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16 April 2021. Basic Explanation of Tomsk's SR Full Report; Part 1

16 April 2021. Basic Explanation of Tomsk's SR Full Report; Part 1

The purpose of this essay is to assist those interested in understanding the Schumann Resonances from the standard technical and accepted engineering perspective. to better understand what they are actually looking-at when viewing the plotted composite, universally called "The Schumann."

What are Schumann Resonances?

Schumann resonances are subtle atmospheric electromagnetics, which resonate , or oscillate in the atmosphere, as a result of lightning discharges; which also react from direct solar influences.

"The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere."

"Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[2] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[3] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),[4] 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.[5]

"Extremely low frequency (ELF) is the ITU designation[1] for electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz, and corresponding wavelengths of 100,000 to 10,000 kilometers, respectively.[2, 3]

"ELF radio waves are generated by lightning and natural disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, so they are a subject of research by atmospheric scientists. In atmospheric science, an alternative definition is usually given, from 3 Hz to 3 kHz.[4, 5] [Refs:]

Are the Schumann resonaces the Earth's Heartbeat?

No. 7.8 Hertz is not "Gaia's heartbeat."

Schumann resonances are a series of atmospheric harmonics which effectively begin at 7.8 Hertz resonant frequency. These subtle atmospheric oscillations happen within the "waveguide"of the atmosphere between ionosphere (technically the "D-Layer") and Earth-Ground--which is essentially the telluric power grid of the "

lower DC Circuit."

The telluric currents of the Earth's natural power grid is the Lower DC circuit. The Upper DC circuit is the Sun-ionosphere-Magnetosphere, which links us to the Sun, Electro-Magnetic-gravitationally. Both the Interplanetary magnetic field/link [IMF]. as well as the natural telluric currents of the planet Herself, is measured in nano-Teslas; which are 1,000 times stronger than the Schumann-series of atmospheric emf resonances.

Earth's planetary electric grid is current, which is a directional radiation (North-South/East-West); as opposed to charge which is the voltage, or vertical conductivity channel. Earth-ground conducts nanoTesla strength currents along the layline system of the planet.

Berkelund Currents are counter-part currents in the upper atmosphere that share a magnetic link to the lower circuit. Yet, these are still stronger than the Schumann-series, I am to understand.

There is an isolating waveguide between these two dynamic "DC circuits", of the upper magnetosphere/ionosphere, along with the lower one of the telluric grid of the planet. Both, again, measured in units of nano-Teslas. Schumann-series harmonics are detected in the pico- range, 1,000 times weaker!

The Telluric currents of the planet is the essential "heartbeat" of the planet; which also includes the fluid magnetic influence of magma under the ground shifting, and running through dyke intrusion, or becoming lava by bursting through the surface, as an eruption. Water motion also is also involved in this dynamo process of moving power/magnetism around the actual globe itself; the clouds and water vapour in the atmosphere included in power the Berklunds.

Schumann resonances occur within the "waveguide", which would ordinarily be an excellent insulator, serves to conduct a residual charge propagated from lightning discharge exchange. Lightning flashes are similar to the clapping of a bell, which then procedes to continue ringing. Schumann-seris harmonics are the ringing of those electromagnetics.

How do I read the SR graphs ?

Four Panels. In the full report from Tomsk, there are four panels of data that we observe. These are as follows: from top to bottom is the Spectrogram, Amplitude, Quality, Frequency.

The Spectrogram. Composite view of the Entire signal, within the spectrum of measurable signals; from 0.3-~46 hertz On the left side of the spectrogram is the resonance frequency, which starts at 0 in the top left corner; moving downwards, the numbers increase.

Amplitude. The electric-side of electromagnetic field (EMF); which is considered Intensity, as per Ohm's Law; this is the voltage, which is measured in deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts.

Quality. The magnetic flux of the signal, which is the horizontal frequency of peak-to-peak events; this is measured through induction coils, in units of pico-Teslas. Earth's magnetic field itself, in addition to the Interplanetary

Magnetic Field (Link).

Frequency. Standard measurement of radio waves is that of (kilo-)meters; the number values indicate actual measures of peak-to-peak events.

Twelve [potential] channels of color information: The Mode System.

Modes 1-4. There is a mathematical construct of the shape of the wave, based upon equations, which shall remain nameless, for the time being.

Relative to radio electronics, SR-detection Mode reporting is a means of measuring a conjoined force like electromagnetics, from the perspective of the geometry, and shape of the waves.

