Are the Schumann Resonances rising?
Simply, the Schumann Resonances are not rising. Resonances are standing waves, which do not significantly rise. Standing waves rise and drop minimally.
Without official training, it's nearly impossible to properly understand the SR through the visual aid of the spectrogram.
One of the most difficult parts to understanding this, is to understand what is being shown in the spectrogram. What makes this chore so difficult, is that the untrained do not know what the graph is representing.
Without official training, the average person is unable to decrypt to data presented. Spectrograms are specialized visual aid machines, giving the viewer a break-down of the spectrum. In this case, it is the spectrum from 0.3-40Hertz.
Resonance oscillates, or "hums" in place. Standing waves do not roll, nor propagate. Schumann resonances are standing waves, caused by electron discharge between the ionosphere and the Earth ground.
Standing waves do not peak. Resonances do not rise. The Schumann Resonances are not rising.
The conditioning that "the Schumann" is rising, is the easier, softer way of understanding something that's extremely complex. They gave you this false narrative, which is seemingly easy to grasp, as you look at the spectrogram. The spikes on the chart appear to be rising Schumann Resonances, to those who have been giving the candy-coated truth.
The actual process of Schumann Resonances is extremely complex.
This particular group has been established to act s a Master's Level course in SR and associated atmospheric EMF. SR is not something that can be "figured-out" simply by looking at the Spectrogram. The technical process is largely hidden from the average person. None of this is anything that's taught in high school.
Learning the Schumann Resonances is easier without the visual aid of the spectrogram to get in the way. Because many folks do not know what standing waves are, the interpretation is not going to be technically incorrect. As stated, standing waves do not peak, do not rise except minimally (+/-0.5Hz).
The "mainstream version" given to the masses is the easier, simpler version of SR. The common knowledge that people come here with, in most cases, is misinformation, at best. At worse, you are being intentionally misled, for the intention of furthering the "Ascensionist agenda" narrative.
Schumann resonances is not inherently linked to "ascension." Since there is not any standardized definition of ascension, no one could say that it is related. More to the point, "ascension" comes through completion of the contract. Understanding SR is an elective, not a substitute for the difficult, hard work of completion of the Contract.
SR is not, does not represent a collective consciousness, in any way. Believe what you will, but there's not research to support that meditation, or ANY human activity effects the graphs, or the resonances themselves.
What are the vertical spikes?
The vertical upright spikes are electric-side activity. This is excess voltage dumped into the atmosphere, from lightning discharge. This minor fact is one of the single biggest impediments to understanding properly what's happening. From somewhere the masses got the idea that the Schumann resonances is ABLE to rise, and peak. This is singly the most dangerous misinformation that a person can hold in her/his mind.
Schumann resonances DO NOT SPIKE. These are standing waves, which maintain a fairly constant frequency. Resonances are standing waves, which do not rise, except 0.5Hz. that's it.
Feel free to believe whatever you want. Yet, if you're here to learn about the SR, you need to know how they actually measure these things, and what the data is saying--without embellishment.
This group is not the metaphysical one, discussing SR. This is the scientific and technical side of the SR. This is not the Disney-side version discussing the make-a-wish-fantasy-side of the phenomena. I would prefer to declare what we are, rather than what we are not. Yet, people coming into this have been given misinformation; for the purpose of running the Ascensionist agenda.
The vertical, upright spikes, predominantly in white, are Amplitude, which is the vertical conductivity channel, as they call it. This is excess voltage introduced into the local environment. This is a power rating, NOT a frequency count.
The vertical uprights are measured in deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts. The upright spikes are the reading from the di-pole antenna.
Two types of antennae are used to gather a signal. The Amplitude [electric-side of the signal] uses a di-pole type (looks like the old-style AM) antennae. The Quality is the magnetic-side activity; which gathers a signal from induction coils.
Schumann resonances spectrogram measure the Amplitude, Quality and Frequency. This is the 3 axes of the spectrogram image.
"The Schumann" is not something that exists. At best, this is an abbreviation, for the sake of convenience. "The Schumann" is not something that exists, except out of the mouth of those running the Ascensionist Agenda. Believe as you see fit.
The upright vertical spikes are measurements of Amplitude, which is the electric-side, which is the voltage, or a +/- charge. Those spikes are not measuring frequency, they measure power, or Intensity ratings.
In all honesty, it's much more important to know how to read the graphical information, rather than trying to figure-out a potential cause. Without proper understanding of what a person's looking at, it's extremely easy to totally garble the reading of the graph. This is the issue that most people experience: they simply make-up explanations as to what they are seeing.
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