SR seen through Anthroposophy, with Earth sciences and natural philosophy thrown into the mixture; From the perspective of atmospheric resonances and collective consciousness. An introduction to "Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman," Anthroposophy and the works of Dr. Rudolph Steiner.
[0.0] Preface.
Under normal circumstances, I work to present the rather complex technical data behind the Schumann resonances and associated atmospheric electro-magnetics, in a manner that is simple, concise, and thorough.
Most of the content for Schumann Resonance harmonics group and channel is highly technical and difficult to grasp, at least at first. Up to this point, the majority of what I've given my viewers is theoretically able to be understood by a high school student (this is my theoretical reading level). This stated, It takes alot of time invested in lots of reading, to be able make progress in truly understanding this topic. With dedication, and consistent dialogs, answering specific questions, over time, there becomes a familiarity with the subject matter. Continued exposure to the learning materials, eventually things start to click, falling into their right place.
The following is not such material. This is going to be new to you. This is not for everyone. I can't make it more simple. This is very advanced.
I'm doing this because I was told by my Guides that it's time to put this out there. Some will be ready for this. That's not for me to determine...I'm simply to make the best writing, then release it.
If my Guides have told me that it's time, then I suspect there are a few out there who can understand. They have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, as the expression goes.
This is going to be one of those projects that's going to be unlisted on YT. A link provided through my website, or Patreon, will get you there.
[0.1] Introduction.
One of my main roles in this incarnation here is to serve as Etheric Technician. This is essentially a person who know about how the highr dimensions and densities work, while they relate to lower res. Earth-based phenomena. In the everyday reality of understanding many technical principles at work in the external world; while summarily knowing how this relates to the information found on the graphs and charts; in addition to how the physical hardware is put together.
Yet, this channel is the place we look at the delineation between science and belief. We learn what the Schumann resonances as a physical phenomena actually are, in addition to what they are not. Much of what these are not is the mystical infusions, endowed unto them by novices.
Beyond the standard technical engineering of the machinery, and the common understanding of the phenomena in action, lay an area outside of the banal. There is the ungrounded introduction of mystical elements into the mix, which corrupt the actual spiritual principles at work. By introducing the non-technical narrative in place of the correct one, this serves to nebulize, and shittify the elements of what actually matters.
There is a spiritual science, as well as a secular one. One of the major differences lay within the fct that the spiritual-side allows for the existence of an intellignet universe. The spark of life from Source exists in all created and living beings.
Growth and spiritual evolution of the human individual as a conscious entity...
-Development of ego/sense of self
-Individuation from Source/Densification into matter
-Of spirit into the matrix of forms
-Concrescence of spirit and matter
Within what is empirically proven and provable, is the existence of written records of society; the furthest of which goes back approx 6,000 years.
Temple records in the form of heiroglyphs and stellae carvings, cuneiform tablets tell a narrative which modern human societies are lost in trying to decypher.
Meanings of symbols and images carved in stone are now ultimately lost to modern man;
except in the instances where they view these through the lense of an electric universe, with recurrent events.
Modern homo sapien sapien (the rationalizing animal, able to rationalize his own demise, among all other available options); is all at once a few unique things:
A hybrid being;
A being divided;
A race born with amnesia;
A race which has lost contact with its 'original nature';
A race which is essentially lost in the greater scheme of things.
We are a race of individuals isolated: for each other, from our neighbors, from a divine Source, and from our very own souls.
With all the push towards embracing technology as a saviour of modern society, in the aggregate, we are not proportionately better-off as a warm-blooded species.
[0.2] Towards A Working Theory
Collective consciousness does not automatically mean this is of a positive type orientation; as there are spiritual forces at work driving humanity to a collective zombification process. It is "spiritual" in that it is an invisible force preceding the advent into the material realm. We discuss "collective consciousness" from the serruptition of the human psyche, through technical, and technological means.
The phrase Anthroposophy is one which was coined by Dr. Rudolph Steiner.
"Anthroposophy is a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner that postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world that is accessible by direct experience through inner development. More specifically, it aims to develop faculties of perceptive imagination, inspiration and intuition through the cultivation of a form of thinking independent of sensory experience, and to present the results thus derived in a manner subject to rational verification." (Wikipedia)
Within this series of lectures, "The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman," Dr. Steiner discusses spiritual science, as a countermeasure against rising materialism, coming alongside the incarnation of Ahriman, God of technology.
Who inspires me? Who motivates me in my work, as we move forwards ?
Presenting one of my mentors I encountered in my early stages of awakening; who is a Guide, going forwards, into this Technological Age. This material is not suitable for the beginner, in fair warning; Nor, for the novice who is uncertain where s/he is at, in the larger and current cycle of Earth-based evolution.
I became acquainted with Steiner in 1995, purely through accident. I found one of his books in the donations bin at the library. At the time, I was not ready for it...yet, I understood many of the issues happening in this world, of a technological nature, are engineered by a higher power, much greater than the human intellect.
We know there is a "shift" occurring in society; yet, what are we shifting to, or into?
There's what's being labeled "the great awakening" ...
and then there is the truth behind this narrative, relative to the Galactic's view of this phase of the Great Cleaning. As I have continuously described this time of great change, it has usually been with the phrase "the wrap-up of the wrap-up".
It is through this vetting concept that many of my comments and responses explain the unseen forces, shaping the phenomenal world around us, replete with the mysteries currently unfolding around us. Many signs in the sky and wonders to behold.
It is now the ending of the Great Year, an approximately 26,000 year orbit of our local sun around the greater Central Sun. Historically, this comes with a great upheaval in Earth, leading to cataclysmic events worldwide.