Recently, in this group have we posted Guiding principles. Some of those will assist in determining the information plotted on the spectrogram. Specifically, I'll discuss a few principles at work, which shape the pattern found in the spectrogram.

Electricity and magnetism are con-joined as a unified force, which also includes gravity, as the magnetism component continues to oscillate in place.

Modes are used as a relative, inversely-related measurement system between the two aspects of the signal: the vertical conductivity, and the lateral propagation of the wave;

which is magnetics, eventually becoming the fate of the amplitude [electric-side; Voltage; charge (+/-)]-- as it becomes eventually "degraded", or "resolved" into the Quality component, of the magnetic flux, measured in pico-Teslas.

Modes 1, 2, 3, 4 is the story of the amplitude resolving its photonic quality into coherent waves of magnetic frequencies ... to ultimately resolve into the "stacking" of the Schumann-series of resonances.

If one understand that as the upright amplitude/electrics moves around the globe, it continues to "degrade" into the magnetics activity, of coherent waves, kinda tumbling into each other, causing the "ringing". (Ultimately, this is, indeed a main cause of the ringing and vertigo symptoms that many are having...yet there's more to it !)

There's a mathematical way of explaining this, which I'm not really suited to explain, and isn't going to take us further into explaining the relationship between the Modes, and the coloring system.

If one is following the Disney-side of the narrative, then that one would be assessing the Schumann resonances using the spectrogram only, without the reporting dependencies.

However, the standard technical and accepted engineering overview of this antennae system, holds that the spectrogram needs to be supported by the reports of its dependencies.

The spectrogram is a means of visualizing physically, what is invisible to the naked eye; yet, these measured phenomena is more felt on the body, in most cases. (In part 2 we discuss the human instrument as an antenna, and a capacitor for radiant energies).

Colorized visualizations of portions of the overall spectrum is a useful tool to see the DIFFERENTIAL in the waves, as they propagate, and transverse across the antenna-detector units.

It's important to not see the colors as literal, or physical analogs of actual environmental phenomena. The color choice of the reporting dependency of the modes was done through an internal logic process, known to them. The color of white, as the representation of Mode 1, is simply coincidence, or at least not with any stated purpose of this representing "gamma, 5D", etc. radiations. White simply provides the best relief against the dark blue background, is the primary reason for doing this; which follows through in logic to yellow being a good choice for Mode 2.

Introducing the "canvas"

The background "at rest state" of the colorized representation is dark blue. (Without reporting depencency information, there will be a blank screen [black] on the spectrogram)

Dark blue is the color of the theoretical "at rest state." The planet's atmosphere-ionosphere will return back to the "at rest state." It might be considered like an "elastic", or a medium which is under a certain tension, therefore always in motion to or from that dark blue background "at rest", or balance point.)

Upon this the twelve dependencies use color information to plot a tapestry of patterns and codes. Because the atmosphere, which includes all the way out into the magnetosphere, is elastic in this sense, this interaction is essentially what creates this "weaving" pattern of sheparding these EM waves around the "waveguide" of the Earth-Ionosphere 'corridor.'

At rest state of "fair weather", is our theoretical "zero point"; which starts as a dark blue (Navy)-coloured background, which is as above-stated an interactive canvas. Upon this canvas gets reported with, or plotted by the information of the dependencies. This is the actual raw data which is graphed by the line graphs of 4 individual colours. I am referring to these 4 colours, which correspond to the 4 modes, as our pallet of "primary colours." (Technically, White is not a colour, but blue is. We essentially have 4 colours as our primary pallet.)

When the literature refers to Modes, this relates to the type of internal copper windings (based upon the number of turns, of the size and cross section of wire, etc.), which allow for a certain known range of signals to be detected. This band of signalsis in the lowest end of low frequency radio waves, which encircle the globe; primarily due to lightning discharges.

Plotting The Spectrograph

Orientation. On the left side of the graph is the resonance frequency, which starts at 0 in the top left corner. From there moving downwards, the numbers increase.

Time scale. Running along the bottom of the graph is the measurement of Time. There are two sets of clocks. The larger, bottom numbers are UTC. Above this is local time.

Principles to consider:

Amplitude is the vertical component, creating the spikes; Quality is the horizontal propagation of the magnetics, which continue in effect afdter the amplitudes have come and gone.

