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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

22 Feb 2022. Observations on Tomsk' Spectrogram; & What it is and isn't.

21 Feb 2022. Observations on Tomsk' Spectrogram; & What it is and isn't.

19-22 Feb 2022. Thank you for being here, to read my exploration of the SR. This is the technical explanation of Schumann resonances; yet what these are not, & how this effects the proper exploration of the atmospheric phenomena.

As I'm working on this, it is becoming increasingly longer. Those who enjoy my work will be happy with it. Thank you for the support, encouragement, and motivation. It seems there's alot to say, with not-much time to say it in.

Since 2019 I've dedicated all available time researching the SR and associated atmospheric emf; for the stated intention of making this complex arrangement understandable to the average person; at least as much is possible, within the limits of the understanding of the reader. [Questions encouraged.] My own experience is as a electronics. a/v, radio, computer repair/fixit/operator/maint. person of 40+ yrs.

Many, most of the people who are coming here to read about SR, are not coming to this from a technical background. This is one of the most difficult part of understanding the SR, is to understand what the graphs are expressing.

The is not, in anyway, intuitive to look at the spectrogram, and to understand what you are seeing there. There truly is an initiation which needs to happen first. This is not going to be for everyone; especially those who can't get the requisite hands-on interactions with the sensor machinery.

Understanding the limitations of the spectrogram, is the single biggest detriment to learning SR from the tech side of things.

Most important to understand, is that the spectrogram is not the antennae. The spectrogram, usually called "The Schumann", is not an antenna, nor detecting device. It only gives a 3-dimensional image of what the dependencies tell it. It's a color plotter.

There are many components to the detecting chain.

The spectrogram is the last link in this chain. I've described it as a "glorified printer." I've described it's operation like an "Etch-a-Sketch", for those old enough to recall one of those. The most difficult part to understanding SR is understanding how these are detected, then measured through the equipment; then lastly sent to the SR Spectrogram for visual analysis.

I truly believe that if I can give clear descriptions of the components involved in the detection chain, a person can better understand what they're seeing. The equivalent of me trying to teach a person "how to fish."

In my experience, there is nothing intuitive, nor natural about decyphering the spectrogram. There is a very limited range of information which is being displayed for the observer to gather. Yet, without knowing these parameters, the uninitiated will imagine a huge variety of factors which are "likely" to be in there. The imagination is the limit.

Of itself, it might be relatively easy to decypher the color information on the spectrogram. If you start from the most basic understanding, before getting bad information in there to confuse an unsuspecting person, the un-initiated one.

Even accepting this, the basics are not exactly simple to the uninitiated. There is an initiation process necessary to understand a minimum of the basics necessary to decrypt the color pattern information. This process would otherwise come through working with the machinery itself. In lieu of this, the newbie needs to have an introductory course on the basics.

I have expressed in multiple places the "is" and "is-not" of the SR spectrogram. The bigger part of the problem in describing what's happening, is explaining to people what is NOT being shown on the graphs.

I've made multiple posts discussing the process of detecting the SR; from: the di-pole-type antenna & magnetic induction coils combination; to the filters & amplification chain; to the data recorder; then to the spectrogram to compile an image. I've made videos about spectrograms in general, explaining how they work in function.

The spectrogram is the LAST link in this chain.

Put another way, "The Schumann" is the last step in the process of describing the atmospheric electromagnetics. It is simply providing an image which is engineered to represent a series of signals within a spectrum, based on mathematical computations and formulae.

When regular folks, the uninitiated, no-know technically how to read said information, there is then interpolation: to introduce narrative (not data) into the explanation of the graphs. Without practical, hands-on experience, the uninitiated introduce narrative, agenda, false data as science, or technical observation.

Unless someone has a practical hands-on knowledge of how the data is detected and reported, then a person is unable to understand what he is seeing presented.

I'm willing to believe otherwise; yet, my experience at 3 years into SR is that the majority of people reading this, invent a narrative to accommodate their belief system.

This is a huge part of the job here: to weed through what the SR IS NOT, in explaining what is happening. It's one of the more difficult aspects to have to maze through the rhetoric, coming from the source of those without practical understanding of the process.

There is no such thing as "The Schumann."

The word is called: anthropomorphism; the tendency to put a personality onto inanimate objects. That's why humans name their stuff, to help personalize, control and "know" the unknown. Largely, this is why/how Source Creator gets so many names.

By invoking the name of Schumann, [specifically Professor W.O.Schumann], identifying the spectrogram with a name, that Guy's name, the populace personalizes the atmospheric electro-magnetics.

