23 April 2021. Cumiana Report and Observation
- Current conditions:
VLF monitoring. Shows two spectrogram-type graphs, with a top bar which records time/date, Freq range; website; in addition to a vu meter in units of deciBels, which indicates the Intensity, or Vertical conductivity channel; in addition to a horizontal graphing of the strength of this signal. Intensity is the height component, while strength would relate the the density. Amplitude is the voltage, in the relative scale of -100 to 0.
This VU meter, registering deci-Bels, expresses a color-code. On this tiny meter, we see the color information, with is related to a place on the scale. Our "redline: occurs at the -50 dB mark.
In this panel, there are two scales of signals represented. Depending on where one looks for the definition, the meaning of VLF signal can be misleading. For radio waves, VLF technically ends at 30Hz. Schumann Resonances stop at ~46 Hz. Tomsk Space Observatory caps their detector antennae at 40 Hz.
The top spectrogram records the Low Frequency range from 0 - 15,000 Hz.
The lower Spectrogram records activity between the range of 0 - 1500 Hz. This is our VERTICAL FREQUENCY of the magnitude of those spikes. We see moderate, but consistent activity below 100Hz. Hard to get exact readings at this scale.
Earthquake activity conjoins with bursts of Amplitude, resulting from pressure wave release, shown on the seismic meters. This brings us to the next panel of spectrograms: Marconi + Geophone
Top spectrogram, Channel 1, Geophone seismic meter. Frequency range is from 1-30 Hz. The color information is based upon the VU meter, displaying the range from -100 to 0 deci-Bels. This is a measurement of the relative power of a signal. The color information on the Geohone charts records the relative strength of this singnal, within the bandwidth of the measurable range of VLF information.
Lower spectrogram, Channel 2; Electric field, Frequency range from 1-105 Hz; as mesured through Marconi-type dipole antenna. In this graph, we see amplitude activity (red-colored spikes) in the lower frequencies, <25 Hz.
Middle panels:
Top sequence. Past 7 days of recorded VLF signals, capped at 40 Hz.
Bottom seq. Multiple-day recording of Geophone (seismic).
Right panels:
ULF magnetic field. Spectrum of the magnetic component, as measured by induction coil. Colors represent the directional (current) of the magnetic flux.
Top sequence. Two channels; Frequency range 0.1-35 Hz with sensitivity of 1 picoTesla at 1 Hz ; with a 39Hz low-pass filter turned ON.
"FFT*(def. below) resolution 10,5 mHz, scroll time 40 seconds. Schumann resonances are almost always visible: when not covered by local noise coming from 380 kV high power line. Also the cars, passing 25 m away from the sensor, leave their trace in the area below 10 Hz. The coil is simply connected to the LINE input of a Realtek 97 audio card. Picture updated every 30 minutes. The spectrogram part below, 0,1 to 4 Hz, it is good for the PC1 detection."
Lower Sequence. Multistrip spectrogram. 168 MHz resolution. More than 4 hours are shown.
Personal Observations.
This is less of a technical observation, than a general thought on the use of colors in the spectrogams.
Directional meter. The directional meter is a diagram of the direction of the magnetic flux. A color is attached to a narrow range of the 360 degrees of possible "attack" of the magnetics.
Here is the principle: a color must be attached to a sensor reading, of some type.
Additionally, more color information must be decyphered, and decrypted into useful information. It makes for a colorful plotting; however, what are we looking at?
Compare the directional meter, to the graph below it. Match-up the color codes of the direction, to the placement on the scale of frequency in Hertz.
More color information does not necessarily give a greater enjoyment from the meter readings...
unless one is viewing this as modern art.
One needs to study the patterns, over a long-term period.
[* What is FFT ? ( According to Abdelhalim abdelnaby Zekry {Ain Shams University} : " In an fft frequency plot, the highest frequency is the sampling frequency fs and the lowest frequency is fs/N where N is the number of fft points.
As the lowest frequency resolved is =fs/N then the frequency resolution is fs/N.
So given fs then one can increase the resolution by increasing the number of sample points N. The sampling frequency on the other side depends on the maximum frequency contained in the waveform. According to the Nyquist theorm." (https://www.researchgate.net/post/How-can-I-define-the-frequency-resolution-in-FFT-And-what-is-the-difference-on-interpreting-the-results-between-high-and-low-frequency-resolution)]
Further reading on the connection between seismic activity and amplitude spikes, as registered at Cumiana, Etna, Medicina. et al.
