Part 0: Introduction
Thank you for being here.
01 Oct was my birthday. As a gift...a 'sci-fi' book.
As a gift to those who this applies to, I wanted to give a Salutorian's view of my overall experience here, in this form. I was hoping to summarize some things for people to help them make sense, for the standpoint of etheric technician.
This is going to be for the advanced ones among my followers. If you are not one with the eyes to see and ears to hear, then likely is not going to be a one for you. It's time for the advanced material to come out into the public domain.
I've needed to do this exposition for a while. I'm hoping this will explain a few over-arching things that we're going through now. Those looking for the advanced metaphysical explanation are going to get the most from this. It think it's wise to give fair warning that this is not for everyone.
As Prime Source' Pure Light Avatar is here with me, in the Eternal Forest of the Amethyst Flame, I present this for your consideration. Take your time with it. There's multiple sections. Eventually, this may appear in a book, I do not know...
This, as with most of my work, is going to be a longer one.
To say my writings are long is like saying gravity makes things fall, or water is wet. My problem is that I spend alot of time in contemplative meditation with my Guides, to get answers from them in wide variety of subject; the things that humans can't help me with, They do. I can't keep this stuff for myself, I have to also give it up to the public at large, because some or all of this effects others as well.
"You have not because you ask not," it tells us in the book. I ask. Often. Asking for answers is a form of meditation, as it requires me to be quiet, and ground myself in wait.
I've used the phrase "wrap-up of the wrap-up" frequently. It's something that needs to be presented to the group for consideration. What does this mean?
This is the time in the narrative of human development of great transition for all humans (in theory). Before explaining the Main Event, let me go back in time for a moment.
Part 1 : Historical Perspective - The Long Count
Regardless of what you may think of the Mayan culture, among other things we owe them the credit for the numerical value of zero; the importance of which can not be understated. Their culture had multiple calendars, based upon the movement of many astrological bodies, one of which is Venus, another the Moon, another of which is the Long Count, which tells the Great Year tale.
BCE year 2012; specifically 21 Dec, the calendar ended, to be restarted as the beginning of the New Great Year, the 26,000 year cycle. This is the total time it takes out solar system and galaxy to rotate around a central sun.
The size of the central sun is beyond imagination, if I understand correctly. The center part of the galaxy is where the majority of stuff in the galaxy actually happens. This arm of the galaxy is relatively sparse of astrological bodies, and "neighbors"; with Earth's system flung way out into the netherlands of the galaxy. On this planet, we are truly isolated, and alone, in a very real sense; relative to what's going on in the rest of this region.
Change is the only constant. This is the time of monumental change. A shift is seemingly happening before our very eyes. Hopefully, I'm not the only one seeing this happening.
On 01 Oct. I'll be 54. Wow. First, I never expected to be alive this long. At 7 I was dead, but my Guides talked my back into the body, so I could finish the mission that I'd contracted. We all agree to a Contract, pre-incarnation here.
I'm at the point of fulfilling the advanced portion of my contract. Largely, this why I've been posting on alot of advanced and esoteric subjects. The time is here, and the "doorway" is closing. The ship is about the leave port. There's alot of restlessness, insanity, disconnection from real-world actual reality happening. Yet, there's so many levels to what's happening, that literally, no one is capable of figuring out what's really, truly happening now.
I'm as lost as everyone. The only difference is that I follow the "clear instruction" (ugh!) of a Universal Power much greater, and more knowledgeable that I. I know what I know because I've asked this power to kindly provide me answer to the questions that humans are unable. I meditate, and listen quietly for a response, and one always comes; in a shocking variety of ways, when opens him/herself to this pursuit. "You have not because you ask not." So I ask.
2012 marked the ending of the Old Year, The ending of the Piscean Age. This is the symbol of the two fishes, both facing opposite ways. The current Age we are entering is the Aquarian Age, symbolized by the Water-bearer, with the pitcher pouring-forth the contents of thereof.
So this is in principle the Age where everything's suppose to come-out, come clear, and alot of stuff is going to be revealed, as per celestial design.
Before the benefits and glory of the Aquarian Age truly can begin, the old accounts, still left over from the previous Age need to be figured-out. They need to be closed-out. Easier said then done.
Some of the "accounts" from the previous age still have not called-in their intention to give-up willingly, and acknowledge that they now overdue. By "accounts" i mean predatory behaviour in business. Going "woke" is not a suitable substitute for being held accountable for predatory behavior.
Fortunately, I'm not the judge of this. I'm simply a messenger. I work to keep my affairs in order... it's a goal, One day at a time.
Not only within the course of my own life time, but now, before my eyes, I am seeing everything uprooted, ripped-up, torn-down, flooded-out, etc... things I've loved dearly have been removed, taken-away from me, though some, alot, or none of my responsibility. Much of what's changed for me has been the loss of the majority of the people I've known throughout my life. My longest-known friend's list is getting shorter each year, and even month-by-month.
