[Posted to fb group Schumann Resonances (& Other Atmospheric EMF).]
Thank you for being here.
The job is to explain the atmospheric electro-magnetics alongside of the acquisition and qualifying equipment used in detecting a signal.
My occupational experience rests more in the equipment-side. of knowing how the components work, and fit together.
I discuss the results of the graphs from a practical perspective of technically how they work, and function.
I''m not a metaphysicial, nor philosopher coming at this from the Ascension-side of the story.
I have a different perspective on this than most of the people discussing "The Schumann." I for one, don't refer to the reports as such, unless I'm using that phrase "The Schumann" as a portal of understanding for the others to get to know what the spectrogram is otherwise called.
I do alot of exploration on my YT channel, in video content, explaining how the tech properly works. Knowing how the detecting and acquisition equipment works, helps keep down the sensationalist doctrine, evolving from data anomalies, and odd readings of the charts and graphs.
It's fine to believe what you want. Yet, it's important for me to explain from my personal experiences, how radio tech. radio waves. frequencies and Amplitudes work. Think whatever metaphysics you prefer, the greater reality is that these are radio waves, broadcast into the environment.
When I was a child, growing-up during the advent of radio in a mobile form, i've always been fascinated by electronic machines and receiving equipment. I helped my grandfather work on vacuum tube consoles.
Integrated circuits revolutionized the life of modern humans, within the course of my lifetime.
It's fine to believe whatever you want. Yet, once the tech explains it, one can't claim one doesn't know. That's been the mission here from the beginning, to explain this rather complicated tech in a fairly-digestable fashion for the masses.
I've stated repeatedly that learning the atmospheric phenomena is complicated through th perspective of the graphical reports. There's an added level of difficulty coming with the technical aspects that are hidden, to those without a technical grounding coming with hands-on experience with the hardware.
I've also mentioned before that it's more difficult for me to learn in the abstract, without practical, hands-on experience of the subject. This is what makes me a great prospect for exploration of this entire subject range.
Again, I have posted 2+ years worth of technical explanations of all phases of SR, from the phenomena to the reports from Tomsk, and elsewhere. I've also explained tangential aspects like the VLF readings of the Cumiana EQ detection station. As well as explorations of the Ionosphere, and the role of shifting magnetics, etc.
Lots of beginners info is therein present. Yet, i don't want to exclude beginners in all my post. It's difficult to make any one given post relevant to, or directed to all possible readers. Any specific question on this, or specifically the vocabulary, please post in comments. Thank you.
This is an observations essay, geared towards expressing the details I catch while looking at the days reports from Tomsk (or wherever). Basically, I go through it as I would for myself, in simple terms, for the benefit of those who are new, or unfamiliar with what is actually here.
In today's exposition, I need to make a point about the relative intensity of the different signals: Amplitude vs. Quality.
Amplitude is Intensity, as measured in deci-Bels; this is the electric-side, which is Voltage; properly electron-Volts. This is also called the Vertical Conductivity Channel; measured as a charge (+/-).
The hardware to detect the Amplitude (electric-side), and to detect the Quality (magnetic-side) of the signal, is different. Two types of equipment are used: the Amplitude uses a di-pole type. The Quality uses a magnetic induction coil. The relative strengths of the signals varies, based on the physical constraints.
The di-pole is basically a loop of wire configured into a "T" shape. This is the most simple set-up, and configuration out of all of them. The most difficult part is to determine the exact length of the arms which actually capture the actual signal. Radio wave signals are a frequency, which is a peak-to-peak measurement with the Peaks somewhat evenly-spaced (the rate between peaks remains consistent).
Induction coils are much more complex to design, and create. There's more elements that have to be considered. The coils have to be wound from a solid length of wire. The cross section of the wire makes a difference, the radius of the coil makes a difference, the length of the coil makes a difference, how many layers of coils makes a difference.
The magnetic induction coils detecting Quality are a complex operation. There's more variables to designing the coil, than to measuring a wire, and cutting it to the desired length.
The importance of understand the complexity of the overall system, C. Votis from University of Ioannina, Greece
" The detection of SR is a complex procedure that employs the limited energy generated and dissipated by the global lighting activity. This total energy is then smeared inside the huge volume of the Earth-ionosphere cavity, providing electric and magnetic field components.
"The prevailed electric component is vertically oriented, and the corresponding amplitude is close to 10−7 V/m.
"The magnetic field exhibits two horizontally potential components at N-S and E-W orientation with amplitudes of few tenths of picotesla. The detection of such weak electromagnetic fields in noisy environments is too difficult.
"Additionally, hardware imperfections can significantly reduce the performance of the system [10, 11].
"To improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), it is necessary to use specialized sensors and electronic equipment [12].
"Especially, in the ELF band, where Schumann resonances lie, very few works give details about measurement equipment used regarding electrical and magnetic antennas, the analog front-end, and the data acquisition module."*
So, in the above statement, he states the prevailed field at -7Volts per meter. Nano is -9. Picto is -12. -7 is in the range of tens of micro volts.
This is common scientific prefix notation of the relative strengths of signals.
As a fact, it is not simply "all energy." This may be true from the perspective of the undistinguished, unpotentiated dimensions pre-thought, or in its primal form; Yet, relative to the affairs of humans, in the physical construct, there's varying densities of energy, which accumulate into patterns, which allow the material matrix to continue.
There is quite a bit of processing, and qualifying of these two aspects, of the electrical with the magnetic portions, from the captured signal. There's processing involved in getting the signal to the public, in an easily-digestable fashion.
The greats make it look easy.
Seeing the clean, (relatively-)concise appearing images produced from Tomsk technical-vocational University, it's easy to be decieved that it's a simple matter to produce a coherent, useful image.
There's lots of moving parts to getting a good-looking signal. The ambient electric-side signal is orders of magnitude stronger than the magnetic-side of the signal. As above shown, there's a notable difference in relative strengths.
As such, the induction coil signal needs to be externally amplified, so as to be at the same level of the Amplitude, or the power (+/-) as measured in deci-Bels. Even with this, simply-put, it's the main reason why the spectrograph plots such a strong image for Amplitude-side activity in the report graphs.
Even with this, at all times remember, your domestic electronics are thousands of times stronger than the ambient amf field of the atmosphere, and the Earth herself. Most of the physiological "symptoms" one's experiencing, if it's due to emf influence, is connected to wifi, rf, bluetooth, other sensing-monitoring equipment.
Reference links:
* "A new portable ELF Schumann resonance receiver: design and detailed analysis of the antenna and the analog front-end" ( https://jwcn-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13638-018-1157-7 )
Patreon: ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/29-aug-2022-of-71336540?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator )
Wordpress: ( https://vertearbustosschumannresonanceharmonics.wordpress.com/2022/08/31/29-aug-2022-observations-relative-strength-of-the-signals/ )