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17 Apr 2022. Rising Frequencies, Part Three: Beware of rising frequencies.

17 Apr 2022. Rising Frequencies, Part Three: Beware of rising frequencies.

13-18 April 2021. Beware of rising frequencies; Avoid being brainwashed.

This is the outline of the series, as I have it to this point:

Part One : Beware of Pseudo-Science, Why Frequencies Are Not Rising

Part Two : Frequency, A Word So Badly-Mangled, It's Beyond Usable Meaning.

Part Three : Beware Of Rising Frequencies ; Avoid Being Brain-Washed.



Thank you for being here.

I'm working through a series on "Rising Frequencies"; what this means from the etheric technician's perspective.

This is not going to be for everyone; not everyone's ready, and this is a long work. Thank you for sticking with it.

All of this entire Earth School perspective has been difficult to adjust to. Some of this has been easy, indeed. Gravity, falling is easy. Pain, here, is easy. Damage, hurt, fuckery is all easy here. Devolution, decay, putrification are easy, in Earth School.

Growth takes work; effort of the Will. Healthy growth is not guaranteed, in Earth school. Free will also applies to viruses and pathogens introduced by the human species; and/or those organisms feeding off of the created toxins, introduced by human avarice.

The Veil of Gaia is that of the material bonds; organizations of elements to allow for conscious intention to succeed. Within the amazing assortment of geometrical shapes, and possibilities, based upon genetic code imprints, is the wonder of life on this planet.

Earth is one of billions of possible schools of "matter" that a soul might incarnate within. Earth is an interesting place, quite unique. As I understand, we agree to certain conditions to incarnation here: This is strictly voluntary. One agrees to a Contract. We have certain lessons we each have to learn; certain karmic obligations which must be fulfilled. We agree to lose our greater memories, and skills prior to incarnation here, to start as a blank slate.

The Sumerians referred to Earth as Tiamat, the "Watery Dragon."

Over-indulgence of liquid water on/within the surface is the key to Her uniqueness. A huge variety of life is able to be supported, due to unique conditions of the 'watery Dragon.'

That I understand, the primary reason for incarnating into Earth school is to learn how to connect with the actual planetary body. Through animating one of these "adamu" ('intelligent clay body suit') of the physical world, of the material constraints of the Planet herself, as a living entity.

Life otherwise exists as a spirit, or etheric form, and can directly experience what there is to know, directly. Yet, in this physical form, the adamu, your genetic lineage is a tapestry, or a fabric, based on the genetic blueprint of the ancestors.

The spirit's inhabitation, animation, of the physical form is relatively short in time. Yet, to compensate this, the genetic lineage itself, is coming from time immemorial. The body itself is intelligent, because its material composition has been doing this since before our individual spirit got here. It is Spirit that's embedded into the material electro-magnetics of the planetary material, so that we might live this material existence, within Earth's free will zone.

Elsewhere, there would be, could not be a question of a Source behind all of this. Even in other realm's material existence, a spirit-complex still retains its memories. One could have those here, yet, it's nearly impossible, because people have to ask for it here; And, society is poised against that happening.

Earth is not just a free-will zone, but it's actually under siege, or has been, or had been, or maybe still is....

The Wars of The Gods has been going on for quite some time, at this point. At least the past 13,000 years, probably longer; the battle over the human's genetic material, lumped-in with the unique quality of the human's ability to imagine, dream, and tap into the intuitive ability of the genetic structure.

The DNA is on loan, or lease, or stewardship, by the human spirit, and aspirations; yet, ultimately, everything physical goes back to the planet, Earth School, The Free Will Zone Of Gaia.

We are facing a planetary reset.

Earth's "frequencies" are not rising. Her polarity is shifting, changing, reversing. New planetary magnetics are being established, based on this inevitability.

The time frame of "a second" is decreasing, or perhaps loosening it's meaning, in a linear world. Even though the worldwide synchronized time is based on atomic-decay time, one's heartbeat, and natural circadian rhythm sets the timeline, or linear time constraints on the person, in their daily life.

We all use a regular clock for convenience, yet, some people are just never on-time, relative to their agreed obligations.

The meaning, connection, duration, association with linear time is changing, shifting, quickening; due largely to the immanent pull of the new pole's location, increasing, and speeding up. Large jolts of solar radiance push this movement, and the days become a hair, or two shorter, due to the jump in the magnetic poles drift.