"The Schumann" is rhetorical (in word only) and not an actual thing. I know full-well how many times that phrase is tossed around. I will personally assure you that the Right Honorable Professor Schumann is flipping-madly in his grave, as we speak.

Like alot of the SR tech, there's a layer of rhetoric that acts as varnish against the proper explanation. Part of the job here is to work the neophyte through the vocabulary.

What is an actual thing: the SPECTROGRAM.

I've previously posted an exposition which explains the danger of calling the spectrogram: "The Schumann". The biggest problem with substituting one for the other, is a misappropriating of the science to support a funky "ascension-based" narrative; which is more techno-belief than actual science.

To wit: Schumann resonances are not the earth's 'heartbeat'; nor is the Tomsk SR spectrogram showing same.

Belief is not the problem. Misappropriating the science and tech to support a funky ascension-based narrative is huge problem. Understanding the proper process requires winnowing through the rhetoric and invented narrative supporting Ascensionism.

In the Ascension-based narrative, "The Schumann" is considered the antenna, or actual detecting device. "The Schumann" gets considered as an antenna. Regular people, the uninitiated, invent all sorts of details and pseudo-science to support the nonsense claims, behind the images of the spectrogram.

By anthromorphesizing the spectrogram as "The Schumann", by introducing a personality into the equation, there's no telling who's personality is interjected into the narrative.

If it's not evident, I'll come outright an say that I have little-to no regards of the phrase "The Schumann."

This will always be used in quotes by this one, understanding the rhetorical fuckery introduced with this concept as a functional phrase...somehow, yet again, relevnt to one's true spiritual and emotional growth.

As a technician of 40+ years, it's always been the first concern to get the proper understanding of the principles at work, and the process of learning the signal path, and how the data moves from place to place through the components. Specializing in SR is simply learning how one more radio station and antenna system work.

What am I doing here?

I've posted publicaly what my interest here is. I for one am not investing all this time in technical explanations because there's a sales pitch to it. My primary motivation is to give people a commonality of understanding of how the technical process works.

There's 3 divisions to this discussion: The actual atmospheric electro-magnetics; how the machinery detects and measures these phenomena; the ascension-angle--which at it's very basic element asks the question "how does this relate to me?"

I'm not here because it's a part of my own "ascension", nor spiritual growth. This is not to say I'm not on my own "spiritual pathway", simply that my work here is not mainly for the purposes of traveling that pathway. (Like it or not, alot of people are here for that purpose: because they have heard that there is, or they are intuiting a "spiritual" connection between the SR and something super-natural, such as a living planet with a heartbeat.

I'm going to insert a side-note: as we enter into the Aquarian Age, there is a mass awakening as to the existence of such a thing as SR, and atmospheric emf; along with mass consciousness, planetary hyper-consciousness, etc. The problems is firstly that people don't know how most of that actually functions, operationally. Co-inciding with a lack of scientific principles, comes mis-information as to the nature of the Aquarian Age protocols, in addition to a lack of understanding of psi-/intuitive abilities latent within the genetic matrix, as a functioning means of communication interpersonally.

The complexity of this tangle of scientification rhetoric substituted for heart-felt wisdom is extrapolated, interpolated upon the sci-tech data of the spectro-. This extrapolation and abstractification is what gets clipped, or attached to "The Schumann" as an operating reality, under the mediated version. )

I am NOT a lightworker: free work does not of necessity make me a lightworker; an idiot, yes; "light worker", no. Additionally, no one else could impose that on me; please don't call me that, thank you.

I am volunteering to incarnate into the Free Will Zone of Earth School at this time, to assist in the transition into the Aquarian Protocol, of the humans who are ready.

Nothing in the non-physical/spiritual growth ("ascension") of humans is automatic, nor guaranteed. The genetic pre-disposition, propensity is towards the status quo and not the better, most of the time. Failure to let go of what's not working anyway, is the biggest cause of a persona's "symptoms"; and NOT the Schumann resonances, or other atmospheric emfs.

Of my free will do I have to choose to do better.

Collective consciousness awakening has more to do with free will, than it has to do, inherently with the Schumann resonances, or other atmospherics. My decisions play more into my well-being, than do the ambient atmospherics around me.

This is the "mystery", or riddle of the flesh; of how to get exticated from the bondage of self, essentially. I have to want to do better, and make better decisions; not out of conditioning, but out of a conscious decision.

The "spiritual pathway" is not really a mystery; it is learning how to deal with the mystery, in a non-material manner.

