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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

17 April 2021. Our Guiding Principles in reading Tomsk' Reports; Talk on Tomsk

17 April 2021. Our personal Guiding Principles, in reading Tomsk Reports;

To give a bigger picture outsides the strictly technical explanation of how to decrypt the Schumann-series info.


In this post I'm including a recent "full report capture" from the website of Disclosure; the Italian-based affiliate runs real-time data stream sourced from Tomsk State University's Radioelectronics school; which hosts their own website the livestream their sensor readings.

The "full report capture" is our working illustration.

Tomsk State University is a public University, as such is one of the oldest in Ukraine, Russia. Originally, it was a division of the older-still Polytechnical Institute, located down the street from TSU; having broken-off in 1950's.

Like the majority of universities around the world, it is staffed primarily with graduate students, who are simply looking to build their career in the sciences. They have done an excellent job to this point, providing valuable technical data, free to the world, as it has been a part of their public charter to do such.

It is only publically-funded institutions (usually educational ones) who are potentially going to post their data freely for the world to review and criticize.

Truly scientific ventures are often funded by a grant, and as such, should not be expected to be as freely-publishing results of their data, accessible for the "lay community", or the populations as a whole. Grant-funded research will be published in technical, and trade journals.

In previous posts, I've specifically addressed such articles, so that those who are not familiar with scientific "peer review" papers have a familiarity with the actual research.

More importantly, this addresses the issue of why isn't there more freely-available results from the wealth of detectors world-wide operating currently?

The short answer is that there are plenty of stations out there...

if you know where to look, and how to research; then the data is accessible to all. Given time and patience you can assemble a trove or research this topic; to become as knowledgeable as I am. I have an abundence of both for this subject matter. So, I've come across all sorts of great documentation; thusly presenting it freely to the public, as a public service.

What I am doing here is not to provide you with information that you can't get for yourself. What I'm doing here is to help you learn how to interperate this data, based on my 30+ years experience with radio, broadcast, and electronics.

As a Guiding Principle, we use Occum's Razor: that the simpler explanation is preferred. Extrodinary claims require extrodinary proof. Data tampering or manipulation is such a claim. Manipulated or tampered readings claims are extra-ordinary claims. As a technically-minded person, I'm hard-pressed to figure-out a way to get in there to tamper with the data, when it was designed to be run, fairly autonomously without human intervention ... do I dare to even say it? Yes, I have to say the obvious: This system is made autonomously, so as to avoid data tampering ...

There are indeed even articles by antenna operators who discuss an autonomously running system. One such example is found on

Data tampering @ TSU claims are an element of the Disney-side of the "Ascension" narrative. My reasonable reply to this is: The "powers-that-be" don't need to foil us, nor confound us... we do a fine-enough job for them in sabotaging our own mission. It's far easier to run a funky narrative to people that they can subjective feel, that takes the place of real facts, and substance.

The fact is, they can't really fuck with the actual data, so they simply need to whisper funky things into the mainstream, as a cover, or of the any layers to this labyrinth "They" totally unwittingly merely need to have unexplained power drop-out from the mains, for the funky-side of the narrative to sprout, like a fungus...

It's very easy to use technical glitches not otherwise explainable, to explain the alleged phenomena--which would not otherwise be visible. Identifying a data void on the charts and graphs as a "timeline shift" is such an example of this type of misappropriation. This falls under the 'belief', not 'established fact', category.


First principle: A spectrogram is a composite image plotted from the reports of the dependencies: Amplitude, Quality and Frequency.

Spectro-only, shown without the dependencies, are not giving a complete picture. This is an element of fuckery of which to be aware. The Disney-side of the narrative depends on your ignorance on how to technically read the spectrogram. For the blessed few of you here to learn the truth, you need to ask this important question: from what base set of knowledge are they getting their ability to conjur a reading of the current chart?

Second principle: know the local conditions around the antenna. Automobile traffic, as well as the power mains grid, leave an impression on the readings. Within a certain radius of the antennae it is going to pick-up local ambient interferences. Local weather makes a difference.

Third principle: Diurnal is the difference between day and nighttime readings. The ionosphere befomes "firmer", developing a stratified nature, which is different from the "slack" nighttime; the "D layer" plays a part in this.

Fourth principle: there is a finite distance from the antenna which a signal can be recognised. Schumann Resonances are in the "pico-" range. These are very subtle energies. Many sources of emf radiation in our modern environment produce a far-stronger signal than the Schumann-series of resonances.