So-called "Climate change" is the code-word for Earth changes as a result of the shifting poles. This is a part of the great Reset. There may also be a micro-nova being prepared at this point, maybe; the signs for one are there.

This is the wrap-up of the wrap-up.

This is mid-stream of the Harvest of the Souls; which happens immediately preceding one of these great resets. This one is different because the sacred knowledge is being revealed to ALL humanity, and not just certain tribes, or groups who had been poised, ready, dedicated towards just this purpose.

This Cycle, of necessity is clearing the majority of human genetic code "individuals" , returned back into the planetary, physical matrix. Physical life will be significantly different, upon the resolution of this Harvest.

Gaia's operational frequency is not increasing. Her polarities are reversing. This is a much different scenario than you are given to understand, in the 'mainstream' ascension-seekers rhetoric. There is clearly developing a mainstream narrative on what is "ascension", dragging in-tow a litany of jargon such as "rising frequencies"... which do not seem to have a useful definition to them.

This, generally, is the stage I'm setting, before getting into the main material of this section on Rising Frequencies, as an entire chapter to itself. This is the next section in the discussion on rising frequencies, relative to "ascension."

Once again, the Pure Light Avatar of Prime Source, defines human ascension at this point as Completion of the Soul Contract which was agreed-upon prior to incarnation into the Earth-birth form. God says, essentially: Until you complete the agreed-upon lessons that you agreed to learn, then you aren't going anywhere superior to the material dimension of Earth-school. She is multi-densitied, multi-dimensional, and ancient.

She is NOT...yet, she IS hell in the proper sense, both, at the same time. An imprisonment of the soul into matter is about the worst hell there could be. Nowhere else could a soul become so lost as here in Earth-school. Even after the spirit dis-corporates from the physical form; if the proper work has not been done, the soul/spirit can't escape from the material matrix of the free will zone.

Gravity is not just a physical thing. It goes deeping into the probability that things will remain the same. Change, growth, love takes work, time, effort, exercise of the Will. Devolution, decay, decomposition is the steady-state of Earth-school. Change is the only constant.

Time grows shorter, as we head towards this "attractor event." Gravity is getting heavier. This is the bottom of the last portion of the Kalayuga. This is the time where everything is set to break-down, and completely dissolve.

There's different opinions on this, but the Source I go by has the ending of the Kalayuga in 2025, or 2026. By way of comparison, Pluto return comes in 2024, which is the ending of the current presidency, and exactly 248 yrs, since the signing of the declaration of Independence. Pluto nominal return of 250 yrs will be in 2026.

If the time period is running shorter, this is not necessarily saying that "frequencies" are increasing. Least of all, not when one can't exactly define what thing they are keeping track of in the frequency count.

Remember, frequency is a running tally of 'peak' events, within a given time period. Shortening the time period does not raise the frequency itself. This is a difficult concept for folks to wrap their heads around.

As linear time shifts, changes, adopts to the reversing direction, it's legitimately giving people trouble, as they're trying to make logical sense of it. One has to try to drop the logical attachment to linear, clock-based time...but how does one do this?

Well...learn to meditate, I would recommend.

Get off linear time, as best you can.

The clock is a large part of "The Grid".

Seems to us that a large part of the push behind the rhetorical ubiquity of "rising frequencies" appearing everywhere is the push to control the dialog, and introduce rhetoric as a means to brainwash the population into lockstep agreement in these rather abstract, nonsensical phrases and concepts.

Essentially, this sets the stage for the remainder of the material...I hope.



Beware of those phrases that appear everywhere in the "Ascension scene"; yet are not secured to anything solid or definite.

Again, the simplest definition of "ascension" is to complete the Contract agreed-upon, pre-incarnation into Earth-school. All participation here is strictly voluntary, due to the incredibly-difficult nature of the Free-will Zone of Earth-school. Simply completing the agreed-upon Contract is enough to facilitate Graduation to the next level.

The work must be completed before dissolution from the Earthen-vessel of the adamu. So-called "ascension" is completed through concerted effort of the will.

Because the natural inclination of the material world is towards dissolution, decay, degradation, there can only be one direction towards growth, and that is the exercise of the free will towards developing the Light Body-vessel.

Development of the light body vessel comes through conscious effort of the will, applied towards this goal. There is nothing automatic with this process. Simply being alive at this time, does not automatically mean that any individual is automatically going through this process, or spiritual&emotional positive growth. Negative growth into the dissolution into decay is the natural state and order of the material bonds of Earth-school.