At this is the core of why alot of people come over to learn about the Schumann resonances. We are at this point in history where the intuitive-side of the human genetics is waking-up. Designed withinto its code is a time-released mechanism, for the Aquarian Age Protocol.

The innate ability within the genetics is opening-up the potential for intuitive exchange through the genetic connection. In some senses this might seem automatic. It's supposed to happen with all of us; but not everyone going along with that plan. Some factions are actively working to halt, or stop, or reverse this process that's already underway.

In working order of surrupting the human genetic structure, or code, is the imposition of the plug-in, networking tech added into the next phase of development in human affairs.

Waking Consciousness vs. Dream state

It's so bad here in topsy-turvey world humans literally do not know which way is up, or whether or not we/they live in "The matrix."

As we sit in front of a screen, we are held captive to whatever comes across it. The mediated version becomes our accepted truth, here in Earth school at this time. The mediated version is the matrix; yet, get one to pull-away from their addiction to the mediated version.

A large part of the job is is to help the folks get the non-matrix view on this. In my experience this comes through a practical application of the material to a real-world, body-felt experience.

The spiritual pathway is not woo-woo, but it is immensely practical. Becaus the spiritual essence has been divested from science,and human affairs, it is maligmed,. yet it exists. Consciousness is a spiritual principle, not a scientific mystery. Yet consciousness outside of scientific definition is a very real, actual thing.

That's due in large part to the hidden, unknown power inherent within the 93+% of the genetic structure which has been labeled "junk dna". The push to demonize the dna as 3D, therefore evil, is ever-present, in modern, polite society; which seems to also include a variant version of this in the spiritual circles. This is evidenced, to me, in the discussions of 5D, and what-all that implies.

At no point can the human be so divested from the dna, as to have a body dysmorphia, and not cause a fracture of the mind/brain with a resultant schizoid/pathological/psychotic break. Of course I'm not a psychologist, yet, they can't figure-out that bit any better.

I can understand a dysmorphia of the human form as a puppeteer living inside an avatar, or a suit. I operate a "vehicle" through incarnation into the human suit--I get that. It's not, however localized to the body itself, as a gender-sex. For me, it's a human form, in Earth as a whole. It is difficult living as a spiritual being inside this physical chemical-bonds body, which is otherwise called the "Adamu" (which literally means: red, ruddy clay).

The body itself is intelligent.

Each of the organs has a genetic memory of itself, based upon your families lineal history. Large sections of the genetic code that makes up you as a person, is what is constituted in your genetic lineal "junk dna."

The body, is 93+% property of the planet, in its constituent elements. Yet, humans are offered Free Will coming into the intelligent suit, one's "sensory instrument", which is necessary to navigate the world of 3D constructs.

There's not a better way to sat it, other than there is a movement to get people to "convince them" outside of inhabiting their own person, or their own vessel, as something nice, good, beneficial, and lived to the fullest.

Yes, there's a huge problem with dealing with our excesses and wastes on many levels; the toxicity is likely to damage humans inextricably. Free will is the choice to make better decisions, that might uplift, and improve the lives of others, not imporove their hardships, whatever the differences may be.

"Ascension" if there is such a thing, is not communal, meaning that it's all, every time at the same moment, at the same rate. If there is indeed such a thing, as ascension,and communal, than that means there's still alot of work to be done.

Ballast is "dead weight".

There is a societal equivalent of this, moving forwards into the Age, with its built-in potential, poised to give innate wisdom, to those who are at the ready point.

You can't delude yourself in what's happening, by falsely-relying on an agenda-based narrative while determining the facts of the readings. This' where I come into the picture.

There's not many texts written about this; and those which are written are in archaic languages, not readily translated into English. With the help of my Guides, I'm working to give the accurate picture of how to evaluate the atmospherics, from the data readings.

Much of the Theatre at this time is "winging it", as just-about everything is breaking-down around us. No one interested in the readings, should "wing-it" when it comes to understanding what the tech is showing.

Ultimately, it's all free will and choice. I don't have much of a will for much at this point, except to be a clear, concise voice for Source Creator, and the other Guides who are looking to assist humanity into the best, highest possible timeline (if such a thing exists) .

It doesn't need to show up as an event on "The Schumann", in order for things to be taking place. That's an important thing to remember in all of this. Misreading the reports is one of the ways that folks get misled about what's real, what's happening.

Knowingly making hat free will decision is the difference between the waking, and the dream-state/matrix consciousness.


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