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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

29 April 2022. Starseed, Star Nation Realities Within Earth-school.

This is my personal experience, here in Earth-school. Your understanding of this things is bound to be different. I only get "credit" for telling this clearly, not whether-or-not if you get this, or if anyone else follows along.

I don't have a sale pitch. I'm not selling anything. I'm told to give an alternate view, to people for them to consider, and take if they choose. I'm sure that the people are all fine, just exactly how they are; but my Guides suggest that I need to say this just the same.

The following is given to me in asking the question: why is the veil so effective in removing the obviousness of a Source, or Intelligent Source Creator?

How does God manage to hide from Its Creation, if He/She/It is all powerful?

This veil, this is why the star nations can't simply show-up and announce themselves, pretty as you please, even if it is a supposed "channeling". How would anyone know that they are reaching through the Veil of Gaia, to allow for "extra-dimensional contact"?

So, the following is the "condensed version," to the answers to the questions. It's lengthy, I realize. It's offered as a effort of assistance for those who are ready to hear this message, from the Pure Light Avatar Of Source Creator. Thank you for understanding.

For myself, I never use the word alien, because there's -a'lie'n- the middle of it. Hard to un-see that. Humans are the aliens of the galaxy. The rest of Creation figures how to play/work together co-operatively.

Of myself, I offer that I am a Volunteer. Of course, all of Earth-school is free will; yet, I chose to volunteer to incarnate at this time, coming form a long, long, long ways away to make it here in time, in your time, to allow me to incarnate as human. I officially completed this life's "ascension", which I call Graduation, on 17 July 2019. Simply, "Ascension" is to complete the Soul Contract which was agreed-to, upon incarnation here, under the veil of the free will zone. Ascension is an intentional process, which is NOT, in anyway automatic. There's first, understanding hat the Is a Contract involved is one of the most difficult parts of living here. As a "life hack" to this, once a loved-one passes on the the other side, the karmic obligation with the person is paid, effectively. It's a bittersweet trade-off. I have outlived the majority of my family and friends, at this point, with more leaving everyday.

Attrition is a very-real physical, and spiritual principle.

The inner spirit has work to do, and resolve with the living. Of course, the deceased are still there, which we often wind-up dealing with in dreams, or visions, or mental flash-backs, etc. To me, of course, this is more working of the Contract with these souls.

Completion of the Contract, Great Graduation of the Soul, the ascension that one feels to the light body as you feel the stripes given to Merkhabit field , in various places that you didn't even know were a part of "the vessel"; this only comes, after the necessary clearing has been done. The genetic imprint, the chromosonal blueprint provided to the long-term human being is not ready for the jump, the final "shift", or the final "event". This final "event", the one that folks are so worked-up about, is physically the reality of the reversed magnetic poles.

The frequencies are not rising, the magnetic poles are drifting, and moving towards new geo-locations to the Earth-school. It's overdue, actually. Earth is consciously waiting for this time, to do this polarity reverse. Feel free to believe that humans are driving whatever changes you want, yet, Earth-school has the first and last say.

Earth is home for the human species. Humans could not have, nor will not ever exist on some other planet, any other world. Earth is uniquely, intelligently forgiving to the humans, their ignorance, avarice, stupidity, dangerous-ness, etc. Human species is created with the plant, for the stuff of this planet, with a built-in affinity of the living planet for her "children." She does feel us...even if we can't feel Her. Or, choose not to, when She's speaking.

At the closing of every Great Year, the Great Cycle, every 26,000 years, as the Sun's system orbits the Central Sun, we go through one of these same points. This is the time for the Harvest of the Souls. In places of the Bible (and other Sacred literature), it makes mention of the Harvest and the fact that many are called, but few chosen.

Gaia, the intelligent living planet, is home to the Free Will Zone of Earth-school. The Entire solar system is a free will system, which is isolated in the outskirts of one of the arms of this Galaxy, to allow it to be physically isolated; so as to minimize possible contamination, or damage as caused by the Human free-will experiment.

The other planets are alive and much more conscious than we are led to believe. Consciousness is a spectrum, which is multi-densitied, multi-dimensioned, infinite in its possible manifestations. From Prime Source Creator, the Great Unmoved, there is the possibility of an infinite forms of expression of life, and of the will to live and reproduce. Our solar system is comprised of a vast amount of planets/worlds, of a wide variety of material. All of the planets, these Celestial hosts have unique qualities, including the moons of all of the Hosts. It starts to beg the question, where did all the stuff come from, specifically the huge non-alike quality to all of the great celestial hosts.

Human beings, this race of "intelligent beings" is physically comprised of all of the constituent elements of all of these assembled worlds, up-to and including the rings of Saturn, which are quite unique among all of the ringed planets. His are the biggest, organized ring around any planet they've seen so far. So, this entire solar system was orchestrated, in a quite not-random way, to allow the uniqueness of human life to proliferate on this planet, Earth, Ea, Tiamat.

In Sumerian Mythology, (well, one version anyway) Earth is Tiamat, the "Primordial Goddess of Chaos", who was otherwise untamable (meaning no "life could live ON Her"), until, she was conquored and moved by the "North Wind"; which eventually created the Titans of Old.

This, in theory, is the narrative of "man" which is given in Chapter 1 of Genesis of the KJV Bible.

