14 Sept 2021. Tender Moons, Part 2, Section 4 (..., So Above)
The Saturn System, Planetary Personality: Tender Moons.
Intelligent satellites of Saturn sculpt human affairs.
05 July, Freya :: 2156 hrs
The Tome
This Emissary's Final Examination of My Life in a Human Suit,
living on the Face of Terra, conscious planet, the Earth school & Living library
Making magic;
Index of Maladjusted Moons;
What is a Moon? Luna, our companion Guide is our guide to "consciously Intentioned Satellites"
"Eleven things Nasa discovered";
"Seven irregularities";
"Saturn's rings are sculpted";
"What's happening inside Saturn's rings";
"Saturn: Why NASA was stunned";
"Saturn breakthrough: Why NASA was taken by suprize";
"Chemical interactions between Saturn and its rings";
"In situ collection of dust from Saturn's rings";
"Dust grains fall from Saturn's rings';
"A radiation belt of energetic photos";
"Saturn system seen through the eyes of the Cassini spacecraft";
Conscious satellites tending an astroid belt; surrounding and banding our Celestial Host, Saturn
Introducing the fleet of Tender Moons
Shepards of the ring complex, tender moons
Interference patterns, set by embedded moons;
Interruptors, Accumulators, Weavers, Inverters, Tenders, Man icurists;
Administrative functions
Signal repeaters, Line Conditioners, Communications satellites, Signal amplifiers
Impact Basin vs. Impact Crater
Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2011;
Advances in Astrobiology. 1985;
"Cratering records";
"Radio occultation of Saturn's rings";
"Saturn's rings' dynamic process";
Depositioning of the ring material;
dissolution of the magnetic fields;
Ring rain, depositioning of ring material;
Making miracles happen, The Guides' own "course in miracles";
Bibliography and references.
Not sure hot close to a hot mess this is. I'm fairly certain there's still typos in here. The running length is around 99 pages, at about 25,000+ words. This is one of the longer pieces I've done. This is originally from 2019.
I've stated that this would be part of my channel, had I not gone into Schumann-resonances.
There's a lot of actual research in this one, on the planet of Saturn, with actual observations from Cassini space probe.
This section directly deals with the planetary system of Saturn. Specifically, we examine the ring system, as well as the moons of this system, which serve duty as Tender Moons. These so-called "shepard moons" sculpt the ring material into the constraining bands we see around Saturn.
How does this have to do with personality?
We all are influenced by our Celestial hosts. Yet, we can choose, not to act as our "lower nature" would seem to direct, or call us. Free will takes the cake, at the end of the day here in this wonderful Earth realm. As I write these words, at now 0009 hrs, 14 Sunday, July ; it is during Saturn retrograde, which lasts until the 17th of this month, a few days away. This emissary has a special connection with Saturn retrograde: this one was born during a retrograde period, and we are being told to prepare for transition during this time, that we may also have this energy to usher us in through the transition into Higher Dimension, as I shed this material frame.
This is my general deadline, to be as completed by that point as I can be. I work diligently towards this date, 17th July, as it is the end of this retrograde; which equates to the ending, or completion of a great portal of "returning energy", like the current of the water, pulling this one closer, ever closer home, with the completion of this manuscript. It has been time to complete outstanding projects, yet, for this one, this final is the culmination of my life's work, as of the past decade).
Saturn is the planet of return, of getting what one has been working towards, for good, bad, or "you've been a turd and get nothing, because that's what you've given." He is the Taskmaster, and the planet of return, completion, of direction in one's life.
"Live by the sword, die by the sword," so parabalizes the Bible. In our society, in this world, and likely the entire omniverse, we find that ultimately, we earn what is just, and proper in our lives, that the universe has it's way of balancing, and equalizing, and righting the Grand Equations of these human conditions.
The Birth is coming. The one prophesized for millenia; the one that the Ancients erected monuments on global nodal points; the time that we were incarnated to live here for, this great awakening, and Ascension amongst all human beings.
It is now time to live up our promised potential as spirits, living in a human body-experience. As Above, so below; As Below, so above.
This is the forth and final installment of this Tome, my graduation requirement, the Final Examination of that which this Emissary has learned while embedded into the material matrix of the Earth School, the living library, and shining gem of this solar system; brightest gift among the hosts of the Heavens, terra, living, loving conscious entity, providing life to an incalcuable number of species, and life forms.
Planetary Personality of Saturn :Tender Moons.
Intelligent Satellites, (as we shall enumerate) which control the astroid field of Saturn, have imprisoned the personality of the gas giant, Saturn, through the imposition and engineering of this field, into the bands, or bonds, which we currently see, surrounding the planet.
The following is an examination of the personality of our dear celestial friend, Saturn. Through the capture and manipulation of what was essentially a debris field as Saturn was transforming, into those extremely unique bands, rings, around the gas giant.
This one is/ I am an emissary of the grand Council of light; a conglomerate Council created through volunteer service from the range of other more Local Light councils. This emissary, working with Archangel Metatron, Archangel Gabriel, archangel Uriel, specifically, as well as with other higher dimensional beings, is examining the issue of the bondage of planets personally, through the imposition of the "banding complex."
Part of this project, the beginning point for logical ingestion, depends upon knowing and understanding the known scientific sensory data, such as from Cassini spacecraft, from the various space - bearing missions which visited the planet. What do we "scientifically" know?
After ingestion the technical aspects of the problem, we might operate from the perspective of overstanding. From here we may then seek to deconstruct or recreate and some other fashion. With clear intention, we act with the Assurance of seeing the objective the fulfilled.
My mission personally, our role in The Liberation of Saturn, here in General on the planet Earth, is not the one of issuing, nor of promoting invocations, pronouncements, imprecations, enchantments, new invoking powers, principalities, or principles to assist with our duty, or tasks on behalf of the collected. Towards the duties depositioning of the Rings, my place here is to cause people to see things in a different way, that will allow the miracle, and Magic to happen.
My job here, simply is to make miracles happen. For this to occur, there needs to be a phase of unlearning. The first half, initial phase of making the miraculous happen, is to believe the possibility is present.
There is an inherent power within belief itself, as a principal. Believing that quote other than unquote can, and will happen when the process is followed, is an important aspect to magical happenings. You leaving in, seeing quote other than on quote, is at the foundation of getting miracles to actuate.
Next phase is to see, or Envision the actual thing which one is looking to see occur. When we come off of origin of higher dimensional operations, can Envision quote elsewise unquote, we are able to generate, conduct Miracles into the realm of physical actuality.
Speaking forth that which one wants to see occur is the next phase. Speak forth the energy resonances of those things if you want to see happen, in actuality. Speak forth your joy and happiness at seeing this great thing having actually happened. Speak fourth thanks to those Elements which were enlisted in the service of your request.
Working with my guides, as has been mentioned, we are working to order this information presented in a straightforward manner. My guides direct this one who examine scientific data specifically related to those moons which are judged against the standard of Our Own conscious satellite Luna.
We introduced the abstracts from Science magazine. The full articles are introduced at the end, as appendices. The October 2018 issue of science mag published six articles documenting the grand finale mission of Cassini, which itself is relevant. The said, four of those relate specifically to our contracted task of Liberation for Saturn. These articles specifically show the disposition mechanism of the Ring material through the depositioning process.
From there, re-examine NASA documents the published ebook, which details specific moons at their task of tending this debris field into the structure of the Rings. We look with a metaphysical understanding of how it may be possible for these moons to Shift the paradigm, into juxtaposed thinking which we currently experience on this planet. With this understanding, we've compiled a listing of errant satellites, subtitled: Index of Maladjusted Moons.
We envision this ring material has fluid, malleable, and subject to change if greater than 95% of the ring material is water-based ice. We manifest a way of seeing, and processing this field through alchemical principles, transforming and transmuting the structures of the Rings, into liquid particles which are free-floating and are available for repositioning.
This index of maladjusted moons, entitled so above, gives light and sight too particular moons. These are the intelligent, consciously intentioned satellites performing a variety of tasks, which are engineered to focus, Channel, Direct bands of energy to emanate from the planet Saturn. We examine this subset of conscious moons, the personality of them interacting with ring material.
We will examine the moon's interactions which sculpt the ring material into structures. We examine the work of this Fleet of tender moons.
"As below, so above"
My last assignment here in this vessel the 3D construct human suit, is to write about personality. This writer is evaluating personality from the perspective of my own first, relative to my placement Within they 'relationship system' paradigm of human society. The 'relationship system paradigm' is the underpinning fabric of society, and social ties within which we all must function, or believe we must function to become whole, or actualized as individuals. The irony inherent in this equation is not lost on this emissary.
Examination of personality is the exploration of self, as projected through one's attitudes and behaviors. There is this portion of this project, directly under my own free will as to self. Before freeing us all from the " bands of bondage", of the planet Saturn, we need to free ourselves from the bands of bondage of the ring set system which has been captured in co-opted. However, before one can Envision this, one needs to be free from spiritual and mental constraints of lower vibrations, and lower vibrational energy traps.
Keeper Of The Rings
What is a moon? Luna, Earth's enigmatic companion provides our metric for understanding, as a working definition.
Our logical starting point for understanding what is a moon starts with births phone satellite, Luna. Our quote logical base on quote for understanding the personality of the Moon, of understanding Its Behavior, is based upon the experience of earth - faced conscious life interacting with, and observing our closest Moon who we call Luna.
Statistically, as compared with other moons or satellites oh, that astrologers have observed throughout the ages oh, Luna is unique in numerous aspects. There exists a lengthy list statistical abnormality is observed in the personality of our moon, as exhibited through her recurrent Behavior, relative to her field of peers being the other moons observable to us on Earth. The specific details of the uniqueness of Luna will be presented in the part B of quote what is a moan? On quote for the moment we will accept the fact of the always facing Earth nature of our Ramon as the prima facie evidence of its uniqueness.
We maintain a conscious intention of the orbiting body, and maintaining a position of always facing Earth, and not rotating around the planet. It is in defiance of assumed Celestial mechanics to have any orbiting body which does not also rotate at the same time.
We are given the illustration, then our science classes, of gravity as a sheet. Further in the illustration, to help understand this analogy, we are told to picture a bowling ball for example, bending and falling within the loose part of the sheet, creating a gravity well. we are giving the analogy that the sheet just sort of gives way to the gravitational exertion of the bowling ball. This illustration being as it may, it is difficult to picture the bowling ball falling into this well without also rolling into it as one would commonly see happens in our gravity environment of Earth, When A ball rolls down the hill.
Our moon clearly defies the model of celestial mechanics relative to gravity, as being mathematically proven bye theoretical astrology. It was explained: " it is easier to prove the non-existence of the Moon then to prove that it is real."
The unique characteristics of Luna create a skewed, or warped perspective as to the identity and definition of the Moon. Our logical starting point is a culture-bound definition of moon, which is particularly relevant to our unique earth-moon relationship, and not as a universal metric. In other words, there is a lot of built-in quote funny business on quote having to do with our moon, which humans except as a commonplace or banal occurrence.
acting in such a manner, as having a personality,a showing externally of an aspect of it's internal motivation, The Entity of Luna may be understood as having a personality, or of being conscious. Herein lay our intellectual, scientific construct of the definition of a moon.
Our logical starting point is the societal construct of the definition itself of moon. Well human ego demands the anthropomorphization and imposes upon life Universal, there still exists hey Central Energy, a vital Essence which comes from source from which all organized principles and organized intelligences must stem. Organization is not Randomness, except in the sense that Randomness really means and income play incomplete data set.
Is difficult to see the highly ordered, highly interactive coupling between Luna and Terra, the perfectly symbiotic relationship between these two Celestial entities, without also seeing a conscious intention.
It is not simply anthropomorphism to see that Luna has a will of her own, due to the lack of Randomness to her behavior. This gets understood that Luna's physical construct makes this possible. The high degree of order to the orbit, the habits and patterns of Luna, up to and including morphing surface features, indicates the uncanny signature of intelligent life either on or within her sphere.
Luna is considered a scientific enigma, or mystery, because science is a pursuit of knowledge or understanding of our world is based on flawed presumptions about Consciousness and Order.
Much of the work science as a Pursuit likes to do is to randomize and marginalize phenomena, rather than see an alternative View or explanation of Consciousness and conscious intention, within a structure of apparently matter and only matter.
