Simply because someone WANTS to help, does not mean they can help. There are problems that a person can have, that is beyond what another person can help someone with.
It can take alot of effort to ask another person for help. It can take a great amount of mental work to figure-out how to ask, or what exactly to ask for.
I may know I need help, but it's entirely possible I don't know how to phrase the request. As will all human affairs HOW one says something is more important what what is said.
Asking for help is one of the most difficult things of living on this planet. It's so difficult, in fact, that it's largely better to just do the thing myself, without ever asking for help.
Then, there's the cases where we would bring our problem(s) to someone, and they don't know how to deal with it. There are those who turn YOUR problem into THEIR problem; Or, your issue is too much for them to deal with, so, you get a lecture, or whatever, instead of the help that you need.
On top of all the immense trouble of just getting someone on the same page who is willing, and able to help...then, there is the fact there's problems that no one can help.
Death of a loved one is one of those problems that no one can help another person with. There is not anything that the living can do, to assist in the loss of a major support person.
People are not interchangeable cogs. One a major support person goes to the other side, there is not someone else lined-up to take their place. Once you lose a loved one, they are "gone."
The loved one went into spirit form, yet, here as a human, we are deaf, dumb, blind to anything not in the Physical form. This is what traditionally has been called the "veil of Maya," of the Veil of the World. This veil is one of the most unique things about this planet, which make it so incredibly difficult to actually live here, in Earth.
People want to help; but that does not mean they are able. There are problems that others can not help with. With this stated, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all the people who do help others. To thank profusely all those who are willing, able to help. There are plenty of people around the world who like to help others.
For myself, I will state clearly that I've done my share where that's concerned. Simply planting a garden is one of those other-serving activities. There's a world of benevolence I have imparted to Earth, through tending the flowers and plants selflessly. For myself, I truly believe that good acts should be done out of sight of others, without telling anyone.
I have been THAT guy, who helped, when no one else would. The guy who volunteered, when and where no one else would. I've actually managed to save a few lives. I have acted, and made a difference.
And yet, with all the work, I look at Earth...and can only say: the work here in never going to be done.
I gave it a great shot.
At this point, I'm tired, and I just wanna go back home for a rest.
Earth is not home. It's never felt like home. I volunteered to incarnate here, to be a part of the great "happening" at this time. I'm very grateful for the experience of being here, living in Earth-birth form.
Yet, honestly, this place is utterly terrifying. Humans are a dangerous lot. Feel free to put me first and foremost in that category. Being born under the Veil of forgetting, is to me, singly the most terrifying thing ever. It literally, enables people to do anything they can rationalize.
My impressions of this one life here, in this place, in this form, at this time..... wow. Words fail. This truly is a terrifying place now.
The plants are wonderful. The plants are not terrifying. the plants are here to heal us. the fact that the powers that be have made certain plants illegal because of this very thing; that the plants are demonized because they DO heal.
The fact that humans can go so far as to make illegal, and to demonize some of the very things that come with the planet, to heal us....
there literally in no natural, inborn "stop" to the most destructive of the human elements.
If one can not feel, inherently, intuitively that there's a huge something wrong with demonizing and making illegal certain plants that predate the human species...
if this doesn't set-off any alarm bells, there's truly no help for humanity. Think what you want, but this is where I'm at in my trip to Earth-school.
I've done more than my part in all of this, and i'll say what I want at this point. Simply: give me back the plants you've made illegal, or ABORT me.
There is life after inhabitation of this form. At this point, as pissed as I am about this exact type of shit, as specified here...let me move on to the next life, so I can take care of things properly.
I recall my life before coming here to incarnate in the Free Will Zone of Earth School, which is an anachronism to the rest of the known Universe. I recall picking my "classes", and making the Contract, before incarnating. I have been shown my life once I "depart this mortal coil." The one coming up after this one is much nicer for more. Not so with everyone moving on. I will have fully earned my place.
The biggest reason why no one can help me with my problem, my main problem at this point, is because primarily no one wants to face their mortality, and the shortness of this lifetime.
People can't deal with this issue their selves, how is anyone going to help me with mine? What lie are you going say, about where the soul went, or what happens next, when you can't fathom this yourself?
I can deal with "death" and moving on very well. I welcome this experience, once again.
I have all my problems in dealing with the living, and the Earthen-based existence. Having to do what I need to do, simply to survive, is just about too much. Having to work at a job that literally captures the spirit, and robs the will to live here...
and on the list goes, of simply talking about average society. This is the bottom of the Kalayuga Epoch...the worst of the worst.
I volunteered to be see this. Now that I've seen 53 years of it, I personally have seen enough.
Seems kinda hollow to be here to live only to help others, when I don't really have much joy at being here at this point.
Sure I have skills. I have lots of talents. I have ambition to do stuff, if I'm up to it, I know the purpose to being here, blah, blah, blah...
Honestly, I'm tired of saying good bye to people, and then getting visited by them in my sleep...and no peyote, nor mushrooms, nor anything to deal with this shitshow of Earth at this time.
I love Earth, the planet. She is the Creator goddess, as far as I'm concerned. There is no intelligence greater than her, which is otherwise objectively provable.
Yet, what has been done to Her, against Her...
I can't even really blame humans. Most of them are not acting of a free will in all the damage they've caused. The veil is multi-faceted. It prevents one from seeing the Planet as a living, Creator being. God incarnate, with us as mineture versions of the living sphere.
Humans ultimately can, and do the right things...once the veil goes down.
That's what this "awakening" is. that's what "ascension" is, when one can see through the veil, into all of the foolishness of the human species, as a captured, slave race of hybrid beings.
I am really just sick. I'm sick of being here. I need a vacation far, far away from truly heal. It's not necessarily that this place is so bad, so much as I have become THAT bad.
I came here with an over-exhuberance of willing-ness to help. I wanted to be here. Now, I couldn't care less. All my family is gone. All my friends from home gone. Every week it seems, I've lost another person I cared-about. I've lived a life, and had alotta fun.
As fun as it's been here, it's like visiting an amusement park. Eventually, it's just time to go home.
It takes multiple, multiple lifetimes here, in order for it to feel as natural as it does to alot of people. There's a settling-into the Free Will Zone of Earth-school, as the only existence at all. The Veil is THAT thorough. It is able to block-out the presence of a Source.
This is the worst part of this experience. Words fail to adequately describe how painful that is. Simply to occupy this "intelligent vessel", where IT is what controls that access....
try all you like, but the automatic function, which is prevalent all elsewhere in the Universe, is absent here. What is automatic is the sloth, and devolution of the natural Earthen-birth poised existence.
For those souls/spirits recently incarnating into a human form, the expression "I couldn't stand being in my own skin" is a common expression. Incarnating into one of these intelligent suits is literally, incarnating INTO Earth. This body is clay. It returns to the planet, once the spirit evacuates the physical vessel, the "shell."
There can be an infinite space between the physical world, and Prime Source; depending on the individual's mindset. It is such that if a person declares there's no such thing as God, and he believes it, and there it is written in the heavens. The meaninglessness of this existence is noted in the heavens, as it's been declared. Source revoves itself fairly thoroughly at that point. The person declared, it with intention, and this becomes the individual's reality at that point.
The apparent lack of a Prime Source Creator has been offset by the instant manifestation of Creative, divine intelligence, or focused consciousness, which comes with the spoken word. We are given the power to manifest that which we would like to see.
Yet...this is the physical realm, and there will be work involved.
And work takes work.
I don't mind work...
I really, simply need a rest.
Far away from Earth, so that I can heal.
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