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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

24 April 2022. Observations on Tomsk; 60 dB peV Spike. The not-so-brief brief on what they are.

22-25 April 2022. Observations on the Schumann Resonance spectrogram from Tomsk, Russia; Space Observing System at Tomsk State University. The not-so-brief brief on what they are.

(Capture: Source )

Some Disclaimers. The information comes from a station in Tomsk, Russia, based at an educational institution. There information should be used as an educational tool to help understand how the Schumann Resonances are properly detected and measured. Tomsk is a dedicated Schumann resonances detection station. They call this 'detection' due to the weak, subtle nature of the resonances.

The SR antennae only report local conditions. There is an effective limit to how far the antennae can detect a signal from. Its effective range is approximately 5Km. These machines are good indicators of general, overall world conditions; yet, if you are not in Tomsk Russia, these readings only approximate your geographical location.

Local Conditions. Especially if one lives along the coast, Barometric pressure makes a bigger difference in how you physically feel, than any other atmospheric condition; excepting adverse conditions like hurricane, hail where you get pummled, rain, etc. On a "fair weather day, as they say. Additionally, sources of strong electrical output, like powerlines, will cause an adverse effect on the person, which overrides natural conditions.

This author, myself, have decades of hands-on, practical experience with radio, television broadcast studio at public access station in my hometown, as a dj and tech at the college radio station, building and repair of pcs, creating videos in non-linear editing suites like Premiere Pro (which I still use), audio editing in programs like Audacity (which I still use); in addition to the vocational training in electronics component repair, as well as Networking and internet communications protocols, fixing and maintaining and improving digital capture systems at a photograph company with traveling photographers. This is the short list of practical experience in related areas, that allows me the practical understanding of how these work. Additionally, I've had training in technical writing, as well as expository writing, journalism, and marketing. First year of my A.S. degree I took engineering courses to eventually become an engineer; however, I'm not a math person.

For those keeping track of such things: My official "ascension" happened on 17 July 2019. Not that long before coming on board here, as a regular member. Simply, ascension is completion of the contract. Didn't happen, you say, or I wouldn't still be in human form? Well, funny thing that, when your loved ones and friends pass-on, your karmic connection with them is complete, in this lifetime. So, by virtue of natural attrition at this time loved ones are leaving, and that helps complete the Contract; this is one of those bittersweet aspects of the work, saying goodbye.

The Contract completion is the ascension, at which time, one might request passage through the solar portal, which permission I officially have earned. When it's time, I'll have my new vessel, what I call my original body. Until then, I still maintain the adamu, clay body, for the purposes of communicating the messages from Source, clearly. I'm still here because I'm needed here, it's that simple. Or I could be home now. This is sorta "extra credit" for me. Thank you for making this fun and special for me :-)

Some Simple Insights. Presented in the capture are 4 panels of data. In order, from top to bottom: SR Spectrogram, [A]=Amplitude, [Q]=Quality, [F]=Frequency. The spectrogram is a plotter, which manufactures, or generates an image representing a 3-dimensional model of the Atmospheric electro-magnetics. The following line-graphs are literal detection data, referred-to as dependency information. The dependencies are what the spectrogram is plotting; as it, of itself, detects no data.

Spectrogram Is A Plotter. This means that it takes the data from the dependencies then compiles, renders a 3D image, based on the color information provided from the modes-method of determining relative relationship of the data.

"The Schumann" Is Not A Spectrogram. Spectrogram is not the antenna-collection data. It does not detect data. It does not receive a signal. It is referred-to as "The Schumann" when presented by itself. This is misleading, and down-right deceptive used in its worst purposes applications. (Some channels are egregious at this.) I've written posts on why "The Schumann" is not a legitimate scientific term, for a multitude of reasons, and why it should be avoided as rhetoric.

Beware Of Rhetoric. There are a number of quasi-scientific terms being tossed-around, in order to get some screwy ascensionist narrative to have validation, and legitimacy. Such terms are: Gamma, X-rays, ascension energy, incoming white light, whatever-dimensional thing from the Central Sun (which is home for me, btw), 5D-6D-etc, even scalar waves, there's a number of jargonistic, pseudo-science terms being associated with the peaks, spikes, anomalies of the spectrogram.