There is a scientific, physics-based prices of having proven that matter and the physical world as being believed solid, is not actually how it is when they start scratching the surface. Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration.
Conscious Intention
Predictability, regularity, low degree of perceptible measurable Randomness are partial facets of behavior of that satellite which exhibits and ultimate conscious intention. Lack of Randomness is a signature of conscious intention.
While it may be difficult for individuals to think of an orbiting body like a satellite as a conscious living entity, it does cause one to wonder at the nature and mechanism of Consciousness, and conscious intention.
Matter itself is not without an inherent consciousness. The "material" collection of atoms which make up recognizable matter, is merely a trick of perception, focused through ego and personality of the Observer. Matter and materiality is a "persistent illusion."
Dark matter is an illusion. Matter of All Sorts is an illusion. Dark Matter may be seen as the quote swap space unquote for the universal miracle. Those who are familiar with open source coding will understand what a swap space is. Roughly 4% of all which is, is the complete extent of the 3D material Realm. The search for dark matter is the Quest for intelligent consciousness of the sensible Godless Universe of random nothingness.
In a world of Godless Randomness and nothingness, one might have quote a dumb lump of rocks on quote orbiting a host body in an unpredictable manner. Yet, predictability, regularity, predictability presupposes intelligence and conscious intention.
Article : "Saturn's Rings Are Sculpted by a Crew of Mini-moons," 28 March 2019, by Nadia Drake, c.New York Times.
Article : ""What's happening inside Saturn's Rings? The Cassini mission dove between them to find out", by Ashley Strickland (CNN), 19 June 2019, CNN.com.
Article : "Saturn: Why NASA was stunned after discovering when planet's ring will disappear," by Callum Hoare, 4 July 2019, (www.express.co.uk).
Article : "Saturn Breakthrough: How NASA was taken by suprize after 'huge' find on planet," by Callum Hoare, 2 July 2019, (www.express.co.uk).
E-book publication : "The Saturn System Through the Eyes of the Cassini spacecraft," 19 Oct. 2017 (https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/17777/ the-saturn-system-through-the-eyes-of-cassini-e- book/)
What Did NASA's Cassini Hear Around Saturn? (https://youtu.be/UEbtd6bucvg)
Eleven Things That NASA Discovered About The Moon That You Never Knew
From: "The Anti-Gravity Handbook," Compiled by: D. Hatcher Childress
«February 10, 2014, 09:09:56 PM
( https://www.suscipedomine.com/forum/index.php?topic=5688.0)
"It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence."
-- NASA Scientist, Dr. Robin Brett
1. The Puzzle of the Moon's Origin: Scientists have generally offered three major theories to account for the moon in orbit around our planet. All three are in serious trouble, but the least likely theory emerged from the Apollo missions as the favorite theory. One theory was that the moon might have been born alongside the earth out of the same cosmic cloud of gas dust about 4.6 billion years ago. Another theory was that the moon was the earth's child, ripped out the Pacific basin, possibly. Evidence gathered by the Apollo program indicates though that the moon and the earth differ greatly in composition. Scientists now tend to lean toward the third theory- that the moon was "captured" by the earth's gravitational field and locked into orbit ages ago. Opponents of the theory point to the immensely difficult celestial mechanics involved in such a capture. All of the theories are in doubt, and none satisfactory. NASA scientist Dr. Robin Brett sums it up best: "It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence."
2. The Puzzle of the Moon's Age: Incredibly, over 99 percent of the moon rocks brought back turned out upon analysis to be older than 90 percent of the oldest rocks that can be found on earth. The first rock Neil Armstrong picked up after landing on the Sea of Tranquility turned out to be more than 3.6 billion years old. Other rocks turned out to be even older; 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, and one even alleged to be 5.3 billion years old! The oldest rocks found on earth are about 3.7 billion years old, and the area that the moon rocks came from was thought by scientists to be one of the youngest areas of the moon! Based on such evidence, some scientists have concluded that the moon was formed among the stars long before our sun was born.
3. The Puzzle Of How Moon Soil Could Be Older Than Lunar Rocks: The mystery of the age of the Moon is even more perplexing when rocks taken from the Sea of Tranquillity were young compared to the soil on which they rested. Upon analysis, the soil proved to be at least a billion years older. This would appear immpossible,[sic] since the soil was powdered remains of the rocks lying alongside it. Chemical analysis of the soil revealed that the lunar soil did not come from the rocks, but from somewhere else.
4. The Puzzle of Why the Moon "Rings" like a Hollow Sphere When a Large Object Hits It: During the Apollo Moon missions, ascent stages of lunar modules as well as the spent third stages of rockets crashed on the hard surface of the moon. Each time, these caused the moon, according to NASA, to "ring like a gong or a bell." On one of the Apollo 12 flights, reverberations lasted from nearly an hour to as much as four hours. NASA is reluctant to suggest that the moon may actually be hollow, but can otherwise not explain this strange fact.
5. The Puzzle of the Mystifying Maria of the Moon: The dark areas of the moon are known as maria (seas, as this is what they looked like to early astronomers- dried-up seas). Some of these maria form the familiar "man-in-the-moon" and are strangely, located almost entirely on one side of the moon. Astronauts found it extremely difficult to drill into the surface of these dark plainlike areas. Soil samples were loaded with rear [sic] metals and elements like titanium, zirconium, yttrium, and beryllium. This dumbfounded scientists because these elements require tremendous heat, approximately 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit, to melt and fuse with surrounding rock, as it had.
6. The Puzzle of the Rustproof Iron Found on the Moon: Samples brought back to earth by both Soviet and American space probes contain pure iron particles. The Soviets announced that pure iron particles brought back by remote controlled lunar probe Zond 20 have not oxidized even after several years on earth. Pure iron particles that do not rust are unheard of in the scientific world (although there is a solid iron pillar of unknown age in New Delhi, India, that has also never rusted, and no one knows why).
7. The Puzzle of the Moon's High Radioactivity: Apparently, the upper 8 miles of the moon's crust are surprisingly radioactive. When Apollo 15 astronauts used thermal equipment, they got unusually high readings, which indicated that the heat flow near the Apennine Mountains was rather hot. In fact, one lunar expert confessed: "When we saw that we said, 'My God, this place is about to melt! The core must be very hot.' " But that is the puzzle. The core is not hot at all, but cold (in fact, as was assumed, it is a hollow sphere). The amount of radioactive materials on the surface is not only "embarrassingly high" but, difficult to account for. Where did all this hot radioactive material (uranium, thorium, and potassium) come from? And if it came from the interior of the moon (unlikely), how did it get to the moon's surface
8. The Puzzle of the Immense Clouds of Water Vapor on the Dry Moon: The few lunar excursions indicated that the moon was a very dry world. One lunar expert said that it was "a million times as dry as the Gobi Desert." The early Apollo missions did not find even the slightest trace of water. But after Apollo 15, NASA experts were stunned when a cloud of water vapor more than 100 square miles in size was detected on the moon's surface. Red-faced scientists suggested that two tiny tanks, abandoned on the moon by U.S. astronauts, had somehow ruptured. But the tanks could not have produced a cloud of such magnitude. Nor would the astronauts' urine, which had been dumped into the lunar skies, be an answer. The water vapor appears to have come from the moon's interior, according to NASA. Mists, clouds and surface changes have allegedly been seen on the moon over the years by astronomers. For instance, six astronomers in the last century have claimed to have seen a mist which obscured details in the floor of the crater Plato. Clouds on the moon are extremely odd, because the moon's supposed small gravity (one sixth of the earth's, claim many conventional scientists and NASA) could not hold an atmosphere or have any clouds on it at all.
9. The Puzzle of the Glassy Surface on the Moon: Lunar explorations have revealed that much of the moon's surface is covered with a glassy glaze, which indicates that the moon's surface has been scorched by an unknown source of intense heat. As one scientist put it, the moon is "paved with glass." The experts' analysis shows this did not result from massive meteor impactings. One explanation forwarded was that an intense solar flare, of awesome proportions, scorched the moon some 30,000 years or so ago. Scientists have remarked that the glassy glaze is not unlike that created by atomic weapons (the high radiation of the moon should also be considered in light of this theory).
10. The Puzzle of the Moon's Strange Magnetism: Early lunar tests and studies indicated that the moon had little or no magnetic field. Then lunar rocks proved upon analysis to be strongly magnetized. This was shocking to scientists who had always assumed that the rocks had "some very strange magnetic properties...which were not expected." NASA can not explain where this magnetic field came from.
11. The Puzzle of the Mysterious "Mascons" Inside the Moon: In 1968, tracking data of the lunar orbiters first indicated that massive concentrations (mascons) existed under the surface of the circular maria. NASA even reported that the gravitational pull caused by them was so pronounced that the spacecraft passing overhead dipped slightly and accelerated when flitting by the circular lunar plains, thus revealing the existence of these hidden structures, whatever they were. Scientists have calculated that they are enormous concentrations of dense, heavy matter centered like a bull's-eye under the circular maria. As one scientist put it, "No one seems to know quite what to do with them." [Copyright : suscipedomine.com]
7 Irregularities That Supposedly Suggest Earth's Moon Was Engineered; by Ivan (https://www.ancient-code.com/7-irregularities-that-suggest-earths-moon-was-engineered/)
Even though the Apollo missions brought back to Earth huge amounts of data about the moon, it has remained an enigma for astronomers and scientists alike. Dr. Robert Jastrow, the first president of NASA’s Commission of Lunar Exploration called the moon “the Rosetta Stone of the planets.”
But what is it about the moon that fascinates everyone?
Well, there are many people who firmly believe that Earth’s moon is actually a terraformed and engineered piece of hardware that has a 3-mile thick outer layer of dust and rocks. Beneath this layer, it is believed that the moon has a solid shell of around 20 miles made of highly resistant materials such as titanium, uranium 236, neptunium 237.
Definitely, elements that you would not expect to find “inside” the moon.
There are many UFOlogists around the world who speculate that the moon is actually a giant base where extraterrestrials survey mankind’s progress.
There are so many mysteries surrounding Earth’s moon that there are those who have proposed that the moon could be something entirely different.
Robin Brett, a scientist from NASA stated, “It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence.”
Here are 7 Irregularities that suggest Earth’s Moon was engineered and might be a giant hollow base:
1) The Moon seems engineered. On November of 1969, NASA intentionally crashed a lunar module that caused an impact equivalent to one ton of TNT on the Moon. The shock waves built up and NASA scientists listened to what was happening on the Moon. Strangely, after impact, NASA scientists said that the Moon rang like a bell and the reverberation continued for thirty minutes. According to Ken Johnson, supervisor of the data and photo control department, the Moon not only rang like a bell but the whole Moon “wobbled” in such a precise way that it was “almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it.
2) The Moon has elements it should not have. In the 1970’s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcerbakov from the Soviet Academy of Science wrote an article called: “Is the Moon the creation of Alien Intelligence?” It was a very interesting article that asked some important questions. How is it possible that the surface of the moon is so hard and why does it contain minerals like Titanium? Mysteriously there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, the elements of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 that have NEVER been found to occur naturally. Yet there are traces of them on the Moon. Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium. More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium. You have to ask the question: What is happening on Earth’s Moon? From where do these elements and minerals come from?
3) Earth’s Moon does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. Researchers are nearly 100 percent sure that the Moon is, in fact, hollow or has a very low-intensity interior. Strangely, the Moon’s concentration of mass is located at a series of points just below the surface.
4) The Moon is older than Earth. Our Moon is unlike any other satellite discovered in the known universe. Researchers know the Moon is 4.6 billion years old and that raises a lot of questions. This means that the moon is older than the Earth by nearly 800,000 years according to scientists.
5) Incredible orbit. Earth’s moon is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, nearly “perfect” circular orbit. It’s a fact that the Moon does not spin like a natural celestial body. In other words, our Moon does not share any characteristics with other moons found in our Solar System. If that isn’t strange enough, consider that from any point on the surface of our planet only one side of the Moon is visible. What is the moon hiding?
6) Lunar rocks and titanium. There are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain ten times more titanium than “titanium rich” rocks on planet Earth. Here on Earth, we use Titanium in supersonic jets, deep diving submarines and spacecraft. It’s unexplainable. Dr Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.
