We are examining physiological discomforts, from a variety of sources, relative to atmospheric electromagnetics.
_ Research on physiological impact of atmospheric electromagnetics:
- Studies on the deprivaton of SR (astronauts);
- Ringing & vertigo;
- (full moon lunacy);
- solar storm warnings, related effects;
- studies on increasing mhu admissions during seismic activity;
- effects of electronics on melatonin;
- effects of unsheilded electronics in the physiology in general;
keywords: hypochondriac, placebo effect, phantom symptoms, ringing/vertigo/nausea
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Not all atmospheric electromagnetics are Schumann Resonances. Yet, this phenomena has become the societal focus, and label for ALL atmospheric electromagnetics, it would appear.
By default it becomes my duty in this position to assist in individuals' pursuit of understanding on the effects of the atmospheric electromagnetics...wheverever they've come from.
There's less interest in people understanding one from another, than to simply want to know how to deal with it. Not for me to speak on behalf of the collective as an entity.
Yet, from my sample set of livestreams on YT, it's clear to me that people mostly just want to know how to make the ringing, or vertigo to stop.
I'm working on a video to discuss how to deal with the atmospheric electromagnetics
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Schumann Resonances as they would exist in a normally calm state.
There is a narrow range of associated "symptoms" to the lack, or void of Schumann resonances. According to research, the presence of Schumann resonances is important to a person's well being.
The presence of Strong Schumann resonances is not by research, associated with ringing ears, or a huge variety of physical maladies that get associated to standard Schumann resonances.
The strength of the ionosphere plays a huge part in Schumann Resonances.
There are much stronger magnetics that come with CME, solar flare, galactic rays from beyond our ionosphere, whic get forced-down, or compressed to us from the filtering of the ionosphere.
The "Upper DC Circuit" acts as a capacitor to store alot of that which we receive coming from the sun, and beyond.
Much of what is recorded on the Schumann resonance spectrogram and graphs is the release of the upper DC circuit, to the lower DC circuit.