We develop the strength and intensity of the light vessel structure through concerted effort of moving the physical vessel around this place. The life-force is embedded into the energetic structure of the material elements of the planet Herself. Physically, we operate at, vibrate at the relatively low frequency of the planet Herself.

Development of the light-body vessel within this form requires a "vision" to see the multi-dimensionality of the physical world. I give as an example "impeccable timing" as proof of a "full time 5D existence" living in the "3D" world.

The talk of dimensions is misleading. It's not a place we are going to, nor a destination we'll arrive at. It's here, now, if one knows the principles in action.

One can not go any further to develop the light body vessel, without first completion of the individual Contract. There is no short-cutting this process. Without the proper work and discipline, there can be no growth; nor is there any moving forwards into the next stage of development.


Beware Of Rising Frequencies ; Avoid Being Brain-Washed.

For a number of reasons, "rising frequencies" are not a friend to this process. Rising frequencies as an actual thing are not helping; nor is all the clamoring around this phrase what you're being led to believe that it is. This is one of those oft-overused rhetorical phrases that is not assisting in "ascension", either the real part of the Contract, nor the fantisied-version of development of the light body vessel.

There is ALOT of rhetoric, which is groundless, abstract, and actually destructive to proper growth of the person.

Higher frequencies become easier to control. The beam narrows, wave-heights decrease, as the frequencies increase. It becomes more directional; as it moves from a frequency to a velocity, which is a straight-line vector. This applies to sound, radio, x-ray, all EMF energies; higher frequencies become increasingly directional, and narrow; therefore, easier to control as a velocity.

Frequency is a measurement -- of peak events.

Frequency is simply a continuous count of peak events. What is actually peaking? What is the thing being measured? Can the 'thing' actually be measured withing the span of a second? These are the central questions that need to be answered, when discussing "rising frequencies".

Things NOT a frequency: emotional states, behaviour, belief systems, attitudes, etc. The "thing" needs to be able to be measured and tallied.


Brain-Wave States.

This is probably an ideal point to introduce the discussion about brainwave state.

First a disclaimer: I'm not a brain doctor. In other parts of this series, I've given references to the two sources of material for this part. I'm likely to include this source material. Additionally, I have college-level classes in psychology, while working on my A.S.; in which I scored relatively highly.

- What is the brain made of ?

"Weighing about 3 pounds in the average adult, the brain is about 60% fat. The remaining 40% is a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates and salts. The brain itself is a not a muscle. It contains blood vessels and nerves, including neurons and glial cells."

There are three main areas of the brain: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain stem.

The Cerebrum is the top portion, which constitutes the greater mass of the brain organ. This is divided into two hemispheres. These are separated into 4 lobes: Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal.

Frontal lobe. The largest lobe of the brain, located in the front of the head, the frontal lobe is involved in personality characteristics, decision-making and movement;

Parietal lobe. The middle part of the brain, the parietal lobe helps a person identify objects and understand spatial relationships (where one’s body is compared with objects around the person);

Occipital lobe. The occipital lobe is the back part of the brain that is involved with vision;

Temporal lobe. The sides of the brain, temporal lobes are involved in short-term memory, speech, musical rhythm and some degree of smell recognition. "

- Cerebrum

"The cerebrum (front of brain) comprises gray matter (the cerebral cortex) and white matter at its center. The largest part of the brain, the cerebrum initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature. Other areas of the cerebrum enable speech, judgment, thinking and reasoning, problem-solving, emotions and learning. Other functions relate to vision, hearing, touch and other senses."

- Cerebellum

"The cerebellum (“little brain”) is a fist-sized portion of the brain located at the back of the head, below the temporal and occipital lobes and above the brainstem. Like the cerebral cortex, it has two hemispheres. The outer portion contains neurons, and the inner area communicates with the cerebral cortex. Its function is to coordinate voluntary muscle movements and to maintain posture, balance and equilibrium."

- Cerebral Cortex

" Cortex is Latin for “bark,” and describes the outer gray matter covering of the cerebrum. The cortex has a large surface area due to its folds, and comprises about half of the brain’s weight."