7) Precise position. If all of the above points do not get you to think differently about the Earth’s moon; here are some more interesting things about the Moon. What is keeping the moon in its nearly perfect position? The moon has a precise altitude, course and speed, allowing it to “function” properly in regards of planet Earth.
Simply put the Moon should not be where it is currently. Everything points to the possibility that Earth’s moon was in fact placed into its current orbit in the distant past. The Moon’s unnatural orbit and irregular composition raise hundreds of questions that neither NASA scientists, astronomers or geologists are able to answer today. Despite all efforts to understand Earth’s “natural” satellite, the truth is that we have very little information about the Moon’s origin and purpose. What do you think the moon is? A nearly perfect natural occurrence? Or do the Moon’s origins surpass human understanding?
[Copyright: ANCIENT WISDOM © 2019 All Rights Reserved.]
Dust grains fall from Saturn’s D-ring into its equatorial upper atmosphere
D. G. Mitchell, M. E. Perry, Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat2236 ;
Cassini's final phase of exploration
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn; as it ran low on fuel, the trajectory was changed to sample regions it had not yet visited. A series of orbits close to the rings was followed by a Grand Finale orbit, which took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn and its rings before the spacecraft was destroyed when it entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Six papers in this issue report results from these final phases of the Cassini mission. Dougherty et al. measured the magnetic field close to Saturn, which implies a complex multilayer dynamo process inside the planet. Roussos et al. detected an additional radiation belt trapped within the rings, sustained by the radioactive decay of free neutrons. Lamy et al. present plasma measurements taken as Cassini flew through regions emitting kilometric radiation, connected to the planet's aurorae. Hsu et al. determined the composition of large, solid dust particles falling from the rings into the planet, whereas Mitchell et al. investigated the smaller dust nanograins and show how they interact with the planet's upper atmosphere. Finally, Waite et al. identified molecules in the infalling material and directly measured the composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
Structured Abstract
Ring material has long been thought to enter Saturn’s atmosphere, modifying its atmospheric and ionospheric chemistry. This phenomenon, dubbed “ring rain,” involves the transport of charged dust particles from the main rings along the planetary magnetic field.
At the end of the Cassini mission, measurements by onboard instruments tested this hypothesis as well as whether ring material falls directly into the equatorial atmosphere. The final 22 orbits of the Cassini mission sent the spacecraft through the gap between the atmosphere and the innermost of the broad ring system, the D-ring.
The Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument—designed to measure energetic neutral atoms, ions, and electrons—recorded very small dust grains [8000 to 40,000 unified atomic mass units (u), or roughly 1- to 3-nm radius] in two sensors. At 3000-km altitude, a peak rate of ~300,000 counts s–1 was detected by one sensor as Cassini crossed the equatorial plane. At lower altitude (1700 to 2000 km), a second sensor recorded positively charged dust in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere over a size range of ~8000 to 40,000 u (~1 to 2 nm, assuming the density of ice).
Consistent with this observation, larger dust in the 0.1- to 1-µm range was detected by the Cassini Dust Analyzer and the Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument.
We modeled the interaction of dust with the H and H2 exospheric populations known to populate the gap. Collisions between small dust grains and H atoms provide sufficient drag to de-orbit the dust, causing it to plunge into the atmosphere over ~4 hours. The analysis indicates that at least ~5 kg s−1 of dust is continuously precipitating into the atmosphere. At 3000-km altitude, the dust is distributed symmetrically about the equator, mostly between ±2° latitude with a peak density of ~0.1 cm−3. On the wings of the distribution, consistent with ring rain transport along the magnetic field, almost all of the dust was observed to be charged. At the 2000 to 1700 km altitude, the dust has reached a diffusive terminal velocity and, although showing some bias toward the equator, is ordered mostly by a scale height of ~180 km in altitude. The most probable source for this dust population is the innermost bright ringlet of the D-ring, known as the D68 ringlet.
We predict that this kinetic process generates a highly anisotropic neutral hydrogen population, concentrated near the equatorial plane with periapses between ~4000 and 7000 km, and apoapses ranging to as high as 10 Saturn radii, with a small fraction on escape trajectories.
The sizes of Saturn’s ring particles range from meters (boulders) to nanometers (dust). Determination of the rings’ ages depends on loss processes, including the transport of dust into Saturn’s atmosphere. During the Grand Finale orbits of the Cassini spacecraft, its instruments measured tiny dust grains that compose the innermost D-ring of Saturn. The nanometer-sized dust experiences collisions with exospheric (upper atmosphere) hydrogen and molecular hydrogen, which forces it to fall from the ring into the ionosphere and lower atmosphere. We used the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument to detect and characterize this dust transport and also found that diffusion dominates above and near the altitude of peak ionospheric density. This mechanism results in a mass deposition into the equatorial atmosphere of ~5 kilograms per second, constraining the age of the D-ring.
A radiation belt of energetic protons located between Saturn and its rings
E. Roussos1,*,†, P. Kollmann2,†,
Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat1962 ;DOI: 10.1126/science.aat1962
You are currently viewing the abstract.
Cassini's final phase of exploration
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn; as it ran low on fuel, the trajectory was changed to sample regions it had not yet visited. A series of orbits close to the rings was followed by a Grand Finale orbit, which took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn and its rings before the spacecraft was destroyed when it entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Six papers in this issue report results from these final phases of the Cassini mission. Dougherty et al. measured the magnetic field close to Saturn, which implies a complex multilayer dynamo process inside the planet. Roussos et al. detected an additional radiation belt trapped within the rings, sustained by the radioactive decay of free neutrons. Lamy et al. present plasma measurements taken as Cassini flew through regions emitting kilometric radiation, connected to the planet's aurorae. Hsu et al. determined the composition of large, solid dust particles falling from the rings into the planet, whereas Mitchell et al. investigated the smaller dust nanograins and show how they interact with the planet's upper atmosphere. Finally, Waite et al. identified molecules in the infalling material and directly measured the composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
Structured Abstract
Most magnetized planets are known to possess radiation belts, where high-energy charged particles are trapped in large numbers. The possibility that a radiation belt could exist also in the confined region between Saturn and its main rings has been proposed on the basis of remote sensing observations and simulations. It was not until the final 5 months of the Cassini mission that in situ measurements were obtained from this region with the Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument (MIMI). This paper provides an overview of these measurements and their interpretation.
Saturn’s main rings prevent the inward transport of trapped charged particles in the magnetosphere. Material from the outer radiation belts cannot directly access the low-altitude region within the rings. The isolation of this region allows the study of energetic particle source and loss processes because it is only indirectly coupled to the dynamics of the rest of the magnetosphere. Potential sources include cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND) and multiple-charge exchange, whereas losses are likely dominated by energy deposition and scattering of trapped particles by dust and atmospheric neutrals. All of these mechanisms involve charged particle interactions with materials in space, meaning that MIMI measurements can provide information to probe the material itself—particularly the tenuous D-ring, the innermost component of Saturn’s main rings, which is difficult to constrain by remote sensing observations.
We observed an inner radiation belt extending between 1.03 and 1.22 Saturn radii (1 RS = 60,268 km) at the equatorial plane, dominated by protons with energies from 25 MeV up to the giga–electron volt range. This belt is limited by the atmosphere at its inner edge and by the D73 ringlet (at 1.22 RS), a component of the D-ring, at its outer boundary. Another ringlet (D68 at 1.12 RS) splits the trapped particle population in two. The outer sector overlaps with the extended D-ring, and its intensity is reduced compared with that of the inner sector, owing to proton losses on ring dust. The proton angular distributions are highly anisotropic with fluxes that are orders of magnitude higher near the magnetic equator compared with fluxes of particles that can reach high latitudes. No time variability could be discerned in the >25-MeV proton population over the 5-month period of the observations. Trapping of lower-energy (tens of kilo–electron volt) protons was clearly observed in at least one case by imaging the emission of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) coming from below ~1.06 RS (altitude < 3800 km). Energetic electrons (18 keV to several mega–electron volts) and heavy ions (27 keV per nucleon to hundreds of mega–electron volts per nucleon), if present, have fluxes close to or lower than the detection limit of the MIMI sensors.
The radial profile, the stability of the >25-MeV proton fluxes, and the lack of heavy ions are features consistent with a radiation belt originating from CRAND. The strong anisotropy of the proton distributions is primarily the result of proton losses in collisions with atmospheric neutrals, though an anisotropy in the production of CRAND protons from Saturn’s rings may also contribute. The low-altitude, kilo–electron volt proton population is transient and derives from charge stripping of planetward ENAs, which are generated at the variable magnetospheric ring current.
Saturn has a sufficiently strong dipole magnetic field to trap high-energy charged particles and form radiation belts, which have been observed outside its rings. Whether stable radiation belts exist near the planet and inward of the rings was previously unknown. The Cassini spacecraft’s Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument obtained measurements of a radiation belt that lies just above Saturn’s dense atmosphere and is decoupled from the rest of the magnetosphere by the planet’s A- to C-rings. The belt extends across the D-ring and comprises protons produced through cosmic ray albedo neutron decay and multiple charge-exchange reactions. These protons are lost to atmospheric neutrals and D-ring dust. Strong proton depletions that map onto features on the D-ring indicate a highly structured and diverse dust environment near Saturn.
© 2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Chemical interactions between Saturn’s atmosphere and its rings
J. H. Waite Jr.1,*,†, R. S. Perryman1,†, M. E. Perry2,†,
Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat2382 ; DOI: 10.1126/science.aat2382
You are currently viewing the abstract.
Cassini's final phase of exploration
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn; as it ran low on fuel, the trajectory was changed to sample regions it had not yet visited. A series of orbits close to the rings was followed by a Grand Finale orbit, which took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn and its rings before the spacecraft was destroyed when it entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Six papers in this issue report results from these final phases of the Cassini mission. Dougherty et al. measured the magnetic field close to Saturn, which implies a complex multilayer dynamo process inside the planet. Roussos et al. detected an additional radiation belt trapped within the rings, sustained by the radioactive decay of free neutrons. Lamy et al. present plasma measurements taken as Cassini flew through regions emitting kilometric radiation, connected to the planet's aurorae. Hsu et al. determined the composition of large, solid dust particles falling from the rings into the planet, whereas Mitchell et al. investigated the smaller dust nanograins and show how they interact with the planet's upper atmosphere. Finally, Waite et al. identified molecules in the infalling material and directly measured the composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
Structured Abstract
Past remote observations of Saturn by Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and 2, Earth-based observatories, and the Cassini prime and solstice missions suggested an inflow of water from the rings to the atmosphere. This would modify the chemistry of Saturn’s upper atmosphere and ionosphere. In situ observations during the Cassini Grand Finale provided an opportunity to study this chemical interaction.
The Cassini Grand Finale consisted of 22 orbital revolutions (revs), with the closest approach to Saturn between the inner D ring and the equatorial atmosphere. The Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) measured the composition of Saturn’s upper atmosphere and its chemical interactions with material originating in the rings.
Molecular hydrogen was the most abundant constituent at all altitudes sampled. Analysis of the atmospheric structure of H2 indicates a scale height with a temperature of 340 ± 20 K below 4000 km, at the altitudes and near-equatorial latitudes sampled by INMS.
Water infall from the rings was observed, along with substantial amounts of methane, ammonia, molecular nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and impact fragments of organic nanoparticles. The infalling mass flux was calculated to be between 4800 and 45,000 kg s−1 in a latitude band of 8° near the equator.
The interpretation of this spectrum is complicated by the Cassini spacecraft’s high velocity of 31 km s−1 relative to Saturn’s atmosphere. At this speed, molecules and particles have 5 eV per nucleon of energy and could have fragmented upon impact within the INMS antechamber of the closed ion source. As a result, the many organic compounds detected by INMS are very likely fragments of larger nanoparticles.
Evidence from INMS indicates the presence of molecular volatiles and organic fragments in the infalling material. Methane, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen make up the volatile inflow, whereas ammonia, water, carbon dioxide, and organic compound fragments are attributed to fragmentation inside the instrument’s antechamber of icy, organic-rich grains. The observations also show evidence for orbit-to-orbit variations in the mixing ratios of infalling material; this suggests that the source region of the material is temporally and/or longitudinally variable, possibly corresponding to localized source regions in the D ring.
