23 April 2021. Cumiana Report Update; Tomsk Data Voids
Personal Observations.
This is less of a technical observation, than a general thought on the use of colors in the spectrogams.
Directional meter. The directional meter is a diagram of the direction of the magnetic flux. A color is attached to a narrow range of the 360 degrees of possible "attack" of the magnetics.
Here is the principle: a color must be attached to a sensor reading, of some type.
Additionally, more color information must be decyphered, and decrypted into useful information. It makes for a colorful plotting; however, what are we looking at?
Compare the directional meter, to the graph below it. Match-up the color codes of the direction, to the placement on the scale of frequency in Hertz.
More color information does not necessarily give a greater enjoyment from the meter readings...
unless one is viewing this as modern art.
One needs to study the patterns, over a long-term period.
Current conditions:
VLF monitoring. Shows two spectrogram-type graphs, with a top bar which records time/date, Freq range; website; in addition to a vu meter in units of deciBels, which indicates the Intensity, or Vertical conductivity channel; in addition to a horizontal graphing of the strength of this signal. Intensity is the height component, while strength would relate the the density. Amplitude is the voltage, in the relative scale of -100 to 0.
This VU meter, registering deci-Bels, expresses a color-code. On this tiny meter, we see the color information, with is related to a place on the scale. Our "redline: occurs at the -50 dB mark.
In this panel, there are two scales of signals represented. Depending on where one looks for the definition, the meaning of VLF signal can be misleading. For radio waves, VLF technically ends at 30Hz. Schumann Resonances stop at ~46 Hz. Tomsk Space Observatory caps their detector antennae at 40 Hz.
The top spectrogram records the Low Frequency range from 0 - 15,000 Hz.
The lower Spectrogram records activity between the range of 0 - 1500 Hz. This is our VERTICAL FREQUENCY of the magnitude of those spikes. We see moderate, but consistent activity below 100Hz. Hard to get exact readings at this scale.
Image source: (http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html)
Schumann Resonance Harmonics Youtube community: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2yopCLcJ9YU7JpRRGH7uAw/community)
schumann-resonances website shareable link: (https://www.schumann-resonances.com/post/23-april-2021-cumiana-report-and-observation)
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