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26 June 2021. Observations on the Schumann Reports from Tomsk.

26 June 2021. Observations on the Schumann Reports from Tomsk.

Observations on Tomsk's S.O.S. reports:

[0] Introduction;

[1] Observations on current conditions;

[2] How To Read Tomsk's Schumannn resonance reports data.

0.1 - Introduction

The purpose of this essay is to assist people who are interested in understanding the Schumann Resonances, as atmospheric phenomena from the technical perspective.

Additional to the atmospherics, we are faced with the detecting hardware of the antennae complex.

Attached to the hardware of the detector-antenna itself, to the meters, graphs used to record these signals.

Eventually a conditioned signal gets plotted, to be analysed on a RF Spectrogram.

0.1.1 - The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.

0.1.2 - Schumann Resonances are extremely subtle--operating in the pico- range. Specialize detecting-antennae equipment is necessary.

0.1.3 - Detector antenna complex needs to be placed in a remote location.

0.1.4 - Complex chain of processing is necessary to extract a valid signal from the atmosphere.

0.1.5 - The extracted signal must be conditioned, before it is properly recognizable by the spectrogram analyser.

0.1.6 - There are multiple "moving parts" in this equation. The spectrogram is the last step in this process.

0.1.7 - SR are subtle energies of the atmosphere. Often times, these delicate atmospheric electromagnetics are over-powered by EM fields of unshielded domestic electronics.

0.2 - Atmsopheric EM is not automatically SR

We are looking to explore the SR.

However, it's now a common occurrence to confuse SR with any and all atmospheric electromagnetics.

Most of which are actually much stronger in power and intensity.

We discuss what are the SR, in addition to what they may not also be.

Unsheilded domestic electronics emit a RF signal much stronger than the SR.

This is more local to us, so we need to evaluate these as possible sources of "ringing" or physiological maladies.

0.3 - Keywords and phrases: Amplitude; Quality; Dependency; deci-Bel (unit of measure); Tesla (unit of measure); Mode (modulation); Bandwidth; Frequency; Velocity, Resonance; Harmonic; Vector; EMF (electro-magnetic field); nano- (prefix); pico-(prefix); Ionosphere (ionospheric layers); di-urnal variation;


1.0.0 - Part One: OBSERVATIONS. Current conditions of Schumann resonances, as recorded on Tomsk's SOS graphs.

1.1.0 -Current Conditions:

The last 24 hours has been calm; flattened Amplitude signals, Quality is relatively stable. Charts are showing influence from solar activity, as the sun increases to ramp-up this solar cycle.

Normal daytime response from Tomsk starts around 05LT (Local Time); to about 23 LT. After this point, generally, there's a lull as the sun goes to sleep, and the ionosphere loosens.

Horizontal activity is the actual Schumann Resonances; which is the measure of Quality.

Relative to SR, the Amplitude strikes are the presence of lightning activity, and not necessarily increased solar output (such as a CME).

24June, Thursday, featured some synchronous mode Amplitude bursts; hitting 54 (@ Mode) [A1]; 40 @[A2]; 30 @[A3]; 22 @[A4]; measured between 21-02LT.

Nighttime activity, such as this is heavy solar influence, strengthening the ionosphere at mid-night.

25June, Friday, featured relative small blips in Amplitude, around the 02LT mark.

1.1.2 -Daily Spikes:

The following number values are the readings of the daily peaks (from 00-23LT) as reported by Tomsk SOS. (website link below.)

Notable peak at 12LT:

-Amplitude: A1(white)~14; A2(yellow)~10.4; A3(red)~8; A4(green)~5.75; (units of pico-electronVolt).

-Quality: Q1(white)~7.3; Q2(yellow)~5.8[dip]; Q3(red)~5.7[dip]; Q4(green)~7.8; (units of pico-Teslas).

