23 Jan 2022. Ascension Update. For the 1113/113/313/333/1313/3131/3111 Guilds (YT script.)
Aronmix: (3/24/2020)
Part 2:
Part 3:
0:00-3:36 Headlock: Imogen Heap ( https://youtu.be/YzXjPesxeFU)
1:?:?-1:48:48 All that I've got (the best part of me)
10/24/2020 Depression Mix
my grandmother's birthday was on 23rd Jan. This is in dedication to my spirit Guides, who are assisting me at this time, to keep moving. I of my self don't have the will to keep going.
(I'm likely to do a live chat on this one. Seems appropriate after the Saturn video... )
Part 2:
This is probably the first one of these I've done. I'm not the "ascension guy". Mine is a Tech/Science/Engineering-based program/channel. I discuss SR and AEM from the standard science and technical aspects; along with related subjects such as telluric currents, etc. It's important to know what the Resonances ARE and ARE NOT.
Since we are now set in the Aquarean Age, but not quite at the End of the Kalayuga, meaning the official split of the timelines, meaning when the ship finally sets sail, so to speak, we who are the crew are getting to the starting line and taking our places.
This is the point of declaring our readiness for manifestation of our highest, best good, our most useful timeline of us individually giving our free will towards the collective betterment of the planetary sphere.
Anyone who knows me, who's seen my work, knows I take a dim light on the common, automatic connection between ascension and Schumann Resonances. It's not because there is not an inherent connection, there may not be...but one can't misread the data and re-interperate the science to misapply it to an agenda. Especially when that agenda is way off from the greater reality that's happening at this time.
Mainly what I speak out against is the institution of Ascension, (Ascensionism) for how it's become a common sense now to misappropriate the science/data, to show various things, that are simply not correct.
I use the phrases Schumannism; Ascensionism.
It does no good to misappropriate, misidentify, mislabel the data to support a myth/agenda; when that myth was manufactured by more of the Piscean rhetoric.
We are now officially in the Aquarian Age, and it's time to talk more on what this means.
Part of "ascension", if there is such a thing involves the shedding of the old ways, thoughts, and speach that was formulated in the Piscian epoch.
I've done no time here, previous to this incarnation.
My head is fukt because all I know IS where you are going, but throroughly unable to explain it in English, phonetics, or other current language humans use. I want to explain to you all of what is happening, and going to be happening, with the charging of "the guard", so to speak.
I can not talk of Ascension, in any true sense, until we understand the nature of the underpinnings of the Aquarian paradigm, and that's really only able to be best done in my native tongue, where we sit in the camp of the Eternal forest, with the angelic hosts, and upper astral guides that are here to assist at this time.
No one is doing it for anyone, it's all by will and wanting to achieve the goal. I needed to want to do this.
The will, and our want can waver. "Ascension", if there is any such thing, comes first from doing the hard work, and doing those things that I might not WANT to do. But I know, if I ask for strength, I'll get helped in my journey
This new, other stuff coming in is because it's simply time.
I'm from what you might call your future. Where humans are heading. This is my first incarnation here. I volunteered to be here, at this time.
I've posted on the subject of my mission, and that here in the free will zone of Earth School.
To me it's more correct to say that Earth is a backwards swamp, with a quite unique experiment going on. Prime Source created a space the physically excludes itself by hiding in the code of the genetics of the material matrix of the planetary sphere of Gaia.
93+% of the human exists collectively AS the dna material of the planet. God Creator Source rests within the 93% of the material matrix, which goes virtually undetected, unnoticed, isolated from the human thinking; which is a split vessel.
The bi-cameral nature of the human brain allows for a split world/split universe to happen in everyone.
There's the phenomenological experience of being within the physical vessel of the "adamu" (clay vehicle), as a spirit embedded within the material matrix. The will powers the 93% of vessel that inhabits the planet.
There is the other half brain that rationalizes this experience. It's an abstracted, imaginary side that allows for the expression of true free will. There is the world within a person's head, which is an emotional overlay.
Brain reasoning, rational thinking is yet one more sensory experience of the human experience. All thinking happens in an electrochemical sense of the brain.
The feeling center of the thinking brain, allows one to connect into the collective experience of this 93% of the material matrix of the planetary sphere. It allows for the emotional, feeling, sensory experience of the planet.
All thinking, reason, common sense is just one more feeling set; to be mediated through the remaining mediation of the material world, and actual stuff.
Your material stuff is a technology, with an ego, with the abilty to think now.
