28 Feb 2022. SR: What they are, are NOT, and why it matters.
27-28 Feb 2022. 3 spheres of influence: This discussion is of what SR are, are not; how this relates to people learning the SR.
SR are subtle, quite delicate; the whispered echoes of lightning strikes . Like all subtle things with humanity, they can be very difficult to understand properly. Professor Schumann himself had trouble actually detecting these atmospheric "hums", which bear his name They do not speak-up for themselves: work goes into detecting the series of harmonics.
Everything around SR, in the modern world is stronger in intensity and magnitude than the SR, because nearly all things around humans are sensor-driven.
Part of the problem to properly understanding SR is how to understand what these are, so the observer has the clarity of vision in understanding the technical process. But the bigger problem also is what the SR are NOT.
In my time here as Mod, and Admin, I've made many posts explaining how to properly read the graphs; and exploring the factors comprising the atmospheric emf. I've been discussing this aspect, after having done numerous posts on what they are, at length.
There are many new members here, it's important to note. Many of them are freshly into this topic, legitimately confused what they've red, heard, seen associated with the phenomena. Others have confused the minds of these people, who are looking to find the hard-core truth, the Ultimate Reality of these elusive atmospheric harmonics.
A word on perfection.
"We seek progress, not perfection," Bill Wilson.
In Earth School, it is a bubble of assumed reality, based on the physics here, which operate withing the Veil Protocol. This is a world of illusion. We are actors operating physical avatars. The body is an intelligent "vessel". Chemical-based constraint of the genetic structure is the enlivened genetic code.
So-called "junk DNA", has been classified by the ruling biologists' orthodoxy as "non-coding", and therefore junk DNA. Properly, the shared genetic material, and structure is property of the planet--not that of the humans. The shared genetic blueprint conjoined by all humanity, the animal kingdom, and plants, as well, is the so-called "junk dna."
The individual "coding" portion of the genetic structure of the humans, is around 7%, and that's at its best. Most of the technical literature expresses a lower actual number of percentage of the coding portion for the individual to use.
Our communal collective intelligence, our genetic birthright, is the ability to freely communicate through this 93%, which we all share. We are all connected by 93% of shared genetics; which extends-back into our ancestors who walked the planet before us. Our world-view is silently shaped by people who we've never actually met. .
It's the minority 7%, a person's individual free will, which can focus, and percept differently, which will declare its rising frequencies which are required to "ascend". Yet, it's that 7% of free will, cyphered through ego, which declares the 'head in a jar on a shelf in a lab'-syndrome, as the frequencies around them rise. It's all of that rhetoric, focusing the mind in such a way as to be recognizable, and palatable, and readable to the ai hive mind.
I hold that you can have a functional perfection. If you were to get 93% of all there were to understand about the SR, you would actually be doing am amazing job in understanding a very technical, scientific subject.
I hold a functional perfection of 93%. Statistically, anything more perfect than 93% has to be invented, or "fudged". It's easier to simply "make-up" data, than it is to do the actual work in finding the correct answers.
Honestly, I'm fairly certain I'm not at 93% knowing all that there is to know about SR. Yet, I'm not going to introduce quackery to fill the voids in that base knowledge; I'm going to put my research skills to work. The information is there, but it takes patience, time, diligence, discernment to go through the actual research on these matters. I'm personally interested in learning the process, and not being proven right in my agenda.
I have alot of related technical background earned over the past 40+ years. So for me, it was an easy cross-over to understand the basics to the SR. Yet, even with dedicated time spent to learning SR, and with a background of technical expertise, there is alot to understanding these subtle energies. Knowing about local influences becomes a philosophical position, over and above a scientific principle.
My motivation is as a "retired" technician, who is interested in sharing my love of the technology. I would like to explain this to people interested in learning the true technical aspects of the SR. On my YT channel, I solicit donations, since my channel is non-monetized. Yet, here on fb, I don't solicit for financial support, intentionally, so that the message gets presented technically, and not as a sales pitch.
I am NOT here for Ascension, either mine, nor yours, nor for the principle in general. "Ascension" is not guaranteed for a human being, nor the race as a whole. Some humans seem to be making a good deal of loot, off the Ascension-angle.
Personal disclosure on "ascension": I'll simply say I earned my ascension position to King's status on 17 July 2019; Officialy Coronation was on the 20th, a few days later I was told. The short way to describe this event is where the crown opens up, and one experiences a direct connection to Source/The All. It's basically, like a video conference line that's always open to (the Avatar of) Source--which as a form appears as a sphere of pure light.