Society itself, is changing, morphing in front of our eyes. History is being rewritten in front of our eyes. We are starting a New Great Year, and it all has to be, somehow, in its own way, made new. Easier said than done.
It is not until this very time, that the magnetic poles are drifting, into opposition of where they'd been for millennia. This process currently happening, has been overdue, actually. It's waited until this time for a huge confluence of event to congeal to this point in time. There's numerous forces at work, some on Earth, some in the Greater heavens of the galaxy as a whole. There is such a thing as the galactic sheet, which is an immense emf/gravity wave from the influence of the central sun.
If the majority of people had a program of principles within which they operate, then society would handle all this in a more sane, rational way.
Yet, logics are changing, morphing, altering.
Emotional Quotient is not a real, actual, practical thing; it's merely a rhetorical concept used to try to justify, or rationalize emotional behaviour. Logic's become fuzzy.
All sorts of whack-a-doo things are happening, due to a number of variables that may be difficult to quantify. The swapping poles and weakening magnetic field are the two biggest factors effecting mankind. So called climate change is being caused by this one-two punch. Yes, it will be getting worse, and the water is likely to be the biggest problems may face in upcoming years. Lack of it where needed, and an abundance of it where it's not.
The spirit/soul knows that the time to "exit, stage Earth", due to this confluence of factors. This is the "reset" that's murmured-about; yet, not the one that they are prophesizing for themselves.
It's my humble view that this is the time where Satan/The Devil is given the ability to take who/what he can, before the "calling of the trumpets". That calling, will mark the final bell of reckoning. "No man/person knows the day, nor the hour, nor the time of it's coming. It appears as a thief in the night." This final call makes the final accounting of all the accounts...whether they willingly came in to get swapped-over, or eliminated, into the protocols of the Water-Bearer Age of "enlightenment".
Not everyone's making the cut.
I've been doing my best to be as ready as I can be. Everyone has his/her own work to do; as per Contract.
Terence McKenna says "blast off into hyperspace." He didn't know exactly what that was, which is fine. Perhaps, human consciousness will be converted into a memory matrix, as some are suggesting.
There's a huge variety of alternate futures potentially available, because this is the time where things are closing out and new things opening up. Returned psychic ability for the species is one of those things...and in many cases, it's driving folks bonkers, because this whole segment, area of consciousness has been rooted-out, beaten out of the majority of humans. It's anathema to the smooth function of the dominator, totalitarian regimes which have installed themselves into the seats of power of the government, and controlling institutions.
Who's pulling the strings?
Is there a "thing", a "what", or a "who", driving the "people", pulling the strings, of these controlling institutions?
In the human form, it's difficult to figure-out what's what and who's-who. Figure your best that you can, and do one's best to get all the information...yet, there's so many layers, upon layers of misinformation, and lies, and cover stories, and subtrifuge, and all the fuckery of hiding the truth from humans, to keep you infantilized--of necessity, missing the natural evolution that should be there.
There is a force that working to either subjugate, or eradicate human genetics in it's "pure" or unadulterated form.
DNA is a code, which is enacted as a building material, based upon the latent material of the planet, planetoid, etc. Amino acids are simple, effective, maleable building blocks of life, here in The "Watery Dragon," Tiamat, as named by the Sumerians. Earth is a unique, interesting planet, worth the time to come here to learn about.
It is a wish that the most intelligent ones of the species take care of the living planet to the best of their ability. As individuals, we are all responsible for taking care of the resources of this plce the best we can. This can be done in many ways, large or small; but they should be done. But I digress.
Hyperspace may be a quantum memory cube running a matrix simulation, or it might be a physical release of the spirit from the physical body--which ultimately belongs to the planet herself.
The Veil of Maya, The Veil of Gaia, The veil of forgetting, the veil of the material matrix, these phrases, concepts are inherent to Earth-school, that which makes this experience/experiment so difficult, wonderful and terrifying.
This Galaxy, let alone the entire remainder of the Universe as we can observe it, is a vastly immense place. Earth may actually be a tiny speck of a place, yet, I can assure you, most of the known Universe does not have this type of experience, of the material veil of forgetting that one's born with a bland slate and has to make it up on the spot.
the embedment of spirit, animating material matter, living flesh, which is constructed of the genetic code of dna, a living adoptable language, which writes code, based on the materials available.
The physical body is comprised of roughly 6% coding DNA, and the remainder is termed "junk dna". It's only been within the past 15-ish years, that modern science has been able to determine the overarching instruction-set that is the so-called "junk."
Within the text of the book called The Mayan Factor, Jose Arguilles talks about how the Mayan culture spoke within their teachings that the dna was a fractal matrix. The genetic material is quite amazing stuff. It inherently holds memories. Brain organ, the sense of mind is able to process not only the experience of living in the body, yet equally it would seem a vast universe unseen and unexperienced (in the physical.)
