26 Oct 2021. Freidemann Freund & The Cows. (Youtube desc.)
12-26 Oct 2021. Friedemann Freund: We are going to introduce the career of this amazing researcher, Freidemann Freund.
I do the 'deep dive' to the discussion of Schumann resonancers, in addition to Associated atmospheric electromagnetics. I've stated publically that I need to meditate before doing these, to find the best course that these productions should follow. They all rsult in a unique character individually, as a result.
My posts and reports take many hours, to weeks to compile, and produce. Within the course of time that I'm doing a video for content, I am usually still researching the subject.
Things are subject to change within the course of doing a video. This is one of those. As I compile the materials, the content starts to suggest itself, in the way I approach it.
I have already done the basic introduction to this series, in the following, now part 1B.
This particular content discussion is from one that I didn't get to at the time. I've adopted it for this occasion. I've included the preface to the video here. This was adopted from the Patreon post, as a thank you for my newest Patreon at the time, Bradley.
Since, then, I believe I've gained another Patreon.
Part 1A.
Patreon post; Re: Toward a Unified Solid State Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals; ACTA GEOPHYSICA, Oct 2012
There is a growing confusion between the understanding of Schumann resonances, with atmospheric electromagnetics in general. One of the tasks that's become clear to me, is the discussion of atmospherics related to causes asides from Schumann resonances properly.
Because there is a growing body of data accumulating from VLF sites in general, it seems super important to have these kinds of fact-finding expeditions.
Frequently, the graphs from Cumiana, Italy are brought-out in place of the data from Tomsk, Russia as a substitute, when the proper dedicated site is experiencing issues;
Or, as a means of trying to "expose" the malevolence of Tomsk, for some perceived misdeeds.
Towards the proper, technical understanding of which emf comes with Schumann resonances, and that which comes from other sources, the following information is made available. This is a copy and paste from one of the many PDFs that get emailed to me, through one of the academic research clearinghouses that provide free, public updates.
The author of this paper has published numerous papers of this basic topic of pre-seismic signals and precursors. Some of the research includes studies on the effects on animal behaviour prior to seismicity. I am hoping to be able to have an interview of some type, where he could address specific issues related to this topic. It might be nice to have him explain the chemistry in a way that's easily understandable.
This is dedicated to Bradley, my newest Patreon. Who is also always looking to keep learning. He's been here since nearly the beginning of my channel.
The research is going to be the featured content in one of the next videos I complete. I plan to do a shorter one, and then a longer one to expound on more of the detail.
This post is the full version of this research paper. The website is going to have an abbreviated version of this. For exactly this type of thing, is why I wanted to do a Patreon account, so that for a minimal amount, people could find access to relevant scholarly research.
Atmospheric electromagnetics is a very complex field of research. This has a steep learning curve to it. One can not expect to be exposed to the technical side of this, and have a novice easily pick this up, after even a year of dedicated study. I have over 40 yrs invested to this point, in the understanding of electromagnetics--which is my foundation; in addition to having the time, and excellent research skills to dedicate towards understanding this process.
Even with this stated, the following material is at the advanced level, and there's plenty-enough I don't grasp. What I do comprehend tells me what I need to know to pass on to my subs.
For those who follow other YT channels, who report on the global phenomena, from the objective perspective, such as Dutchsince who tracks seismic activity and reporting, we are looking for areas of overlap between channels. I am not looking to supplant, nor replace Dutch's reporting. Same goes with Rikki Spence, and Ron Tyler. I want to add to what they report, by supplying factual research--which they may not have seen, or simply do not understand in such a way as I do, based on my practical experiences and formal education.
Honestly, the days of experts, and specialists sitting isolated, and alone in their cubicals, not sharing notes and ideas with other disciplines is over. At it's best functioning, there's a wonderful developing overlapping tapestry of reporters and observers who are offering their personal observations on the current world situation, geologically.
People want to know what's happening around the globe. It's simply time for the lies and illusions to be revealed. This can only be induced collecively, through the willful actions of those who are looking for the actual reality currently underway, in process at this time.
The truth does not hurt. Having the lies that hide behind pulled out from under us, is what hurts.
Part 1B.
This video is going to discuss the body of research the makes possible (funding-for) stations such as the VLF monitoring at Cumiana, Italy.
