density perceptions. As such, so called "ascension symptoms" are virtually invisable, and not rooted in third density medical problems, or allergic reactions to our immediate environment. Ascension symptoms are invisible, and are not easily traced to a verifiable source. Ascension symptoms are considered "phantom symptoms", as there is no readily identifiable source which is known to cause these ailments.   
Such "phantom symptoms" includes dizziness (so-called) "vertigo" and Ear's ringing (so-called) "Tinnitus".

How would the SR "radio waves" have a physiological effect on an individual?
From my own education, and personal experience I have arrived at a "crackpot theory" of how the electromagnetics of solar and Schumann energies effect of physical bodies.
The biggest part of my consciousness is directing me towards the basic understanding that without being about to relate it to what is being done to me physically, the biological physiological effects, the technical knowledge is irrelevant.
The two technical principles involved are piezoelectrics, and magnetic induction. This is the short answer.  I am going to be making posts about how these principles actually work, towards creating those physiological effects to the physical body, as mentioned: "tinnitus" and "vertigo".

"Crackpot Theories."
That this period of time might be called "The Great Harvest Time" could be a crackpot theory, I will confess. It's very difficult to prove this is an actual thing. More to the point, it is a theory as to whether physical symptoms are related to this alleged "ascension."
Such inclusions to this are the Ascension Rectification Symptoms, where humans act as a bridge rectifier, transducing energy from the AC circuit above ground, into the DC circuit of Gaia/Earth body. One of these such "phantom symptoms" includes the vertigo and (so-called)"Tinnitus", or 'ringing in the ears'.
"Tinnitus" & "Vertigo"--Relative To Schumann Res. Vibes.
First here, there's a disclaimer: Within legitimate medical concerns are two physiological conditions, recognized by Western medical science, called "Tinnitus", and "Vertigo". Within my YT channel content, I have created videos explaining in detail what medical science says about both these maladies. If one is experiencing either of these symptoms, consult a licensed professional. Get it checked, and treated properly. Do it properly, as Bradley says.
Yet, we of the Ascension community, who are also Earthly-grounded, address this issue of the physical effect of these energies upon the body. If you've been cleared by a doctor, and experience these symptoms, this is applicable to you...likely.

How Could The Schumann Resonances Generate Physiological Sensations that could mimic 'Tinnitus' or 'Vertigo' ?
Lining the inside of your inner ear are crystals, called "ololiths", which are a calcium carbonate material, able to resonate, and deform under piezoelectric principles.
What is the Piezo-electric Effect? There are two sides to the coin, as it were, he first half of piezo electrics is that a certain mineral, or material can move, or deform if an electric charge is set to it. It is consistent, and predictable, as it were. The other side is where the same material will emit an electric charge when struck by a physical "blow".
Within the inner ear, the top portion is called the semi-circular canals. This is the gyroscope of your body. It's these 3 small angles, or axis-detectors in this canals, which are filled with a fluid that pushed-upon the crystalline ololiths, create the orientation hardware, which then sends an electric signal down the nerves, into the brain organ, for processing, as to your spacial stability.
I believe it's readily evident at this point, if you're high school educated, that by now you understand the piezo-electrics effecting the inner ear through the mechanism of the electrics of our Schumann Resonances, vibrating within the atmosphere.
As the Electrics/Amplitude of the resonances start "ringing", and radiating around the globe, we then start feeling/sensing these resonances, or remaining signals, frequencies, within the more physical domain of the hearing organ, the cochlea.
The cochlea is the coil which induces sound from pressure waves, into an electrical impulse within the brain. Except these magnetic-side waves/frequencies carry-beyond the tympanic membrane, to be induced directly withing the cochlea itself.

Ascension Symptoms (Discussed): Ringing in the Ears.   
One of the most common symptoms that people experience at these times of high amplitude (electrics), are the symptoms of [a form of] "tinnitus", and [a form of ] "vertigo", and headaches [pineal activation].