Antennae. Antennae are engineered to accept only a narrow band of signals. The EMF is a wide spectrum. Antennae are build with certain operational parameters, based on the conducting material, usually copper wires. The thickness of the wire itself matters, the amount of times it's wound around a former matters, the purity of the copper itself matters. Depending on the size and intensity of the radio/emf wave that the tech is looking to detect, one has to match the type of conductor to that band of the spectrum. SR antennae are designed to accept, detect the lowest end of the spectrum, from 0.3-40Hz. These are gigantic sized waves, hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size, at the lowest end. Gamma, x-ray, and all the lot of those 'energies' even if they do exist as an actual thing, are not detectable by either the antenna, nor the spectrogram itself. That range of 'energy' is not detectable by the SR antennae.

Modes are a comparison in size and shape between the different portions of the the fundamental waves. The Modes are the color information presented on the spectrogram.

Zero The baseline. 0/ZERO is at the top of the spectrogram. While the zero is at the bottom of the dependencies. The spectrogram is a mirrored image of the dependencies. This inversion is one of the most difficult elements for people to wrap their heads around.

This confusion, my Guides tell me, folks believe that this is measuring the sun's output. And have a hard time seeing this as lightning discharge.

Schumann resonances happen in the pico- range. This starts at 12 places below zero Volts. Personally, it's difficult for me to wrap my head around negative volts. Yet, this is the concept involved. Could you feel zero volts if it was applied to you via copper wire? I couldn't.

By comparison, your phone charger is mili-Volts, or micro-Volts; which is 3 and 6 decimals below zero. The Inter-planetary magnetic field is the nano-scale, which is 9 decimal places. Wireless, wi-fi, my laptop operate in the nano-range. These are orders of magnitude of 1,000 times stronger than the Schumann resonances.

(Side note: Earth released electrical activity at the nano-scale. There's a separate issue of the strength of the Cumiana, Italy signals, which are those measuring seismic, and atmospheric electric monitoring, of a different nature than dedicated Schumann Resonances. These two sets of charts are not showing exactly the same information. The Modes system is a relative scale relationship between the electric and the magnetic-side; which is Amplitude, and Quality respectively.

VLF monitoring at Cumiana spectrographic information includes seismic information, which must be accounted-for, when decyphering the plotted information. [Capture from: ].)

[A] Amplitude. This is the Electric-side of the signal, as measured through a di-pole, or Marconi type. The scale is deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts [dBpeV], which is 0.000000000001 Volts. This is called by a technical term, the "vertical conductivity channel." The spikes on the chart are bursts of lightning.

Many people believe that the spectrogram is measuring, or detecting bursts of light, but that is not what this being detected by the actual antennae. The spectrogram is not detecting any signals, it is merely plotting, compiling and rendering a series of visual aids to assist with the imaging of an invisible source disturbances.

Amplitude, The second panel shows the data received by the di-pole antennae. This is called a "dependency", because it is the foundation for how the spectrogram is going to qualify the signal, and render it into the 3D image of what you see on "the Schumann."

It's important to understand that there are two separate types of antennae that detect Schumann resonance signals. The actual Schumann resonance has to be compiled with the spectrogram, in order for you to recognize it as such.

[Q] Quality. This is the magnetic-side of the signal. The unit is pico-Teslas. A pair of induction coils is used to determine magnetic fluctuation. [Q] is not Q-Factor; this refers to damping a resonator. However, these terms are related.

[F] Frequency. This is measured in kilometers. Standard radiowave measurement system applies. These are not specifying Schumann Resonance frequencies.

Modes. The Mode system is what gives the colors to the spectrogram. Color values on the Spectrogram equal the color information coming from the dependencies, of the antennae information.

There is a reciprocal, inverse relationship between Mode 1 Amplitude, and Mode 4 Quality; based on the slope, or size/shape of the wave. Universe relationship between the height, and width of the incoming signals, which is the radio waves of the lightning, or other electric discharges in the area.