-Frequency: F1(white)~7.75[dip]; F2(yellow)~14[dip]; Q3(red)~20.4; F4(green)~25.34; (units of Kilometers)

1.1.3 - Spectrogram:

Amplitude spikes come from lightning discharge; which travel in an upright fashion, as reflected on the spectrogram.

Quality is the magnetics, which radiate outwards, horizontally, as reflected on the spectrogram.

Green-mode-4 is the level, of wavelength frequencies which are closest in response to the actual planet themselves.

The other modes 1,2,3 measure reflectivity off the higher layers of the atmosphere.

1.1.4 - Things To Consider Relative To Amplitude Spikes, and The Schumann Resonance Harmonics:

The measurement of Schumann RESONANCE frequency is not that of a WAVE frequency.

Multiple waves interfering with themselves, create standing waves, hold steady at a resonant frequency; which is the difference between these two primary fundamental waves.

Harmonics are caused from two, or more waves being out of synchronization; which interfere with each other to create a resonance, harmonic frequency.

This resonant harmonic stays consistent over the course of time; due to certain constrains of the constants ( size and shape of the Earth, of the ionosphere; of the speed of light, and radio frequency waves, etc.)

1.1.5 - Amplitude spikes are not resonances, nor are they harmonics, nor are they measured in Hertz, which is cycles per second.

Amplitude (the electrical component) comes top-down, from the ionosphere (at around 200,000 Volts) to the Earth ground.

Amplitude is top-down, meaning it does not "rise" to a frequency. Amplitude does not "reach" up to a frequency. Amplitude lowers down to a reported deci-Bel power rating, which is pico-electronVolt deciBels of amplitude.

Amplitude spikes are not resonances, nor are these harmonic frequencies.

Amplitude spikes are jolts of electricity, which come top-down from a much higher voltage than that which is reported by the antenna detector complex.


1.2 = Some Words On Frequency.

Frequency is a term with broad, often confusing usage. For our purposes, we'll define this term.

1.2.1 - Frequency, technically-speaking, is used to designate peak events over time. This is also cycles per second, such as a wave, propagating along a horizontal fashion.

1.2.2 - Amplitude is vertical frequency, or Intensity, measured as deci-Bels of electron-Volts. Spikes relative to the spectrogram are scaled vectors, based upon the limitations of the scope itself.

1.2.3 - Velocity is speed, straight-line vector travel over time.

1.2.4 - Resonant frequency is the difference between two fundamental, or originating waves, called “wavefronts”. These fundamentals run into each other repeatedly. This causes interference patterns, called “standing waves”. Standing waves are quasi-stationary; they oscillate in place in the atmosphere.

1.2.5 - Harmonics are a series of resonances, which are splitting-off from the original primary resonance into a harmonic set of evenly-spaced resonant frequency varients; in this case its “differential frequency”, or the separation between the resonant harmonics is 6.6 Hz. Again, this is a differential in the series, of one harmonic from another.

1.2.6 - Frequency, as given in the standard measurement of radio waves is the distance in kilometers, over time. The number values given in the dependence from Tomsk is a measure of kilometers; this is not the resonant frequency.

1.2.7 - Frequency of the electric scale of a person is separated by 10 Hz. Each of your primary energy center portals ('the chakras') operates in 10 Hz differentials.

1.2.8 - Frequency as periodicity, of heart rate function; synchronization of body centers with states of brain activity: called “coherence.”

1.2.9 - Sympathetic vibrations is the best way of looking at this phenomena; essentially it's where one base resonance was moved to meet another, stronger base resonance

2.0 - Part Two: How To Read Schumann Resonance Reports From Tomsk (Tomsk State University/Space Observing System); in clear, concise terms.

2.1 -Collecting & Processing Data

- The Antenna complex

On the subject of the receiving antennas for the data, we need to understand a few basic concepts on how the signals are measured.

