23 Sept 2021. Not Everyone Is Going To Get This.
This month makes 2 years that I have dedicated to exploring and explaining Schumann resonances. I've stated previously my real-world experience in electronics coming into this pursuit.
My interest in Schumann resonances is learning how they work, and how these are measured. My primary drive here has been to examine the atmospheric phenomena, to learn for the sake of understanding what it is.
I have practical, real-world experience in related subject matter. For me, this is a natural; and it can be easily understood how I can simply learn this to learn what's there. No one can argue that there's not alot to this.
My first purpose for being here is to explore a familiar topic. Maybe, hopefully, I can share this love with others interested in learning this phenomena for what it actually is.
I'd like individuals to understand properly how the atmospheric resonances work. This is me sharing my love with others. My motivation is fairly transparent. I don't have a sales pitch, or alternative reason for being here.
My written work is not for everyone. This is not through my conscious intention.
I work to keep the vocabulary and ideas at around the high school level, so that the widest range of folks can learn the technical aspects. On my end, my motivation is to explain the detailed process of how this works.
How one comes into this pursuit makes a difference. What is your motivation in coming into this?
As Admin to the group Schumann Resonance Harmonics, as ask one question to those who are seeking admission into the group. The simple question is: Why are you here?
For the thousands seeking membership, I have read the multitude of reasons. In the relative order of importance, this is the basic synopsis of the reasons why people seek admissions:
1) 7.8Hz = Gaia's heartbeat;
2) Ascension-based reason;
3) Learning more about the Earth in general;
4) Other ("I'm a starseed", "I'm awakened", "for my spiritual growth", etc.);
5) Scientific curiosity, simple interest in the subject.
This is my experience from the 2 years dedicated to exploring the Schumann resonances. Statistically speaking, the technical, pure motivation is the least important of all those given, for the reason for coming into the group.
For the record, I use this question for informational reasons, not necessarily to decline entry to an individual. Usually, the LACK of an answer is what causes a decline of the request.
My work is not going to be received equally by all individuals. For those looking for the technical explanation, this is the best place to learn. I recognize the smallest reason is the most technical.
Simply, those looking for the technical explanation are going to get the most from my work, and what I'm here for.
The larger number of folks are here based on a belief system. That's not the problem, Belief itself is not the issue: replacing actual science and the technology with fantasy and flowery rhetoric IS the problem.
Inadvertently, I wrestle with belief systems.
Belief could be a theory. Or, belief could be faith in something non-corporeal. Or, belief could bed unprovable facts.
I believe in learning technically how the equipment works, without embellishing it without using "new age", or ascension-based language.
Third density is the world of forms. In the physical, chemical-based reality of Earth school, we deal with manipulating materials and forms thereof. Not all forms work together. Not all geometries fit well to each other. Not all thought-forms work well together.
Thought-forms are one of those human conditions that is ever-present. Belief systems are one of those pesky thought forms. Whether a belief is based on scientific fact (observation of space, eg.), or based on no empirical evidence, matters little. There is an inherent power to belief itself. All beliefs work equally as well, if one applies consciousness to those thought-forms.
Someone can give you a verifiable fact, yet, if you choose to not believe it, the fact becomes your personal belief. That's all there is to it.
This is how Prime Source works: all belief is equal. The "chosen ones" are those who work the principles. It's nothing personal...excepting for the fact that I projected consciousness into thought-forms, to enact the principle. This works equally as well for everyone, regardless of the flavor of one's personal belief.
The personal "God" that knows one personally, is a condition of the Logos. The Logos is the Divine spirit of Prime Source, which is otherwise known as the Divine utterance.
For the human experience, in third density Earth school, we labor under "the Veil." It is difficult to sift through legitimate facts and truth, from the spilch and illusion.
It is not idol speak to say that this is the time which will test "the very elect themselves." Who are 'the elect'? They are the volunteers who came here to help the long-term humans.
Allow me to give you a few facts of my life, that might be viewed as belief by someone else. I speak for myself, on my own behalf.
I volunteered to be here.
This is my first lifetime here in Earth.
Earth is a school, in addition to whatever else you might think it is.
I signed a Contract, in order to incarnate into a human vessel. (All souls have a Contract, but I'm only speaking for myself, as I said.)
I chose an absurdly overburdened course-load in Earth school.
Earth school is the most difficult of all of the schools in the galaxy. What makes it so difficult here is the Veil Of Forgetting. Who or whatever a soul may have been before incarnation, the soul forgets. The veil is a great equalizer.
I picked an insanely large course load, or I could have been gone over to the next phase.
There is no "death", there's merely a transition into another state of "matter", or being." The spirit, or soul existed long before incarnation here. The soul exists simultaneously alongside of the life in the human vessel.
I recall life before incarnation into this realm.
Within the selection process of determining my course load, it was explained that I would only have to do this one lifetime, if I finished my contract properly.
This is my first lifetime here, and should be my only one. This makes me truly unique among the humans. As far as I have seen, there's no one else I know who is here for the first time.
The Veil of Forgetting acts as an equalizer to all the souls coming in to incarnate. This makes for one of the most difficult schools there is. Beings who might otherwise have been negatively-aligned, are allowed the opportunity to change their alignment, to become positively aligned, if possible. Animal souls are allowed to incarnate into human form, to be allowed the opportunity to know sentience, in Earth school.
Back home, prior to Earth school incarnation, I was a part of a crew, who volunteered to be here. I am a part of the Technical attache, assigned to enlighten folks about the super-complicated things happening now.
My home is located near the Central sun. My "people" is the Grand Council given charge of sentient affairs of the galaxy. This is the regulatory body that kinda-polices the civilizations which are developing, to make sure that the advanced races are not meddling with the affairs of the lower densities. All the allied races, all intelligent species, all the galactic forces, all benevolent beings predisposed to assist humans; all of the upper density species are bound by the degrees of the Grand Council.
