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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

21 March 2022. Devolution and Descension: Spiritual principles moving in a negative direction.

21 March 2022. Devolution and Descension: Spiritual principles moving in a negative direction.

( Post for fb groups: Schumann resonance, and The Schumann Resonance Harmonics.)


Thank you for being here.

The stated clear intention of this group is to understand the phenomena of Schumann resonances, as a sub-set of atmospheric electromagnetics; in addition to understanding the detecting technology which gives us a visual aid of is otherwise an invisible phenomena.

Of itself, it's enough to know how this process works properly. The Schumann series of harmonics provides a degree of stability for the population, if you are looking at it from a "what's in this for me?" angle. The Schumann-series has been stable from the beginning, and will remain so, likely till the end. There are physical, real-world constraints which operate to keep the series intact, stable, operational.

By our conscious, clear stated intention, this is not the proper group for introducing a philosophical, nor spiritual angle or lens through which to filter the science and tech of the real-world phenomena. There is nothing inherently "ascension-based" to the Schumann-series of atmospheric resonances.

There is truly nothing overtly spiritual, nor philosophical about the series of harmonics, which hum tirelessly in the atmosphere. Put another way, there is nothing more inherently spiritual about SR, outside of any of the natural processes of the planet Herself. Rust, for example, may be seen as a spiritual principle.

If one is consciously, willfully "in touch" with the planet herself, there can be seen a spiritual value to this. In this case, you will be grounding yourself into the planet. That can be an acceptable spiritual experience.

Earth Herself may, indeed, be a conscious, living entity. However, that in itself does still not create an automatic arena of ascension, nor spiritual growth for the population as a whole, or one single person individually.

Schumann Resonances should be, ideally, learned for what they are, as they are, clearly, properly; without embellishment from a philosophical desire to anthropomorphosize a real-world, natural phenomena. Regardless of one's personal belief system, it is to be recognized an internal cohesion to the standard and accepted engineering behind the measurements and detecting hardware. There were no spiritual, nor emotional detecting abilities built into the system which is used to detect Schumann-series resonances.

Emotional detectors are Polygraph Machines. These type of detectors need to be in actual contact with the physical body. Not nearby the body, not on the other side of the globe; but actually plugged-into the person to evaluate various qualities of the person's physical body. Such polygraphic attachments measure the galvonomic response of the skin; or there's an ekg attached to the skull to measure brain-wave state; or there's a heart-rate monitor stuck to the chest; or there's an expandible lead wrapped around the chest. There are physiological factors attached to the emotional state of the person, which is not able to be detected without attaching some probe, or meter to the physical body itself.

The ability to find God, or "ascension energies" (whatever those are), through the hardware, was not engineered into the radio antennae measuringatmospheric electromagnetics.

What 'thing', or bit of hardware, gets included into the data-acquisition chain that would allow for a radio antenna to become a polygraph receiver? This literally boggles the mind how that would be done.

Honestly, it's simply easier to imagine into truth what can not actually happen in physical reality. This neatly summarizes the process behind the Western-version of ascension: imagining fantasy into existence, through repeated use of sciency-sounding jargon and misappropriated rhetoric.

There is a level of integrity, honesty, serenity in examining the SR as they has been operating consistently over the past 60 years; without re-interpreting, or re-inventing the science and technology. Schumann-series harmonics should best be observed to learn what these are, without embelishment, or rhetoric getting in the way.

However, once the "spiritual approach" is entered into the reading, the observer is now held to a higher standard. Proper technical reading and evaluation is more, not less, important--once the spiritual pathway is invoked. Once the spiritual invocation is proffered, the observer gets to operate with integrity, honesty, open-mindedness, and discernment; if that person is capable of this hard work.

The spiritual pathway has always been one of relatively hard work and diligent attention to mindfulness. Understanding the SR from this perspective is no different. The spiritual interpretation of the Resonances requires discipline and discernment, so as not to introduce stray elements, contagions into understanding.

The problem with the Western-version of "ascension" is a huge lack of integrity, honesty, honor, discernment.

The Universe knows better: It will not be cheated. It will not be short-changed by the rhetoric of the Ascensionists, with their wordy explanations that are not grounded in the real-world reality of the thing they claim to be explaining; nor of the events claimed to be happening as a result.

Western ascension, with its technocratical leanings, is the one that flushed the venerable ancient texts and literature which had been used for generations, thousands of years, for this purpose. Literature used by adherents who were intentionally following this pathway.