The Great Month
Every approximately 2150 years, we change Ages, which is also called a Great Month. We have left the Piscean Age as of the closing of that long count calendar. Yet, this is a relative time frame. Relative to human lifespan, it's an immense amount of time to comprehend. The production of the full Age takes decades, or centuries depending on what facet we are talking about. The printing press is one of such advents of modern society, which we don't give much if any thought to now; yet, it was the precursor to the typewriter, printing, word processing, etc.
I can present to you as a fact that the Carrington Event of 1859 started the modern accelerated advance of the poles to their new locations. It also sent a warning shot over the bow of the inception of the Aquarian protocol. Aquarian Age might also be see as the Electric Age; or maybe, Electric Age might be another name for the New Age.
Piscean Protocol / New Age / Aquarian Epoch
New Age and Aquarian Age are not interchangeable phrases. Specifically, they are trying to pass-off some of the old stuff ( old accounts) into the new allegedly-"spiritually advanced" protocol. The New Age is where alot of societal ballast is still waiting to be cleared-out. There's been multiples of "soft disclosures" across the board in society.
Reality is being questioned, tested, twisted, inverted, reversed, up-ended, and whatever-else, in the pursuit of progress, often.
History is being re-written as I write this. We are starting the new calendar, and everything needs to be made anew.
Total honesty, I'm worn-out from witnessing all this changing-over. Yet, it's not time for me to leave this physical form just yet. There's still work to do here. That's why I do all this massive amount of writing, because the time is so short. The window is closing soon-enough.
I'm happy to keep what I know to myself, so as to avoid unnecessary arguments with others. Yet, what's been freely provided to me needs to be given to those who listen to my words.
Patreon [Part A]: ( )
Part 2: Free Will Zone of the Earth-School Veil of Forgetting.
This part is going to be a bit more complex. This helps to explain what makes Earth so Unique. and the Earth school so difficult.
I've stated previously, oft enough, that life here operates differently than elsewhere. Firstly, it's difficult to imagine being a human being, and living anywhere else in the solar system. There's not even another planet that's similar to our own. There's not even a moon of a planet that's similar to Earth.
Were a "person", or "intelligent entity" to exist in an etheric form, one might be able to live on another planet. Yet, Earth seems the only place that a human being can exist. Anywhere else requires a serious amount of modification to the landscape and/or the body itself.
It seems fairly obvious to see and understand that human life is relegated to the surface of this planet, Earth. We are not even able to live under the surface of the watery depths of this planet. Humans require a narrow set of variables to sustain life, as we know it.
It's difficult to understand life as any other form, as a human being. Much of our "real world" experience, is filtered through the body suit of the genetics. If I were to say that humans are intelligent entities outside of the body, that's not going to make any sense. Yet, were I to say the spirit animating the human body, that might be easier to understand for many people.
Modern physics is having a difficult time with trying to define "consciousness." They only seem recently understand that it does not live in the human mind-brain complex. Human consciousness, in large part, rests in the intuitive ability of the "junk DNA" to transmit messages telepathically, as an innate function of the material itself.
Screwball ideas.
This is one of those screw-ball ideas that is pooh-poohed by the orthodox establishment; Yet, their theories are not really any better at explaining things; things which do not otherwise make sense to the "rational" mind of the average human being.
Such a screw-ball idea is that the DNA is an intelligent code, that transmits messages and information within it; such as would, and does allow for intuitive connection, one with another. So-called junk DNA becomes a Guide; if one were to listen to it--or through it, might be the better way to look at it.
The same mass of genetics that makes a human, also makes all the other living material to comprise the remainder of the animal and mammalian kingdoms. There's more that unites all of the humans and animals of this planet, than separates us.
The same material that makes you, makes all life possible on this planet. Life here, in this planet, operates through the DNA mechanism. As a fact, a person could live here in spirit form; Yet, the average human wouldn't see you, nor interact with you.
DNA is a fairly low frequency affair. It's a huge, devious anachronism for people to raise their frequency, when there's no idea what this actually means. Attitude, behaviour, morality is not measurable by, or as, a frequency. Low frequency waves are omni-directional, without a highly developed structure, like harmonics.
Higher frequencies become increasingly "straight line", or isolated; not propagating uniformly, universally, ubiquitously.
Part of the push towards getting people to adopt ever-increasing frequencies is for the intention of destroying the human being, and the human living. The increasing push towards ever-increasing frequencies is to get humans acclimated to electronic technology. The propaganda of getting humans to give-up their free will, which is the birthright of humanity, in exchange for walking lock-step with the "collective", is a common theme in this Ascension.
The belief that there's no work being required, that people are being ascended due to the rising frequencies of "The Schumann" automatically, is Ascensionist propaganda; which is some of the most damaging propaganda of it all.