Modern man, as we would more properly understand the story, starts is Genesis chapter 2, where man was created to tend the fields, work in the mines and name things in the Lower Abzu ("E'Din", or Eden). Original man worked the Upper Abzu, called "The Wilderness". Homo sapien male and female were created in different manners, relative to the "man" in chapter 1. It's not merely that the female version of "adamu", which means clay body, which had no sex, nor gender, was created as a vessel, using the clay of the Abzu. The female version of the adamu vessel being, "Adam" by name, comes from the "rib" of Adam, to create a new hybrid being, in theory. One that allows for breeding at that point.

The Original "man" of mankind was created as a matched set, the male and female both. This is not the later [laboratory-created specimen of the] "adamu"; which we now refer-to as 'homo sapiens," which seems to have a few missing links.

This introductory narrative is a liturgical background for explaining the limitations of the veil. All of the potential hosts of the solar system have the ability to host various forms of life. Yet, none that are quite so "advanced" as the humans. This allows for a wide variety of possible outcomes, based on the ability of the planet to support the material bonds of a tremendous variety of shapes, forms or densities.

Time is a dimension; yet how it's used, measured, formed are densities within the dimension.

Form/shape is a dimension; yet there are seemingly endless varieties of forms and spaces within this one dimension.

Movement, rhythm is a dimension; its infinite forms of expression are densities.

There's more of this, yet, this simple calculus might allow one to re-picture "3D" in a more relevant way, than the standard builder's Calculus of the measurements as dimensions, of the builder's paradigm--which most people use as their baseline.

Earth-school is a planetary realm whereby the conscious planet allows us inhabitants the ability to manipulate,and work with a tremendous variety of forms, for tools, toys, or weapons, if we choose.

Gaia is a world of forms that are real, material, and become our primary focus, in this place. We know on the one had that this is all swirling electrons, and protons we can't see, and that there's also of empty space involved,,,yet it's all relative, and there is indeed some force that keeps this all bound together. There's principles at work holding things intact.

We don't see an apparent Creator, yet that is what the planet, in fact, and inaction is, the primary Source of our existence. She's one world in a bunch of worlds, yet, we living here, incarnated here, ARE the possession and will/request of the planet. The EMF signature of our collected light is enmeshed into the "intelligent take-over" of the vessel of the individual, in some dimensional-density of conscious being, within the School.

In some cases, the will is the need to help clean-up.

Before incarnation into Earth-school, I recall being an intelligent entity, choosing many of the lessons down here. I don't recall alot of the details, but I recall I recall the discussions with my Guides, regarding the lessons and classes I was supposed to experience here. There's lessons that are only available here, in Earth-school, with the human population, wearing one of these Earth-birth suits.

For good, bad, or otherwise, humans are from the earth, for the stuff of the planet, and we are Hers, whether we like it or not. As the poles are shifting, people are feeling ever-more isolated,living within their own imaginations. Essentially, this is the "Matrix"; living alone in your own head.

There is an experience that can only come with, or happen-through birth into the veil structure of Earth-school. Whereas elsewhere, it would be otherwise impossible to imagine a lose of direction connection to Source, in the Earth-birth suit, which is Her property, it is no problem to be born as a human, with a wiped memory. As Hybrid creatures, it is a facet of the human experience to be "all alone here" in the Universe.

In no small part is this isolation due to the disconnected aspect of the Cerebrum, of the human brain complex which allows a mediated disconnect between actual body-felt, lived-in experience of the human vessel. The mental thinking and function of a human , at higher frequencies to become ever-more isolated, and alienated, as is the narrowing effect of higher frequencies. The isolation of higher frequencies becomes a further disconnect from Source, as it's more time spent in your own heads, individually and collectively (that contradiction is more of the great mystery).

There is ALOT of wisdom in the parable that the Fool will confound the wise; that the fools shall inherent the Keys to the Kingdom.

There is a baseline physical reality, the internal constraints to Earth-based material matter. We become embedded into the planetary material matrix, of the material chemical bonds of the matter itself. Up-to and including getting things to explode, and blow-up other things, or to set them on fire, etc.

The possibility for damage is there all the time. And, the possibility for healing is there as well. Yet, this is a moment by moment decision that each person has to make.

Up until recently, there had been a Universal Quarantine around the Planet, Earth-school. As I understood things, the "good guys" incarnated into a human suit to help. The "bad guys" traded advanced technology in-exchange for "selected" human beings. We have had technology from the beginning, so, it's of course natural for humans to adopt pretty-much any technology into their daily lives,and never give it any thought.

This is a part of the infiltration agenda, to get people to willingly give their free will decisions over to one of these Galactic Alliances, or Federations, or Council Of Celestial Whatevers, etc.

How far has the Quarantine been lifted (?) to allow all these Grand councils of Star races, to broadcast to humans ?

The only way to really know, is to finish the Contract, make direct connect with Source, and have it presented directly to you.

This is part of what bothers us: that you personally, can access the Pure Light Avatar of Prime Source. This is one of the qualities of "opening-up" that is happening now. There needs be no other intercessor before The One.

All else will be still now.

This is the why, and how and wherefore of the lameness, weakness of these "channeled messages", that there's nothing they can say to you. You, in this form are more select, and powerful than they are, here on Earth. There's no special lights, nor rays they beam on us, certainly "The Schumann" isn't showing any of that.

Many of these messages are towards tailoring, conditioning, acclimating you into thinking in a certain way. Do so at your own peril.


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