The crew I signed-up with was my people that I volunteered to come here with. Most individuals are a part of a tribe, which we incarnate with. The longer-term residents have been repetatively incarnated with the same tribe, or group of family, likely since the beginning.
The rest of my crew did not survive incarnation into Earth school. It's impossible to explain how difficult it is to willingly lower the spirit's vibrational rate, to match the very, very low vibrational rate of this realm. The advanced beings simply are not able to lower their internal resonance to a point of actually surviving such a low spiritual frequency.
My "other" did not make it. They wait for me on the other side.
Couples get determined before incarnation. A relationship is forged BEFORE incarnation here. The long-term residents have embedded relationships, which weft and weave the personality across multiple spirits. Humans are not individuals, they are embedded into the planetary matrix, necessitating the conjoining of souls, to achieve stability. Human spirits are "soul shards". Humans in Earth school are incomplete, until their partner is realized. Souls incarnate as a part of a group. The greater part of the human soul exists in previous incarnations.
No one is guaranteed a mate, simply for incarnating into Earth School. There is work involved; not the least of which being magically where you need to be at the right time.
This reality is also one of the things making it so difficult here, in this form. Not all souls are guaranteed a mate, for the duration of any given incarnation. Free Will also includes the possibility that someone will do something to negate the Contract. A person can choose to ignore the Contract, and act completely "Free", as if it's only this one lifetime, and we are all alone here.
Free will allows for mutations, and the ability to say "we're all alone here." Free will is not what most think it is. It's never about the end result, nor you getting exactly your way--certainly not at the expense of others' free will decisions.
Free will allows you to say, "this is all meaningless." However, that's not an infinite quantity. It merely takes a meaningful conversation about meaninglessness in order for true meaninglessness to dissolve into free will decisions.
After time in the chemical-based form is completed, I know what my next assignment is. This is to say I know where I'm going "after death." Through the "death portal", if one has followed the Contract properly, comes the next phase which is to travel through the solar star portal of our local star. The sun portal is the catalyst to cause the diamond body to harden, and coalesce.
Not everyone who discarnates from the human form will have earned the Diamond body, the condition of the light body depends upon the works accomplished here in the free will zone.
Each soul is responsible for its own growth. Collective ascension does not mean we are all a hive-mind, and are all equal where it matters, nor does this mean we can rest on the work of another. "ascension" is a misleading term; especially considering how much clean-up is necessary before this can happen. Nowhere at all, in anyway does it say, in any text anywhere, that we are not required to work for what we are to receive. Someone else's work does not evaluate me, in my attainment of the diamond protocol light body. I need to work for this. I will be recompensed for the work that I put in, towards finishing my Contract. I am not evaluated on the end result, nor "success", nor for doing others' work; nor for doing work that's not within my contract. Humans have a bad habit of wanting to substitute easy work for that which needs completion. Ignore the Contract at your own peril. this is one of the foremost, primary things to be considered here in Earth school. Avoid the Contract, the stay lengthens.
Do the work, you can go home, I have been told.
The next "phase" for a human who has done the contract properly... one gets to come back in the new form, to help humans.
The Diamond body is what i refer-to as my "original form." The next "phase" for me is that i get to go back home for a short time, then i return back to help humanity, but this time in my original form.
At this point in life, the only thing on my mind is finishing the Contract, finishing the mission, so that i can get home to be with my people, whom i miss immensely.
I miss my other. If you had been kept from you "other" for an entire lifetime, you would want to go home too.
Earth quite literally, is at the fringes of the galaxy, way out in the far reaches. It literally is so far, distance-wise anywhere else. Having to be sedentary in this swamp has made me stagnant, and sick. The only help for me is to get home with my people.
What makes it the more worse is the isolation of the human being, embedded into the planetary matrix. A portion of the intelligence gets focused through the dirt, and the clay of the body form. This suit of the "adamu" (red, ruddy clay), the earthen form, is an isolator of that which is not earth-based.
Worst of all though, is the total lack of anyone to talk to who understands. Truly, I mean this in every sense, I am alone and by myself here. My birth family is all gone. All karmic ties with them, and my friends are now dissolved. The Death portal effectively dissolves any residual karma between the one, and the tribe members.
My birth family adopted me, more specifically my mother; for the purposes of incarnating into Earth School. The mother needs to agree to host a visitor, who is not originally one of "the tribe."
I'm fairly certain that my father intuitively knew I was not really, truly his son. Without the love and conscious interest of the father towards his children, specifically his son; without his decision to be present, the child grows-up without much motivation to be involved in a family setting. Certainly, i have no desire to have a family here in Earth school.
My single, overwhelming desire is to get home, to my family, and those who love and care for me, from before I incarnated here.
For myself, I've seen all I need to of this place, in this form.
What I do know, is that upon release of the spirit by the body, the disembodied spirit now experiences all of this realm, without limitation of the physical sensory organs. Once released of the body, the spirit is able to sense this realm directly, NOT through the mediation, and obstruction of the sensory organs. Upon discorporation of the body, the spirit is free to roam, and thereby "see" all of those things which he missed in the physical form. In my original form, I can travel without a physical vehical. One can simply appear anywhere, simply for "thinking" of it, and visualizing the space intended to be at.
At this point, my Contract has been fulfilled, relative to those things I needed to attend to, at the basic level of a human in the clay suit.
Why am i still here...because you still have questions that only I can answer, apparently.
If you have no questions for me, or anything that I can explain, then the mission is over. If you appreciate anything I've done or said, then you can return the favor by wishing me home with my loved ones.