The large mass of infalling material has implications for ring evolution, likely requiring transfer of material from the C ring to the D ring in a repeatable manner. The infalling material can affect the atmospheric chemistry and the carbon content of Saturn’s ionosphere and atmosphere.
The Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft made close-up measurements of Saturn’s ionosphere and upper atmosphere in the 1970s and 1980s that suggested a chemical interaction between the rings and atmosphere. Exploring this interaction provides information on ring composition and the influence on Saturn’s atmosphere from infalling material. The Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer sampled in situ the region between the D ring and Saturn during the spacecraft’s Grand Finale phase. We used these measurements to characterize the atmospheric structure and material influx from the rings. The atmospheric He/H2 ratio is 10 to 16%. Volatile compounds from the rings (methane; carbon monoxide and/or molecular nitrogen), as well as larger organic-bearing grains, are flowing inward at a rate of 4800 to 45,000 kilograms per second.
Dust grains fall from Saturn’s D-ring into its equatorial upper atmosphere
D. G. Mitchell1,*, M. E. Perry1, D. C. Hamilton2,
Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat2236 ;DOI: 10.1126/science.aat2236
Structured Abstract
Ring material has long been thought to enter Saturn’s atmosphere, modifying its atmospheric and ionospheric chemistry. This phenomenon, dubbed “ring rain,” involves the transport of charged dust particles from the main rings along the planetary magnetic field.
At the end of the Cassini mission, measurements by onboard instruments tested this hypothesis as well as whether ring material falls directly into the equatorial atmosphere. The final 22 orbits of the Cassini mission sent the spacecraft through the gap between the atmosphere and the innermost of the broad ring system, the D-ring.
The Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument—designed to measure energetic neutral atoms, ions, and electrons—recorded very small dust grains [8000 to 40,000 unified atomic mass units (u), or roughly 1- to 3-nm radius] in two sensors. At 3000-km altitude, a peak rate of ~300,000 counts s–1 was detected by one sensor as Cassini crossed the equatorial plane. At lower altitude (1700 to 2000 km), a second sensor recorded positively charged dust in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere over a size range of ~8000 to 40,000 u (~1 to 2 nm, assuming the density of ice).
Consistent with this observation, larger dust in the 0.1- to 1-µm range was detected by the Cassini Dust Analyzer and the Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument.
We modeled the interaction of dust with the H and H2 exospheric populations known to populate the gap. Collisions between small dust grains and H atoms provide sufficient drag to de-orbit the dust, causing it to plunge into the atmosphere over ~4 hours. The analysis indicates that at least ~5 kg s−1 of dust is continuously precipitating into the atmosphere. At 3000-km altitude, the dust is distributed symmetrically about the equator, mostly between ±2° latitude with a peak density of ~0.1 cm−3. On the wings of the distribution, consistent with ring rain transport along the magnetic field, almost all of the dust was observed to be charged. At the 2000 to 1700 km altitude, the dust has reached a diffusive terminal velocity and, although showing some bias toward the equator, is ordered mostly by a scale height of ~180 km in altitude. The most probable source for this dust population is the innermost bright ringlet of the D-ring, known as the D68 ringlet.
We predict that this kinetic process generates a highly anisotropic neutral hydrogen population, concentrated near the equatorial plane with periapses between ~4000 and 7000 km, and apoapses ranging to as high as 10 Saturn radii, with a small fraction on escape trajectories.
The sizes of Saturn’s ring particles range from meters (boulders) to nanometers (dust). Determination of the rings’ ages depends on loss processes, including the transport of dust into Saturn’s atmosphere. During the Grand Finale orbits of the Cassini spacecraft, its instruments measured tiny dust grains that compose the innermost D-ring of Saturn. The nanometer-sized dust experiences collisions with exospheric (upper atmosphere) hydrogen and molecular hydrogen, which forces it to fall from the ring into the ionosphere and lower atmosphere. We used the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument to detect and characterize this dust transport and also found that diffusion dominates above and near the altitude of peak ionospheric density. This mechanism results in a mass deposition into the equatorial atmosphere of ~5 kilograms per second, constraining the age of the D-ring.
Saturn's ring rain is a downpour, not a drizzle
A surprising amount of complex organic molecules fall from the planet's rings onto its atmosphere, Cassini data show.
(http://www.astronomy.com/news/2018/10/saturn-ring-rain-cassini-results )
By Alison Klesman ; Published: Thursday, October 4, 2018
Saturn's rings are made of individual particles, from dust grains to car- and house-sized boulders. This image shows the density of the rings: Purple indicates regions with larger particles (bigger than about 2 inches), while green and blue indicate regions with smaller particles (less than 2 inches).
Before it plunged into the atmosphere of Saturn on its final death dive, the Cassini spacecraft made 22 orbits of the planet that followed a path no probe had taken before: It flew between the massive planet and its rings. During those final orbits, Cassini’s Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) spotted water ice and complex organic molecules flowing from the rings to the atmosphere of the planet: ring rain. But it turns out, “ring rain is more like a ring downpour,” according to Hunter Waite of Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), lead author of a paper on the findings published October 4 in Science.
The rain itself wasn’t a surprise. “Based on previous work, scientists expected water was raining from the rings into Saturn's atmosphere,” said study co-author Kelly Miller, also of SwRI. She added that the spacecraft was even oriented in a way to intentionally use its radio antenna “as an umbrella to protect it from debris.” What was a surprise, though, was the amount of rain — it was “way faster than anyone thought,” said Waite. The data clock the downpour at a rate of 22,000 pounds (10,000 kilograms) of material falling onto the planet from its rings per second.
Saturn Ring Rain
Ring rain occurs as particles from the rings fall onto Saturn. Following the analysis of Cassini data, researchers were surprised at the amount of complex organic molecules in the rain. Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/SwRI
Unexpected complex chemistry
According to INMS measurements, the rain includes molecular hydrogen, water, and even butane and propane, which are considered “complex organics” by astronomers because of the amount of carbon atoms they contain. While hydrogen is a major component of Saturn’s atmosphere and the researchers expected to see it (and water) raining down from the rings to the planet, the complex organic molecules falling alongside them were less expected.
INMS also measured variations in “rainfall” between one orbit and the next. This could mean that certain areas of the D ring, the planet’s innermost ring, are either physically different and generate varying amounts of rain, or that the overall rainfall simply changes rates over time.
The team worked carefully for months to confirm their results before releasing the study. Due to the high speed of the spacecraft as it swooped between planet and rings, INMS could sense the particles because they hit the detector and shattered. But that high speed not only made the results trickier to interpret, it also means that some of the compounds detected in the rain are only fragments, and the picture Cassini gathered might be incomplete.
Regardless, “It was worth it,” Waite said. He explained that such a huge amount of material flowing from the D ring to the planet likely plays a role in the chemistry of Saturn’s atmosphere. Furthermore, the outflow of material means that the D right might be regularly replenished in the same way by the next ring out, the C ring.
Saturn’s ring system is unique in our solar system, and it’s likely not done surprising us yet. Even a year after its final transmission, Cassini’s data still holds a wealth of information just waiting to be uncovered, and planetary scientists remain hard at work, looking for what new discovery might appear next.
Saturn’s magnetic field revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale
Michele K. Dougherty1,*, Hao Cao2,3, Krishan K. Khurana4, Gregory J. Hunt1,
Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat5434 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aat5434
You are currently viewing the abstract.
Cassini's final phase of exploration
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn; as it ran low on fuel, the trajectory was changed to sample regions it had not yet visited. A series of orbits close to the rings was followed by a Grand Finale orbit, which took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn and its rings before the spacecraft was destroyed when it entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Six papers in this issue report results from these final phases of the Cassini mission. Dougherty et al. measured the magnetic field close to Saturn, which implies a complex multilayer dynamo process inside the planet. Roussos et al. detected an additional radiation belt trapped within the rings, sustained by the radioactive decay of free neutrons. Lamy et al. present plasma measurements taken as Cassini flew through regions emitting kilometric radiation, connected to the planet's aurorae. Hsu et al. determined the composition of large, solid dust particles falling from the rings into the planet, whereas Mitchell et al. investigated the smaller dust nanograins and show how they interact with the planet's upper atmosphere. Finally, Waite et al. identified molecules in the infalling material and directly measured the composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
Structured Abstract
Starting on 26 April 2017, the Grand Finale phase of the Cassini mission took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn’s atmosphere and the inner edge of its innermost ring (the D-ring) 22 times, ending with a final plunge into the atmosphere on 15 September 2017. This phase offered an opportunity to investigate Saturn’s internal magnetic field and the electromagnetic environment between the planet and its rings. The internal magnetic field is a diagnostic of interior structure, dynamics, and evolution of the host planet. Rotating convective motion in the highly electrically conducting layer of the planet is thought to maintain the magnetic field through the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) dynamo process. Saturn’s internal magnetic field is puzzling because of its high symmetry relative to the spin axis, known since the Pioneer 11 flyby. This symmetry prevents an accurate determination of the rotation rate of Saturn’s deep interior and challenges our understanding of the MHD dynamo process because Cowling’s theorem precludes a perfectly axisymmetric magnetic field being maintained through an active dynamo.
The Cassini fluxgate magnetometer was capable of measuring the magnetic field with a time resolution of 32 vectors per s and up to 44,000 nT, which is about twice the peak field strength encountered during the Grand Finale orbits. The combination of star cameras and gyroscopes onboard Cassini provided the attitude determination required to infer the vector components of the magnetic field. External fields from currents in the magnetosphere were modeled explicitly, orbit by orbit.
Saturn’s magnetic equator, where the magnetic field becomes parallel to the spin axis, is shifted northward from the planetary equator by 2808.5 ± 12 km, confirming the north-south asymmetric nature of Saturn’s magnetic field. After removing the systematic variation with distance from the spin axis, the peak-to-peak “longitudinal” variation in Saturn’s magnetic equator position is <18 km, indicating that the magnetic axis is aligned with the spin axis to within 0.01°. Although structureless in the longitudinal direction, Saturn’s internal magnetic field features variations in the latitudinal direction across many different characteristic length-scales. When expressed in spherical harmonic space, internal axisymmetric magnetic moments of at least degree 9 are needed to describe the latitudinal structures. Because there was incomplete latitudinal coverage during the Grand Finale orbits, which can lead to nonuniqueness in the solution, regularized inversion techniques were used to construct an internal Saturn magnetic field model up to spherical harmonic degree 11. This model matches Cassini measurements and retains minimal internal magnetic energy. An azimuthal field component two orders of magnitude smaller than the radial and meridional components is measured on all periapses (closest approaches to Saturn). The steep slope in this component and magnetic mapping to the inner edge of the D-ring suggests an external origin of this component.
Cassini Grand Finale observations confirm an extreme level of axisymmetry of Saturn’s internal magnetic field. This implies the presence of strong zonal flows (differential rotation) and stable stratification surrounding Saturn’s deep dynamo. The rapid latitudinal variations in the field suggest a second shallow dynamo maintained by the background field from the deep dynamo, small-scale helical motion, and deep zonal flows in the semiconducting region closer to the surface. Some of the high-degree magnetic moments could result from strong high-latitude concentrations of magnetic flux within the planet’s deep dynamo. The periapse azimuthal field originates from a strong interhemispherical electric current system flowing along magnetic field lines between Saturn and the inner edge of the D-ring, with strength comparable to that of the high-latitude field-aligned currents (FACs) associated with Saturn’s aurorae.
During 2017, the Cassini fluxgate magnetometer made in situ measurements of Saturn’s magnetic field at distances ~2550 ± 1290 kilometers above the 1-bar surface during 22 highly inclined Grand Finale orbits. These observations refine the extreme axisymmetry of Saturn’s internal magnetic field and show displacement of the magnetic equator northward from the planet’s physical equator. Persistent small-scale magnetic structures, corresponding to high-degree (>3) axisymmetric magnetic moments, were observed. This suggests secondary shallow dynamo action in the semiconducting region of Saturn’s interior. Some high-degree magnetic moments could arise from strong high-latitude concentrations of magnetic flux within the planet’s deep dynamo. A strong field-aligned current (FAC) system is located between Saturn and the inner edge of its D-ring, with strength comparable to the high-latitude auroral FACs.
