(Originally posted: 21 Jan 2021) "Guided Meditation of the Amethyst Flame In The Eternal Forest"
This is a guided meditation of the eternal flame, the amethyst fire which burns, and purifies all that is brought to it. As a way of releasing the lowest densities back to Source to be dissolved, and purified, we take a journey to the Eternal flame, to the Abode of the Angels, to ask Source, and our spirit guides to please protect us, and help us to release these lowest densities.
Excerpt for last night's live stream.
This was at the end of the livestream, which was four hours into it. Most were gone for the night, by then.
As a public service, I captured this from the original, as an extract. I'm going to show this as just a premiere.
3:40:40 is approx. where this starts in the live stream: (https://youtu.be/NF-pMx296oA)
Thank you Verte !!!!!!
That was super awesome. I took you with me and you were there for awhile. I could always hear you except a few times I thought I went to sleep because I would come back to hearing you with words. I saw my guide !!!!!!! There was only one. I don't know if I am supposed to say. I want to say he was a he. but who knows. Bright ,Big, Yellow and had that matrix code in brilliant white lettering running throughout it's body of really bright yellow light. He reached a hand out to me and I put mine there. It seems like I went to sleep. And then I was hearing your voice again ........ very coo…