Current Position:
NASA-Ames Research Center, Earth Sciences Division, Emeritus. 332 publications.
Skills and Expertise: Spectrometry, Environment, Tectonics, Material Characterization, Materials, Organic Synthesis, Geological Mapping, X-ray Diffraction, Thin Films and Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials .
Research Experience: SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center Mountain View, United States. Position: Principal Investigator, January 1988 - present.
( https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Friedemann-Freund )
Here are some examples of his work, relative to atmospheric electromagnetics.
Content video for The Schumannn Resonance Harmonics Youtube channel: ( https://youtu.be/fQp0Gz5Zxlc )
Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and Glow; Strange Pre- Earthquake Phenomena 01 Nov 2020; Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37–71, 2003.
Featured Research:
Co-seismic Earthquake Lights: The Underlying Mechanism; Aug 2019.
Earthquake lights (EQLs) have long been considered mysterious natural phenomena, for which no good physical explanation seemed to be available.
Crucial to understanding EQLs, in particular the intense flashes of light bursting out of the ground while S waves propagate, is the presence of peroxy defects in igneous rocks, in particular in gabbroic rocks that typically fill the subvertical dykes in regions of past extensional tectonics.
The peroxy defects tend to locate along grain boundaries or may even link adjacent mineral grains, making them highly susceptible to ever so slight displacements of mineral grains.
Thus, the passage of an S wave will instantly activate peroxy bonds. If the number density of the stress-activated peroxy is so high that their delocalized wave functions overlap, the entire rock volume must instantly expand, supported from within by an electronic degeneration pressure.
This process will be followed by a momentary dissociation of the peroxy defects, generating e′ and h· charge carriers, causing the volume to instantly contract again, at least partly.
If an electric discharge can burst out from the top of the dyke, removing some of the charge carriers and generating an EQL, an additional volume contraction can be expected occur.
Part 1C.
Current and surface potential induced by stress-activated positive holes in igneous rocks; Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2006 by Akihiro Takeuchi, Bobby W. S. Lau, and Friedemann T. Freund. "Recent Progress in Seismo Electromagnetics" in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. ( https://www.academia.edu/18756932/Current_and_surface_potential_induced_by_stress_activated_positive_holes_in_igneous_rocks?email_work_card=view-paper )
Charge generation and propagation in igneous rocks; Journal of Geodynamics, 2002
( https://www.academia.edu/29699878/Charge_generation_and_propagation_in_igneous_rocks?email_work_card=view-paper )
Electro-Magnetic Earthquake Bursts and Critical Rupture of Peroxy Bond Networks in Rocks; Tectonophysics, 2007.
( https://www.academia.edu/18756938/Electro_magnetic_earthquake_bursts_and_critical_rupture_of_peroxy_bond_networks_in_rocks?email_work_card=view-paper )
Pre-earthquake signals: Part 1, Underlying physical processes ; Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011.
( https://www.academia.edu/29699873/Pre_earthquake_signals_Underlying_physical_processes?email_work_card=view-paper )
Pre-earthquake signals: Part II, Flow of battery currents in the crust; Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 2007
( https://www.academia.edu/18756913/Pre_earthquake_signals_and_ndash_Part_II_Flow_of_battery_currents_in_the_crust?email_work_card=view-paper )
Nature of Pre-Earthquake Phenomena and their Effects on Living Organisms, Animals, 26 April 2013.
( https://www.academia.edu/29699907/Nature_of_Pre_Earthquake_Phenomena_and_their_Effects_on_Living_Organisms?email_work_card=reading-history )
Changes in Animal Activity Prior to a Major (M=7) Earthquake in the Peruvian Andes; Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth, Parts A/B/C, March 2015.
( https://www.academia.edu/18756978/Changes_in_animal_activity_prior_to_a_major_M_7_earthquake_in_the_Peruvian_Andes?email_work_card=view-paper )
This is our research of interest in this video...
Unusual behaviour of cows prior to a large earthquake; Article, April 2013.
( https://www.academia.edu/18756956/Unusual_behaviour_of_cows_prior_to_a_large_earthquake?email_work_card=view-paper )
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Disclosure News : ( https://www.disclosurenews.it/sresonance/sr-last.jpg )
Tomsk Observatory: ( http://sosrff.tsu.ru/new/shm.jpg )
Cumiana, NW, Italy: (http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html)
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