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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

16 May 2021. The Schumann Resonance Harmonics FB Group Newbie's Introduction

16 May 2021. The Schumann Resonance Harmonics FB Group Newbie's Introduction

What I Am Doing Here? What is the Group Here For?

Thank you for being here.

There are many new people who have recently asked for membership into the group. This is posted mainly for them.

This FB group, The Schumann Resonance Harmonics, is a technical and scientific evaluation of the Schumann resonances. This group is not one given to the "The Schumann" as a religion, or a cult of spirituality. This group was not created as a discussion platform for "5D", nor "Ascension."

Nothing of the Schumann resonances is inherently ascension-based. Therefore, an "ascension-based" narrative is not one supported here.

It is much better to understand these point give you a chance to head for the door, if you realize now having come to the wrong place.

I ask the simple question: why have you come here? No one gets entry without answering the question; what a person says is as important to how it is answered. I ask this as a survey of the motivations for people coming here. Simply put: this group is not for everyone.

Some people are coming here to understand technically how the SR works. What are the Schumann resonances-- how are these plotted into graph form? I can help answer this.

Some folks are here to discuss the "rising resonances." Since this is not an actual thing, support of this notion is beyond the scope of this group.

My place here is to give the exposition of this highly technical information. My part in this is very clear.

I am personally coming to this from the perspective of 30+ years experience in radio, audio-video, electronics, computer building and repair, in both theory (college, vocational training) and practical (occupational) experience. It's been my place to learn to things are built, so that I can properly fix them, when they break. Majority of my time is still, even-now, spent reading technical research and manuals.

Belief has an innate power to it. Within one's belief is an inherent power. Some people's belief is grounded in fact, and objective validation. Some folks have a belief is things that are not factually supportable. Whatever a person's belief is not the point, and not the problem; belief is inherently non-supportable by objective fact.

Belief is not the problem. What is the problem is confusing a belief with an objective, verifiable reality. It's when someone is holding onto their belief, but identifying it as science. Actual, real-life scientists speak in terms of probability, and possibility of an even occurring.

Many folks are coming into this with a belief that it's imperative to know the Schumann resonances because there is a spiritual, or ascension-based reasoning behind [learning about] them.

This group's exploration of the SR is not the Ascension-side of the phenomena. For the record in this matter: Ascension is the recombining of the disconnected dna of the human form; (moving from 2-strand to 12-stranded dna). Yet, technically-speaking, before any "Ascension" takes place, the human race has an unspeakable amounnt of clearning & clearing that needs to be completed. Ascension is not possible, without a societal mass-cleaning of all the lowest densities, that have been hidden. That which has been kept in the dark and allowed to fester, needs to come out of the light, before any "ascension" is happening.

This group is not one for the discussion of "the ascension. " If this is your belief, that we are all magically going to ascend, (without any concern for the cleaning and clearing that needs to happen first); this is your personal belief, not supported by the facts in evidence.

Schumann resonances are not the Earth's "heartbeat." If you hold this as a belief, this is your belief, it is not a fact. This misperception is not supported by facts. As such, this is not supportable in research, and discussion.

Earth's vabration is not 7.8Hz; Earth's resonance is not 7.8 Hz. Schumann resonances are not earth's heartbeat. Telluric currents (which include the Birklund currents) carry Earth's geo-electric circuit within the planet.

Earth keeps Her heartbeat in her chest. Telluric currents are not Schumann resonances.

Schumann resonances are caused primarily by lightning discharges; which radiate out into the atmosphere, converting Amplitude into Quality, (which is the cohesive wave of magnetic flux); bouncing between the ionosphere and the Earth's surface. These are subtle energies, of pico-electron-Volts, and pico-Teslas. Earth's natural EMF field is measured in nano-Teslas, which are 1,000 times stronger than the SR.

It's best to think of SR as the breathing function of the planet; if a biological assignment to function is necessary. Earth's internal circuit, is considered the Lower DC Circuit. Earth moves her power internally, as a current. Her power does not "leech out" into the atmosphere, as people think it does. Again, the telluric currents are not the Schumann resonances. Telluric currents do not convey the schumann resonances; which are best thought in the capacity of the ringing of a bell.