Due to the abilities of the antennae to pick-up only certain signals, these colours are going to also appear in certain recognizable patterns, based-upon the type of signal; whether it is more electric, or more magnetic. For example, the bright green shows up largely as bands, due to the fact that it is exhibiting the characteristics of the magnetic waves.

Depending on where and how the EMF signal interacts with the antennae, this is the type of mark which is going to be plotted on the spectrograph, effectively.

In other words, white, and yellow frequently, appear as spikes, or vertical lines, due to the high content of electric charge, and the fact that this is how the antennae pick-up Amplitude/charge/electrics. White and Yellow Modes are more heavy in electric content.

Red and Green modes measure the layers closer to Earth. Green Measures the layer of emf waves which occupy the space between Earth and the lowest layer of the ionosphere. Ultimately, the ilonosphere acts as a filter of sorts, which forces the bouncing, or return characteristics of the wavious wavelengths are.

Because the Green is high in magnetic content, the green-based colours are going to be magnetic, and display horizontally, to reflect the orientation of the reporting dependencies, Quality. We see an "upright", or vertical signal in Quality in the line graph, but the full color spectrograph shows it much better, the orientation of the magnetics, basically as "flat."

The colours teal, aqua, turquois, "indiglow" are not actually in the "Green family", dispite what your colour theory may tell you. They are...but not really. These are a product of the interaction with the background of Modes 1, and 2, the white and yellow.

White and yellow is top going down, as it were, into the otherwise calm background state of rest of the Dark Blue.

Going upwards from rest into the bottom of the modes, due to heavy magnetics, the colouration goes from dark blue into Green. This is how we know that the bright teal and turquoise is a signal moving from top (high charge), downwards into the "at rest state."

Red and Yellow make orange, pumpkin, rust,; when mixed with white we get coral, or pink. These indicate a mid-grade electronics, fairly balanced with magnetics. This is why orange and rust colours seem to "float in the air" of the chart, because it is actually "floating" somewhat.

* + *

Basic Explanation, Part 2 Introducing The Antenna (to include the human instrument)

On the subject of the receiving antennas for the data, I have posted many times in The Schumann Resonances Harmonics FB group highlighting the technology and workings of the antennae used to collect the data. For our purposes here, we need to understand a few basic concepts on how the signals are measured.

There are a few different type of antennae designs, yet the principle remain consistent, based on the following principle: The Electric portion of the signal transverses, rolls, or propagates vertically; while the magnetic portion of the signal travells horizontally, which is to say "hugging the ground."

Each dedicated SR antenna reports: Amplitude, Quality, Frequency; as distributed across 4 modes. The antenna is recording a 3 dimensional configuration This is set-upon the base which measures the magnetics, or Quality, along two separate axes, 90 degrees apart; these are North-South / East-West.

The heart of the antennae is the induction coil which is wrapped around a magnetically permeable material. The coil senses a EMF signal which is within the range of receptivity, based upon the structure of the internal windings. The signal activates, initiates "movement" along the coil, producing a "report", or a line in the reporting dependency.

The ELF frequency range, as stated by Volland in "Handbook of atmospheric electrodynamics, 1995, covers a frequency range from 3-60 hertz."

A Hertz is a unit of frequency, which is measuring peak-to-peak amount within the time period of one second. As the frequency, wave to wave height increases, the length decreases inversely; higher frequency is a smaller wavelength, which also becomes more directional and focused, as one increases frequency.

Antennae-detecting units are comprised of copper, or aluminum wiring, at its core. This includes both the di-pole for the Amplitude, or the coils of the induction units of the Quality. Induction coils are also comprised-of a core of a magnetically-permeable material, such as "Mu-Metal"; around which is wound the copper wire element.

Antennae are designed to measure within a set parameter of wave frequencies. This parameter range is called the "spectrum". The overall electromagnetic spectrum of radio-light-xray-gamma radiations is actually infinite....

However, this is not all able to be measurable by any given antenna, due to the fact that only a certain range of signal is detectable by any given thickness, or material composition (cross-section thickness, purity of material, insulating materials etc.), in addition to the actual windings.

There is a huge degree of equations involved in making these antennae to measure a certain set range of signals, whether dedicated to the Schumann-series of 0.3-~46 Hz (which is technically correct); or 0-40 Hz; or 0-30 Hz; or LF range up to 15 KHz ... it does not matter the constrains in the measuring devices it's important to understand what this constraint actually means, relative to incoming atmospheric information.

Introducing, as Antennae : You.

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