A Disclaimer.
If you are experiencing pains, discomforts, or conditions like a 'ringing in the ears', "vertigo", etc., these may be signs of a signifigant, medical issue.
Please, please, do NOT assume that all of your pains and aches are ascension-based (or so-called "phantom") symptoms. Have a certified medical professional observe you first.  In all cases, you should be checked-over by a medical professional to see traditional treatments, before assuming it's "ascension-based", which again, are phantom symptoms, for which there is no physiological cause to it.
So, get yourself checked-out by a doctor first. Additionally, many people lead a "dirty life", including a prevalence of unsheilded electronics, any manner of plastics, and recirculated air. If you are having pains or aches, these will simply be amplified by any EMF radiations (Schumann resonance-based).
In other words if you lead a "dirty life", the Schumann resonances are not CAUSING you to be sick, or's simply alerting you that there is an issue.
Before saying it's a worldwide condition, do make sure your LOCAL environment is in good order. The biggest chore to understanding the Schumann Resonances is to understand the difference between local interference, and something greater, worldwide, happening.

So, with this stated, let me move to the lesson:
The Schumann resonances are radio waves, at the lowest end of the spectrum. 8 Hertz is the fundamental frequency, with harmonic resonances at 7.8 Hz, 14.1 Hz; 20.7 Hz; 27.1 Hz; 33.7 Hz; etc. The resonant harmonics are electromagnetic waves, or frequencies which travell around the globe.
There is an initial strike of amplitude, which is electric, highly charged electrons, which are essentially "forced" from the upper atmosphere, the ionosphere, which has a high electric charge.
This lightning, or electric arc discharge, moves vertically, from top-down with a high electric charge, eventually grounding itself into the Earth ground. These electric discharges take the path of least resistance.  
Your body, potentially, could be this path of least resistance. It is possible these electric strikes can move through you, effortlessly (sorta), if you are prepared, and are leading a "clean life."
If you have ever experienced a battery failure--your car won't start, for example--due to dirty terminals, then you understand this principle. Electrics take the path of least resistance, it is this simple. If your "terminals" are dirty, then the electricity can not move through gets bunched-up at your crystals; specifically those of your inner ear.    
Even worse, are those who intake all sorts of conductors: iron (through red meats, especially undercooked red meats); through salts, sugar, other crystalline structures; through electrolytes sodium, calciums, etc. You as a person is fine...yet, the problem is that you are going to feel this signifigantly, on heavy electric days.
In moderation, and in balance is the key. Part of the "dirty life" stopping the proper flow of energies, is excess.
People with alot of worries over their property, and their accumulated stuff, help to keep bunched-up these energies of the lower densities. The lower densities provide a blockage to the smooth movement of these resonances around you.
Schumann resonances are not clearing out anything for you. With humans, there is nothing automatic. You have to want to lead a better, more clean life. It will not be done for you.
The Schumann resonances are not clearing-out your densities, and dirt, which blocks the flow of these energies. You need to be willing to have Source clear it out. You need to have done the work, to be ready to have it removed.
The work is not going to be done for you. Nothing with humans is automatic. It is all by free will, and your choice to want to have these energies freely move through you.

**  ***   ****   ***  **
Further information:
Within the pool of content of the channel below, there is a series of 5 vids, which discuss this topic of the inter-relation between the above-cited pair of symptoms, along with the the EM field reverberating around the planet's spherical waveguide (the Earth-Ionospheric 'column') .
The following videos are discussing the technical aspects of the ascension-based "ears' ringing" and "dizziness"; the non medically based perceptions of "tinnitus" and "vertigo."
There's a discussion on what this is, and how to deal with it.
I hope you enjoy the videos, as they were intended as a public service to help during these times are high energy input.  

( ) - Part One ; "Ringing In The Ears, Is it Tinnitus, or Ascension-based, Pt 1 ; 29 July 2020" .
( ) - Part Two ; "Ringing In The Ears: Is It Tinnitus, Or Ascension-based? Part 2 ; 29 July 2020" .
( ) - Part Three ; "30 July 2020. Ringing Ears, pt 3; High-Pitched "Squeal" Is Not Audio--It's Magnetic Induction".

( ) - Part Four ; "30 July 2020. Vertigo. [How] Is Vertigo Caused By The Schumann Resonances?"

( ) - Part Five ;  "Ringing & Vertigo, Relative To The Schumann Resonances 01 Aug 2020".



Alexis of Ascension Diaries.

Schumann Resonance Harmonics (FB pg)

Wages World

Telluric Currents

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