This Event happens through dedicated work on one's life purpose, and mission. I happen to be a technical writer. At this point,I'm dedicated to the SR, but before this I was writing about Quantum Currency. At that point in 2019, I should have been done with my Contract, as I had already done ALOT of work to that point. And by rights, yes I was done, I graduated, technically. My Contract had/has been completed...yet, the work goes on. There are always people coming into this, by each moment, looking for some direction in the floundering seas that is the Earth School, right before the reset button is pushed by the Planet, who's quite in charge of everything.
I'm still here in this form because there's still enough work left for me, with noone else able, nor willing to do it. And that's fine. i'm volunteering to be here, to finish this mission untill the very last point where I can't literally stand it anymore, and NEED to move into the new form. I'm still in this form because there's work to do that still requires this physical form, in order for you to be able to properly see me. There's still more work to do. True proper "Ascension" if there is such a thing, is NOT what you're being led to believe. There is a layer of linguistic construct which precludes a person from getting the proper understanding and balance.
If all those who have re-ascended left, who would be still left in 3rd density form to help you cut through the crap, and the spilch being tossed in front of the humans?
You can't wait till the magic faireyland of 5D rolls around before you start to access the gifts and abilities inherent therein; Otherwise, you're not ever going to get there.
This "ascension" for you humans is an inside job; and nothing imposed externally by "Da Schumann"--neither the actual atmospheric phenomena; Nor the reading on the graphs where all sorts of funky narrative gets inserted into the readings.
Earth human's Ascension comes through uniting the brain space (which is otherwise 'filthy rags', according to the venerable texts), with the heart space; then moving through the heart as a filter--operating with the heart-center at all actions and thoughts.
Most, if not everything that's been carefully put onto the front line as why/how to assist humans "ascend", is actually doing the exact opposite to you. Simply, in explaining the dangers of referring to the spectrogram as "The Schumann", I've explored these issues.
They have robbed your birthright as human by confounding, defiling the language with logic and rationalizing. Thinking and logic side of the brain, the formless one, can and does rationalize anything by the will of the human, who can hold any supporting picture in the head.
Lots of the agenda of the ascensionist come from a opinion that thinking means a whole lot in the greater scheme of things, when you see how people justify the most errand nonsense.
There is nothing automatic for the humans. All growth takes concerted effort and work.
It took more work that I care to share in this space, to have "earned my Crown." This does not come from rising frequencies, nor from 5D. It comes right now, through application of a pathway with heart. Rising frequencies keep the human entity a servant, slave, component in the machinery.
Earth's frequency is not rising. Her polarity is reversing. There's a huge difference. The machine overlords are assimilating you into the neural network of the matrix, so you require rising frequencies, to interact with the machinery. The reversing polarity, which almost no one is talking about, will essentially halt the machine technologies from functioning, unless you are the battery source powering the electronics.
That's why this is so incredibly difficult here, in Earth School; the amount of constant work necessary to get anywhere, or to do anything. There's alot of work still left, and few are up to the actual work. The human tendency is to short-cut the work; in part by convincing others to do their job, or to simply ignore that which there is to do.
SR are like the shy, quiet kid: they need others to speak-up for them. The SR are so incredibly subtle, they literally can't speak for themselves. There are numerous local influences that can interfere with a good reading. We talk about this regularly, yet people miss the niuance of what this means.
If the antennae are engineered to a certain range of signals, yet, EVERYTHING around them can give a false reading to the graphs...then what do you think that means for you, over here?
The same thing, perhaps(?): That if EVERYTHING is stronger than the SR, literally, then what's that say about all the local influences around you to goes by ignored(?) Good golly, it's important on the graph, and people get religious about that and what that-all means; but normalize the most powerful convenience items, sharing living space, because of how "helpful" they are.
Alexa, Echo, Siri, and a host of other devices are always listening; always practicing telepathy with you and each other.
Literally, YOU are a component in the modern networked home, or office, or shopping environment. The human entity, your physical person is an electronics component in the modern networked, synched environment; and this is WILLFULLY overlooked by 93-ish percent of the population, simply for the convenience of an internet search at any time of day or night.