- Brainstem

" The brainstem (middle of brain) connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. The brainstem includes the midbrain, the pons and the medulla;

" Midbrain. The midbrain (or mesencephalon) is a very complex structure with a range of different neuron clusters (nuclei and colliculi), neural pathways and other structures;

" Pons. The pons is the origin for four of the 12 cranial nerves, which enable a range of activities such as tear production, chewing, blinking, focusing vision, balance, hearing and facial expression;

" Medulla. At the bottom of the brainstem, the medulla is where the brain meets the spinal cord. The medulla is essential to survival. Functions of the medulla regulate many bodily activities, including heart rhythm, breathing, blood flow, and oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. "

- Spinal Cord

" Extends from the bottom of the medulla and through a large opening in the bottom of the skull. Supported by the vertebrae, the spinal cord carries messages to and from the brain and the rest of the body."

- 12 Cranial Nerves.

- EEG / Electroencephalography

EEG measures electrical activity of the brain

The brain consists of billions of cells, half of which are neurons, half of which help and facilitate the activity of neurons. These neurons are densely interconnected via synapses, which act as gateways of inhibitory or excitatory activity.

Any synaptic activity generates a subtle electrical impulse referred to as a postsynaptic potential. Of course, the burst of a single neuron is difficult to reliably detect without direct contact with it. However, whenever thousands of neurons fire in sync, they generate an electrical field which is strong enough to spread through tissue, bone, and skull. Eventually, it can be measured on the head surface.

EEG Definition:

(1) measures electrical activity generated by the synchronized activity of thousands of neurons (in volts)

(2) provides excellent time resolution, allowing you to detect activity within cortical areas -even at sub-second timescales

As the voltage fluctuations measured at the electrodes are very small, the recorded data is digitized and sent to an amplifier. The amplified data can then be displayed as a sequence of voltage values. "

There are 5 "brainwave states": 0-4 ; 4-8 ; 8-12; 12-40 ; 40-100 Hz.

40-100Hz = Cerebrum (distributed between 4 lobes, 2 hemispheres);

12-40Hz = Cerebellum (split between 2 hemispheres);

0-12Hz = Brainstem (Medulla = 0-4; Pons = 4-8; Midbrain=5-12Hz).

The brainstem is wired directly to the 12 nerves. Therfore, I'm including the 12 cranal nerves as a portion of the brain as well. Our physical sensory information is hard-wired directly into the brain.

Nerves are conducted through electrochemical means. The nervous system is the electric-side activity of brain, and the body itself.

Heart-based activity is the magnetic-side activity of brain, and the body. The brain itself contains both the nervous as electric-side content, in addition to the warm-blooded 'thought' activity of the lower brain, as the magnetic-side.

As a Guiding principle, the higher-up in location of the thought, the higher the brain-voltage frequency; the higher in the skull, the higher in frequence.

There is a spiritual axiom that directs us to put our heads where our feet are.

There's alot more to the physics of the transfer of memories internally, of brain frequency than I can talk about here, while keeping this simple. I'm looking at this from the etheric technician's perspective: the spiritual principles behind the physical reality. Proper nutrition is important. Water content is important. Proper conductivity of the material is extremely important in maintaining a consistent frequency of brain-voltage.

Deliberative-type activity, where more memories need to be accessed, &/or more computational processing is higher "frequency" brain-voltage activity. Telling lies, remembering contrived events takes more processing power than telling a truth / maintaining a consistent narrrative throughout.

(The most simple explanation is to be preferred first. Extraordinary claims require extraodinary evidence--holding these principles are good ways to detect a lie. )

What are we actually measuring?

Voltage peaks: thought-activity in various portions of the brain organ; it is electrical at its essence.

Brain's internal frequency (activity within the Cerebrum itself, intra-lobal); operates at a different rate than the through-put from sensory experience of the nerves, into the upper brain, and then back down into physical response and action (action-reaction cycle) of the physical earthen-vessel.

The longer the nerve itself, the longer a time it takes to pass the signal from brainstem to the end, such as the foot for example. The longest nerve moves at the slowest frequency rate, in the brain. There's not en effective way to raise these frequencies. There's a physical constraint to the Earthen form, which must be appreciated, in my understanding of this.

- Lowering the Frequencies.

The lower-down we go, the lower the operating frequencies that we need to keep things perpetuating. The centers of functioning operate at various frequencies, depending on their assigned task. No center operates at all frequencies; only a limited range.

There are 12 nerves.

The set that connect the senses of the head operate at the 8-12Hz freq. range. The set furthest-away, are the lowest freq. nerves.