The genetics of the Earth-birth material is the main source of the veil of forgetting.
The Power Of Personality.
"The Complexity of the Soul
The way ancient Egyptians divided the soul is indicative of how important it was to them. It was clearly something which had been thought about in a tremendous amount of detail, and it was the crux of their beliefs about the afterlife and how a person could reach it.
Their beliefs about the soul also dictated the way they treated a body after death. Mummification, an iconic part of ancient Egyptian culture , was a result of their beliefs about the Khat and other parts of the soul needing a place to live.
The nine aspects of the soul have influenced many other parts of Egyptian culture too. From the violent removal of names to destroy the Ren to the creation of texts such as the Book of the Dead , the soul was pivotal to much of the culture and society of ancient Egypt.
Without this complicated belief system many of the artifacts which have become iconic and world-renowned elements of ancient Egyptian culture would not have been developed, and the fascinating world which has captured many a modern imagination may have left very different treasures behind"--(
The Ancient Egyptians held that a human is comprised of 9 individual parts to a soul. Here are two soul/s that are important to mention at this time.
"Ba – The Personality
"The Ba is perhaps the closest the ancient Egyptians had to the modern ideas about the soul. It made up all the elements of a person that made them unique.
"Taking the form of a bird with a human head, the Ba was the way the soul could move between the mortal realm and the spiritual one. The Egyptians believed the Ba still traveled between both realms occasionally while a person was still alive, but that the journey the Ba made between worlds increased significantly after death.
"The Ba would visit the gods and the spiritual realm , but it was this part of the soul which would also frequent the places a person loved when they were still alive, maintaining a link between the parts of the soul which dwelled among the stars and the Khat and other elements of the soul which had remained on Earth.
"The idea that the Ba would spend time in places a person loved during life is also similar to some modern ideas about ghosts and spirits lingering at a place once loved by a particular person when they were alive. The Ba was also believed to be connected physically to the body and it would remain with the Khat when it was not visiting other physical places or communing with the gods."
"Jb – The Heart
"Just as many people still believe today, the Ancient Egyptians saw the heart as the home of human emotion. It was also considered the center of thought, will, and intention. This meant the Jb (heart) was a very important part of the soul for them, and the word appears in many sayings and expressions in ancient Egyptian writings. While English expressions often refer to the heart as a metaphor, in ancient Egyptians sayings, mentioning the heart is referring to the physical heart.
"As an element of the soul, the Jb was the part a person used to gain access to the afterlife. The heart would be weighed on a scale against a feather – the feather of truth – and if the heart weighed more than the feather, a person was denied access to the afterlife and their heart was eaten by a demon called Ammit who was described as a fearsome lion-hippo-crocodile hybrid.
"To preserve and protect the Jb the heart would be specially embalmed, and then placed with the rest of the body along with a heart scarab which was a magical amulet intended to prevent the heart giving away too much information about a person and jeopardizing their success in passing the weighing of the heart. "
Source: ( )
The Cult of Personality.
Before going further, let me apologize for taking out of context these concepts, from an ancient civilization well-gone.
This stated, the individuality of humans has been a long-running pursuit for humanity, in pursuit of our place here. The idea of Self, ego, personality, individuality, free will, etc. are long-standing notions at the core of who, and what is a human being.
So, on one hand, I'm taking a scholarly look at this topic from a historically purist perspective; on the other hand, this gives us the opportunity to help isolate a common element of human experience, which is otherwise inexplicable from the standard model of psychology.
The orthodox scientific institution don't know much about consciousness, other than the fact it does not originate in the human mind. Energy may exist in a form undifferentiated. Yet, in the material realm, we need it to be manifest through the "thinking organ"; in order for it to be real.
Why/how does personality get its own soul?
Things happen differently here than they do elsewhere. The veil of Maya, the so-called Veil of Forgetting, makes things operate differently here. The veil clouds the ability to see things clearly. Perception becomes the primary means through which we view the world: as if through a scanner darkly.
The personality is difficult to explain, but it's the part of us that interacts with others, Sometimes our personality is combative, sometime love & caring, sometime it's all business, etc. It can be seen as the part of our mental, spiritual, psychological essence, happening on the outskirts of the person.
There are numerous books written on this topic. there's been decades, if not centuries of learned men who debate this very thing. It is entirely possible that non of this actually exists, and it's only a mental construct. There is this school of thinking, that seeks to level through Uniformatarianism: people don't have a personality, it's pathologies that get expressed.
There is power in the blood.
Blood is the most vital of all the fluids of the body. It carries information through the body, from the heart, to the brain, to all of the extremities.
"The blood of your brother cries out from the ground." Cain was told this, after The God asked him where is your brother?
Acts (KJV) 19:13"Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying,"We exercise you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.
:15,"And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
:16,"And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
:17,"And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified."