Harmonics work with half-waves, quarter-waves, etc. The Mode coloring system represents the size-shape (slope) relationship between the electric and magnetic-sides of the signal.

White = Mode 1

Yellow = Mode 2

Red = Mode 3

Green = Mode 4

Dark-dark Blue = At rest condition of the background, Zero, in essence.

If one thinks of these as Time stamps, it might be helpful. In principle, the tallest part of the incoming signal is highly electric, less magnetic, is is 90 degrees off-axis to the electric-side.

The tallest portion of the wave is the White mode [1] Amplitude [A]; consequently the narrowest of width, which is the magnetic-side, as represented by [Q], or Quality Mode [1], which is the Q1Mode. Green Mode [4] is the most magnetic of the signal, least electric. It has a relatively small height [A], but wide width [Q].

The initial flash of electricity from a lightning discharge, or in the case of a solar forcing, we see a rise in the White Mode, due to electron release from the upper atmosphere. This starts as a White Mode activity. Then, the signal moves through the cycle of yellow, red, green modes, as it moves from electric to magnetic, while traveling through the atmosphere, passing-by the antennae.

Schumann Resonances themselves do not spike. Resonances simply get louder, and break-off into harmonics, as the intensity increases. The upright spikes are discharges of electron energy.

"Whiteouts" are overloads, so to speak, of the electric channel overwhelming the plotter in creating the representation, with the White of Mode 1Amplitude. It's not measuring "incoming white light" from any Source, because the system is not set-up to detect those types of signals, nor is the spectrogram detecting or picking-up those kinds of signals. which people are alluding to.

Reading Colors. The Spectrogram is very colorful. It can be difficult to see this as a scientific qualitative device, visualizing a wave form actually present, as opposed to a free-form emotional detector, that somehow monitors collective consciousness, It is highly disingenuous, and borderline dishonest, to present the spectrogram without the accompanying dependency data. I try not to hold that against my favorite YT channels; yet, without all the panels present, a person can not properly decypher the rendering of the spectrogram. The color data of the spectrogram is presented from the 3 panels of Amplitude, Quality, Frequency. Each panel has 4 colors, of the 4 Modes, that are used to comprise the rendered image of the waveforms on the spectrogram.

Current conditions.

22nd, Friday. Peaks at 50dBpeV, then 60dBpeV, with multiple smaller ones in the 25-35dBpeV range. These are amplitude peaks, seen as vertical, downward pointing spikes. Essentially from 9 to 18(6pm) Local time is the daytime, into early evening.

This activity is not just "white mode" (Mode 1); but extends across the spectrum uniformely.

We expect to see little to no significant activity on the graph between 22LT-06LT, when it is their night time, which is where the ionosphere goes slack, and it sleeps as well.

23-24th. Flat-lined Amplitude. This is calm electrically, so all-enough of the activity is magnetic in origin. Frequency here is the wavelength measurement. Peak-to-peak measurement is in kilometers. In this case, frequency is high and it's showing on the spectro in the horizontal direction. Quality are waves, and frequency is measuring those. Amplitude is electric-side activity, which is a charge (+-). Magnetics are a current, which is North-South.

24-26th. We get a chance to see a rare close-up of flat-lined Amplitude. All things are relative. When the spike is a 16 dBpeV, one gets a chance to see the "fine print" close-up. This gives us a good opportunity to see what "scaled" means, in practical terms.

The spikes are all scaled to fit into the available space of the hardware itself. This is hugely-difficult concept for people to realize, looking at the spectrogram, observing the spikes.

Amplitude numbers, the first panel is deci-Bels, not frequency of Hz. Deci-Bels are intensity, or power rating, of the free-floating electrons in the air. Simply because there's a spike, does not mean it's necessarily a strong spike, fyi. Look at the actual numbers, as found on the dependency report, NOT on the side of the spectrogram.

Amplitude reading will effect the thinking, heartrate, perhaps, nervousness and anxiety, perhaps headaches, vertigo, maybe nausea.


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