Fifth principle: there is a signal to noise ratio (SNR) in the atmosphere which must get filtered and conditioned-out of the line, so as not to effect the authentic Schumann-series signal.

Sixth principle: Schumann resonances are a series of harmonics of atmospheric electromagnetics, Which goes from 7.8-~46 Hertz resonance frequency. Resonances are standing waves; enough standing waves becomes harmonics.

Seventh principle: Electricity and magnetism act together as a team. Normally these are paired, or "requited"; we would expect under normal circumstances for the amplitude and quality to act proportionate to each other--within each mode (1,2,3,4) working as a team.

Eighth principle: Unpaired Amplitude, which acts synchronously across the 4 modes is coming from the same originating source much higher in the ionosphere than the standard Schumann resonances.

Ninth Principle: Images produced inside of the spectrographic report, the spectrogram, is scaled to fit the available space. The actual number values are found on the individual panels from the dependencies. These actual values need to be consulted before determining how "big" the burps inside the spectro actually are, in real-world terms.

Tenth principle: Colors on the spectrogram are produced using the color "palette" from its dependencies: Amplitude, Quality, Frequency--against the.

This principle: includes a dark blue start point of the background "canvas" of the spectrogram. The spectrogram is a full-color representation created through the line graphs of the dependencies. Spectro- is attempting to create a 3D illustration created through line-graph information. "Axes" of this image are created through the line graph information, of the actual raw data coming from the processing unit.

The color information includes a depth to it, that can be missed, if one's only looking for the dynamics of the white-mode spiking.

This principle includes white-mode spiking. At Tomsk, Mode 1 is given the color white. Engineers picked this color. Who knows why?

In actual practice Mode is a complex equation, which is a relative ratio between the size and shape of Amplitude compared with Quality.

Lotsa alternative versions exist to explain what-is the mystical white on "the Schumann".

Green is the largest of the waves, and closes to earth. White is taller and skinnier in amplitude, so those should be expected to bounce higher, after hitting Earth ground.

Amplitude, spikes are one issue, as the electrics effect you in one way. Yet, the magnetics, Quality, measured in picoTeslas, does a different thing. You might feel the magnetics on the joints. Its what's causing the ringing. Electrics cuses the nausea and vertigo, maybe sinus headaches, due to the pineal resonating. electrics and magnetics both will do their job on the crystals, but amplitude doesn't last as long as the magnetics. You're stuck with the magnetics...these keep going around the world, untill the atmospheric electrics becomes cemented as a form of gravity, over time, continuously ringing..

Quality is the horizontal bands, which are the resonances themselves.

At the very top of the chart, at the end, we can see a dark blue of the background of the chart. This is showing us that higher latitude activity is fairly calm.

Eleventh Principle: Frequency is the measure in kilometers. This is the standard manner of measuring radio wave propagation, as in the Hertz, which is cycles per second. Green waves are bigger, these are higher in size, or frequency.

Yet, the white mode is allegedly "higher frequency white light". Looking at the dependency of frequency here, we see white is a lower value of frequency, and it's confusing. This dependency is measuring the originating waves, and NOT the resonant frequency of the Schumann-series of atmospheric electromagnetics.

Frequency shows the "diurnal" variations very well. There are longer-term ups and downs that appear in a roughly 2-hour period. This is the effect of the sun's apparent motion across our skies, where it tightens-up, and then looses-up the ionosphere, systematically.

Frequency waves are primarily a function of the Quality aspect of the EMF waves. Frequency is measuring peak-to-peak distance across a second of time. Top reading of White mode is 8.23 KM. Top reading of Green Mode is 25.70 KM. A larger wave covers a greater distance in the same amount of time. In other words, there were less white peaks than there were green peaks.

Additionally, compare top number of white mode quality is around 13, and the top number of green mode 12. This is actually an odd day, in this respect, because green is sooooo quite, and white had a last minute phone in that it had to make an appearance on the chart...just to mess up this report, but whatevs...

So, even though the magnetic strength of green mode is relatively low, it's going kinda fast, or heavy that is to say. You can see this in the band at the foundational frequency harmonic of 7.8. That's not raising, it's intact and staying put .

The upper harmonics are shy today, but we know they're working, just the same.


Regardless what Tomsk does, you are the center of your universe. You have more power in how you feel than you give ourselves credit for.

Yet, if you are not doing the necessary grounding and releasing of the lowest densities, there's nothing much that's going to make you feel better.

Thank you for reading :)


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