We use the analogy of a bell ringing. This is the illustratin that professor Schumann himself offered, as the explanation of how these work.

Let is examine the bell analogy: An actual bell itself is hung from a yoke, which is firmly attached to the belltower. The bell swings freely from the yoke. A clapper is attached to the top of the bell. The clapper is what swings in the motion of a pendulum. The clapper hits the bell itself, which vibrates. This vibration essentially "fills" the bell with "music", as the resonant harmonic tones are developed.

The YOKE, which is stable, attached to the bell tower, might be seen as the planet. The clapper is spikes of amplitude. The bell itself might be the telluric currents. The actual tones of the bell, the harmonics, would be the Schumann resonance harmonics.

The vibrating bell itself might be the Telluric currents, yet, a harmonic is produced WITHIN the cavity of the bell itself. The vibrating bell must push an air "column" to produce sound. Schumann resonances are not sound, which is a pressure wave, or a mechanical function. Schumann resonances are radio waves that can move through a vaccuum.

Electronically, the process is similar. In creating a harmonic: a vibrating body radiates into the immediate environment, creating standing waves. Standing waves are fundamental waves that collide into each other; creating resonances, which are oscillations closer to "humming." Standing waves oscillate in place. Best way to look at this is that the waves (frequencies) are not properly rolling; they are not properly "running", yet, these are running "in place."

Due to a common misperception of what "energies" and "frequencies" we are specifically talking about, there's such a huge misalignment of the basics of Schumann-series atmospheric electromagnetics. There has been an active program to confuse, confound the actual science and research of this subject.

Believe whatever you want, but please don't try to pass the belief as factual, nor as science.

Your personal beliefs do not need to discussed here. I work to keep my beliefs clear of these discussions. Yet, I fully acknowledge we all have a belief, and we are motivated by our beliefs. Since much of what is being called "ascension-based" is simply a dog and pony show, it's best to keep it clear of the discussions on the actual science and accepted engineering of the SR.

I work to keep it clear of the discussions here, up to the point where appears the now-mainstream narrative of the rising Schumann resonaces, coinciding with Earth's rising vibrations of the 7.8 Hz value, et al. Once we are presented with the Disney-side narrative, then I have to resort to my own belief that you're being lied to.

Since factually, technically-speaking, "the ascension" is a red herring (a ruse), manufactured as a cover story for the real-reality; I'll keep my beliefs clear, so your beliefs don't feel threatened--if you're coming here with such.

Recently, within the discussion of the SR has been an inundation of fairy tales, in place of actual science, to explain what are Schumann Resonances. Within much of the discussion of the SR is an incursion of the misappropriation of actual science.

We deal with the real, actual reality of what are the SR, in addition to what these are not. Both get addressed here, fairly competently, and efficiently. It is preferable to stick with the factual, objective reality, for a competent discussion.

I'm well-versed in metaphysics, the occult, end of the world scenarios, catastrophism, comparative religions, comparative metaphysics, comparative end-of-the-world secnarios; in addition to my other job before Earth school incarnation was Etheric Technician. I work remotely with an entities' etheric and astral fields. This "side-work" comes with the territory, to allow me the ability for discernment, in the esoteric arts.

We are here to learn properly what are the Schumann resonances, and how these are measured by the graphs.

We discuss extra-terrestrial events such as solar flares, gamma/x-ray bursts, planetary spherical objects near the sun, planet-X, Nibiru, Wormwood, etc., etc, etc..... whatever insanity you might want to go into....

Yet, before these fantastic causes, one will be told to first check the local interferences. Look locally to interferences around the antenna itself, before assuming it's a "gamma ray burst" from the central sun.

We do not talk about "ascension energies" here, as this is a meaningless term; nor is there a meaning of the term "5D ascension energies". If any of these buzzwords are linked into your belief system, this group may be a rough experience for you. There is an inherent UN-LEARNING which must take place first.

You are invited to free previous word associations first, if you are able. This is all choice, and free-will. Without your permission to give you the unvarnished facts, you will not be able to receive what is here for you.

There are no gamma bursts, nor x-ray bursts which show-up on the SR monitoring graphs. The radio antenna are not built to detect this range, and most of this is absorbed by the ionosphere. Radio antenna are designed to detect a certain range of signals from within the atmosphere. Outside of this range, information becomes "noise", to be filtered-out. SR are the lowest of the low frequency radio waves; operating up to ~46Hz.