Brain-wave activity is the electric-side of emotions; these are nerves, nervous energy.

Heart-rate and breathing the the magnetic-side activity.

With all of this stated, there is another factor to consider; this is heartrate. The blood-circulation system regulates a natural rhythm, depending on the breathing of the individual.

The heartbeat essentially describes, defines the linear time scale of an individual. We all have a personal sense of a second, regardless of what the clock says.

Logical individuals tend to be punctual. Those who work with numbers, accountants, doctors, lawyers, are of this sort. Yet, there are many people who are perpetually late. This is all our personal relationship with linear time.

There is a perpetual, permanent (magnetic-side activity)] low frequency, relative to the high-freq. brain-voltage activity. Part of the brain mediates and interacts with this. As I drop my breathing, the body relaxes, feels calm; the brainwave states lower activity.

The premise is that rising frequencies are not necessarily a good, beneficial thing of itslf. What's the actual thing being measured?

In our immediate example, it is brainvoltage count. Depending on the area, the task being done in the physical world.

Depending on where in the brain the activity is centered, it 'fires' at certain normal rates, based-on a time factor, as set by the heart in actual terms. Apparently proteins store memories and associations. This constitutes 'muscle memory.'

As I meditate, I lower my brainwave state. My head becomes connected to my feet once again. It's far better for my brainwave state to be in coherence with my breathing and heart-rate.

It seems to us, the ones who exhibit the most problematic behaviour, the predatory-types, tend to "vibrate" at a higher frequency state, perpetually.

They need to out-think the average people.

Abstract thinkers, those highly-logical individuals tend to have higher brain freq than 'the average.'

All of this is, indeed a highly complicated area. I'm making alot of generalities, based on the readings and research, for the purposes of this exposition. As with everything I do, this information is for me personally; if it resonates with you, then I am happy to be of help to you in your pathway.

I am reminded of how complex is our modern society, in general. It's utterly amazing what industry has done for and to us. Increasing industrializaton requires increasing, rising frequencies.

Simply, higher frequencies, turning into a velocity, become easier to control, as the frequencies increase. Directed frequencies, easier to control, become proportionately more useful in the "brain-washing" process.

Brain-washing for our purposes simply applies to removal of the free will, as a perceived option. Control over the rhetoric layer of abstraction is one of the primary means of controlling the population.

- De-coherence of Brainwave State To Rhetoric.

Those who think in abstractions will generally be operating perpetually in the higher frequency portion.

Here's where the problem with the fuckery of the language gets in the way. [ Previously, I've discussed the fall of language, coming with the fall of the Tower of Babel. ]

First, language resides in multiple parts of the language, with various speech centers. Language has various levels and modes of communication, of idea transport between different parts of the brain.

This is one of the more fascinating elements to this research, is the fact of the multiplicity of language across the entire brain, so that we "remember", and experience language, remembering based on spoken, or written; in addition to other, less-tangible factors, such as a person's body language, for example.

Language may be devoid of actual lived experience.

Language is a rather amazing gift, which resides in multiple part of the brain, depending upon associations. Apparently, this seems to be a built-in safety mechanism for the case of the organ sustaining damage, that communication of some type is possible. Sign language is a possibility for non-verbal communication, for example.

The off-set to this is that additional training is generally required to access that tertiary function. Yet, latent within the brain organ is the ability for multiple language centers to request attention.

There forms a committee in the head, formed of different language centers chattering: Three main centers of the head, two hemispheres, 4 lobes each, with the brainstem recognizing 3 speeds of requests from the limbs and extremities; while none of this includes the usage of extra-sensory, intuitive-field work.

High brain state wave frequencies come with a whole-metric-shit-ton of internal chatter, quite often, for the individual to deal with. Part of the overall confusion is a lack of discipline, help by the initiate, to moderate all the internal chatter.

Abstracted logic/abstracted language generates high frequency brain-voltage activity. Essentially, this is a form of imagination. Zero is an abstracted concept, even though we see it all day long.

Likewise, there's acceptable rhetoric, such as "rising frequencies", and/or "ascension", which are obvious rhetoric, abstract, yet never considered, nor challenged.

Language ungrounded is rhetoric. There is increased brain-state activity accompanying acquiring abstracted language.

There is a language too abstract to be useful. It may be, theoretically, a higher frequency, but so what ... it's not useful.

Lots of tech terms are abstract, higher frequency, floating in the vacuum of the space of the upper-mind.