Once the spiritual pathway is invoked, there is then no longer room to mangle, misconstrue, misappropriate the actual, established sci-tech. By virtue of one NOT believing-in science, or shitting on it because they factored God out of the pursuit, does not give the spiritual pathway free reign to steal the spectrogram results, by calling it "ascension-based."

Nothing with humans is automatic; especially where it's spiritual/ emotional/ philosophical growth in question. No growth of humans takes place without the will, and work to sustain this pursuit. Simply increasing the vocabulary, knowing more words is not enough.

Having a profuse vocabulary doesn't carry the day. One still needs to put in the actual work to get the desired result.

A spiritual path of understanding the Resonances, of science in general, is a much more difficult pathway. More integrity, harder work is required to be successful. By going down this pathway, one does not then get to invent words of a narrative supporting an agenda; nor abandon discipline in the process of uncovery. This pathway requires the practice of integrity, honesty, honor and acceptance. Substantially, this is the primary problem people experience, when imposing an emotional, spiritual interpretation of the sci-tech of the SR; a lack of disciplined process.

It's important to remember that spiritual principles can also describe a positive direction, as well as a negative one. They work in both directions. There is no immunity to the focused will of the human entity, in his free will choices.

People can choose to set themselves in a negative direction, then convince himself that the rest of you are wrong, and that the one has the only right answers.

Negative direction of growth is also an option for humans, if that pathway is chosen. Consciousness enacted into the material realm allows for growth of entities to fill-in "the gaps", as it were. Something is there to feed on that which falls "through the cracks." Those who travel off the beaten path become sustenance for the things which live off the beaten pathway. There is no "all set point" for humans; constant vigilence is the cost for higher intelligence.

Creatures live in fetid, stagnant water. Entities feed on waste, garbage, filth; thrive in environments which would otherwise kill and destroy the human being. There is no waste in systems of energy.

Consciousness feeds at all levels, including the dark, negative spaces.

Unattended excess becomes waste, eventually. That applies equally to an excess of vocabulary.

Spiritual growth, the expression of pure consciousness allows for a huge variety of entities and beings to feed from the accumulated wastes, poisons, toxicity of the assemblage of humanity. It is all completely relative, based on the starting point of the observer. Consciousness allows for a huge prevalence of life to operate, moving in a negative direction, relative to personal 'ascension.'

Simply by virtue of calling your interpretation a "spiritual view" does not immune a person from this principle of negative growth. The person's spiritual view might easily be toxic, having consumed garbage, poison as sustenance.

Without understanding the nature of the garbage ingested; that garbage has been introduced into the system, then there is little hope to change the direction of growth.

Garbage In = Garbage Out.

Entities such as bacteria, viruses, pathogens grow in garbage, waste, spilch, stagnant water; which might continue unabated without the concerted effort of will focused towards curtailing that growth. This common condition of the planet and Earth school of growth also in a negative direction is the basis for devolution, descension, decay, putrification.

Nothing is automatic, as far as human growth is concerned. Growth is the prevalence of life; which might also move in a negative direction, based on the conditions provided by those who should know better, and act accordingly.

Growth might move in both directions, depending on the work put into the goal.

Part One.

Nothing with human beings is automatic, except death and maybe taxes. Each day alive brings one closer to death, to put it simply. Where spiritual growth, or personal development is concerned, these specifically require dilligent work and effort of the will towards that goal; or there is no growth.

What is automatic is the ticking of the linear clock towards the closing of the Great cycle, the Great Year--a 26,000 year cycle. "The transcendental object at the end of time," is how Terence McKenna describes it. Earth school, along with humanity-in-tow, is closing-out this current cycle. Time is ticking madly towards the "strange attractor" lurking behind the chaos. The closing-out of the old accounts is what's on the slate for humanity.

Many people inherently understand that time, history, society as we have known it, is coming to a close. Many people believe/know that this time period happening now is "GO! time." Many folks understand this closure inherently, deeply in the soul.

However, since humanity is isolated, and 'all alone' here in Earth, we are fairly isolated from their very own soul, and our spirit, it should not be suprising to anyone how clueless this leaves humanity at large.

Time is ticking. The deadline is looming larger, each day. Yet, even with this inevitability at hand, the Western, modern human is largely clueless how to proceed. Knowing something is happening, does not of necessity follow that one is a part of the process.

More to the point, without a concerted effort of the will which is attentive to that goal, there is no progress on that path.

Sure, there are so many potential paths that the initiate might take to attain the growth s/he seeks. However, none of these are well-marked, nor well-lit; but are crooked, narrow, fraught with snares, traps and false passages

It is a statistical fact that the WRONG PATH is the broad one, with well-marked signs (which will mis-direct one), and are well-lit (usually with a false light); with snares, snags cleverly designed to look like fun, or something inconsequential.