Much of the "incoming solar radiation" that is believed to show-up as the amplitude bursts, are not 'incoming solar.' Instead, these are simply lightning signatures, bouncing against a tight ionosphere.

Schumann resonances are atmospheric emf that operate within the ionosphere and the Earth's surface. Much of the extra-terrestrial bombardment we get is suspended by the ionosphere, absorbed into a plasma, which engulfs the globe. From this process, solar bombardment comes to us a "forcing-down" of the upper atmosphere, 'compressed' around us. This is an electromagnetic forcing of electrons into the lower atmosphere.

The discussion of the physical effects of solar flares, and CME's is one that has traction. There are effects to the central nervous system, heart rate, bloodpressure, and other biological functions. Much of the body's functins are regulared by electronic impulses, either through nerves, or nervous functions.

A detailed discussion of the effects of solar radiance is one that's too involved for this introduction. Here too is a matter of belief (internal guidance), and of factual objective validation (that which is externally verifiable). Solar radiance does have a physiological effect on a person. The Schumann resonances may, or may not, have an effect on a person's physiology as well.

Yet, there seems to be a sudden onslaught of "symptoms." It's oh-so-common to hear folks chattering about their "symptoms." Yet, symptoms of what? Symptoms of "the schumann" rising?

Effects from solar radiance are not symptoms. This is the effect of solar weather.

These so-called symptoms are believed to be "ascension symptoms"...caused by a rising resonance. This is the unsupported theory of the malleability of atmospheric resonance harmonics.

Yet, the Schumann resonances are not rising. There is alot of absurdity attached to the belief in the rising resonances. The "dome of the firmament" of human thinking goes into negative feedback loop, and everything but the real-reality comes out as a result.

Once the cozy notion of "rising resonances" causing aches, pains, discomforts seeps into the broup vernacular, the image is then fixed into the Dome Of The Firmament of the human head. Reality is powered by belief, coupled with convenient, cherry-picked data, called 'scientific facts'; thusly, is born a religion.

In this example we might call this religion "Schumannism," for lack of a more fitting identification. It really, truly, does not take much for the average human to derail him/herself from the pathway; misappropriate the details into a convenient narrative, and cuss-out any voices who would speak otherwise. Therein reside the religion of Schumannism.

Because there are so many who come here looking to associate a physical malady with the Schumann resonances, this needs to be clearly stated. If the Schumann resonances was causing the ringing, or vertigo, there would not have been a very sudden increase in cases of the phantom ringing, phantom vertigo, and phantom nausea, or phantom headaches.

If these things were caused by "The Schumann"; there would not be a sudden rise in these things occurring. Since the Schumann resonances are not rising, it's unsupported that the Schumann resonances is associated with your ringing/ vertigo/ nausea/ headaches.

Phantom refers to no found physical condition. Phantom "symptoms" have no physical causality. This would also include the SR as a possible cause of these "symptoms."

It's fabulous to discover what the physiological effects of the geo-electric circuit on the human vessel. Your physical body is MADE of the stuff of the Earth, and the Sun. You ARE the Earth, in a sense. Potentially, you could FEEL the planet... OR, you could choose to be an impedence to this energy, through the expression of your free will.

It is an observation that those complaining worse about these "symptoms: are the ones who are accumulating, and holding onto a huge variety of energy, which should be channelled into the planet. The ones complaining the loudest, are those who have the most work to do, in clearing out the lowest densities: starting first with FEAR.

In other words, those who are "suffering" the most, are the ones operating out of FEAR. This is the technical reality, and the physics of the "phantom symptoms."

This is not a religious group, nor one of "spirituality". This is a technical exploration of the Schumann resonances, with the human as a component in the geo-electric circuit. You, as an autonomous entity, are a component in this circuit. You can choose to hold onto these energies, and suffer. Or, you can learn how to ground-out what is not yours to hold onto, and feel the relief of this decision.

Either way, the choice is yours. There is nothing automatic for humans. The Universe is conscious, and responds to the conscious, directed energies you put into your pathway.

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