I'm not a Christian. I believe that Christ is a status one achieves through proper work. There's a physiological process that must happen with the Krystos, of the essential vital fluid within the blood, which must be activated, within the body. Simply be believing in a Christ being, one does not become able to exorcize the demons.
Christ consciousness is the work of thinking of others first, rather than being self-centered, and self-satisfied...especially, at the expense of others happiness and freedom.
I've been told that if you are alive in someone's memory, then you are not truly dead and gone. I would agree. I would also humbly submit to you that this is the power of the personality, of it has the potential to BE that power. If you've ever met someone who lights up the room simply for entering it, THAT is the power of personality, which cries forth, after the demise of the body itself.
That you, or I, of our own free will, made the decisions that were above and beyond, when we acted where and when no one else would, acted simply for the fact that it needed to be done; THESE are the things that carry-on after we are gone. How we thought of others, in the time we had to make these decisions, how did we act? Did you follow through on your promises?
Did the words match the deeds?
What skeletons did they find as they were cleaning-out your closet?
Part of this, obviously, goes towards the idea of the final clearing and accounting for society; but it gets asked eventually of everyone: how did you use your free will on this planet, acting under the veil?
There are plenty-enough folks who believe no one has any free will. And there's those who hold this is all meaningless, or pointless. My response to that is: does not take much organized meaning to dispell the notion that it's all meaningless. Simply for you not seeing the bigger picture, does not mean there is not a strange attractor working behind the scenes.
Physics has proven that consciousness itself is very real, and changes the outcome of the "watched experiment." The ability to focus, to cast intention onto an item, situation, is a facet of consciousness--which ultimately is at the core of one's personality.
We might see personality as the space where the physical that is known, interacts directly and definitely with the unknown, on a moment by moment basis. This personality aspect of the human experience begins to take on a life of itself; in no small part to the innate power of the DNA which connects and binds us all, in ways the orthodox, established science can't seem to fathom.
Part 3: How does this relate to the wrap-up?
2012 Marks the last year of the Piscean Epoch being still active, still in control. The overlap has been there, in place, for a while. The New Age begins at its proper alignments.
I personally am marking the beginning of this new age beginning when Pluto returns the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Pluto return is 248 Years, marking the year 2024 as the first, official beginning of Aquarian Epoch, in my personal reckoning.
Some folks have already determined by alignment that we have begin in Aquarius already. Some, many don't really believe in any of this stuff--yet, are simply noticing how everything is now upside down, and inside out. A tremendous prescience of changes, not at all explainable through the ready made cover story of "Climate change".
Pisces is the sign of the two fish, with both facing in opposite directions. One eye faces one way, the other eye faces the opposite way. The mythical third eye of the temple, is the sign of the Illuminated ones that they have the proper per the Age.
Woke is a signal, virtue signaling, that the person understands s/he/it is now in the "New Age". Yet, as I've mentioned previously, the New Age is NOT the same thing as the Aquarian Age.
This period can be properly seen as the Inception of the Aquarian protocol. Everything that had been operating under the previous protocol has to be convrted, or translated into the "new" way.
It's no longer the two fishes.
At this point, the symbol is the water-Bearer with an overturned cistern, releasing the waters of the depth. This of necessity applies to all the hidden, obscured, occulted and catacombed-away from the general public, at large. It is that time. Yet, with these fabulous revelations comes the other side, of all the corruption, grift, manipulation and dreck that was put in place to maintain these deep secrets.
Slight of hand, grift, bribery, extortion, and a huge number of predatory practices are being rooted-out, as people translate their actions into "wokeness". Everything that was, had been established to maintain the status quo of the age is getting revalued, redressed, and reconsidered. Nothing is being spared. Humans can't stop it.
Some kind of society has been here long before the modern humans got here, and started "thinking." The stone monuments stretch far back into antiquity beyond a time that we have an accurate record thereof. The cover stories to what these monuments are, or were, are guesses at best.
We moderns have no solid idea where these monuments came from.
Yet, those that do have taken this information into the catacombs of ancient libraries, which the rest of us have no access to. By hiding this knowledge, the rightful owners of these monuments remains hidden, corrupted behind the stories fabricated to retain control over them.
There is a huge, vast history being kept from the humans, who are being fed a flimsy narrative, to maintain control. Humans are being kept infantalised to disempower the humans from thheir original birthright, of the latent power locked-away with the genetic code of the individual. We are never told how to access this gift, and are kept running around, chasing after some "authorized" solution.
Part of proper "Ascension", if such a thing exists, is that a person grows-up, and takes responsibility of his/her own behaviour. Likewise, the individual needs to make a concerted effort of will to see the truth for how, and what it actually is; rather than trying to change things, or see things in a way to support a certain narrative.
This is the time to pull the wool from your own eyes, and wake up to where you are being misled and manipulated. Trust your own intuition to guide you. Ask the Power of the Intelligent Universe to help Guide you in your actions.