Yet, The greater intelligence of Source is there to provide assistance to the sapient residents of the planet...if they would choose to accept it. Usually, this comes in the form of human-incarnated helpers and Guides...frequently a series of them.
There exists the seeds for the beginnings of the next cycle, in the continual evolution of the human a whole. This growth is going to take an incalcuable long time to complete.
Not everyone is going to "get there" at the same time. Some are going to be taking much longer than others. Collective evolution means we are all going to the same destination eventually. All individuals move at their own unique rate.
Before ascension as a destination, there needs to be a collective clearing of the ballast holding back the individual from his/her highest potential, within the physical realm.
There is no short-cutting the work in the spiritual realm. The greater intelligence of The Universe, will not be cheated. No action of love goes unnoticed by The Source Of All Things.
Eventually, a tipping point is reached. The pendulum swings back the other way. This is the time for clearing, and removing the societal ballast.
Frequently, individuals confuse the spiritual with the mystic. These terms are not interchangeable.
In one view, the spiritual realm is the invisible forces and principles holding-together, or underpinning the sensible world around us. For every physical manifestation, there are summarily spiritual causes at work behind the scenes, silently working to make things occur; Likewise, there could be no physical expressions (chemical manifestations) without the expression of a spiritual principle.
Mystic is the realm of visionaries, dreamers, sorcerers and conjurers. It is difficult to envision mystic principles, or how the underpinnings function in third density, where things need a logical cause-and-effect to occur. Mystic realm is that of instantaneous manifestation, for the ether and dream realms. This is fine for what it is, however, this is not, for our purposes of discussion, the basis of the spiritual realms.
As there are physical principles, so too are there spiritual principles at work in the everyday, banal, mundane world.
We can look at the technology behind the pure science and engineering, to accept a spiritual science, guiding our interpretation of the data.
This aspect may be one of the most difficult of all these factors in this pursuit: the understanding of SR from a spiritual, as well as secular science perspective
[0.3] Application Of Theory.
How does this relate to the Schumann resonances ?
It's not simply enough to know how to read 'The Schumann'--even if we understand that it is a spectrogram, and what that means.
I have mentioned previously there is a large problem in referring to the spectrogram as "the Schumann". Among other things, it sets-up a void of understanding, within the mind of the user of this phrase. It is not a valid term anywhere, yet, because of the power of imagination, it is given a defacto meaning to the novices.
Language we use, makes a big difference in how we quantize, and think about the ideas we're working with. Concepts are moved from the head into common space through the use of words. Summarily, our understanding of the words further enforces, and shapes the concepts which we trade with each other.
It's not simply enough for people to know, or feel they know the Schumann resonances. It's the issue that we are depending upon the mediated version of the natural phenomena, and substituting the mediated version for the ultimate reality.
Many people want to understand the Schumann resonances intellectually; claiming to be interested in "the truth" of these. Yet, when faced with the truth of the scientific reality they are looking for, they wilt at the lack of meaning in what they have found.
In many cases, truth for humans is best represented by an onion, which comes off in layers. At the core of this, it's realized that the truth was found inside they layers which were discarded. It's not just enough to know facts, and data, without understanding what makes the data so meaningful.
The Hermetic principle is that all truths are half-truths; all lies, are but half-lies. There are three faces to all stories: yours, mine, and the objective reality, which may, or may not be, somewhere inbetween those two poles.
In the discovery for the meaning of the Schumann resonances, many are starting-out their pursuit, based upon a half-truth, at best. Essentially, it comes with the assumption that there is a link of causality between personal physiological issues, and the spikes found on the technological representation, such as the graphs from Tomsk.
In the discovery of meaning, and a handle on how to technically understand the graphs, there seems to be this built-in presumption. It may not be the sake of learning in order to learn what there is to know about the subject. Corners get cut.
The technical truth of the established engineering behind the measurements of the SR is a rather steep learning curve. It is an easier proposition to go with the "easier, softer way" of the Ascensionists narrative (of Earth's frequency being 7.8Hz, and this is rising, as seen in amplitude spikes); than it is to comprehend the actual phenomena itself.
A clear comprehension of the situation is necessary; and why, ultimately, it is wise and prudent to evacuate terms like "the Schumann" from our vocabularies.
Yet, this preliminary discussion is more than about the simple word choice between "The Schumann", or "The spectrogram." This discussion gets to the core value of what are you actually talking about, do you know what you're saying, and how are you actually looking at the phenomenological world around you?
Words and dialog is more than simply a body function, akin to a burp or a fart. It is a human tendency to nebulize, and shittify the common language, so it no longer has a meaning to it. Words, language both written and spoken, are a gift from the Logos, or Spirit of the Creator. These are technologies of communication.
There is a level of meaning behind language, coming from the spiritual world: the invisible realm of mind and spirit. There exists the mental space, mental forms and constructs, which we dedicate language towards expressing and exchanging, one with another.
Before getting any further in the spiritual realm, we need to look at the divided head of the human, as provided through language:
Where did this technology of complex sounds, being used as a language, develop?
Language, especially English, is rather confusing, clumsy; how could this have developed naturally, this innate ability to bullshit, and lie through the language?
First, we examine the story of the Tower of Babel; what was it? What happened?
Eventually, we are looking to discuss the incarnation of the Ahriman, God of Technology. What conditions need to be met, to seal his arrival into human form ?
We examine the split-brain/divided mind of the human creature.
Ultimately, we look at the two hemispheres processing environmental data in unique ways.
The two hemispheres are managing different bodily functions, yet, based upon two separate ways of processing the incoming sensory data.
There's more to follow, however, this gives a good summary to this point where I've written.
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