Discussion on brain-state activity frequency, as I have heard it explained, or used, is at best a well-intentioned ruse propagated by folks who don't know better, who do not have discernment we'll just say; Or, at worse it's an intentional misrepresentation to misguide folks in this area.

- Frequencies of what ?

What are we counting? Attitude is not a frequency.

Beware of language and rhetoric that gets taken out of context; such as sci- & tech- terms being applied to social behaviours.

Social behaviour doesn't get evaluated through a frequency number; excepting perhaps criminal behavior, relating to court visits.

Highly-abstracted thought resides in the upper brain, in the 40-100Hz area. This is removed from the warm-blooded thoughts, attached to body-centric actions. High frequency loses touch with the the physical reality, and physical constraints of the material reality. Higher frequency looses touch with the body as an intelligent vessel. Upper frequencies detach the head from the body itself.

This could be necessary for some occupations, in the safety of a lab, but the ability to disconnect from body-felt sensations in the real world can be destructive, one has lost touch with reality. This really is nothing to prefer.

The heart-rate is our unit for measuring time and rhythm. The bating of the heart organ, the rate of respiration and perspiration are the frequencies that keep us grounded; occupying the vessel into the Grid of Gaia. These are properly lower frequencies.

Keep my head where are my feet .... where is my mind ? With my feet on the air and my head in the ground ...

Abstracted rhetoric and jargon of Ascensionists and Schumannites would be, indeed, a 'higher frequency' affair; but that's not necessarily a positive, nor beneficial thing.

Beware of rhetoric causing you to move in 'lock-step' with another; Of that which removes, nullifies, or otherwise reduces the free will of another, or your own free will expression.

Much of this 'ascension-based' channeling is little more than conditioning to get one to accept the "new order"/"The New Earth"/"The New World"/"The New World Order." What exactly is the Galactic Alliance's vision for a "New Earth" ? Are you going with their interpretation, because you don't have a better idea?

Through the collective adoptation of this rhetorical lexicon (which at its core is technical jibberish), it does raise the brain's operating frequency in the Cerebrum; whereby keeping active, alive that "matrix," of which so many are so terrorified. Without the disconnected quality of the Cerebrum, a holographic matrix would not otherwise be possible, in Earth-school.

Instinct of the animal, mammal, vegetable takes the place of this type of thought in the human entity. Humans uniquely are reserved with this disconnected quality to mind/mine/mined. It is mine, which I may mine from my mined. Complexities of language, linguistics, abstract thought necessitate a disconnect from direct expression of the phenomenological world.

I ask the question: how are humans so thoroughly unable to feel, or connect to a Source Creator? It is from the physical disconnection of mind from matter of the material realm of Gaia. My mind is not mine, but hers. As I remove mind from body-felt experience, the muscle memory, as my Guide; without this, I am removed from the Great Create, the local creator God of the planet Herself.

It was high on the list of things to do, to become "at one with" the planet. It's difficult to do that in higher frequencies. The rhetoric of the language allow this type of disconnect of mind, from Gaia mind, from peaceful existence in "3D" of the Veil of Gaia. It is a primary reason for incarnating here to love and heal the planet, as we are a part of her cellular structure.

The intelligence may have come from elsewhere, but he bodies are property of Gaia. It's to her where we return, once our Contracts are created. The material itself disallows a strong, stable,knowing, direct connection with Prime Source.

Upon dissolution with the physical matrix of Gaia's elements, the spirit which animates the form is then free to roam, but it does not go far. At that point, the spirit in the form of coherent light, is still hovering over the adamu.

Your feelings, emotions, connections to those you've loved are what holds you here, bound still to 3D. It's not yours, but that of the others who still do not see the "new land" of the refined and rarified light of ether.

At that point, there is no spiritual jargon that's going to explain to you what's happening, or what to do then. It goes from all free will in a head by one's self, with the committee of voices of egoic-mind clammoring for attention, to essentially the still of only source creator.

In no other form is it possible to question the existence of Source. In all other forms, the Great Mystery is how is that Still Voice of Source missing? That's the Great Mystery of humanity: how is the voice of God shut-off so completely to humans, what is the mechanism that allows this to happen?

That comes from the higher operating frequencies of the cerebrum, which are able to disconnect from heart-felt, body-felt, Earth-body based experiences.