All things will be made new.
Yet, this is a process, which is going to take whatever time it takes. As each person takes his or her own inventory, and removes those things which are false, fake, or of duplicitous nature, then we become more healthy and balanced.
Before the New Earth can arrive, there are still more to be broken in the sense that an omelete can't be made without breaking some eggs.
The Wrap-up is the final accounting that is being done right now, to allow these institutions and foundations to procede forth into the Aquarian protocol, which is NOT the duplicitious fishes, but a straightforward manner of integrity. These ancient institutions are attempting to "wash" their dirty rags, under the guise of implementing "woke" agenda, by appearing 'enlightened', or modern.
The sacred texts describe this as the Threshing Room floor. This is the time that separates the "wheat from the chaff." Growing-up, as a course of Bible study, I encountered this phrase, which would encapsulate the nature of the "end of days"; this image of a Threshing Room, where the wheat is beaten, to release the kernels of grain.
There's still more eggs to be broken; there's still more wheat to be beaten. Progress for humans is hard won. Pain is the touchstone for all spiritual development.
Part 4: Christ and the Human Soul, Lecture by Rudolph Steiner **
"Let us consider the human soul. In the sense of spiritual science we have a short word which, although it does not embrace all that the expression "human soul" signifies for us, points to something which for us men of earth fills and permeates the Soul element to its furthest limits. We have the short word, capital I. In so far as we are men of Earth, our Ego Being reaches as far as does our Soul Nature.
You know that by the name I, or ego, we denote one of the foremost immediate principles of man. We speak in the first instance of four members of principles of the human being: the physical body, of the etheric body, the astral body, and the ego. And in order to have the starting point for what we shall be considering in these lectures, we need recall only one thing: we do not regard the laws, and the living essence of the physical body of man, as explicable in terms of our present Earthly environment.
We know that if we want to understand the physical human body, we must go back to the three preceding embodiments of our Earth the Saturn, the Sun, the Moon periods. In a remote primordial past during the Saturn embodiment, The Germ of the physical body was already laid down.
During the sun embodiment the foundation of the etheric body was lain down. and during the moon embodiment that of the astral body. In reality our earth evolution in all its phases and in all its epochs is none other than that which enables the ego to fulfill its whole being.
We can say that just as the Physical Body has reached a significant stage of its evolution at the end of the Saturn Period, The Etheric Body at the end of the Sun Period, and the Astral Body at the end of the Moon Period, so at the end of the Earth Period, our ego will have reached a signifigant point in its evolution.
We know that our ego develops through three soul members or principles: through the sentient soul, the intellectual or the mind soul, and the spiritual or Consciousness soul. All the worlds that come within the compass of these three Soul members are also concerned with our ego.
In the course of our earth evolution, these three soul members first prepared for themselves the three external body members: physical body, the etherical Body, and the astral body; through long Earth Periods.
In successive post-Atlantian epochs of civilization the three Soul principles develop further. And in future Earth periods they will again adapt themselves to the Astral Etheric and physical bodies so that the Earth can be prepared to pass over to the Jupiter Evolution.
If we take the expression comprehensively enough, we might also speak of man's Earth evolution as his soul evolution. One could say that when the earth began the soul element also began, in conformity with law, to bestir itself with man.
At first it began to work on the external sheaths, then it developed its own being and from then onward it begins again to work on the external sheaths, in order that preparation may be made for the Jupiter Evolution.
We must keep before our minds eye, e-y-e, what man is meant to become in his soul, during the Earth Evolution. He is to become what may be designated by the word Personality. This Personality needs in the first place what may be called Free Will. But, it needs also on the other side the possibility of finding within itself the way to the Divine in the world. "
** Ref.: [ Christ and the Human Soul (from CW 155), four lectures by Rudolf Steiner given in Norrköping from 12th to the 16th July 1914. Translation revised by C.D. ]
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Part 5: The Veil
The next section was published/posted 11 Dec 2021. It seems fitting to end this birthday essay for my loving fans with work that was likely not seen by anyone-expect for maybe one or two others. Seems that my Guides put it in my pathway, while I was looking for something else entirely.
This topic dove-tails perfectly into the discussion of 'the wrap-up' of the Grand Accounting of His Grace, Thoth. This period inbetween, during the inception for the Aquarian Epochal protocol, is what we might call The New Age. We are not fully functioning in the actual recognized Age; we are still calling-out the accounts to be reconciled.
The Veil protocol is one of those functional operations of life, into which we're born. As the Veil lifts, this allows humans greater access to previous incarnations wisdom accumulated in one of the bodies.
There may not, of necessity, be anything inherently ascension-based of the Schumann resonances. Yet, this does not exclude me from dealing with this concept of "ascension." There is most definitely something happening at this time. Time to do the right thing for the sake of it being the right thing, is at hand.