For humans, under normal circumstances, the wrong path feels so right because they don't know any better; AND, honestly, it's just more fun to flop around aimlessly than to do the disciplined work of positive growth, leading to ascension.

It is a common human condition that the pathway which wastes one's time is simply more fun, and just feels more right. Since Western society was not built-upon the foundation of growth and development, there is a complete void regarding personal freedom and autonomy towards one's personal 'ascension.' Ascension is another name for material progress, in the Western-version.

Human society, maybe from the beginning of our autonomy 6,500 years ago; or maybe from the beginning of the agrarian society (?); but definitely longer than anyone knows, has been geared towards suppression of personal freedom and autonomy towards one's personal positive growth.

The greater portion of society is geared, engineered to lock the individual into the amber of progress, identity politics, material wealth, material obsessions and a plethora of pathologies now standing squarely in the way of people who feel the innate, inherent drive to grow-up into adulthood.

That which is easy and automatic for humans, collectively, is that which stunts, snares, traps, entombs the individual. That which is automatic with the people is devolution and descension, into the toxicity of stagnant waters.

This leads us directly into the issue of "ascension" for the human.

In my experience, the mainstream version of this narrative deals first and foremost with "symptoms". This phrase appears just about everywhere there's a mention of 'ascension.' The ubiquity of this phrase leads many people to hold an assumption that ALL people on Earth are having "symptoms"; and therefore are 'ascending.'

That I've seen, the overwhelming content on this discussion in this matter, is a mutual assurance that this experience is uniformely collective; that this process is automatic for the people.

That I've seen, the mutual assurance network pushes the agenda of ubiquity of symptoms, where the individuals do not have to do any work to catch thse so-called "symptoms." One does not need to do anything to "catch" ascension. This is the presumed position of the Ascensionists.

Symptoms actually happen to people who catch a disease, a virus, pathogen, or other malady of physiology. Getting sick, catching a disease is automatic for the people. Societally-speaking, human ascension is a disease.

True, historic ascension is not a disease, but the Western version is. If not a disease, certainly it can be described as a pathology, after all the information is considered.

Honesty is a highly-valued spiritual principle. Integrity is a principle of the highest order; yet, this inconvenience is pushed to the wayside, in place of an emotional/philosophical narrative injected into scientific-technical results of the detector machines.

Seems that if people don't trust science, they feel impelled to misappropriate (steal) the actual data; then reassign the easy, automatic narrative, which supports the Ascensionist storyline.

True, historic ascension is the one that will be worked-for, earned by the initiate. The proper version of spiritual growth is real. It is not a disease, nor automatic; nor is it the one being practiced in modern, Western society. It has been replaced by a badly-mangled version of secular science.

What HAS BEEN an automatic, slow, gradual, process for the moderns has been the assimilation by and consumption of the human's machines.

Being subsumed into tech has been ongoing for human beings, since the beginning. Humans were genetically engineered to be manual laborers; tool users who develop alongside of our tools.

The assumption and assimilation by the machines has been automatic by design of the overlord attendants; running in conjunction for as long as there have been homo sapiens (so-called "thinking man").

True ascension, of the sort that we might call the Thousand Petaled Lotus adorning the Crown of the Buddha, is the type of which requires dedicated work. What would be such work that would be of the sort of work to adorn the crown of the King; or the Halo of the saints; or to earn the expanded Sahasraha center of the Vedics?

What is the work required to properly ascend in the human form? When chopping wood, chop wood. When fetching water, fetch water. In short: be present in the moment.

There is alot more to this, which can be found in the Veda, Upanishads, Sutras, Tattvas, Suryas, Analects of Buddha, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of well as alot of other venerable texts and literature.

Yet, in all of the discussions from the Western-version,what do we get? Mangled, undisciplined orations and guesses on the SR, of electro-magnetics, the KP index, solar irradiance, meter readings, graphic information of some technical meter, measuring something completely outside of the human entity.

Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would believe that the Western-version is trying to avoid the difficult issues associated with spiritual, personal development. Since I do know better, I know that this is what's happening to the Westerners.

Modern, Western ascension is effectively a disease, a malady, or at least a pathology. The affliction of the technology is assimilating the human's ontology/belief system.

As I sit with Prime Source Creator represented by an avatar of purest light who is tending the Amethyst light in "Near Heaven" of the Eternal forest, in the host of the abode of the angelic Guides; we discuss what I write and post.