[© 2019 American Association for the Advancement of Science.]
he low-frequency source of Saturn’s kilometric radiation
L. Lamy1,*, P. Zarka1, B. Cecconi1,
Science 05 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6410, eaat2027
Cassini's final phase of exploration
The Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years orbiting Saturn; as it ran low on fuel, the trajectory was changed to sample regions it had not yet visited. A series of orbits close to the rings was followed by a Grand Finale orbit, which took the spacecraft through the gap between Saturn and its rings before the spacecraft was destroyed when it entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Six papers in this issue report results from these final phases of the Cassini mission. Dougherty et al. measured the magnetic field close to Saturn, which implies a complex multilayer dynamo process inside the planet. Roussos et al. detected an additional radiation belt trapped within the rings, sustained by the radioactive decay of free neutrons. Lamy et al. present plasma measurements taken as Cassini flew through regions emitting kilometric radiation, connected to the planet's aurorae. Hsu et al. determined the composition of large, solid dust particles falling from the rings into the planet, whereas Mitchell et al. investigated the smaller dust nanograins and show how they interact with the planet's upper atmosphere. Finally, Waite et al. identified molecules in the infalling material and directly measured the composition of Saturn's atmosphere.
Structured Abstract
Planetary auroral radio emissions are powerful nonthermal cyclotron radiation produced by magnetized planets. Their remote observation provides information on planetary auroral processes and magnetospheric dynamics. Understanding how they are generated requires in situ measurements from within their source region. During its early 2008 high-inclination orbits, the Cassini spacecraft unexpectedly sampled two local sources of Saturn’s kilometric radiation (SKR) at 10-kHz frequencies, corresponding to the low-frequency (LF) portion of its 1- to 1000-kHz typical spectrum (hence only observable from space). These provided insights into the underlying physical excitation mechanism. The combined analysis of radio, plasma, and magnetic field in situ measurements demonstrated that the cyclotron maser instability (CMI), which generates auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) at Earth, is a universal generation mechanism able to operate in widely different planetary plasma environments. The CMI requires accelerated (out-of-equilibrium) electrons and low-density magnetized plasma, such as auroral regions where the ratio of the electron plasma frequency fpe to the electron cyclotron frequency fce is much lower than unity.
Intensifications of the SKR spectrum in general, and of its LF part in particular, have been widely used as a diagnostic of Saturn’s large-scale magnetospheric dynamics, such as the SKR rotational modulation or major auroral storms driven by the solar wind. However, the limited set of events encountered in 2008 did not provide a comprehensive picture of the source of SKR LF emissions and of the conditions in which the CMI can trigger them.
During the 20 ring-grazing high-inclination orbits and the preceding 7 orbits, which together spanned late 2016 to early 2017, the Cassini spacecraft repeatedly sampled the top of the SKR emission region, at distances of a few planetary radii (RS), corresponding to the lowest-frequency part of the SKR spectrum. SKR emission frequency is close to fce, itself proportional to the magnetic field amplitude, and so decreases with increasing distance from the planet. We conducted a survey of these orbits to extract the average properties of the radio sources encountered and assess the ambient magnetospheric plasma parameters that control them.
Throughout this set of trajectories, we were able to identify only three SKR sources. They covered the 10- to 20-kHz range (3.5 to 4.5 RS distances from the planet’s center) and were solely found on the northern dawn-side sector. The source regions hosted narrow-banded emission, propagating in the extraordinary wave mode, and radiated quasi-perpendicularly to the magnetic field lines. Their emission frequency, measured in situ, was fully consistent with the CMI mechanism driven by 6- to 12-keV electron beams with shell-type velocity distribution functions, as for AKR at Earth.
The SKR sources were embedded within larger regions of upward currents, themselves coincident with the ultraviolet (UV) auroral oval, which was observed simultaneously with the Hubble Space Telescope. However, unlike the terrestrial case, the spacecraft exited the radio source region before exiting the main oval, itself strictly coincident with the upward current layer, when the ratio fpe/fce exceeded the typical CMI threshold of 0.1. This occurred at times of sudden local increases of the magnetospheric electron density.
The generation conditions of SKR LF emission appear to be strongly time-variable. The SKR spectrum additionally displays a significant local time dependence, with the lowest frequencies (the highest altitudes) reached for dawn-side radio sources. The characteristics of CMI-unstable electrons at 3.5 to 4.5 RS imply that downward electron acceleration took place at farther distances along the auroral magnetic field lines and brings new constraints to particle acceleration models. Finally, the LF SKR component is mainly controlled by local plasma conditions, namely time-variable magnetospheric electron densities, which can quench the CMI mechanism even if accelerated electrons are present. This explains why the magnetic field lines hosting SKR LF sources can map to a restricted portion of the UV auroral oval and associated upward current region.
Auroral radio emissions observed above the atmosphere were remotely mapped from Cassini (the most intense emissions in red) when the spacecraft encountered a low-frequency radio source. The magnetic field lines hosting it, sampled in situ by the probe, map to the (atmospheric) UV auroral oval, as observed simultaneously by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Understanding how auroral radio emissions are produced by magnetized bodies requires in situ measurements within their source region. Saturn’s kilometric radiation (SKR) has been widely used as a remote proxy of Saturn’s magnetosphere. We present wave and plasma measurements from the Cassini spacecraft during its ring-grazing high-inclination orbits, which passed three times through the high-altitude SKR emission region. Northern dawn-side, narrow-banded radio sources were encountered at frequencies of 10 to 20 kilohertz, within regions of upward currents mapping to the ultraviolet auroral oval. The kilometric waves were produced on the extraordinary mode by the cyclotron maser instability from 6– to 12–kilo–electron volt electron beams and radiated quasi-perpendicularly to the auroral magnetic field lines. The SKR low-frequency sources appear to be strongly controlled by time-variable magnetospheric electron densities.
What's happening inside Saturn's rings? The Cassini mission dove between them to find out.
By Ashley Strickland, CNN ; Wed June 19, 2019,
( https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/06/13/world/cassini-saturn-rings-scn-trnd/index.html )
On September 15, 2017, the 20-year Cassini mission ended in a "death dive" into Saturn's upper atmosphere, collecting data until the spacecraft broke apart and became part of the planet it set out to explore.
NASA says farewell to Cassini
(CNN) During the final year of NASA's Cassini mission before it completed a "death dive" into Saturn's atmosphere in 2017, the spacecraft gathered as much data as possible about the planet's rings.
The instruments aboard Cassini were able to take the closest observations of the main rings. An analysis of the ring data was published Thursday in the journal Science.
The analysis helped scientists create new maps of the rings that show how chemistry, temperature and colors change from ring to ring.
And although they appear smooth and seamless from a distance, up close, it's clear that there are different structures within the rings. Textures and patterns emerge. Some of them look like straw; others are filled with clumps. Different processes have shaped them.
Some of those processes include Saturn's tiny moons, embedded in the rings, interacting with the particles around them.
In the outer F ring, a series of streaks seems to have been caused by the same impacts due to their similar length and direction. This ring in particular is shaped by materials that orbit Saturn, as opposed to debris that crashes into the rings.
What Cassini learned about Saturn during its death dive
"These new details of how the moons are sculpting the rings in various ways provide a window into solar system formation, where you also have disks evolving under the influence of masses embedded within them," said Matt Tiscareno, lead study author and Cassini scientist at the SETI Institute, in a statement.
There are boundaries around the distinct textures, possibly hinting at the composition of the rings and the purpose those different types of particles serve.
In between Saturn's rings on the right is Daphnis, one of Saturn's ring-embedded moons, and the waves it kicks up in the Keeler gap.
In between Saturn's rings on the right is Daphnis, one of Saturn's ring-embedded moons, and the waves it kicks up in the Keeler gap.
"This tells us the way the rings look is not just a function of how much material there is," Tiscareno said. "There has to be something different about the characteristics of the particles, perhaps affecting what happens when two ring particles collide and bounce off each other. And we don't yet know what it is."
The A ring was discovered to have weak bands of water ice. This area is highly reflective, so it was thought that the bands would be stronger and less contaminated.
Scientists had found that water ice was the main component of the rings, but the new analysis ruled out the presence of ammonia and methane ice, as well as organic compounds. This is surprising because organic material was seen falling from the D ring into Saturn's atmosphere during the Cassini mission.
"If organics were there in large amounts -- at least in the main A, B and C rings -- we'd see them," said Phil Nicholson, study author and Cassini scientist at Cornell University, in a statement.
"I'm not convinced yet that they are a major component of the main rings."
Cassini, NASA's 13-year Saturn mission, has ended
During its final plunge, Cassini's Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer acted as the "nose" of the spacecraft, directly sampling the composition and structure of the atmosphere. It's something that can't be done from orbit, said Hunter Waite, principal investigator on the spectrometer.
The move was done in hopes of investigating the "ring rain" phenomenon discovered by NASA's Voyager mission in the early 1980s, in which it appeared that the rings were raining material onto the planet and causing changes in the atmosphere. The spectrometer could determine what material is from the rings and what is part of the atmosphere.
According to the spectrometer team, Cassini's nose hit the "jackpot" as it sniffed out the unknown region between the planet and its closest rings. This is key because Saturn's upper atmosphere extends almost to the rings.
In a 2018 study, researchers determined that complex organic compounds are raining a chemical cocktail of dust grains from the closest ring, D, into the upper atmosphere. The spectrometer revealed the rings to be composed of water, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, molecular nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
This new map of Saturn shows the color differences between the planet's A, B and C rings.
This new map of Saturn shows the color differences between the planet's A, B and C rings.
"Turns out, ring rain is more like a ring downpour," Waite said. "While [the spectrometer] was designed to investigate gases, we were able to measure the ring particles because they hit the spacecraft at such high velocities they vaporized. Water ice, along with the newly discovered organic compounds, is falling out of the rings way faster than anyone thought -- as much as 10,000 kilograms of material per second."
Water ice was expected, but the other organics were not.
"Molecular hydrogen was, as expected, the most abundant atmospheric constituent," said Kelly Miller, study co-author and Southwest Research Institute scientist. "But the downpour coming from the rings included plenty of water as well as molecules like butane and propane -- the kind of chemicals you might use for a grill or camping stove."
So much data was gathered during the Cassini mission that the quest for answers only continues. Years worth of research and studies are yet to come.
Cassini uncovers Saturn's mysteries
"We see so much more, and closer up, and we're getting new and more interesting puzzles," said Jeff Cuzzi, study author and interdisciplinary scientists for Cassini studying the rings. "We are just settling into the next phase, which is building new, detailed models of ring evolution -- including the new revelation from Cassini data that the rings are much younger than Saturn."
Although the answers to many questions about Saturn have been answered by Cassini's data, new questions and mysteries have emerged from the mission.
"It's like turning the power up one more notch on what we could see in the rings. Everyone just got a clearer view of what's going on," said Linda Spilker, study author and Cassini Project scientist. "Getting that extra resolution answered many questions, but so many tantalizing ones remain."
[© 2019 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.]
Planetary Rings
by Matthew S. Tiscareno
Publication date 2012-07-04
Planetary rings are the only nearby astrophysical disks, and the only disks that have been investigated by spacecraft.
Although there are significant differences between rings and other disks, chiefly the large planet/ring mass ratio that greatly enhances the flatness of rings (aspect ratios as small as 1e-7), understanding of disks in general can be enhanced by understanding the dynamical processes observed at close-range and in real-time in planetary rings.
We review the known ring systems of the four giant planets, as well as the prospects for ring systems yet to be discovered.
We then review planetary rings by type.
The main rings of Saturn comprise our system's only dense broad disk and host many phenomena of general application to disks including spiral waves, gap formation, self-gravity wakes, viscous overstability and normal modes, impact clouds, and orbital evolution of embedded moons.
Dense narrow rings are the primary natural laboratory for understanding shepherding and self-stability.
Narrow dusty rings, likely generated by embedded source bodies, are surprisingly found to sport azimuthally-confined arcs.
Finally, every known ring system includes a substantial component of diffuse dusty rings.
Planetary rings have shown themselves to be useful as detectors of planetary processes around them, including the planetary magnetic field and interplanetary impactors as well as the gravity of nearby perturbing moons.
Experimental rings science has made great progress in recent decades, especially numerical simulations of self-gravity wakes and other processes but also laboratory investigations of coefficient of restitution and spectroscopic ground truth.