Don't wait for once a year, or a special holiday, or a time of the year to do good for your fellow human. It is always the time for that. It is ALWAYS the season for giving. I humbly offer you this from all of my heart, that the world as a wonderful place, depends upon each and every conscious action we do.
My Guides have expressed to me that if I follow the process, and stick to my guiding principles, I am not held accountable for the results, where the malice of others is concerned.
The trick is to be able to follow the intuitive "voice" in my heart, (or maybe its coming from my gut?) which is trying to direct me, instead of a logical head, which is capable of rationalizing just-about anything.
If I am acting from a place of the heart, putting myself in the other person's place, instead of thinking I somehow know their life better than them; but simply out of compassion, then I don't need to be thanked for my work.
Yes, it is very nice to be appreciated. It's wonderful to be recognized for an accomplishment. It's genuinely a wonderful thing to be grateful to others, to show our thanks. We have a need to exchange our assistance to others, to offer a hand when others are down. The desire to want to help another in need IS what makes the human experiment so wonderful.
As much as my will may waver in wanting to be here, my heart is immensely grateful for this experience of being human. Of feeling feelings and emotions in a way, as a organic, material form is something unique to this human experience. There is a connection through this material form that supersedes, or over-rides the original conditioning, that would otherwise be embedded with you as a spirit.
Within this form, we are shards, or 'sparks' splintered-off from the multi-densitied Source. Between "The Ultimate Reality", and humans, is a huge gap which gets filled with varying octaves, and resonance patterns of the varying forms of embodied consciousnesses.
Spirit is formless, and without constraint...yet, in order for it to know itself, there becomes a necessary disconnect between immediate felt experience, and the distance of a temporal zone of mind, which recognises apparent linear time, underpinning Earthly existence.
"The Veil", is the condition of birth for humanity, coming into the Earth School.
It's called "The Veil of Forgetting", "The Veil of Maya", "The veil of chemical bonds", among other names. It's singly what makes it the most difficult, in incarnating into Earth school; out of all those available options, at this time.
We are at the closing of the Great Year. Although it tells us in the holy scriptures that the end comes like a thief in the night, no man knows the day, nor the hour. And this is a good principle to keep in mind when we are dealing with spiritual principles, and the personal development, in a place where life can be very short, indeed.
We are told to stay ever vigilant, and to not lose faith, nor hope that the end is, well, at hand. Regardless of when/where/how the end comes, it will come. Despite our best efforts at planning, we are going to go eventually.
Each moment is a gift, and I am well-advised to treat each moment as such.
Due to The Veil, which is the physical embodiment of the planet, the embedment into a chemical-based body, we are born forgetting. We often live in this suit, as if there is not, nor has there ever been another life than this short one, in which we are currently occupying.
The Veil of Earth-school comes with a galactic Quarentine.
Along with the lifting of the Veil of Forgetting, also comes with the release of the law of karma, as a ruling principle. It is being replaced by the principle of instant manifestation. This is the trade-off.
Essentially, this means that a person is 'forced' to clear their personal slate, and accounting of what they have done to others. Either this will be done willingly, or it will become consequenced upon a person.
At this point, things are no longer being hidden. All will be revealed. As far as I know, nothing is being waived-off to the next life. Instant karma is very-much a real thing, and not to be trifled-with.
Karma is being replaced by instant manifestation, or "instant karma". Getting-back what you give others is coming much faster these days.
Coming with direct, and immediate responsibility for ones actions, and words, is the process of evolving, and spiritual growth, True spiritual growth comes from inside first.
The actual, real-world reality of "spiritual realm" is that there are negatively-aligned entities within the spiritual, and etheric realms.
For the majority of the human race, it's utterly difficult to identify, and label correctly those things which can not immediately been seen.
In other words, how could you tell between an upper astral, and a lower astral being?
In the greater reality, these spiritual entities are invisible to the body organ-based senses; excepting that these are not intuitive senses. The fact is, all of our organs (except the liver, and the brain) have nerve-endings, and feel something. Eyesight is just the feelings of the eyes.
The brain computes, and ascertains alot, based on the sensory data...yet, the brain is also another sensory organ, which has alot that it needs to assimilate. The ego-mind can convince the brain organ that it's interpretations, it's conclusions are the only valid ones.
The multiple sensory-organs of the body allow us to experience a wide range of emotions, feelings, senses, sensory input. It's entirely possible that the body itself can sense, and detect external stimulae very well, without the brain organ needing to know, logically, what it is.
If the brain is not needed to determine "friend or foe"/fight-or-flight, then the brain can spend time, analysing a situation in a different light.
Yet, the majority of human interactions are of the friend/foe-fight/flight variety. Much of this is explored through the language.
No, this is not all human experience, simply most of it. This is the failure of the human race to significantly evolve beyond this point, as an intelligent species.
There IS a greater potential.
