Question : How do you feel about grounding?
As in grounding yourself to the earth?
I’m going to see, going to stop wearing rubber soles, only leather shoes, we’ll see, I already have leather soles boots, so it’s not a lot of change, just need some leather sandals.
Still see that weird stuff that looks like current across the ground, don’t knock w what it is, could just be my eyes. Going to go get my eyes checked soon, but I think it’s more
Yes, absolutely, I believe in the importance of grounding. I mention this often enough in the SR groups: the majority of these “symptoms” come from people who are not properly grounding energies back into the planet. This is the short answer.
The atmosphere acts like a sponge, that's holding energies, waiting for you to come, to attract them to you.
Maybe 7% of your DNA, your physical, chemical-based body is actually yours. The rest of “you” is collective. It belongs to your family, and many who are no longer existant in “the flesh”, but are now echoes of who and what you currently are. The better part of you actually is the property of the planet Herself. The molecules themselves are intelligent, in their own fashion. Your body is more ancient than the you that you might think that you are. Your spirit, (the thinking components) coming here in, living in this physical form is fairly blind, and's ever-learning; it's otherwise eternal, but has to re-learn everything each lifetime. We are born with amnesia....
But the body knows.
All that accumulated charge you are holding onto, in whatever part of the body that is lodges, becomes another “anchor”, which must be dropped.
Proper rubber is a natural product from a tree, but a think nothing is actually rubber these days.
That said, it's best to avoid rubber soles, sure. I like to walk barefoot, where I can. I prefer natural plant fabrics like cotton, hemp; or wool.
It's super important to work on the forms, and the releasing of accumulated energies within the body structure. Yoga, stretching, physical activities dedicated to allowing you to meditate, and release the charge back where it goes.