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This is the current report from Tomsk State University, in Tomsk, Russia.
Presented are 4 panels. From the top to the bottom is the Spectrogram; Amplitude; Quality; Frequency.
The spectrogram is the image that gets called "The Schumann." This is a composite view of the three dependencies of: Amplitude, Quality, Frequency.
Amplitude is the vertical conductivity channel, as shown on the spectrogram as vertical lines. Amplitude is a power rating, and not a frequency. It is measured in pico- electron-Volts.
Quality is the magnetic-flux (movement), which is measured in pico-Teslas. These show-up on the graph as horizontal lines,
Schumann resonances are the horizontal bands that appear at ~7.8 ; ~14.4 ; ~21.7 ; ~27.1 ; ~33.3 Hz. Horizontal bands not at those points are Quality readings. Schumann resonances are resonant harmonics, and not a propagating frequency.
Frequency of radio waves, such as the SR, is measured in kilometers (or meters). The third dependency is a measure of frequency, and not of the actual resonances themselves. There's often alot of confusion as to what the last dependency is showing. Because these are the lowest waves, these are actually in thousands of kilometers.
The spectrogram is a plotter. The spectrogram is not detecting the signals. It is not an antenna.
The dependencies are what is the actual, raw data, not the spectrogram.
The spectrogram (aka "the Schumann") is a visual aid, to assist people in visualizing the radio waves, which are otherwise invisible.
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