16 March 2022. Frequency: A word so badly mangled it's beyond usable meaning.
Thank you for being here, and reading my post.
The following message is coming to you from Source Creator, for those people who are ready at this time, to receive the message. The information is not for everyone. Not everyone is ready at this time; and, not everyone cares. But that is alright, because Earth is the Free Will Zone.
This information is being provided for those who want to know the principles and truth behind Western-version ascension. As we have explained in other places, Western-version ascension is in essence assimilation with tech and machinery.
Traditionally, historically-speaking, human progress is associated with developments of tools, machinery, helper devices & inventions. As society develops tools, inventions to develop progress, to "help" build civilization, there develops an intimate connection to the helper machines. Machinery, technology develops a friendship to humanity.
Since there are no texts, nor historic literature to accompany Western-version ascension, this "event" is being composed, (made-up) as we go along. Due to the historic association and development with the tools, human social development, growth, progress innately depends upon knowledge of tools and machinery.
Because of this intimate connection between technology and modern humans, the innate course for homo sapiens is to gravitate towards a technological solution. Regardless of the direction of travel, technology is the fall-back position for humanity.
Because frequency is a tech term, obviously "frequency" is equated to progress, therefore growth, therefore ascension. Rising frequencies is now a term associated with "ascension" for the fact that it is a tech term.
Relative to true, historic spiritual growth of the directed human, "rising frequencies" has not been a term used in describing this process. Rising frequencies are what comes with electronics and machinery.
In the following writing, we are exploring the rhetoric and word salad behind Western-version ascension.
06-16 March 2022. 'Frequency: A word so badly mangled it no longer has any practical, useful meaning behind it.' Multiple sections, work in progress; likely to record some of this before finishing writing the script.
Once a given word or phrase is taken out of its element, it becomes lost. Before discussing frequency, I need to go into some background on rhetoric.
We discuss the phenomena of "rising frequencies" as an alleged spiritual principle of development; is it?
Are "rising frequencies" bringing-in this so-called spiritual development; or is this simply a phrase being used, in lieu of the understanding the real-reality ?
I've made the statement that these "symptoms" that people experience are assimilation symptoms, and not ascension symptoms. The ringing is proof that the human is being assimilated, and not ascended.
We do the deep dive in all the tech and sci issues; in addition to the claims on ascension. Sometime deep dive seems more like the scenic pathway.
I'm an etheric technician. The lifetimes before this were spent in service of the Grand Council. I'm an emissary from the Central Sun. This is my first time in human form, incarnating here as a human. I have a different perspective on all of this than the persons who've been here for multiple lifetimes, simply put.
As of 17 July 2019, I received my final etheric form. I officially graduated, into King status, with the dissolution of my Crown, forming the uninterrupted connection to Source. How does this happen? It's not accident, nor is it automatic. All spiritual growth and development is done through willful dedicated work towards that goal.
Having reached the goal in the Ascension process, I'll tell you as the expert in both SR and in Ascension, that you can know nothing of Schumann resonances, nor atmospheric electro-magnetics, and you'll do so well in "ascending."
However, God is not exempt from following His/Her/Its own principles. God Him, Her, Itself does not get to run an alleged spiritual agenda, and misappropriate the results of the meters, and repurpose them to support an agenda.
This is where we look at this stuff. By We it's me, and Prime Source in the abode of the angelic hosts which convenes to give me the messages for the rest of the folks at this time.
The time in this current situation is running sort. There's alot of unlearning that has to happen. That's the biggest part of the mission at this point, of helping to "unlearn", or unstitch alot of educational conditioning, coming from the Piscean protocol.
The end of the Piscean protocol is here, and the accounts are getting "cashed-in", 'cashed-out'; while lot of Grand Accounting is being levied on society as a whole: individually and collectively. Fortunately, I'm on the technical attache, and not the accounting side.
I do indeed the audacity to say I commune directly with the pure light of Source--through the avatar of the Amethyst flame in the Eternal Forest. Everything gets purified through the Amethyst light.
But it's work. There is a concerted effort that needs to be applied towards this end, on my part.
There's little-to-no honour, nor merit, in a spiritual path that involves misappropriating the scientific data from a graph, or detecting device. This is why it's super-important to understand the rhetorical side of this movement; and why that's holding-up people's growth and development.
Why, or how the technical rhetoric is supplanting understanding of spiritual concepts; while one is being substituted for the other.
One can ascend very well without knowing anything about Schumann resonances. However, there's a stumbling block to misunderstanding the actual, correct data in the pursuit of an 'ascension' agenda.
Inherently in the proper understanding of SR, we come to purify what we know, or believe we know about the phenomena, and associated atmospherics.