Atmospheric electromagnetics propagate (move) through the atmosphere as follows:

Amplitude [Electric portion of the signal] propagates vertically (as a theoretical 'column') ; As a visual aid, I like to explain it moves like a flagpole, from top down into the Ground to be discharged in Earth's circuit. A di-pole wire [Marconi-type] is commonly used for this portion.

Quality [magnetic-side of the signal] propagates horizontally (laterally)--in a manner described as "hugging the ground" ; As a visual aid, I like to give the analogy of a see-saw on the playground, our theoretical fulcrum would be our theoretical flagpole, grounding into the grid. A pair of induction coils is used for detecting this portion.


2.2.0 - The signal.

2.2.1 -Amplitude/ Electrics

An atmospheric electromagnetic impulse that reaches the antennae hardware (the actual wire itself--which is sufficient enough to overcome the impedance) generates a signal. This initiates electron movement along our wire.

This electron propagation along the wire, is what gets processed through the amplification-filtering chain. An amplified, processed signal is fed into the spectrogram eventually.

This action of electron propagation along the wire ultimately produces a "report." The dependency report is a line graph showing the processed signal, in a line graph form.

There is a dipole-type antenna which measures [Amplitude] the electrics; reading in deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts. The actual strength of the signal itself is not powerful enough to feed into the spectrogram, due to a constraint of the line level input strength of the arriving signal.

2.2.2 -Quality/ Magnetics

Induction coils serve as the magnetic-side [Quality] detectors; readings in pico-Teslas. Quality [the magnetic portion of the signal] travels horizontally, or "hugging the ground", laterally from the source, which is the electric-side.

Induction coils are usually wrapped in protective enclosures of "plexi-glass" or other clear plastic. Generally, these are placed close to the ground, perhaps 6" off ground.

The heart of the SR detecting antennae is the induction coil. This is copper wire wrapped around a magnetically permeable material ("MuMetal").

The coil senses a EMF signal which is within a range of receptivity. The winding material itself, (oxygen-free copper wire) has an internal impedance. This impedance will otherwise prevent a signal from being detected, if the signal is not amplified.

For finer signals like Schumann resonances, finer diameters of wire are required. Incoming signals need to overcome the natural reluctance (impedance) of the wire in order for a signal to be generated along the length of the detector coil.

2.2.3 - What is signal conditioning ?

From the antenna detecting hardware a line signal is fairly weak, so it needs to get amplified to a usable voltage.

From this, a filtering chain is used to remove unwanted noise from the system. Such noise may be a 50Hz peak in the surrounding environment from domestic power mains.

A direct signal is not possible to be fed directly into a spectrogram. There is a line-level impedance issue in the first place that needs to be rectified. The input microvoltage coming from the antenna hardware is not up to a usable line-level strength, so an amplifier needs to increase the signal strength fed to the spectrogram.

There is also a point of data storage on hard drive, which requires a cpu processing algorithm to track, maintain the data, alongside of the dependencies being detected.

2.2.4 - Plotting the Spectrogram

The information plotted on the spectrogram is: the dependency of the dipole antennae; the dependency of (usually 2) induction coils: one for N-S; one for E-W; the dependency of the frequency, which is the distance from peak to peak, in kilometers.

Each of these dependencies has 4 potential colors that might appear on the spectro-, based on the mode, or 'slope' (shape) detected by the hardware itself.

The spectrogram is plotting a 3 dimensional, spherical signal, on a planar surface; based upon the information received from the reporting dependencies. The signal data reporting by dependencies is the 'mode color information'. The mode color information is what gets fed into the spectrographic plotter; therefore creating the interesting set of patterns found on the finished plotting.


Spectrogram is not directly plugged-into the atmosphere; nor is it a meter reading, nor is it a sensor, nor is it a detector; nor is it an antennae.

The spectrogram is not reporting the actual (raw) data, as many people feel that it does.

The spectrogram plots its images based upon the conditioned data coming-from the hardware itself.

Line graphs produced from the processing of the conditioned raw data = "Dependency".