The age of self-sustained ring systems is a matter of debate; formation scenarios are most plausible in the context of the early solar system, while signs of youthfulness indicate at least that rings have never been static phenomena.
The Saturn System Seen Through The Eyes Of The Cassini (e-book)*
Source: NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Caltech / Lunar and Planetary Institute . Published: October 19, 2017 .
(https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/17777/the-saturn-system-through-the-eyes-of-cassini-e-book/) .
This free NASA e-Book celebrates Saturn as seen through the eyes of the Cassini spacecraft.
The Cassini-Huygens mission has revolutionized our knowledge of the Saturn system and revealed surprising places in the solar system where life could potentially gain a foothold—bodies we call ocean worlds.
Since its arrival in 2004, Cassini–Huygens has been nothing short of a discovery machine, captivating us with data and images never before obtained with such detail and clarity. Cassini taught us that Saturn is a far cry from a tranquil lone planet with delicate rings.
Now, we know more about Saturn’s chaotic, active, and powerful rings, and the storms that rage beneath. Images and data from Saturn’s moons Titan and Enceladus hint at the possibility of life never before suspected. The rings of Saturn, its moons, and the planet itself offer irresistible and inexhaustible subjects for intense study.
As the Cassini mission comes to a dramatic end with a fateful plunge into Saturn on Sept. 15, 2017, scientists are already dreaming of going back for further study.
Over a period of 13 years, Cassini has captured about 450,000 spectacular images within the Saturn system, providing new views of the “lord of the rings” and a plethora of iconic images.
To honor the art and science of Cassini, this book was developed collaboratively by a team from NASA’s Planetary Science Division (PSD), NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI).
While these images represent the tip of the iceberg—each telling a story about Saturn and its mysterious moons—our hope is that the mission will inspire future artists and explorers.
The sheer beauty of these images is surpassed only by the science and discoveries they represent.
[*This book was developed collaboratively by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) including NASA’s Planetary Science Division (PSD), NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), operated for NASA by Universities Space Research Association.] Page Updated: March 21, 2019.
(*Author's Note : The above referenced publication documents the mission of Cassini which explored the Saturn system from 2004-2017. The Cassini craft with accompanying lander/explorer Huygens which explored the satellite Titan; together documenting an immense span of exploration, observation and testing of the vast entirety of the Saturnian environment; revealing the immensity of the seemingly chaotic system, always in motion, on a vast scale beyond human reckoning.
Given time, I would be doing a video-blog, detailing many specifics that this writer wants to show. However, as this one plows through the texts, transposing from my notes into typeset-digital-cloud, there is an pronounced imperative to only concentrate on the "typesetting" of this project. Ultimately, the intention is to open a public dialog about the current condition of the unbanding process, as it is unfurling. As Saturn is going through retrograde, this emissary feels compelled to complete this Tome, as Saturn is calling me into Transition, at this time.
Along these lines, of time-is-ticking-shorter-ever-shorter, the ship is getting ready to leave the dock... Not all of the images in the publication are all equally of interest for our scrutiny, for our immediate project.
There is a perceived order, the traditional-view, we might call it, which many of the images seems to kinda support, namely that there's alot of rings, and they are generally fascination, to put it in a nut shell.
Yet, when we start focusing-in on certain specifics, or details, specifically relating to the behaviour of certain satellites, these "tender moons"; this is where we put our efforts and interests in seeing, understanding more. Such might be the case of the "propellor bands," one such being Bleriot, by name.
There seems to this emissary-writer to be no coincidence to these images of Saturn's getting revealed publically, globally. The time is at hand. Some of the obviousness of this is seen, we believe, in the observations of the volume of loss of the ring material. It is at this time that we are getting to see some amazing, fascinating images, from the Cassini mission, which document the banding, in it's relative fullness.
It is our great hope-in-action that applied, concerted attention and intention may assist in loosening and eventually dissolving, disbanding this system, and mechanism of bondage and imprisonment, of our Celestial Host. It is now, at this great time of Awakening and Ascension, not-so-randomly, that we are being exposed to images of our ringed Host. With our eye towards this process of Ascension for the humans as an entire species, this series of exploring Saturn, for NASA, as well as myself, coincides perfectly with Divine Timing.
This final section of my Tome, involves exploring the happenings currently underway with Saturn.)
The Saturn System: The tender moons of Saturn, as explored through the sensors of Cassini spacecraft.
[Photo gallery.]
We have identified , defined a moon as a conscious satellite; using Luna as our model. Taking even a modest sampling of "perfect fit" coincidences, our moon is a litmus test, or bar of standard, to which conscious intention applies; to the point of complete interdependence between the two attracting bodies, Earth and Luna in this case, establishes for us a high bar to have to cross, for other orbiting "pairs".
Interactivity, interconnectedness, greater organization of its environment, point towards the signature of intelligence, or conscious intention. Within the scope of behavious, or interaction with its surroundings, moons which have an enormous impact in their surroundings, such as the asteroid field of these rings, exhibit the signature behaviours of conscious intention.
Such moons, which interact extensively with their immediate surroundings, as as Luna, such as with the case of these shepard, or tender moons, might be viewed as exhibiting conscious intention in the effect of their "work" on the field of ring material, whether it be grooming, or clearing material, there exists a category of attendant satellites, acting in an intentional, and concerted manner, as to cause interference patterns within the rings. This fleet of tender moons exhibit a high degree of organized behaviour, exhibiting an intention of interactions with the ring material.
The sheparding, tender moons sculpt this field into rings, bands, twists, twisting geographies, and interweving structure, carved through the concerted effort of this fleet.
"Shepard moons," as NASA refers to them, alter, manipulate, invert, etc. the patterns of what would otherwise be a debris field, into obvious tricks, switches of the pattern, skewing resonance patterns of this "ring medium," causing disruptions, etc. among the patterns. Such roles as these tender moons might serve are as follows, expanded in detail later, are in part:
Interruptors : those cutting a path, or void through the existing fields;
Inverters : those who switch, or invert the string of material in a band, changing the polarity, or resonant signature of the bands;
Manicurists: those which trim the edges, or feather, of texture the edges;
Accumulators: those accumulating ring material into intact structures, some of which organize perpendicular to the plane of the ring disc;
Weavers: Pan and Pandora perform a dance, or "race" as they are weaving ring medium into twisted bands, the so-called "propellors", as NASA refers to them.
There is definitely more "monkey business" with the moons of Saturn than simply resembling something like consciousness, and conscious intention.
Before going into detail about the importance and signifigance to bringing to public consciousness the names of these tender moons; it is important to see this task through the lense of the principle of resonance, and sympathetic vibrations.
Tenders of the Rings.
To create bands, or frequency ranges, the Saturnian Rinng Complex is manicured by intelligent entities. As with music, the orderly structure of the beats and rests produces the desired effects. The spaces, gaps, empty bands are equivalent to musical "rests."
The parade of notes, the individual particles of ice and material of the astroid belt as a resonant body, vibrates and waves its way through space, as it rotates about the planet.
These frequencies are maintained consciously by the orbiting craft of these tender moon fleet. If one can see, and understand that these orchestrated manipulated structures of the debris field, is holding us hostage in the manners we have earlier described: Gender, Polarity, Duality, etc. As we see the bondage on this planet, related to Saturn's bondage, holding hostage our collective power, relative to our individual potentials. As we release the hold of these lower energy bonds, we attach in higher dimensions to releasing the bondage of the bands.
Conscious entities, beings, camouflaged as satellites, complete the circumference of Saturn, acting as shepards and tenders of the ring material. As we will show, hopefully, the rings are artificial constructs, designed to evoke, or elicit certain frequencies, depending on the configuration of the band. Saturn has not always had rings on it. NASA determines 4 billion years of age for the planet, and 400 million years for the rings.
The meticulously manicured belts, rings, are intended to capture and direct the resonance, residual energy, and magnetic fource of our celestial host, Saturn. The images, the sense of the problem that this writer gets is that from what would be a planet of abundance, it is ringed, confined, constricted at mid-point, to not only direct the energy in consciously intended ways, to NOT benefit humans; yet this energy is constrained, and re-conditioned, it is honed and rarified into energies of deception, slavitude, and inversion, to be used in conjunction with the Inversion Grid, which had been in place around humanity's Earth, as an imprisonment vehicle. Now that the Earthly Inversion Grid is gone, replaced by the Flower Of Life protocol, the rings of the planet can be seen now to be dissolving, societally, and actually with the rings themselves actually raining down onto the planet.
A "RING" is a good way of thinking of this phenomena; in the sense of a bell which "rings" at a certain frequency, or vibrational range. The bell is tuned to a certain frequency, or vibrational range. The bell is tuned to a certain sound. The Saturnian Ring System is of this mold. Shapes and forms in the material, or physical world (3D realm) become important to the control of lower densities.
(www.solarsystem.nasa.gov) :
"Perhaps the most iconic of all planets in our solar system, Saturn is heavily present in pop culture. It provides a backdrop for numerous sci-fi stories, movies, TV shows, comics, video games, including: The Cthulhu mythos, WALL-e, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek, Dead Space 2, Final Fantasy VII, in Tim Burton's Beetlejuice, a dusty, fictional Saturn is populated by giant sandworms. In the 2014 movie Interstellar, the wormhole that enables the astronauts to travel to another galaxy appears near Saturn."
The refined ring system around Saturn is not what happens in a random fashion. The ring system is a complex, fairly complete mechanism, operating as a cohesive machine.
It is a human condition for many "free thinkers" to feel it more logical to accept the non-existence of a Superior, divine Creative intelligence and Conscious intention operating behind the scenes in human affairs. In order to arrive at this determination, many atheists, agnostics, "free thinkers," logical types, seem to get confused highly-ordered with completely random. Much that is truly ordered is simply dismissed, or unrecognized to the truly atheistically-logical thinker. (with great difficulty in classifying, or typifying humans into groups, this writer sees the existence of a Spirit of logical-atheism, the disconnect of mind-logic from experiential wisdom derived from the shared experiences of felt personal experiences, together, with others, verified and validated through connecting and collecting at our energy centers, the base, unmentional, unspeakable emotional experiences which are sharedx, uniquely among humans. The validiating experience of humans, is sharing feelings, and agreeing that we all do share similar experiences. The " what-ya-know" isolation of the mind sense, is not what makes humanity worth the living. Yet, at the risk of having to classify, there is is: those living in the feeling-emotional suit of humanity, denying their humanity as feeling beings. )
It is through the logical-disconnect mechanism of ego, allowing one to intellectually disconnect from feelings, while simultaneously holding that "feelings" exist men tally; through this mechanism of inverse mental functioning, that one may hold that the organization and high degree of complexity of this planet, with accompanying satellite Luna, on out into the depths of our solar system, is merely random nothingness. The division, disconnect of sensible somethingness, in exchange of logical nothingness of atheism, has an appealing "charm" for those who are sensory, and emotionally disconnected from their own body. Logic is the only sense which does not feel.
Complex systems like the Saturnian Rings are highly ordered, as we have seen in our literature. This is not questionable. Yet, to the rationalizing, ego-mind functioning of a "Godless" universe of random chance as the "intelligence" behind current scientific thinking, much which is obviously intentional, on some grand scale, is labelled random.
Under the spell of the Inversion Grid, we can see how this might be so, of Randomness-Governed actions, actually being of conscious intention. Mainly, with ego-mined scientific thinking, if these humans can not see how other human cold have created some thing, it falls under the Randomizing Doctrine.
Images of Saturn, as we have seen, shows a huge range of rings, of shape, composition, variety. The varying "colours" of these bands represent not one cohesive band, but many smaller configurations, which comprise an overall machine.
The ring material, we are told through direct sensing is greater than 95% water-ice. The planet, as a gas giant, is comprised of molecular hydrogen and helium. What is Molecular Hydrogen?
( Oncotarget. 2017 Nov 24; 8(60): 102653–102673. Published online 2017 Sep 21 ) :
"Since the 2007 discovery that molecular hydrogen (H2) has selective antioxidant properties, multiple studies have shown that H2 has beneficial effects in diverse animal models and human disease. This review discusses H2 biological effects and potential mechanisms of action in various diseases, including metabolic syndrome, organ injury, and cancer; describes effective H2 delivery approaches; and summarizes recent progress toward H2 applications in human medicine. We also discuss remaining questions in H2 therapy, and conclude with an appeal for a greater role for H2 in the prevention and treatment of human ailments that are currently major global health burdens. This review makes a case for supporting hydrogen medicine in human disease prevention and therapy."