We can know SR, and frequency from a technical and engineering-type perspective, without any spirituality getting in the way. However, if this is brought into discussion, it's held to spiritual principles, which are immensely practical, with a physical component attached to it.
In the understanding of the SR, I've given spiritual principles for people to follow, and adopt, if they so choose. One such example is: understand what are the most local interferences around you. Another is: don't ascribe conditions to the weakest element, while ignoring the most obvious ones.
Spiritual principles do not make one less connected with the physical world; they allow one greater understanding of the physical realm. That may be the biggest difference between rhetoric, and true spiritual guidance; one allows the adherent to be better grasping the physical world.
Philosophical explanations that only confuse, and baffle are of the rhetorical variety.
In the proper understanding of the operations of the SR, we strive to be careful to observe that which is frequency, and that which is amplitude. It's not simply a matter of picking the right word to be correct; but of fully understanding the geometry and direction of the signal. Is it top moving down, or bottom moving upwards?
I've discussed the complete set of basics to understanding the SR as a sub-set of atmospheric electro-magnetics. Previously, I've stated a warning to not confuse Frequency and Amplitude. when trying to figure-out the spectrogram reports.
We can learn alot on spirituality through properly assigning vocabulary where it belongs, while not stretching the words beyond usable boundries. Keeping phraseology clear, concise is a spiritual pursuit.
Frequency is not just another word that people need to straighten-out; it's really being misused over and above all the rest of them.
Frequency is of a class of words: pseudo-science, borderline technical; used intricately with so-called 'ascension'; rising consciousness is of necessity rising frequencies. If 'everything is frequency', then it gets confused with everything its also not: rate, periodicity, speed, velocity, amplitude, polarity, attitude, altitude, and more.
It is on the 'board of meaningless words,' Without proper context, frequency is an over-used, misshapen, damaged phrase, stretched beyond a usable definition.
Part 1. Why explaining 'frequency' is so difficult.
_ 1.0 ; The place of rhetoric (in explaining frequency).
Central questions:
Why are Tech and science words used so often to describe "ascension", if this is not what's happening in real-reality?
Why does Tech become the default language to describe growth, evolution of the human entity, and society in general?
If frequencies are not rising, then why are people using this phrase to identify development ?
Why, through the means of rhetoric, are humans stifled in their growth ?
What is the folks' obsession with frequency in their 'growth'/'development' ?
What's the difference between spiritual, and rhetorical ?
_ 1.1 What is rhetoric?
If I said: "Rhetoric: (in writing or speech) the undue use of exaggeration or display; bombast; the art or science of all specialized literary uses of language in prose or verse, including the figures of speech; the study of the effective use of language; the ability to use language effectively; the art of prose in general as opposed to verse; the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory";
...it might not mean much. Let's look at the word rhetoric, in practical terms:
If I were to say that rhetoric is essentially a "sales pitch", you could understand it much better.
Rhetoric is where people go to deny the very thing staring them in the face has happened.
Jibberish that comes from someone's mouth in order to be politically correct, is rhetoric.
The absurd substitutions that we need to use, in order to "beat the algorithm," is rhetoric.
Expressing logical abstractions, is a type of rhetoric; one depends on alot of imagination to make it functional.
The human mind can rationalize anything, which would be fine, if they never told you their reasoning.
The thick linguistic layer, is rhetorical.
Sociopaths, narcissists, psychotics; as well alike medical, scientific, technical, bankers, other professionals alike all depend on their rhetoric to spin you around into submission, to get their way, which is usually focused around your money.
The phrase "tinnitus" is now rhetoric.
"Frequency" is rhetoric at this point.
Where rhetoric intervenes, the incept of true knowledge/inquiry bows out of your service.
Once the human "knows" through rhetoric, the ability to take in new information, or to inquire on a topic is satisfied, and the person is now stupid, as a result of the rhetoric.
In practical terms, rhetoric is to think you know something, but having no idea where you learned it from, or how to research the topic, or where they get the information from.
For the people who use rhetoric as a tool, it well behooves them to keep your imagination satisfied by alot of meaningless words, that are misappropriated, or outright fabricated.
In the Ascensionist circles, the use of tech words to describe the process, is de rigeur rhetoric. Most of it is hot air and fairy dust (no offense to the fairies).
Such as 5D; Gamma bursts; ascension energies phrases are examples of the hot air rhetoric being introduced as a confusionary technique, to baffle you with bs language. You know its rhetoric, due to the aire of arrogance, or "high handedness" used by the many.
Boilerplate Pisean tactics.
_ 1.2 ; Beyond broken: a list of meaningless words.
It is a common human condition to mangle the parameters of a word too far beyond its stretching points, and to break it, in essence. This bending and stretching points.
