The greatest spiritual truth you can live, is to be true to the material itself. Don't embellish on what is here. Learn the science and technology perfectly as it is, without imposing an agenda for it to fit within.
This space here is reserved for the hardcore science and technology behind the Schumann Resonances.
We are very-much for real on this.
the fact that I have a personal relationship with a Creator Being, simply means I am held to a Higher Standard of being disciplined in the search for understanding the true reality of what's happening here.
There very much is a shift, and a transformation happening, but you might not be part of it. Your personal transition might be on a trajectory of devolution, denigration, sloth, torpor, stupidity, pettiness, as is the normal state of affairs of the human condition.
What I'm giving you here is a University-level "crash course" on Schumann Resonances. I am giving freely of my experience in radio engineering, radio electronics, domestic electronics, electro-tech in general; me as a Mr. Fixit for the entirety of my life (my father was not there growing up).
I am doing this not because I want, or need you help in figuring out what's going on here. Yet, my greatest love is to explain this super-complicated technology, well beyond the understanding of the average persons.
It is in service to my Mission here, to break-down the technology to folks, to be easily understood, and digested.
Because I am Guided by a much Higher Power, I need to remain true to the veracity of the constraints to the technology, and what these graphics allow you to assume.
There is such a push to right this narrative that we are all ascending together as a group, as if all humanity were actually "one".
While this possibilty is there, it is present that eventually ALL humans WILL return to Source, some may willfully decide to prolong their time in 3D, so called Third Dimension. Everything, eventually, returns to Source; but time is temporal, meaning of the mind.
We all don't carry the same sense of urgency, based on a accurate assessment of the availability of time to prepare.
The body itself is the property of the living planet. Your shell, the vessel is property to the living spirit of Gaia, as a gift, of service to the free will veil of the Earth School.
Us residents of Earth-school are alone, seemingly; yet this is done by design. It's a wonderful, terrifying experiment, experience of learning from the ground-up, by our own choosing. "Ego", or sense-of-self, comes as a part of the package, to truly experience isolation from the Source of it all.
The sense of self is the perspective lens through which all experience is mediated in the body. Yet, ego is property of the body-vessel. While here, in Earth school veil, it gets fused to spirit through the cognitive functions of mind, a physical, yet spiritual organ.
Mind exists in the body due to ego, self, sense, and feelings, emotions, intuitive; yet mind is the seat of consciousness, the gift from The All. It's a gift, use of it wisely, for the betterment of one's fellow human.
Not everyone is making the cut, this go-round.
The transformation is not automatic, simply for you being alive at this time. There's work to be done.
Are you the one to do it?
Believe as you see fit. That's what this place is for...yet, just know, the time is running short.
The Universe will not be cheated. You need to have done the proper work...Or else, you will miss the boat.
And it's getting ready to pull-up anchor soon, by whatever calculus you choose to use.
I am still here, in this form, to hopefully bring you the true truth behind what's going on, at least from the perspective of the sci-tech from the technical and factually-correct side.
Yet, my time here is running fairly short. I've seen as much as I want to, or need to here.
My life is elsewhere.
There's a small part of the actual Me, of the totality of who and what I was, that is inhabiting the body. The greater part of "Me" is a "dream state" building. The better part of "Me" is building the New place(s) for us. A full half on my mind/head is "there" already. It's only this vessel that's still "here." I am well-gone at this point. It's not my personal will holding me here. They will not let me leave just yet; although, at another time, not at the end, I would already have been gone. .
I am here now to help folks understand all of this. Yet, my heart is home. Earth is not home.
It is my hope that you will have found some resolution to questions that you have, regarding the natural, real-world phenomena.
I've done my best, most of the time. The actual, true subject here is really, truly immensely difficult for the average person to grasp, much less master.
This is why one can't fake it till he makes it.
You can not shortcut the process, nor assume more to this spiritually than is actually allotted to it by proper application of Principle. I have talked about this very thing extensively here.
I give this to you as if I were standing before Prime Source Creator.
Learn this properly for what it is. Your reward will be found within that search. Elsewise, one is walking off the beam, which is not advisable for continued healthy growth.
Do well, be well.
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