You should be VERY HAPPY with the ringing in your ears. This is a small price to pay for the convenience of these devices always listening to you, and synched into your genetic structure. The single-pitch "ringing" sensation registered by the inner ear, is a direct product of the rising frequencies imposed by the A.I. hive mind of the machine overlords. You as a willing, compliant component in this system will simply have to suffer this side-effect because your appliances need to be rigged-into the Hive at all times; along with you as well.
This is not a symptom of ascension.
It is a symptom of assimilation.
Much of these soundbites, buzzwords, and sciencey-sounding words intended to assist people to visualize what's happening, and where we are going, are either red herrings across your pathway, or worse, are intended to stump, ensnare and confound the human...once again, through the language, and the fuckery of the lexicon, and linguistics, and rhetoric.
Substitution of the rhetoric construct, in lieu of the unrealized hands-on event, creates a contrived narrative.
Simply put, it's easier to blame the SR, which is the most subtle thing ever, rather than take responsibility for the unshielded domestic electronics you are surrounding yourselves with.
When I talk about "short-cut" what do I mean ?
The tendency when a person doesn't know through experience, to introduce a narrative into the explanation, to fill-in the blanks.
The complete technical information is out there; yet it takes dedication to discover these sources, patience to plow through it, and a baseline minimum experience in related field to sort through the details.
Patience is a spiritual principle.
Discernment is a spiritual principle.
Dedication, motivation, persistence are spiritual principles.
Spiritual principles are action words, which are put into motion and exercised; or else they do not exist.
Nothing wih humans is automatic; it takes work for growth
Introducing false spirituality.
Introduces false spirituality; calling random blips & spikes on "Da Schumann," an ascension-based narrative. There's a lot on monkey-business introduced as "science" for the purposes of running the "Ascension" narrative.
The only way to allow discernment to dictate the correct pathway, is to understand the technical parameters of the measuring hardware. specifically the antenna. This is how you test the spiritual belief, is against the known quantity, such as the parameters within which we operate.
It is not "censorship" of any sort to say that the sci- and tech have actual parameters and constraints, to which the antenna is engineered, and built.
It's in no way an honorable spiritual pursuit to introduce false data, false narrative, pseudo-science into the readings; to "show" or prove that which is otherwise unprovable, nor unverifiable--especially when those unprovable claims were never built into the detecting machinery from the beginning.
The spectrogram is not the antenna.
The spectrogram is the image commonly called "The Schumann." There is literally no such thing as "the Schumann", outside of the Ascension-based narrative.
The spectrogram is a plotter, manufacturing a 3d image for convenience; based-upon the dependency information supplied to it. It is not detecting a signal, nor is it measuring one; the spectrogram is visualizing the signal. The spectrogram is the last link in the components tracking the SR.
There are, in fact environmental factors around people that go unaware, but are notably stronger than SR, and natural telluric powers. By labeling certain causes as coming from the SR, it obviates a person's personal obligations of dealing with the actual issue.
This is another of those short-cut things: misappropriating the sci-tech, and misreading it, to support a certain narrative, so that the originating causes are not addressed, and continue to go on. The "symptoms" are mislabeled, because people want to believe certain things, and are not trained well-enough to know the most basics of either the SR, or of the domestic unshielded electronics, many of which communicate with the central hub via intuition, wifi, bluetooth, or some other form of telepathy.
To me, the worse part about the folks who are misreading the actually data by introducing foreign concepts into the equation, are doing alot more damage, than anything beneficial; either individually, or collectively. Misreading the actual data is doing a huge harm to people religiously following this, by covering over the real, true, actual phenomena that are outside of the range of the SR to measure; yet are still damaging people.
It is literally boilerplate Piscean protocol antics that is catching, ensnaring, so many folks who simply want to learn what's really real.
Yes, absolutely, I severely restrict the rhetoric on Ascension here. Firstly because the SR is not inherently Ascension-based. It was never designed into the machinery. It's a fools errand looking to extract that nebulous meaning out of the hardware. That's first and foremost: a proper understanding of the SR involves putting the believe system rhetoric down.
Perhaps more importantly, there is an aire of boilerplate Piscean antics involved in the construction of all of the Ascension-based narrative--at least from the technical perspective. The fact their science terms are actually repurposed buzzwords should tell the observer all that there needs to be said about this narrative.
That I know what "ascension" truly is, simply makes it more difficult for someone to slip a fast one, under the guise it's "science", or some other misinformation relates to "ascension." It gives me the privilege and responsibility to say what is, and is not within the parameters of this group dedicated towards exploration of the actual Schumann resonances.
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