Earth is at the center of the Universe of Forms. Whether 3D, 4D, 5D, Any-D it's all the same; reality is found through the world of forms, in Earth School. Earth school has its way of imposing the innate understanding of forms, within the chemical body, the "adamu."
We spend our lives navigating between the necessity forms, and the need for transcending those. Manipulating, and creating forms is part of the largest part of the experience here. This is the first physical density that we operate within here.
Basically, we're born into forms, to learn to transcend those...with improved forms.
In reality, forms are not the problems. The world comes with constraints; it's a full part of the experience here. It's what we sign-up for, in being here in Earth school--the hands-on manipulation of things; to determine their relative value, worth, substance, meaning, all-dat.
Filtering everything through forms, or physical objects is one of the mechanisms of how the Veil operates. On spiritual levels its the same.
There is no formlessness outside of Source; even then it makes no sense to say Source is formless, when It contains ALL forms.
Sanity of the human entity here in Earth School seems to depend on how well one accepts forms, limitations, constraints and boundries.
Spiritual principles do not preclude forms. This may be one of the more difficult things for the average person to understand; is firstly the imposition of forms on all levels, and then the inherent constraints to those forms.
Words are smack-dab in the middle of the mess of sanity. How well do you mentally navigate those forms, including the self-generated rhetorical ones; the forms not based in real-world materials, but constructed only of the sponge of the brain.
Logic is a tool which is composed of the material of the brain itself. It manages to create an abstracted layer of the enzymes of thought. These are "thought forms". or mental pictures created from the stuff of the brain.
there are supposedly 28 fallacies of logic. Yet there really, truly no fallacies of logic. As logic is an abstracted concept; there's never anything "false" to abstracted concepts. An "imaginary number" can never be false, as it's only an abstracted concept, the premise upon which its built is false; it's not solid, nor physical, nor tangible, residing in the gray matter of the grey matter--yet, is treated as a real, physical object.
Yet, where two are more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst. Truth comes through agreement; reality is what happens when that agreement fails.
"Imaginary number" is one more inverted, Piscean phrases which is used in higher mathematics...which cause your cultural world to operate. These 28 are not logical fallacies, these are pathologies of thought, which mutate in the brain, like a virus, or living pathogen; to allow one to remain 'free-thinking'.
There is one more fallacy of logic: that it maintains to be something solid/real, universally identical with all human's thinking; and not based upon an arbitrary starting point.
- 1.3 ; How does this apply to Frequency ?
The word frequency itself is a limited application:
"Frequency: the state or fact of being frequent; frequent occurrence: We are alarmed by the frequency of fires in the neighborhood; rate of occurrence: The doctor has increased the frequency of his visits.
Physics: the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given kind in unit of time, usually in one second; the number of cycles or completed alternations per unit time of a wave or oscillation. Symbol: F; Abbreviation: freq.
Mathematics: the number of times a value recurs in a unit change of the independent variable of a given function.
Statistics: the number of items occurring in a given category. "
Meanings and definition of words are yet another form to navigate. Language is collective. It belongs to all of us equally. Yet, this arrangement among humans is shit. The human entity wants more control over it individually, so invents words, meanings, definitions, parameters.
It's considered "clever" to re-write the definitions of words; to 'own' them. The problem with words tends to rest more with those who are looking to own them. Those who put clever new uses to long-standing words, should be considered skeptically.
Language, words, vocabulary, "lexicon" are community property. No one gets to 'own' the words, or language itself. (It's sorta like owning a mountain once the landslide starts: you now own a devastating mess.)
Re-writing the definitions doesn't make one clever as such; it serves to confound the language even more, to confuse what might otherwise be simple.
Cleverness gets rewarded for turning a phrase; taking that which is useful, turning it on its side, into a recreational vessel, without substance; on notice for its own sake. Much of the language gets mangled this way, through "friendly banter." Instead of the clever ones being satisfied with communicating through the commonality of the language, the phrases get repurposed, maligned, manipulated; misshapen so the vocabulary, words, language, etc. no longer functions properly for the rest of us.
The first, primary part of figuring-out what's happening, is to get a handle on the language that is being used, in a given situation: is there an underpinning in actual reality behind what's being stated, or is it of the hot-air variety.
Rhetoric can be heard talking for the sake of expressing its words; Or, for the purpose of hearing one's internal dialog out loud.
Deliberative 'thinking' is an electric-side activity. Often people equalize the internal pressure of the electric-side of thinking working in overtime, through the mouth-based portal of the word. It's a waste-gate for mental overworking.
Funny how many words can get spilt, with the net result of how much fiction is produced from this effort. This uneven exchange is a condition of human society.
This human condition of the rhetorical layer of human existence, starts our discussion on the misuse of the word frequency [as a descriptor to behaviour of a person.]