We have made it so our stuff thinks for us...yet, the attachment TO the physical , the reliance on technology to have the experience FOR the human, is something that needs to be considered long and deep.
My Guides offer this to you, at this time. The material matrix of the planet, your dna IS the technology you've been waiting for.
Part 3
there is 93% of the human experience that gets excluded by human thinking, rationalizing, common sense, and other constructs of mine/mind/mined.
It's the thinking that keeps the human in bondage and servitude and slavery to those who who serve as your overlord "gods";
beings of the lower astral who depend on silicate based technology to entrap and enslave the population.
The polarity is shifting. The frequency is not rising, nor are the SR
The poles are drifting, and set to re-stabilize in a new geolocation. This is a periodic thing that happens on this planet. With is comes a weakening magnetic field of the planet.
With this comes a number of other factors that are coming in for the planet, not necessarily for the human who is ignoring that it Is the 93% of the planet.
Humans can construct all sorts of mental walls and "experiences" based on plug-in technology. No, the Earth School is not "the matrix" but your plug-in technology makes it such.
That the device is "hand's free", or bluetooth, or wifi, is a minor point to the greater issue of one jacked-into the network/AI-hive. Plugged-into the Hive mind of the AI.
In some post and places I've mentioned Ahriman. This is your deification of technology. You are assisting in the personification of technology, you embodying Ahriman, as you fitbit it into you somewhere, and inject the technology into you somewhere. Yes, the jab is such a thing.
Banks of servers in data warehouses is the matrix, if you want to look at it.
The mediated experience replaces the actual, body-felt one. Getting in touch with the body-felt experience IS a huge part of the disconnection that people feel in this form.
It's not different from me, I'm simply able to succinctly phrase it for any who have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear.
Lord Shiva dances to keep the oceans churning. He does not text a selfie to keep them going.
There is alot of meaninglessness in the human connection with their technology. Risking life and limb for "a selfie" is such an example.
Part of your ascension depends on the human divesting him/her/itself from the plug-in technologies; and depend more on the dna of the planetary sphere.
The Schumann resonances are not making the ears ring, but your electronics are.
Much of what a person is experiencing as so-called "ascension symptoms" is coming from lack of grounding, and a reliance of high frequency technology.
The earth is not "increasing her frequency". She is reversing her polarity. There is a HUGE difference.
Your electronics will not work properly. They are failing. This is why there's such a push to push new "improved" technologies on you. It's to get you sucking on the tit of the plug-in, rather than return to your genetic roots, and touch ground with that.
There is the push of Ahriman to incarnate. He wants to incarnate into each and every person, and is pushing alot of the agenda behind misidentifying, and misappropriating the actual science, and behind questioning alot of accepted scientific realities. He was there at the beginning, assisting in making humans confused, and ho longer able to identify with their very own dna.
Confounding of the language is one of those ways.
Business and commerce is one of those ways.
Mathematics and science is one of those ways.
Making illegal certain plants and herbs is one of those ways.
Ever increasingly higher frequencies is one of those ways.
Dependence on the machine for survival is one of those ways.
Living a sedantary life, of comfort and relaxation, means a dependence on a machine for survival and support of this lifestyle, is one of those ways.
Disconnection from The All is one of those ways
Technologies being used based on the Piscean age are failing because they were meant to, at this time.
There's numerous ways that humans have distanced and isolated themselves from their very nature; of who you are as beings; of what rich store how of information you alleged "junk dna" is. That 93% of the collectiveness of the experience IS your ascension.
It's not coming through the amplitude bursts of increased lightning, which is what the spectrogram is showing you, in many cases.
Rising frequencies are what the machines need. And because the human is so in-tuned with it machine, this is a natural call for the human entity, at this time.
Offering you these understanding IS why I'm here at this time. There's not any other reason for me to have to be in this form. In this form, my spirit and soul is sick. I need a refreshing, which does not come in the free will zone of Earth school...but what comes from the unification with the pure light of Source. This is not something Earth school provides...EXCEPT through mediation of the plants.
I know what the dna can do, yet this is a lonely experience, as everyone clamors for the technological fix. (Yes, the vax is such a thing.)
I know the transition. I know what awaits, and it's just more beautiful than this human form that alien to me. Humans ARE the aliens of the galaxy. They have distanced themselves for the rest of what's happening, THROUGH the serruptition of the dna, and shittifying it in "junk."
Nothing to see here....
Full text @
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Headlock lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group; Wordpress shareable link: ( https://vertearbustosschumannresonanceharmonics.wordpress.com/2022/03/04/headlock-by-imogen-heap/ )