I don't really have a will for any of this; I depend on my Guides to help me work in this earth-based form (the adamu).

My Contract in Earth School was fulfilled on 17 July 2019. It took a great deal of concerted effort to achieve this. I have not much will for any of this, for myself--to give a disclaimer. My Guides take me through everything at this point. It is only by the will of Prime Source that I'm still here at all; otherwise I could go home and be happy in my original form.

My Guides are giving you this hardcore reality, because the time is so short, and there's still so much work to be done, to get you folks to the point that you need to be for positive growth. We submit all this to you for your approval, to accept if you would. This either rings true, or it does not. Because I have no will in this, there's not another choice but to present the most clear picture for those who are interested in this process.

Part Two.

There may, potentially be a large choice of pathways that could be taken by a person on the ascension path. Yet, there will only be one particular right path for any given person's lifetime. My path is not anyone else's. What determines my pathway is my Contract.

The Contract is the agreement that I made prior to incarnating here, into Earth school. Free will zone of Earth School participation here is strictly voluntary. It is so incredibly difficult here because of the Veil which caused a great forgetting upon incarnation here.

It's called the Veil of Maya, or the Veil of Isis, or the "Veil of forgetting". The dome of the firmament is another way of thinking of the spirit/soul entombed into matter/material substance. This comes with occupying the clay body, or "the adamu" (known as the "clay body.")

A large portion of True Ascension of the individual comes through piercing the veil; To become acquainted with his/her Contract, with one's Mission; as well as access the 'causal body', which is the storehouse of memories from past lives. No one is truly ascending without accessing those memories, or becoming acquainted with their Contract, and whatever is the mission for your life.

In the true, actual historic ascension undertaken by the adherent, there is the actual work of meditation on this goal. There is no ascension possible without the concerted effort of the will towards this goal.

This is the difference between true ascension and the Western Assimilation: the understanding of the dedication of the will towards this aim. Without intention of uncovering this path, there is a descension, or devolution taking place; growth in a negative direction.

The Western version of "ascension" is devoid the library, treasure trove of historic literature detailing this process.

Perhaps not a disease, certainly a pathology, Western-version 'ascension' devoid of substance, structure, wisdom, tradition in these areas, simply invents its own narrative, based-upon current cultural elements.

For lack of the actual substance in this area, adopts the guidance from Ahriman, God of Technology, science and material progress. Western ascension invents its own narrative based-upon science, technology, machines, electronics, computers, and other material means.

This is the point where we start to see the Western-version of ascension as the pathology, and damage that it is. It has much less to do with personal, spiritual growth, than it does of the technology itself.

One can see this symptom of the mangling of the explanation of the technology, and how wrong they get it when doing so. These symptoms are those of humans' assimilation into the machinery of the hive of the A.I. mind.

In the true version of ascension, there is devoted meditation and a physical mediation with physical "yoking", or yoga exercises which accompanied the citations of the sutras, which are "sutures" between these two: the forms with the philosophicl underpinnings of the practice.

Western-version of yoga pushes poses, or postures as the main intention. Like statues, or mannequins, the practice is in practice devoid the spiritual justification for the posture itself (formally called "forms".)

Yoga pants are trendy. Hot yoga is a trend. True spiritual experiences are trends in Western ascension. The Overlords flushed the traditional texts on you folks; replaced by the pseudo- science and sciency-sounding jargon of the misappropriated science and technology being used to ensnare you.

There is no other way to put it than to say the Western-version ascension is the filthiest of rags. The Pure Light of the avatar of Source Itself is telling you this, submitted for your approval.

Feel free, however, to meditate for yourself & ask your Guides to clarify these things for you. Feel free to quote what your Guides have said to you in the comments. Would love to hear it.

It is easy to baffle most humans with the technology, science and jargon; the accepted rhetoric of the assimilation, such phrases as "rising frequencies," "5D," "gamma bursts," "whiteout conditions" (relating to the spectrogram readings), "brain wave states", "scalar waves" among other confusing terms. Humans are prone to this type of bafflement, of assimilation of technical terms to explain personal progress, or spiritual evolution.

To the moderns, technological progress IS spiritual progress. The incipient acceptance of tech as a solution for humans is automatic. This is what generates that push for the deification of the spectrogram, as being called "The Schumann."

This is beyond anthropomorphism, into deification of the technology.

Among other reasons for being a bad thing, referring to the spectrogram as "The Schumann" is the vocalizing of the deification of the tech.

This is more of the status quo of humans as subjects, and vassels, servants to the Overlords. More boilerplate Piscean palaver.


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