Many of the volunteers seem top have a greater love for humans, than they do amongst themselves, with each other. It's unspeakably difficult to come all this way, train all that time, be so proud and happy to be here...only to find myself amongst the population, who as a group, debate how pointless, and meaningless "this all is."
It's one of the most disturbing thing for a human to vocalize, how meaningless a life here is...when it takes a great deal of meaning, and meaningful words to explain his ridiculous notion.
There is far too much intention put into the hundreds of thousands of words I've used to explain Schumann resonances.
The thinking of humans is a fairly meaningless experience. ALOT opf thought gets wasted in exploring meaningless,and pointless ness. Much of the recreation of humans is simply exploring mindlessness.
The complete mindfullness, and disregards in pursuit of recreation can be one of the most difficult experiences, here in Earth school. Invoking poisons in the pursuit of recreation is a great example.
One of the biggest problems that has been facing humans has been the Inversion Grid. The Phoenetic languages come as a result of the inversion Grid.
This is what is changing, which is allowing the veil to be lifted, as long as the galactic quarentine to be rescinded.
It is not "rising frequencies" that is changing. The "frequencies" are not rising. "rising frequencies", and "rising vibrations" are more buzzwords that people use, simply as a symbolic value, not due to the actual meaning.
A person as a biological entity does not experience a "rise of frequency", as if s/he were an inanimate object. The various components for the body operate at a range of operating frequencies. The stomach and belly operates at a different frequency than the heart, for example.
As one increases in frequency, the signal becomes increasingly directional. One becomes more unique, and special. One could become a god, yet the ego gets in the way; the human tendency is towards abstractification, into the logical territory, devoid of inspiration, and collective consciousness.
The rising frequencies are one of the causes of isolation and alienation among humans.
A.I. operates at increasing frequencies.
Electric-side activity, increasing in frequency, becomes amplitude.
Magnetic-side is lateral, of lower frequency, but a true wave
There is an entire mind-set behind the reasoning why you should believe it's "higher vibrations" that is improving humanity in anyway.
I will personally attribute this to the keen work of His Grace, Lord Ahriman, the Dark Lord of Technology and Cleverness.
Misinterpreting research data is not inducing spiritual significance
The mis-use of science, as a means of validating these concepts, is one of the tools of the Piscean age. It's not a problem to use science, or science lingo, if it's being used correctly. Yet, this is the problem, taking the science terms, and maligning them into meanings they were never intended to be associated with.
There is no positive spiritual value coming with mis-using science terms to describe or define something...which does not need science, nor is it inherently able to be shown by science.
The majority of "Ascension"-based narrative is based on outright myth, and misdirection. That I've seen, all of the ascension narrative is based-upon Piscean paradigms, and thinking foundated under the inversion paradigm. Honestly, it's why this is so tough for me to have to get through.
It is THAT close to closure, and the final wrap-up of the accounts, that it's time for me to just tell you straight-up what's happening.
Certainly, my remaining time is not that much longer. Of my will, I have maybe a 2% desire to be in this form...knowing what's awaiting me.
I have an Original Body (light vessel [form of intelligent light]) waiting my transition. Think of it like a butterfly with wonderful shimmering, rainbow-coloured light, which are brilliant beyond words.
"life" in the human body is a tiny fraction of what is potential of life within the galaxy. We, we incarnated here into Earth School, know "life" through incarnation into a body. We become a living embodiment of the planet Herself. We are born OF the stuff of the planet herself.
There should be no doubt that the very narrow range of suitability of the Earth is by design. Humans are completely incapable of living on any other planet. We, as a functioning, developed species we are barely able to survive on this planet. It's only because she is so incredibly, intelligently forgiving, that humans are allowed the ability to proliferate here.
In large part, this ability is conferred to the Earth school inhabitants, due to the establishment of the Quarantine Zone around the planet.
"Piercing The Veil" (Incarnation into Earth school)
I need to feel my reason for being here; forget how low the bar is for humans. The entombment into material essence is smothering, and all-consuming.
There is no breaking-free from it, whilst occupying a material form; of willingly inhabiting a world of forms.
I forgot who I was incarnating into The Veil;
how valuable I am, in my Original Form;
how assured my intention;
how sure I was in the Mission, My Contract incarnating into Earth School.
This place turns everything into mud, mush, in the swamp planet, Tiamet, "The Watery Dragon";
She is fierce.
I pledged my heart to Her, that I'd do my best for her.
That was my promise, that I would do the best for Gaia, the living plant, along with here many inhabitants.
I forget, and have forgotten who I am, and what I pledged to do.
I have forgotten my Mission.
What I came here for, and who I was; what I've ever done, prior to coming here.
These are foggy memories...
I have forgotten my first love.
The bar for humans is low.
I forget how low that bar is.
I lose hope, and faith, in those things which I can not see.
I need to be reminded of the many tiny miracles that surround me, or I become lost in the illusive nature of the material bonds.
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