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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

25-30 July 2021. Reply to post in FB Group 'The Schumannn Resonance Harmonics [...]'

25-30 July 2021. Reply to Alexis Buck; FB Group The Schumann Resonance Harmonics [& Associate Atmospheric Electromagnetix]

25-8 July 2021. Current Report From Tomsk. Data void/Technical issue on the reports.

Hi everyone, it's been a little while. Wanted to say hi...

Data void today. All 4 panels showing a data void.


No, they are not hiding anything. We recently had a fairly large solar flare, and we see that on 26th.

This is a period of relative calm...there's nothing to hide, at this point... FYI

In the pinned Announcement, is a fairly comprehensive essay on how to properly read the graphs, and spectrogram from Tomsk.


Alexis Buck

How can you prove there’s nothing to hide.

Verte Arbusto [Admin]

Alexis Buck It's your claim that there is something to hide. The proof goes on you to prove malfeasance.

Why do they need to hide anything, when if they give you to correct information, you don't know how to interperate it correctly?

This is the technical, and standard engineering side here.

People have all sorts of hidden agendas when they come here, based on their own individual beliefs of some version of what's happening.

They are giving you folks clear data, and it doesn't matter, because you make up your own version of the actual facts.

Mysticism is replacing actual science [relative to SR studies amidst the masses]...

and they you folks cuss-out the actual science.

You can't seem to get what's actually happening, so the pool gets soiled with these unfounded statements.

This is not the Disney-version's on you to prove malfeasance, and a conscious tampering with the data.

To this point, it's merely wishful thinking. There has been no proof of "censorship". There's only people who misread the data, and WANT to find something screwy happening.

What's most telling are those who use the expression "The Schumann". This says alot. This tells more about the person claiming the malfeasance, than anything else.

MANY, many folks are looking at this from the mystic's view. without any grounding in the actual technical details involved

The real problem is that the technical side is simply beyond the capacity of the average person to grasp.

The "censored data" is a much easier narrative to support. It doesn't take any kind of techgnical understanding of the machinery, and technical principles involved.

Understanding how this technically works is not for everyone. Nothing wrong with accepting it's just over your head.

One might be able to learn it properly, from the ground floor up...

Yett, for the most part, there's this kind of fault logic in the system, that can't be excoriated.

One the system error (as you have introduced), gets distributed through the system, the works are fouled.

It's not that you couldn't know, it's that you have willingly, willfully closed the channels to understanding this properely.

So, what concrete proof do you have to support your claim?

let me see it...

Alexis Buck

Verte Arbusto listen Verte, we’ve talked about this, you know I realize the mystic narratives that do fly off the handle. As a scientist, who’s watching correlating solar data, I’m offering my opinion with evidence to boot, that that section of time would have been really great to have. The engineering side to this even is too close in coincidental timing in my opinion. I have been watching a while to actually see if there is patterns. I work alone, I was here before the mystics blew up on their pages filled with entirely different perspectives. There’s also much to commend to those who want to keep the peace and study spiritual and scientific theories while we watch the data stream in each day. I’m studying is Ascension is real, because my logical mind has always been wanting to know more.

Science has been cruel to its inner magic and those who love it, science has evolved into the age of now, and it could use a softer edge at times, that’s what discovery is.

I’ve got evidence of huge cme activity in this window of time, I would have liked to compare the data but it’s not there. Why?

Sounds like we both don’t have a confirmed reason, so who’s to say either of us are right.

Data is missing.

Was it removed?

Was it mechanical error?

Is there an agenda to this public data?

I think personally, yes right now, nothing’s free.

The timing is often way too noticeable to me and my audience/friends who watch...

Just have to poke the bear a bit and play with you, I’m actually a scrappy scientist myself deep down so let’s have fun here let’s debate that friendly philosophy here eh 😆

The fun of social media is we all get to talk and I hope my words show you I want to cooperate, be friends, have fun, and get my chance to debate with fellow intellectuals in the public forum 💕 I feel like people have been beaten down from carrying on a debate, but I think this discussion is important for those wanting to genuinely learn this stuff and I consider myself one of those people too

Verte Arbusto

Alexis Buck First, thank you for your comments. I appreciate you giving feedback on my post.

The issue you bring-up is a linger doubt, we will call it. The data voids are something that needs to be addressed, properly. Being viewed objectively does not get this proper treatment from the "mainstream" (Ascension-based) community, which is looking for an answer.

There's many who hold this view. I've stated before: I'm a 'buck-stops-here' kinda guy. I have been troubleshooting, and diagnosing all sorts of technical problems for over 40 years. I personally have worked with electronics, and radio, and audio video, including reading gauges, meters, and spectrograms. I have a very practical experience in these things that come with working with actual equipment.

Fun is not fielding insults by arm-chair scientists maligning a venerable institution, such as Tomsk University, who is ENTIRELY responsible for the authority of publishing their results, free to the public. Tomsk University is doing a fine job, and has been holding down radioelectronics as a course of study, for nearly 60 years.

In this FB group here, we view the standard technical and accepted engineering protocols. I'm not favorably disposed of folks taking pot-shots at Tomsk's results, without there being any evidence to support these whatever claims.

No, we have not talked about this previously; if you mean you and I personally. We have exchanged little about the Schumann resonances, or associated atmospherics. I figured you are all set, and you know all you need to. Had we talked at any length previously, I would have countered your assertions of anecdotal coincidences being offered as objective validation. as being preposterous as the reasoning how or why "they" are hiding data.

Occum's razor guides us that barring any evidence to support an extroadinary claim, the more simple explanation is to be preferred.

You have been taking the most complicated route, in this dictum that data is being surgically extracted.

I can't tell you who extracted any data, when the system runs fairly autonomously. There's not a person stationed there, watching the results of the graphs, as some seem to feel.

Again, they simply are not censoring the data, because they don't need to . Most folks got it all mixed-up and mangled before getting to the spectrogram. I find ZERO need, nor want, nor enough care on behalf of Tomsk, for them to bother spending one second manipulating the data.

What's the point of falsifying the data, when people can't tell one thing from another. They don't need to foul the data. The human is his (or her) worst enemy when it comes to these things.

Folks can't bother to ask the Universe for Wisdom and discernment, or don't think they need to. So, as such, the thinking of the human is completely ungrounded, and prone to all sorts of systemic errors introduced into the works.

Once the head is corrupted by these errors, like you are introducing, the error is essentially unrecoverable, as the seeds of doubt have been sown.

If it's not learned properly from the beginning, there's small hope that wisdom later-on, will be allowed to be introduced into the circuit of understanding.

I understand about this "ascension". I incarnated into this one lifetime to be here, to go through this. It's going to take humans millennia to recover from it's imprisonment. Most humans are damaged, and rightfully skeptical of everything...and yet, they are oddly complacent about the things that are poisoning them.

Before anyone gets any "elevation" there is a whole lot of ballast that must be cleared out. No one's going anywhere until it's cleared-out. There's no going around it, nor past it. The Universe's not going to be cheated by the humans who like to cut-corners, and call it "good enough."

What make me different from most folks is that I have already gone through a few of these ascensions. Technically, I've met the conditions for graduation at this point. I'm not here involved in the Schumann resonances because i feel i need it for my ascension. Humans will get there...eventually. Some are going to be along much, much, much later.

You can spiritually evolve, regardless of the Schumann resonances. The fact so many are addicted to seeing the image is, in itself instructive of the age we are in; with the touchstone of the ultimate Reality from which modern homo saps has slipped.

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