(https://www.jillcarnahan.com/2018/10/14/15-science-backed-benefits-of-molecular-hydrogen-you-need-to-know-about/ ):
"We all know antioxidants are great for us. They act as a friendly police force, helping us fight free radicals. Without antioxidants, free radicals can run rampant throughout the body causing damage as they go. We eat more berries, drink tea, and justify our glass of wine each night with the idea the antioxidants in them are what make each of these a healthy choice.
But there’s a new sheriff in town.
Molecular hydrogen or H2 gas is a very small neutrally charged molecule that has the ability to cross cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier. This gives it the unique ability to access DNA and mitochondria within the cell where it has protective action.
Free radicals are uncharged or unstable molecules, which make them highly reactive and extremely likely that they’ll pull apart pieces of other molecules to gain stability. In their search for stability, they can damage your body. Sometimes this can result in chain reactions. Antioxidants are molecules that safely stabilize free radicals and reduce the amount of damage that can be done.
The most common way to consume molecular hydrogen is with a tablet you drop into your water, which releases hydrogen gas. When I first heard about hydrogen water, my eyebrows raised. I was initially skeptical because hydrogen is so abundant, why had we not realized the power of this element before? Turns out we had been missing a very important possibility that has been right under our noses.
Molecular hydrogen has so many wonderful benefits and acts as a powerful antioxidant neutralizing free radicals that contribute to disease progression. I now think it’s a straightforward and easy supplement everyone should add to their day. You simply drop a hydrogen tablet into your cup of water first thing in the morning and drink the effervescence that develops.
I think molecular hydrogen is going to be one of the biggest health and wellness trends in the upcoming years. Fortunately, by reading this, you’re ahead of the game."
Molecular Hydrogen, and Helium are the largest constituents of the planet Saturn. It is easy for this writer to imagine WHY Saturn, might be banded, and barred against doing its Mission of healing for the solar system, and against humans specifically.
Asides this assertion, which comes to us as a fact of reasoning for why these bands exist; there is a physical process that comes to mind: a differential between two poles of polarity, interacting, creating a energetic field. Other planets do not have these type of rings, as big, robust, nor as varied, nor intricate, nor complex. Opposites attract, creating chemistry, energy, electron exchange and depositioning. This is, in portion how "love" works, as an "electron and ion" exchange, and transmission. This process of electron, ion exchange is referred-to as depositioning.
Depositioning is an alchemical process. Electroplating, so-called chrome plating, or copper plating, are the most common examples of depositioning, understood by most as such. However, rust, oxidation, corrosion, electrolysis, etc. are types of depositioning. Bascially, there is an exchange of molecules, of loose unstable molecules (assemblies of electrons) of a "substance," to become bonded at the electron level, to the opposing "substance", or pole of this circuit.
Depositioning within the container of a battery case gives one electrical power. What is inside of a battery case, which causes electrical power?
(http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/power/2-how-do-batteries-work.html) :
"Electricity, as you probably already know, is the flow of electrons through a conductive path like a wire. This path is called a circuit.
Batteries have three parts, an anode (-), a cathode (+), and the electrolyte. The cathode and anode (the positive and negative sides at either end of a traditional battery) are hooked up to an electrical circuit.
[Battery Diagram.]
"The chemical reactions in the battery causes a build up of electrons at the anode. This results in an electrical difference between the anode and the cathode. You can think of this difference as an unstable build-up of the electrons. The electrons wants to rearrange themselves to get rid of this difference. But they do this in a certain way. Electrons repel each other and try to go to a place with fewer electrons.
In a battery, the only place to go is to the cathode. But, the electrolyte keeps the electrons from going straight from the anode to the cathode within the battery. When the circuit is closed (a wire connects the cathode and the anode) the electrons will be able to get to the cathode. In the picture above, the electrons go through the wire, lighting the light bulb along the way. This is one way of describing how electrical potential causes electrons to flow through the circuit.
However, these electrochemical processes change the chemicals in anode and cathode to make them stop supplying electrons. So there is a limited amount of power available in a battery.
When you recharge a battery, you change the direction of the flow of electrons using another power source, such as solar panels. The electrochemical processes happen in reverse, and the anode and cathode are restored to their original state and can again provide full power."
In the example of a standard battery, such as a 12-volt car battery, our electrolyte is sulfuric acid. This is the medium transferring, transmitting electrons from one pole to another. One pole is copper, which has a high potential. This is the positive cathode. Our lower potential, is the grounding pole, which is made from lead, in the standard car battery. However, with this illustration, it is important to note that the connecting posts onto of the battery is not the anode, or cathode itself. The positive post is connected to a series of copper plates, arranged serially, while to negative post, the anode, is connected to a series of lead plates arranged serially, inbetween the copper plates. These "cells" are immersed in a bath of the electrolyte solution. Through electro-depositioning, this system creates an electronic charge.
From our common example, we may see the potential for an "electron" exchange between the rings, the satellites, with the planet itself. The potential of a positive charge of the rings themselves, operating as once collective machine, emanating a band of frequencies, exchanging electron and magnetic interactions with the negative, stable charge of the planet, would produce a noticeable field, of electron potential.
[Insert photo: Radiation belt of energetic protons.
"A radiation belt of energetic protons located between Saturn and its rings," Science 05Oct2018, Vol362, Iss6410. ]
"Saturn’s proton radiation belts. Saturn’s permanent proton radiation belt extends outward to the orbit of the moon Tethys but is segmented because of proton absorption by moons and rings. The innermost radiation belt (inset) threads through Saturn’s D-ring and contains protons with energies up to several giga–electron volts, much higher than observed outside the main rings. These protons are among the β-decay products of neutrons, which are released through galactic cosmic ray collisions with Saturn’s rings (CRAND process).
We can see the range of the influence of the magnetic fields, cause by the ring structures.
Tenders Of The Electronic Grid
As this writer looks through the various images of the ring/banding system, it becomes recognition of an identical structure of an LP record. The flat-disc form with concentric "rings" , tracks, grooves, resonant with the analog of music--rhythmic resonances, vibrations of the medium, producing consciously intentioned music.
Comparison of rings to producers of resonances : Rings of saturn, melody-makers
The Eerie Sounds of Saturn's Radio Emissions
Eerie Sounds of Saturn (Play sound of Saturn's radio emissions, which have changing frequencies)
Saturn is a source of intense radio emissions, which have been monitored by the Cassini spacecraft. The radio waves are closely related to the auroras near the poles of the planet. These auroras are similar to Earth's northern and southern lights. This is an audio file of radio emissions from Saturn.
The Cassini spacecraft began detecting these radio emissions in April 2002, when Cassini was 374 million kilometers (234 million miles) from the planet, using the Cassini radio and plasma wave science instrument. The radio and plasma wave instrument has now provided the first high resolution observations of these emissions, showing an amazing array of variations in frequency and time. The complex radio spectrum with rising and falling tones, is very similar to Earth's auroral radio emissions. These structures indicate that there are numerous small radio sources moving along magnetic field lines threading the auroral region.
Time on this recording has been compressed, so that 73 seconds corresponds to 27 minutes. Since the frequencies of these emissions are well above the audio frequency range, we have shifted them downward by a factor of 44.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The radio and plasma wave science team is based at the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov and the instrument team's home page, http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/cassini/ .Archive . Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Iowa, Updated: April 29, 2008
(https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/news/13150/listen-sound-of-electromagnetic-energy-moving-between-saturn-enceladus/) :
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft’s Grand Finale orbits found a powerful interaction of plasma waves moving from Saturn to its rings and its moon Enceladus.
New research from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft’s up-close Grand Finale orbits shows a surprisingly powerful and dynamic interaction of plasma waves moving from Saturn to its rings and its moon Enceladus.
The observations show for the first time that the waves travel on magnetic field lines connecting Saturn directly to Enceladus. The field lines are like an electrical circuit between the two bodies, with energy flowing back and forth.
Researchers converted the recording of plasma waves into a “whooshing” audio file that we can hear -- in the same way a radio translates electromagnetic waves into music. In other words, Cassini detected electromagnetic waves in the audio frequency range -- and on the ground, we can amplify and play those signals through a speaker.The recording time was compressed from 16 minutes to 28.5 seconds.
Much like air or water, plasma (the fourth state of matter) generates waves to carry energy. The Radio Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument on board NASA’s Cassini spacecraft recorded intense plasma waves during one of its closest encounters to Saturn.
“Enceladus is this little generator going around Saturn, and we know it is a continuous source of energy,” said Ali Sulaiman, planetary scientist at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and a member of the RPWS team.
“Now we find that Saturn responds by launching signals in the form of plasma waves, through the circuit of magnetic field lines connecting it to Enceladus hundreds of thousands of miles away.”
Sulaiman is lead author of a pair of papers describing the findings, published recently in Geophysical Research Letters.
The interaction of Saturn and Enceladus is different from the relationship of Earth and its moon. Enceladus is immersed in Saturn’s magnetic field and is geologically active, emitting plumes of water vapor that become ionized and fill the environment around Saturn.
Our own Moon does not interact in the same way with Earth.
Similar interactions take place between Saturn and its rings, as they are also very dynamic.
The recording was captured Sept. 2, 2017, two weeks before Cassini was deliberately plunged into the atmosphere of Saturn. The recording was converted by the RPWS team at the University of Iowa, led by physicist and RPWS Principal Investigator Bill Kurth.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington.
JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. The RPWS instrument was built by the University of Iowa, working with team members from the U.S. and several European countries."
Gretchen McCartney , Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
(https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/17317/the-eerie-sounds-of-saturns-radio-emissions/) : Published: April 27, 2016. "Saturn is a source of intense radio emissions. "
(https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/17359/spooky-sounds-from-saturn/). Published: May 2, 2016 . From the far, far reaches of the Saturnian system, the Cassini spacecraft captures the most peculiar, chilling and downright hair-raising sounds of the ringed world’s intense radio emissions. The radio waves, recorded by the spacecraft’s radio and plasma instrument and converted into audio recordings, are closely related to the auroras near Saturn’s poles. These auroras are similar to Earth's northern and southern lights.
Cassini Spacecraft Captures Images and Sounds of Big
Saturn Storm
"Cassini shows us that Saturn is bipolar," said Andrew Ingersoll, an author of the study and a Cassini imaging team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif. "Saturn is not like Earth and Jupiter, where storms are fairly frequent. Weather on Saturn appears to hum along placidly for years and then erupt violently. I'm excited we saw weather so spectacular on our watch."
At its most intense, the storm generated more than 10 lightning flashes per second. Even with millisecond resolution, the spacecraft's radio and plasma wave instrument had difficulty separating individual signals during the most intense period.
Scientists created a sound file from data obtained on March 15 at a slightly lower intensity period.
Cassini has detected 10 lightning storms on Saturn since the spacecraft entered the planet's orbit and its southern hemisphere was experiencing summer, with full solar illumination not shadowed by the rings.
Those storms rolled through an area in the southern hemisphere dubbed "Storm Alley."
But the sun's illumination on the hemispheres flipped around August 2009, when the northern hemisphere began experiencing spring.
"This storm is thrilling because it shows how shifting seasons and solar illumination can dramatically stir up the weather on Saturn," said Georg Fischer, the paper's lead author and a radio and plasma wave science team member at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz. "We have been observing storms on Saturn for almost seven years, so tracking a storm so different from the others has put us at the edge of our seats."
The storm's results are the first activities of a new "Saturn Storm Watch" campaign.
During this effort, Cassini looks at likely storm locations on Saturn in between its scheduled observations.
On the same day that the radio and plasma wave instrument detected the first lightning, Cassini's cameras happened to be pointed at the right location as part of the campaign and captured an image of a small, bright cloud.
Because analysis on that image was not completed immediately, Fischer sent out a notice to the worldwide amateur astronomy community to collect more images.
A flood of amateur images helped scientists track the storm as it grew rapidly, wrapping around the planet by late January 2011.
The new details about this storm complement atmospheric disturbances described recently by scientists using Cassini's composite infrared spectrometer and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.
The storm is the biggest observed by spacecraft orbiting or flying by Saturn. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured images in 1990 of an equally large storm.
