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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

09 Oct 2022. Current Report from Tomsk; Subverting the Spectrogram

09 Oct 2022. Current Report from Tomsk; Subverting the Spectrogram through pseudo-science, or Ascensionist jargon.

Thank you or being here.

In the Featured Posts Section, I have published 2+ years worth of material that explains in depth the entire process. From how the Schumann Resonances function, to how to read the graphical information, to the meanings behind the VLF readings from other earthquake monitoring stations.

This entire process is incredibly complex, with multiple interdependent systems interacting. It's one of the more difficult things of how to explain the process, using the spectrogram as a visual aid. There's no instructions coming with it, from the observatory. The people who read this data are generally those who are rained how to read it.

This technical process from the detecting antennae hardware, to the filtering and amplification chain, to recording and qualifying (plotting) the signals into a cohesive graphic is complex, highly-technical, and not something the average person will have had any practical experience with. Many, most, if not ALL of the people who are giving the ascension-based narrative of the SR are doing so out of a lack of actual, real world, hands-on experience with antennae, detecting equipment, nor the conditioning chain, as previously mentioned. Can't necessarily blame them...this is complicated stuff.

The spectrogram is more commonly known as "The Schumann."

A quick review of the material related to "The Schumann" reveals a glaring divorce of the actual tech and science, replaced for a so-called metaphysical/spiritual approach. Yet, this is not what's actually happening.

What is going on is that the underpinnings are being pulled out, as science is being re-written. Pseudo-scientific rhetoric is being installed, overlain, against these legitimate sci & tech terms, with actual, legitimate, real-world meaning.

As Ascensionist rhetoric infiltrates the sci and tech space of the real-world phenomena, we see a practical disconnect of people from the true, actual sci and tech, replaced by meaningless phrases. This comes from or with little-to-no hands-on, real world experience with the actual equipment itself.

Abstraction of the human "thinking" process, the attempt to make it make sense, creates alot of rhetorical constructs. The abstractification of the rhetoric, moving it into a metaphysical realm, divorces responsibility of actually learning how this properly works.

Something about subverting the truth behind sci and tech becomes a tool towards further decimation of the human species. Through confounding the language, the useful connect to how this practically applies is kept hidden from the people who would otherwise, generally, need to know this. Keeping the humans infantile is the best way to prevent growth in a positive direction.

It's not like nothing is happening worldwide.

There is a tremendous change happening at this point, of necessity. The sun, along with all the planets in the solar system are getting ready to go through a metamorphosis.

A huge transition is possibly underway, for those who are ready, and who have done the work. The fact there's a worldwide "Ascension" happening, does not of necessity it is happening to you, or with you included.

The perceptive lens is the most important condition to living as a human.

I have a strong technical background, so I have a fabulous working knowledge of antennae, measuring graphs and meters. The actual technical explanation of how this all functions properly, is a 2+ year reading project for you, as a starter.

The mainstream, Main Street person has been given a certain Ascensionist narrative attached to "The Schumann." No one seems to challenge this, because it's not given as a scientific, which is checkable; it's presented as a spiritual revealed-truth, or a prophetic vision, which gets accepted in 'as is' condition.

Due to the fact of the induction of quasi-spiritual terminology, the science becomes soft, questionable, meaningless from its original intention. Shitification through the rhetoric. Life here is not meaningless, yet there's plenty of words and phrases of humanity which are.

You get the easier, softer version of how this technically works, through interpretation in metaphysical, or spiritual terms...which of themselves may be fairly meaningless. Can't ascribe meaning using a meaningless/mis-meaninged phrase.

There's little spiritual value in not maintaining the technical proficiency of the equipment performance with real-world reports, as established by the technicians and scientist who've given alot of thought to this pursuit. It's important to know this stuff for what it is, properly. The perceptive lens becomes foggy, as one inserts the spiritual, or metaphysical interpretation upon "The Schumann." Multiple evils sprout, in this environment.

Believe what you want. That's what makes this place so wonderful, and terrifying at the same time. We all use our perceptive lense, but most never care to change the view. I will admit it's difficult; once you figure that you've got hold of a revealed truth...Yet, the levels here of cover stories seem to be too numerous to count.

While I, of myself, would prefer to keep this strictly technical I'm presented with incoming ideas that are off the beam, so to speak. The induction of pseudo-science rhetoric into the technical explanations.

Because the quack theories, the pseudo-science of Ascensionism has been introduced into the SR decryption data (without my consent I'll add) I DO get to address this aspect as part of the job of Admin. I wouldn't have shoved it in there, but now that it is, I get to deal with it accordingly. In many of my posts, I have dealt with this very topic; of the pseudo-science behind the rhetoric used in decyphering the data.

If there be a metaphysics, or a spirituality actually there, this can only be extracted from it--not added to it; as alot of moderns are attempting to do. In other words, misinterpreting the data is not extracting spirituality from it.


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