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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

28 June 2022. "The Schumann" is a lie.

[Posted to FB group Schumann Resonances (& Other Atmospheric EMF).]

I'm going to be honest here. I mean specifically in this post, but also fully does this apply to this group as a whole.

This space was started, from the beginning, to be one dedicated to real-world understanding of both the detecting technology and the phenomena itself.

I have made the claim that learning the Schumann Resonances through the help of the visual aid of the Spectrogram might be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.

Some people do not even know what the spectrogram is.

Do you know what the report of the spectrogram ?

If I used the phrase "The Schumann", could you THEN find the spectrogram report?

Maybe, but it's more likely that the average person still won't find the spectrogram, with the hint. Likely, they will be completely confused by the word 'spectrogram'.

The problem is not "teaching" you the proper knowledge, from my end. I've been willing for almost 4 years now, to do this very thing.

The problem with teaching you the correct knowledge is not my willingness, nor ability...but the fact that someone beat me to it.

It becomes my responsibility to cause you to UN-LEARN the bad information associated with the chart; which was placed coming into this.

Most people coming into this have some type of idea of the SR, based on common interpolations of the spectrogram. Somewhere along the line, your 'ascension' was pinned to "The Schumann". From that point forwards, you'll never be able to learn the tech properly.

This is a staunch, formidable, somewhat-of-a-downer statement to make. This is simply my experience in the dedicated public exploration of this subject.

The above synopsis is a nutshell version of what my problem is.

I am lost.

I don't know how to UN-teach anything.

I don't know how to gently let you down from your expectations built-up from a society which is truly clueless in what's happening now.

People come here with all sorts of expectations of what this place will be about, based not on the tech, nor the phenomena, but from a growing awareness of "The Schumann."

Funny how a society which is so allegedly concerned about "The Science" has not once, that I've ever seen, got an actual scientist to explain how the reports are made, and what you're looking at.

Instead, what you have in real-time, in the real-world are the quacks, nuts and flakes of the "new age" who intuit, or "channel" the information from the "5D" perspective.

This is one of those things that genuinely, truly bugs me->these nut jobs will get Ashtar from the Galactic Command to "channel" what's happening ... but they won't contact an actual radio-electronics scientist, or technician, to explain the actual report, in human terms ?

Is it because the radio-electronics technician won't validate the Disney-side version of the facts, coming along with this "ascension" ?

Consider that well, coming into this: who, up to this point, has explained to you how this works ?

The spectrogram is not modern art. It's not a societal mood ring. It's not documenting all the times that large groups have ever meditated. It's not telling you when society made a "jump." It's not a dimensional detector. Calling the spectrogram "The Schumann" and leaving-out 3/4ths of the necessary data does not make any of those things any more true.

Unfortunately for the humans, your language and its accompanying rhetoric is under attack. They win the argument by fouling the language, and making the truth behind the words your enemy.

Remember, at all times society is in a battle against your free will thinking, and your ability to make conscious, thoughtful decisions based on having all the available information.

This is why so many people miss the point here, because someone, some group is always after control of your free will decisions.

Fear is the primary tool of conquest and domination of the human species. Fear of fear, fear of pain, fear of want, fear of lack, fear of others, fear of differences, and on the list goes with the humans. Science, tech, nor logic can not change this. These substantive emotional encumbrances are rooted far deeper than intelligence can comprehend.

The human experience is AS MUCH (if not moreso) about emotions, feelings and exercising intuition; than it is an experience of thinking, logic, mathematics, being "right", being certain of anything.

The DNA suit of the Adamu is 93% the "junk" that we carry around, which is not ours personally, but contains all the memories ever of the human experience. 93% of what makes you interesting, or unique is called "junk DNA" by modern materialist science/bio-physics.

The remaining 7%, which could be used to channel into the DNA storehouse, is used societally in pursuit of ownership, or ego-attachment to the apparent world. Control of the elements is necessary for stability, is the push of society in its expansion.

We're caused-to, forced-to look externally, through our "thinking." The deliberative process is one ever-gaining external facts, figures, data from wherever. We accumulate data, facts, statistics, etc., to form our cognitive overlay of ego-mind.

We "homo sapiens" are supposed to think our way to better solutions, to solve problems, etc. Yet, we believe that we can think out way out of having to be emotional, or intuitive. Yet, when we think, our entire world view starts with us. This act of thinking creates the world that you inhabit.

The thinking action of a human does not change the phenomenelogical world. The thinking imposes ego onto everything, so that we can intellectually interact with the situation, and with society. By thinking independently, coming from inhabitation of the Adamu Earth-birth suit, we can navigate our own, individual survival.

The off-set, or trade-off to the thinking function of ego mind ('it's mine') comes the necessity of "show your work." I can not read your mind any you need to show me your thinking.

There's a definite push to get folks to ascribe 'The Schumann' to their own physical thinking. This, to me, seems like the exercise of a type of mass-hypnosis.

That I see, applied usage of "The Schumann" is a tool, or exercise of mass hypnosis. Certainly, the de facto rhetoric shows a lock-step mentality in alot of the rhetoric, and communicated concepts.

There is a spiritual science, going right along side the physical, materialistic sciences.

Without understanding that there are principles involved, then "The Schumann" becomes a deification of the Schumann resonances. "The Schumann" becomes the personality, the 'face' to an invisible force. Without understanding spiritual principles, one might feel compelled to borrow the reports, to explain some pseudo-science narrative, or 'ascension-side' nonsense.

The great lie is what "The Schumann" is allegedly showing you. This goes far deeper than simply a choice of words. "The Schumann" as you have been conditioned to understand it, is an outright lie. As the balance of the population pins spiritual growth to the graph readings, it becomes a tool of hypnosis, and further conquest of the population.

Enjoy your worked for it, you earned it.

The problem with using the phrase "The Schumann" is that it inherently, of itself, excludes the work which you are supposed to properly show, with thinking exercises.

In the time I've been here, I have been continually warning of the dangers of falling into "The Schumann" trap. They snare you with the spell of the language, and gore you with rhetoric.

Enjoy your servitude, as you trudge that pathway.

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