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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

22 July 2022. Current state of the Schumann Resonance reports; Relative strength of the signals.

[Posted to FB Group Schumann Resonances (& Other Atmospheric EMF).]

Thank you for being here. In the Featured posts section, is 23 years worth of writing, where I explain all the aspects to understanding the charts and graphs. Most of the basic questions can be answered by going through these older posts.

First, let me say that you can imagine this information to be whatever makes you happy. I am giving you the practical, real-world understanding of how the tech and the graphs function.

It's been a con-job for many to have linked your ascension to what these graphs say........especially when one is not reading the information properly.

Ascension is simply finishing your Soul Contract, which was agreed-to, prior to incarnation here. If a person is here to learn technically how these work, that one will do better in understanding how these actually work.

Ascension is nothing more than finishing your life's work, your life's Contract, here in Earth school. Many have confused the transmogrification of the soul into a light body vessel, which comes AFTER successful completion of the Contract, and not in place of it.

There is no short-cut, no softer, easier road to moving on. One needs to do the hard work of finishing your individual Contract. There is no substitution. The Universe will not be cheated.

Learning how the Schumann Resonances work is not a substitute for the hard work that a person needs to do here. It is simply better for a person to learn this information for its own sake, and not with an alterior motive.


The white spikes.

These are the most dramatic aspects of the charts; the first thing to get a person's attention.

Look at the times. The bursts are during the day time, in most cases. When the sun is directly overhead, expect the most activity on the charts.

I always include all 4 panels of the reports, so a person can see the full dependency data. White is Mode 1 activity. A mode s a measurement system which compares the two aspects of Electric and the Magnetic side activity.

Electric-side is Amplitude, which is a power rating, as measured in deci-Bels. The Amplitude is voltage, or "charge" as they call it. This is the positive or the negative alignment of the signal. This is NOT a frequency.

Understanding the Amplitude rating is THE MOST difficult part of learning the Schumann Resonances through the graph. Amplitude is the vertical conductivity channel. This is in theory the direct line between the ionosphere and the Earth Ground.

The Schumann Resonances are standing waves. These are interference waves, that basically "hum" in place. The Schumann Resonances are the horizontal bands that remain stable at a some-what set frequencies. In actual reality, the Schumann resonances fluctuate by (+/-) 0.5Hz--that's it.

Resonances are standing waves, created by the interference of fundamental waves, which propagate, from the source. Generally, the source of Schumann radiation is lightning discharge between the high voltage of the ionosphere, and the Earth Ground.

During solar activity, when we get hit with a solar wind, or a cme, or solar flare, this has an effect on the ionosphere. In many cases, these solar events compress the magnetosphere, and ionosphere. This compression forces the upper atmosphere down to us, on Earth's surface.

The ionosphere is like a sponge for voltage. It's held intact through the balance between the sun's output, and the Earth's magnetic field itself. As the planetary magnetic flield weakens (and shifts), we would expect the tightness of the ionosphere to decrease.

The ionosphere is like a magnetic fluid. It's a plasma. This is what helps create the visual light that we actually see.

The bursts seen on the spectrogram are voltage spikes. The upright spikes are the voltage. This is amplitude, which is measured in deci-Bels. This is excess electricity in the atmosphere.

How this might effect a person is through charging the nervous system. Your heart rate is metered-out by a pacemaker. The brain creates thought and memories through electro-chemicals. Thinking and memory retention would be effected potentially.

Many people are not pro-active in dealing with this. I can't blame the people for this, when society is largely doing to us, without us having much say in the matter. It becomes less about the person, and more about being a cog in the machinery.

From the beginning, I have explained that my perspective here is to look at the person as a component of the overall system. You are not a victim, where things are happening to you...unless you let them. Not knowing how to deal with something like excess voltage in the atmosphere is one of those things.

The story that people are given is that this is a natural occurance of the rising Schumann Resonances; when that's not true. The spikes are excess voltage, not Schumann Resonances. There's a huge difference. The Schumann Resonances are not spiking.

The Schumann resonances are standing waves...which do not spike. EVER. That's not what they do.

As a human, on Earth, you are wearing the Earth itself. It is completely at your own peril that you ignore the fact that you live in a physical body, created by Earth Herself. You may be a spirit having an Earthly experience. Yet, this means there are physical constraints to the Earthly experience.

You, living in this body are fully a component in the Earths electrical system, whether you like it or not. You have the conscious power to either hold onto (accumulate) this voltage...

Or, you have the power to release (discharge) this accumulated voltage into the immediate atmosphere.

The spikes that you are seeing here is in the pico- range. This is literally the weakest force on Earth. You are looking through a microscope, effectively, at the resonances. This has to be one of the most well-understood aspect of this whole thing: what you see has been amplified BILLIONS of times, so it is actually visible to the naked eyes.

I humbly submit to you that this has been one of the greatest deceptions foisted upon the humans. Many people see these spikes represented on the charts as being much bigger than they actually are.

Yesterday's spike was at 84 deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts. 84 seems HUGE. Oh my God!! It hit 84!!!

Let me give you the perspective. That actual number is: 0.0000000000084 electron-Volts. Wow... that doesn't seem so huge does it?

Your cell phone charger operates on 0.5Volts, in many cases. The internal Voltage of your cell phone is 0.05Volts. The touch screen itself is 0.3Volts.

I can give you a list of the Voltages of modern electronics, yet consistenly they are all QUADRILLIONS of times stronger than the SR.

It's one of the biggest deceptions of this time period to see the relative strength of Schumann Resonances are being stronger than they actually are. The SR is not giving out any of these so-called "symptoms." If so, they would have been there from the beginning...and humans would have adjusted accordingly.

However, there's been a fairly-recent uprising in the ringing/ vertigo/ nausea/ headaches complex of symptoms. People are NOw able to point to the charts and say: "See, told you something was going on."

Yet, again, the relative weakness of the SR is the problem with this conclusion. It's more common to look at something external, rather than address personal habits, which may be leading to these "symptoms."

Say whatever you like elsewhere, but here in this group there are no "ascension symptoms." That's one more deception to get people to stop doing the actual work necessary for growth.

The ringing/vertigo/etc complex is assimilation symptoms coming from your technology attempting to posses you, for lack of a better way to put it. The ringing is the telepathy of the machines, directing your actions. This is the AI hive mind sending your 'marching orders'.

Because the electronics are so prevalent, they get ignored, in place of the novelty of learning about the graphs.

It is said that the Devil's finest trick is to get you to believe He doesn't exist. This is the current state of domestic electronics, for the modern human. They are so prevalent, that humans basically refuse to believe they are harmful.


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