There is a unique experience, upon incarnating here, in Earth-birth school of Free Will. This may be the most difficult of all the schools to experience, in this Galaxy, and the Greater Cosmos. This distance, the disconnect, the emptiness coming from the Veil is one of the most painful things to have to go through. To mentally go through what I've had to go through to adopt the human way of thinking is not something easily healed. The damage that comes from this functional disconnect, is unique to humans. It's going to take alot of time and care from Source to mend this chasm.

Proper living here in Earth school, of Gaia's free will zone is a low frequency affair. Frequency itself is a meaningless term, without knowing the phase, or direction of travel of the wave, or the peak. This is where current comes into play. Frequency without a vector is a useless figure.

Earth-birth occupation under the free will veil of Gaia is a low frequency affair, I will fully grant you this. Yet the problem is not with the frequencies. Alot of problematic behaviour is not "low frequency" behaviour.

Problematic behavior is the higher frequency behaviour able to justify and rationalize why its superior logic validates removal of your free will. Those who use alot of talking/words/rhetoric to justify their errant nonsense are higher frequency types.

- Problematic People Behavior.

The most problematic human behaviour among us is the higher frequency activity. Predatory behavior acts at a high brainwave state frequency.

Abstracted thought, work dealing with numbers, science, technology, metaphysics, psychologists, psychiatrists, writers, rhetoricians, sophists, lawyers, judges, doctors, financeers, educators, politicians, clergy... there's more of course, this is simply a working classification of the types of work that goes with this type of thinking.

That is the societally-related thought-set applied to practical ends, in Western culture. The other application is discussion of ascension-based jargon. This type of thinking resides in the 40-100Hz range of the Cerebrum. This spectrum is the realm of imagination, essentially; disconnected from the physical attachment of the lower frequencies of the body-felt sensations.

Again, as frequencies increase, they become more directional; the wavefront shortens, narrows, the wave height decreases, shortens. Higher frequencies are easier to be directed.

Higher frequency thought requires greater clarity, focus; greater accuracy in the details, or things get over-looked. Having a "laser-like focus" makes it difficult to see all of the details which accompany large, imagination-based projects of industry, and acquisition, or commoditization.

The higher the frequency, the more distance from Ground that is established. Higher frequencies require a finer, ever-more niuanced perception of what-is Ground, and the necessity for it.

Frequency is measured from the baseline of ZERO, or the conceptual still point of "nothing." We need a minimum baseline, from which to measure, or to start our count of the peaks being measured.

Yet, in the case of the cerebrum, its theoretical "zero", or starting point begins at a run, in essence. Zero is not zero, it's 40, and only goes up from there to "brain-is-boiling". Because the minimum entry ticket is so high in frequency, the ability to intuit a proper Ground, can be difficult at best. Dam-near impossible at worse.

Machinery: AI Hive mind, connection to the web, the internet, wi-fi. bluetooth, digitization, sensors...

ALL enjoy higher, ever-rising frequencies !

You, however, may not enjoy these...

as it is from where comes the 'ringing'/vertigo complex, along with a multitude of 'symptoms'.

Therein, in a nutshell, does human sanity take an unsavory turn, upon being exposed to higher, everly-increasing frequencies.

Lack of proper grounding into the planetary body is the best way to get those so-called "ascension symptoms". the rising frequency of the telepathy one to another of the machines is what's causing the majority of these "symptoms."

I refer to these as Assimilation Symptoms. This is something I've been discussing for at least 2 years, at this point.

More will be revealed. I've given a good overview of this topic, for future references.

This is a good point to stop.


I'm going to read through what I got, and see if it's clear enough, then post it online.

If you read down to this point, thank you, I appreciate it very much. Hopefully, you've gained from something I've said. I speak for myself only. If this resonates with you, I'm happy I can be of benefit. If not, perhaps later on down the line It'll make more sense.

Either way, this work was done on behalf of Prime Source Creator, to be a clear voice for the great unknown, and the great unseen. It either rings true, or it does not.

How do I got to be the spokesperson for the Pure Light Avatar Of Prime Source Creator? Simple: I have dedicated the remainder of my life towards this purpose; in not only heart and mind, but in action and dedication.

Why me indeed, why not you ? Anyone can do it...feel free to try it yourself. Let me know how that goes. It's a calling that one answers. Like everything else, you have to want it.

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback either way, thank you.



"Brain Anatomy and How the Brain Works", ( )

"What is EEG (Electroencephalography) and How Does it Work?": ( )


End of Part Three.


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