The spectrogram is a useful tool for visualization. Yet, it is important to remember that this image is a composite view, providing a convenient three-dimensional image.

The plotted images of the spectrogram are scaled in resolution to fit the constraints of the actual scope screen.


2.5.0 - The SR Spectrogram

2.5.1 -Spectrogram analyses data.

Analyses means to evaluate; Or, as is our case, to break-up, or disperse the incoming signal of the dependencies.

"A spectrogram is a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies of a signal as it varies with time. When applied to an audio signal, spectrograms are sometimes called sonographs, voiceprints, or voicegrams. When the data are represented in a 3D plot they may be called waterfalls." (

It does not collect, nor measure, nor detect any information. Antenna hardware does the actual detecting of the physical environment.

Antennae wire collects, or detects the actual environmental data, converting it into an electrical signal, processed through an amplification/filtering chain.

These environmental signals become processed through the amp & filtering chain. The amplification and filtering create a conditioned signal, which eventually becomes intelligible to the spectrogram.

Conceptually-speaking spectrogram is a printer, which breaks-up a spectrum of light into constituent elements, based on dimensional ("slope") models, pre-set into the processing algorithm.

At no point is a spectrogram detecting, nor collecting data. This bit of machinery only ANALYSES data from an external (processing) source. [Common misunderstanding of The Schumannist's is the belief that the spectrogram receives the actual data from the atmosphere.]

The Spectrogram is a composite, plotted in colour, based upon the information from the reporting dependencies. This is one of the differences between "the Schumann", and the spectrogram. The spectrogram is plotting an actual signal, which comes from the antennae-detector

Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated by lightning discharges in the cavity between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

The cavity between the ionosphere and Earth ground is called a "waveguide." Schumann resonances bounce-off the Earth's surface; they are not generated FROM the Earth's interior. Lightning discharges are similar to striking a bell, which continues ringing.

This atmospheric resonance "hum" is that which is recognized by the antennae; therefore is that which is recorded on the spectrogram: subtle atmospheric resonances of the pico-range.

Spectrograph machines, in general, break-down a range of signals into constituent frequencies, or portions of the overall signal. With any spectrogram it's important to get the information of the dependencies. This is the signal after it has been filtered and conditioned; or, essentially, the raw data. .

For the sake of illustration, these graphs are reproducing a phenomena which is otherwise invisible. A little artistic license may be necessary, to decrypt the proper information appearing on the spectrogram.


2.5.2 - "Format:

" A common format is a graph with two geometric dimensions: one axis represents time, and the other axis represents frequency;

" a third dimension indicating the amplitude of a particular frequency at a particular time is represented by the intensity or color of each point in the image.

" There are many variations of format: sometimes the vertical and horizontal axes are switched, so time runs up and down; sometimes as a waterfall plot where the amplitude is represented by height of a 3D surface instead of color or intensity.

" The frequency and amplitude axes can be either linear or logarithmic, depending on what the graph is being used for. Audio would usually be represented with a logarithmic amplitude axis (probably in decibels, or dB), and frequency would be linear to emphasize harmonic relationships, or logarithmic to emphasize musical, tonal relationships. "


2.5.3 - [ Basic introductions to spectrogram:



( ]


2.6.0 - Orientation.

On the left side of the graph is the resonance frequency, which starts at 0 in the top left corner. From there moving downwards, the numbers increase.

Running along the bottom of the graph is the measurement of Time. There are two sets of clocks. Immediately below the graph is a string of white numbers, which is Tomsk Local Time.

The larger yellow numbers (provided by Disclosure_news) below these are time in UTC.

[ UTC originates in Greenwich, England; stands for Universal Time Co-ordinated. (Tomsk is UTC+17; East coast US is UTC-5).]

The Spectrogram coloring is plotted from the reporting 12 dependencies, of Amplitude (Modes 1-4) ; Quality (Modes 1-4) ; Frequency (Modes 1-4);

"At rest, fair weather state" (theoretical 'zero state') is Dark Blue. Dark blue is our "canvas."