"A Deterministic Approach to Earthquake Prediction",
by Meitham Rahmati; (https://www.academia.edu/5747057/A_Deterministic_Approach_to_Earthquake_Prediction?email_work_card=view-paper)
" Abstracts
The paper aims at giving suggestions for a deterministic approach to investigate possible earthquake prediction and warning. A fundamental contribution can come by observations and physical modeling of earthquake precursors aim at seeing in perspective the phenomenon earthquake within the framework of a unified theory able to explain the causes of its genesis, and the dynamics, rheology, and microphysics of its preparation, occurrence, post-seismic relaxation, and inter-seismic phases. Studies based on combined ground and space observations of earthquake precursors are essential to address the issue. Unfortunately, up to now what is lacking is the demonstration of a causal relationship (with explained physical processes and looking for a correlation) between data gathered simultaneously and continuously by space observations and ground-based measurements. In doing this, modern and/or new methods and technologies have to be adopted to try to solve the problem. Coordinated space and ground-based observations imply available test sites on the Earth surface to correlate ground data, collected by appropriate networks of instruments, with space ones detected on board of Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellites. Moreover, a new strong theoretical scientific effort is necessary to try to understand the physics of the earthquake. Within this framework a few projects and experiments have been carried out on the subject by our team and accompanied by specific theoretical interpretations"
Comparison between Cumiana and Tomsk
The site at Cumiana, Italy is one of multiple around the country of Italy, dedicated to the purpose of monitoring VLF-LF range of Amplitude signals, along with their magnetic counterparts, in conjunction with seismic activity.
It is widely accepted in the geo-physical community that VLF-LF bursts accompany seismic activity. Such stations in Italy have been designed with the intention of monitoring both the seismic, and amplitude conductivity channels.
From L to R, the first three columns are giving streaming readings on the above dependencies.
[ Transcription of the total text on the website: (http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html) ]
Live data from CUMIANA (TO), NW Italy, south Europe
Maintained by Renato Romero
(To see on google map click this link (44,96° NORTH - 7,42° EAST)
System one, Electric Field: Marconi Antenna (Ogg/Vorbis Stream) + Geophone
Audio signals coming from Marconi antenna: a big "T" 11 m high with 30m long top hat.
You can listen the audio streaming live clicking here:
If using Windows Media Player you can't open the stream go to http://xiph.org/dshow/ and download the codec
named "opencodecs_0.85.17777.exe" (2,53MB), or use VLC to reproduce it directly.
The audio streaming server is provided by Paul Nicholson.
See at Paul's page "Live VLF Natural Radio" for others audio stream available: http://abelian.org/vlf/
VLF monitoring
Here below the first LIVE spectrogram, updated 30 minutes.
It shows the last 8 hours VLF activity, as received by Marconi antenna (electric field).
Marconi Antenna + Geophone
Amplitude scale: two channels listed below.
Channel 1, seismic monitor. Frequency range: 1 to 30 Hz for the top spectrogram. Signals coming from geophone I/O SENSOR Nederland b.v. model SM-4/UB8 (see at http://www.geophone.com/techpapers/SM-4%20Brochure.pdf) 40 dB amplified with a very low noise preamplifier.
Channel 2, electric field. Frequency range: 1 to 105 Hz for the bottom one. Signals coming from Marconi antenna.
Picture, every 30 minutes, shows last 8 hours. All date and times are in UTC.
The scroll time is 40 s, and the frequency resolution 84 mHz.
As the receiving station is placed not too far from an industrial area, sometimes strong tones are detected by geophone sensor, caused by mechanical machine (1 km far from here).
Electric filed multistrip daily representation, useful for comparing anomalies from day to day:
Scroll time 110 sec, updated every 30 minutes.
Geophone Multistrip hourly representation, useful for local seismic events correlation:
Scroll time 4.6 sec, updated every 60 minutes.
Here below the same data elaborated as plotting traces. The picture shows the last 30 hours, and values are detected every 150 s.
Picture, updated every 30 minutes. Four traces are reported:
Geophone trace , it shows the average and peak signals coming from the geophone sensor, in 1-20 Hz range.
ULF noise 10 Hz , it shows the medium value between 3 and 30 Hz.
ELF noise 100 Hz , it shows the medium value between 30 and 300 Hz.
2th SR freq. , it shows the frequency of second Schumann resonance (in Hz).
System two, magnetic field: INDUCTION COIL
(see for construction details the article http://www.vlf.it/romero3/ics101.html)
Panoramic view captured from my garden, and a couple of Induction coils, orthogonally placed, inspected by a hen.
ULF magnetic field
Spectrum scale: magnetic components of the spectrogram below with long term average curve (red) and last waterfall line.
Frequency range 0.1 – 35 Hz, with a sensitivity of 1 pT at 1 Hz, here with a 30 Hz low pass filter turned ON.
FFT resolution 10,5 mHz, scroll time 40 seconds. Schumann resonances are almost always visible: when not covered by local noise coming from 380 kV high power line. Also the cars, passing 25 m away from the sensor, leave their trace in the area below 10 Hz. The coil is simply connected to the LINE input of a Realtek 97 audio card. Picture updated every 30 minutes. The spectrogram part below, 0,1 to 4 Hz, it is good for the PC1 detection.
Another representation from the same system:
Induction coil multistrip spectrogram, for shorter time event representation. Magnetic field received by induction coil. FFT with 168 mHz resolution, scroll time 4.5 sec. More than 4 hours are showed. Picture updated every 30 minutes.
Multistrip daily representation, useful for comparing anomalies from day to day:
Scroll time 110 sec, 7 mHz resolution, updated every 30 minutes.
Here below the real time situation about lighting strikes in Europe. Courtesy of http://www.blitzortung.org "
Image source: (http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html)
schumann-resonances website shareable link: (https://www.schumann-resonances.com/post/23-april-2021-cumiana-report-and-observation)