_ 1.4 ; Short History of Humanity
A huge portion of human development comes through the use of tools, or technology.
Through acclimatization (association) with tech in human "personal development," it becomes normal to introduce tech itself, or sciency-sounding words (jargon), to describe a given state of a human, at any given time.
From the beginning, the modern human (homo sap) was developed and engineered to be a servant, to: "till the ground" (Gen.2:5) and "dress [the garden of Eden] and keep it" (Gen.2:15); as well as to be a caretaker, "...[LORD God] brought them to Adam to see what he would call them" (Gen.2:19).
[Disclaimer: I take the KJV Bible as a loose historical document, explaining the origins of modern man dating back to roughly 6,500 yrs ago. It's not the inerrant word of God. It's not a scientific treatise, it's inspired literature that helps provide an explanation why the modern humans are so attached to the tools. I am a student of world religions, philosophies, metaphysics, the occult, mysticism, etc. I am deep dive on that stuff as well.
Before incarnation here, I was given the narrative of humans; information which gets revealed as is necessary for the lessons. I still have to show where in the literature the truth is to be found. It is scattered all over the world, in the written records of all the civilized nations. Consider it like shards of light, reflecting from a mirror ball. The biggest portion of truth becomes revealed through meditation, and reflection on what's been presented. The smartest ones are those who question what they believe they know. ]
Humans were created to be brandishers of tools: dressers of the stones, and tillers of the fields of Eden; oasis in the Abzu ("wilderness").
- 1.5 ; 6,500 years is a solar harmonic.
The planet is not 6,500 years old, but modern humans (homo saps) are. Modern humans were invented, manufactured to be servants, and users of technology. In our memory, the wars of the Gods, have been fought over the sake of the autonomy of the humans, to be allowed to be a race with a free will, that is not in servitude of the Lords of the Land.
Humans are fairly unable to think of growth, development, evolution without attaching it to technology--somewhere. It is this innate connection with technology, which humans tap into through logical circuits. It's a perfect match. Testing is important. We're ranked based on the test results of our manipulation of the tools; most of which are necessary for a vocation, or for work.
The genetic structure is a code, which allows for predictability, in the intelligent interactions between the material physical matrix of the planet, with our own internal logical processing.
The logical functions are represents of this code. DNA itself is an intelligent code, of a higher order. in its organization. Again, 93% of DNA is collective, and doesn't belong to any given person.
Trans-humanism is looking to capture that collective 93% to "improve" the human race. A select few are looking to own that greater percentage, held for lease to the highest bidder. This abomination is what the Gods were at war to prevent. Humans being slaves, servants, recipient of experiments.
Rhetoric is designed to perpetuate more of the dominator status quo.
Rhetoric is a galaxy of words used to distance humans in their perceptions for the actual body-held sensation. Gutenburg's Galaxy, term for the printing press.
The story of the history of humans comes from our exploration with tech.
Homo saps only devolves into sloth, laziness, bickering without tools or toys to keep them occupied.
Human "evolution" has depended upon the use of tools and technology, to equalize the inbalance, inherent in the split-brain homo saps. Technological development has always been synonymous with "growth," "evolution," "ascension" is the human entity. It is literally within the programming of the human, to integrate technology into the development of baby humans. It seems doubtful humans could assimilate ANY change, without their being a technological component to this which does the hard work for the human entity.
_ 1.6 ; Frequency as a misappropriation.
This is why "frequency" as a word, a concept, and a misappriopriation of the technology into rhetoric is such an important discussion.
Humans can't evolve past their understanding of the vocabulary,nor unveiling of the rhetoric.
If you refuse to look at the words that you're using to describe your "ascension"; perhaps it's because you are not willing to take a look at what's happening critically, nor objectively.
This is why the discussion of frequency individually, and as a class is an important dialog.
Because frequency might otherwise be an objective, scientific or technical word and concept, except where it attaches to a person's attitude. And/or that the word frequency is often-enough substituted where the proper phrase of "polarity" was intended.
Frequency is subject to being in, or out of phase, depending on the direction, from a technical perspective.
The first standard definition of frequency is occurence, in a simple manner.
The sci-tech def is peak events, or crest-trough-crest measurement.
But it's more than just a phrase. This is keystone phrase, used to describe alot of attributes, and not a scientific measurement. "It's all frequency, right?" I was asked in a live chat, not too long ago. In some sense she is correct. Yet, what exactly are you talking about? At a certain point if it's everything, it means nothing in particular.
In part 2, we are going to look mare at how this phrase get to have such a significant role in shaping the minds of people, in the Ascensionists circles.
Patreon early release (for part 1): ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/63846293 )
To Be Continued...