2.7.0 - Earth's Geo-Electric power grid.

2.7.1 - Earth: A Battery

It is well-advised to consider the planetary sphere as a type of battery. Three main components of the "Earth battery" are: the Upper DC circuit; AC circuit; Lower DC circuit.

2.7.2 - "DC" is direct current; or moving in a straight line. "AC" is alternating current; or moving in a wave formation.

2.7.3 - Upper DC Circuit. This is Basically the IMF (Inter-planetary magnetic field) which links Earth to the Sun. This is the magnetosphere, and ionosphere together. The Upper DC circuit acts as a capacitor to hold a high voltage charge in the upper atmosphere. The amount of charge held here is between 200K-250K Volts.

2.7.4 - AC Circuit. This is the area between the upper DC circuit, and the Earth Ground of the planet herself. This is also referred-to as the "waveguide" in which the SR activates. Energy range of this circuit is pico-electro-Volt, and pico-Tesla.

2.7.5 - Lower DC Circuit. This is the Earth ground of the planet herself. The first primary layer of conduction is through the telluric currents. The water and soil of the planet conducts a current, which is the magnetic side of power, moving laterally through the planet herself. This is measured in nano-Teslas

2.7.6 - Insulator, or Electric "choke". Under normal conditions, the lower atmosphere is generally a fine-enough insulator between these two poles of the planetary battery; which are both measured in the nano-Tesla range of the spectrum.

2.7.8 - Battery poles. The upper DC circuit is one pole of the battery. The lower DC circuit is the other pole of the battery. SR come from the discharge between one pole to the other. Usually, it's the Upper DC to the Lower; yet, the flow might move in the opposite direction, from Earth to ionosphere.


2.8.0 - The Twelve Dependencies 4 Modes Of Reception.

2.8.1 - What is the SR "Mode" ?

The Short answer is that the Mode gives one the coloring information plotted on the spectrogram.

Mode is a correlation, or comparison between the Electric and magnetic components to the EMF within measurable range of the antennae. Because electricity and magnetism move as a "requited pair"; there should always be an inverse relationship between Amplitude and Quality.

Amplitude refers to the height of the signal, which is the coherent vector [velocity] of voltage (electron-Volts)

Each antenna complex reports four modes of Amplitude, Quality, Frequency. The antenna complex is recording a 3 dimensional configuration, based-up the signals received of the dependencies of the measuring hardware, after its been filtered and processed.

This is set-upon the base which measures the magnetics, or Quality, along two separate axes, 90 degrees apart; these are aligned North-South / East-West.

A Mode is a presumed shape of the SR wave. There is a mathematical description of the size and geometry of a wave of a theoretical model within the processing of the incoming signal; within a pre-measured SR spectrum (0.3-40Hz for Tomsk).

[Modes explained: ( ]


2.9.0 - Modes = color info

Modes are what provide the coloring on the spectrogram plottage, depending on the parameters of the reporting hardware.

Modes are inversely related between the height of Amplitude, and the width of magnetics; which translates to the direction that a color moves, in addition to the size and shape of the "brush" used to color the spectrogram

White is Mode 1. This correlates to the highest layer of the ionosphere, furthest away from the planet; where the purest voltage is held intact.

White Amplitude is the tallest signal, highest in voltage. Narrowest in Magnetics.

Yellow is Mode 2, which measures a lower frequency range, or bandwidth, than the White Mode.

Red is Mode 3, which measures successively lower range of bandwidth than Yellow.

Green is Mode 4, the lowest frequency, largest in wavelength, between 10-100,000 Km in wavelength sizes. This equates to the green "brush" being the fattest, and widest tool to plot on the spectro-

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Jacqueline Grace
Jacqueline Grace
Jun 27, 2021

Got a cool pic of the full moon the other night.


Telluric Currents

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