C. July 5, 2011 http://www.nasa.gov/cassini. Jia-Rui Cook 818-354-0850, J. P. L., Pasadena, CA
The Sound of Science: Comparison of Cassini Ring Crossings; Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Iowa; Published: May 1, 2017
The sounds and spectrograms in these two videos represent data collected by the Radio and Plasma Wave Science, or RPWS, instrument on NASA's Cassini spacecraft, as it crossed the plane of Saturn's rings on two separate orbits.
As tiny, dust-sized particles strike Cassini and the three 33-foot-long (10-meter-long), RPWS antennas, the particles are vaporized into tiny clouds of plasma, or electrically excited gas. These tiny explosions make a small electrical signal (a voltage impulse) that RPWS can detect. Researchers on the RPWS team convert the data into visible and audio formats, like those seen here, for analysis. Ring particle hits sound like pops and cracks in the audio.
The first video (figure A and top image in the montage) was made using RPWS data from a ring plane crossing on Dec. 18, 2016, when the spacecraft passed through the faint, dusty Janus-Epimetheus ring (seePIA08328 for an image that features this ring). This was during Cassini's 253rd orbit of Saturn, known as Rev 253. As is typical for this sort of ring crossing, the number of audible pops and cracks rises to a maximum around the time of a ring crossing and trails off afterward. The peak of the ring density is obvious in the colored display at the red spike.
The second video (figure B and bottom image in the montage) was made using data RPWS collected as Cassini made the first dive through the gap between Saturn and its rings as part of the mission's Grand Finale, on April 26, 2017. Very few pops and cracks are audible in this data at all.
In comparing the two data sets, it is apparent that while Cassini detected many ring-particles striking Cassini when passing through the Janus-Epimetheus ring, the first Grand Finale crossing -- in stark contrast -- was nearly particle free. The unexpected finding that that the gap is so empty is a new mystery that scientists are eager to understand.
On April 26, 2017, Cassini dove through the previously unexplored ring-planet gap as speeds approaching 75,000 mph (121,000 kph), using its large, dish-shaped high-gain antenna (or HGA) as a shield to protect the rest of the spacecraft and its instruments from potential impacts by small, icy ring particles. Two of Cassini's instruments, the magnetometer and RPWS, extend beyond the protective antenna dish, and were exposed to the particle environment during the dive.
The Cassini team used this data from RPWS, along with inputs from other components on the spacecraft, to make the decision of whether the HGA would be needed as a shield on most future Grand Finale dives through the planet-ring gap. Based on these inputs the team determined this protective measure would not be needed, allowing the team's preferred mode of science operations to proceed, with Cassini able to point its science instruments in any direction necessary to obtain scientists' desired observations. (Four of the 21 remaining dives pass through the inner D ring. The mission had already planned to use the HGA as a shield for those passes.)
The colors on the spectrogram indicate the emitted power of the radio waves, with red as the most powerful. Time is on the x-axis, and frequency of the radio waves is on the y-axis.
The audible whistle in the April 26 data, just before ring plane crossing, is due to a type of plasma wave that will be the subject of further study. In addition, there is an abrupt change beginning at the 09:00:00 mark on the spectrogram that represents a change in the RPWS antenna's operational configuration (from monopole mode to dipole mode).
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, Calif. manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The radio and plasma wave science team is based at the University of Iowa, Iowa City."
C.2018 (https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/17671/ the-sound-of-science-comparison-of-cassini-ring-crossings/).
[Insert Photo: Example of previous faint ring crossing.]
We see from the above that there is an auditory, recordable phenomena happening between the planets, the rings, and the satellites.
The impression of this writer is that there is a chilling, eerie sensation accompanying hearing the sounds.
The grooves of an LP record are linear progressions of one singular track. On either side of this LP as its own, "complete" song.
One song per side.
However, what if one inverted the two "tracks" of the same LP, switching Track 3, for Track 7, for example, neither song would ever be completely played. Considering that these concentric bands are intended to operate at individual frequencies, to "lock-down" a certain range of frequencies as a block.
They start to act in the reinforcing sense of belts of a radial-version tire.
Grooves, or belts around Saturn are intended to keep intact the range of frequencies, vibrations produced by the Host, encapsulated, contained, constrained, inverted, in the manner of the illustration of the LP tracks.
Through the weaving motions of these Tenders, seemingly-forever, the affairs, and behaviours, personality of mankind and humans is perverted, inverted, double-speaked, manipulated, twisted, kinked, et al, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, nowhere more painfully evidenced than in the workings of human speaking, conversation, and dialog.
It is the contention of this writer, that the nasty inversion and confusionification of the spoken language comes from the merciless banding of our celestial host, Saturn. At the very least, Saturn's condition does not help our condition in any way.
Jupiter, the largest of the gas giants, with no appreciable ring system around it, is considered, properly, the planet of expansion and abundance. Saturn, as the Ringed gas giant, is the bringer of change, and tasks; of retribution, and the bringer of either karma, or dharma: reward or consequences. (There is no punishment. There is merely equal consequences to your-own unhealthy, unbalanced, negative actions.)
Alignment of Saturn to the "Dark Lord," of the Darker, negative, lower 4th/5th dimensional beings/entities is recognized as an imprisoning act of the Divine Creative, and that of the Divine Masculine principles.
On this planet of forever-giving-life, the living library of Earth School, there is a clear attempt to capture and imprison Her.
She is the life-giving planet to the humans, who could live nowhere else, without serious help.
This boring, hum-drum, coming-from-nowhere society, or boring , logically centric individuals is allowed to be so boring, only through the ability for things to get tepid, through not being stirred, nor shaken-up.
As we have seen, the nature of this gas giant is one of healing, and upper-chart elements.
There is no question why lower dimensional entities, intentioned on imprisoning an entire race of spiritual beings, would do this to such a celestial host as Saturn.
(Boring intellectualism exists, only through the allowance of the planet as a conscious entity, always in hopes that the intellectual prowess of her Residents will see the intellectual value of sharing resources, and mutually supporting each other with love, and care, and light and harmony and balance. )
As we give forth into the mix, into the grand equation, so do we receive back.
Ringing of Saturn: ring is a tool of the principle of bondage.
(One RING to rule them all.)
Banding = Bonding = Bondage = Bandage
Ring is to create a sound, or audible sensation, of a certain timbre, or chorus of timbres. Ordering these bands of the "wings of Saturn" creates a condition of organizing the "waves" of the "notes" of the symphony (the resonating debris field of the ring structure.)
Through this "banding" of the field of available material, therein is motion instituted, implemented, instilled, implied, into this matrix, causing the cyclic motion, simply repeated by the ring medium. By setting-into-motion the stream of the resonant frequency desired, the motion is further supported, repeated by the motions of the newly-vectored material, "accreted", or magnetically-motivated into resonant structure of the ring mechanism.
Through this banding processing, what may have been a full range of vibrations, (as a sphere would tend to "broadcast," omni-directionally,) gets "banded", chorded, woven, tapestried, into other dischordant sound, vibrational energy impulses. Only certain frequencies are reinforced, or created, etc. That is what gets broadcasted to the Earth, through magnetic connection with the Sun; in addition to the Earth directly, intimately, as we move through this monumental retrograde period.
As this writer, we, are presented on many levels and dimensions with the analogy of the Saturnian system as a whole resonant structure, we are understanding the structure as a "musical instrument" of immense proportions. We are impressioned with the rings as an entire orchestra, with all of these indual bands playing their unique portions of the symphony of the dark lord of the lower dimensional realms.
Within the system of the rings, towards our understanding of the functioning of this ring system structure, we see an inescapable connection to music, rhythm, sound, harmonic motion. Saturn is the Host who 'curates', or is most responsible for the principle of Rhythm. Looking at Saturn, in the midst of orbiting a field of debris material, encapsulated into these rings; we can envision the scene of a conductor of an orchestra, attempting to get the entire orchestra to play a healing tune, yet of it's own will, the orchestra players are desiring to play a dischordant, twisted, lower vibrational tune. Each of these bands represents a section of an orchestra.
Yet, the instruments are not intended to play the tune of the planet, as a composer, or higher vibrational energies, of healing, as earlier stated. The healing, and upper vibrational waveforms get directed, dispelled, dissipated out into regions, not reachable on/to Earth. Higher energies get directed beyond Earth. What gets captured, dispelled, transmitted along the "accretion disk" or the rings, out into the reception of Earth's magnetic field, is the lower, baser, more twisted, negative, backwards energies of our celestial host. The mechanism of the "instruments" the bands themselves, may be seen as the plyers of backwards, twisted "tunes."
This analogy may be far-fetched, or difficult to understand for the average person. However, culturally, we understand a metaphor of "wheels within wheels" as a common-place function principle in common experience. It may be a far-flung notion to accept the rings as consciously-intentioned emitters of lower vibrational energy. However, after copious observation, knowing that a high degree of organization pre-supposes higher intelligence, we start to understand that there exists a bigger picture behind the enslavement mechanisms of humans. Again, this is due to our supposed potential as spirit beings, inhabiting human-experience-suits.
Upon close inspection, we see a high degree of organization with the rings, in their structure presupposing either God herself created them, or not-quite-God, yet higher-than-human-technology-beings orchestrated this ring structure. Either way, the degree of organization currently affecting the ring system and planet environment, indicates conscious intention.
Symphonic Structures.
If we see the rings as "sculpted" by intelligent moons, then we can see the rings as instruments, or mechanisms producing resonant frequencies, or waves, broadcasting in multiple dimensional frequencies. From this point forward, we examine the latent intelligence, the "personality" which is shaping and conditioning the ring material into a cohesive structure of imprisonment, as organized emitters of certain energies.
Under a guiding principle, we use the orchestra metaphor as a model of sculpting our understanding of the "musical" process underway, creating the resonance, and interference patterns of the "musicians," these tender moons, setting into motion the resonant frequencies of the bands/instruments.
Once we see the physical mechanics of the interactions and interruptions of the tender units, we start our journey to wisdom by observing the "tinkering," which we will refer to as COMPOSING, an/or ORCHESTRATING through technical means of service-to-self-driven intentions, lower fourth and or fifth density beings, who are orchestrating the resonance creating form-factors of the ringing mechanisms. When one, this observer, can comprehend the composition of the bands, along with the mechanisms of maintaining it as such, complete with the encapsulated snares, and traps; we Volunteer/lightwork way-showers assigned to Saturn's release, we then have our 'target" of where to direct our consciously- intentioned energy of our Will, as multi-dimensional light beings.
This writer, with help from the Archangels Metatron, Gabriel, Uriel (my personal Guide), as well as from Saturn Himself, along with other Celestial guides; are working to expose these snags, tricks, kinks, etc., entangling, and imprisoning humanity, as a whole.
As we work to secure the liberation of our celestial Host, Saturn, from his bands of oppression, we will ALL, of this Solar system, benefit.
Therein is being fulfilled the terms of my contract within this Earth school--in conjunction with disseminating this information in a printed, organized, followable publication.
Time does indeed draw forward ever quickening around our necks.
Tenders Of The Electronic Grid of the Planets, therefore the Solar System.
To this point, this writer has not spoken much of the Electro-magnetic Grid of the Planet(s) .
We maintain it is an Electric universe. Gravity is not the strongest unifying force, in addition to being one of the least understood phenomena in this conscious universe. Electric attraction is often misunderstood as a gravity wave, or gravity force. We propose the idea that the opposing, and attracting force at work in shaping the rings, as well as the function of the satellites themselves, is of an electro-magnetic nature, not gravity-based.
We have discussed depositioning, as an electrolysis:
We have discussed depositioning, as an electrolysis:
"Saturn has a sufficiently strong dipole magnetic field to trap high-energy charged particles and form radiation belts, which have been observed outside its rings. Whether stable radiation belts exist near the planet and inward of the rings was previously unknown. The Cassini spacecraft’s Magnetosphere Imaging Instrument obtained measurements of a radiation belt that lies just above Saturn’s dense atmosphere and is decoupled from the rest of the magnetosphere by the planet’s A- to C-rings. The belt extends across the D-ring and comprises protons produced through cosmic ray albedo neutron decay and multiple charge-exchange reactions. These protons are lost to atmospheric neutrals and D-ring dust. Strong proton depletions that map onto features on the D-ring indicate a highly structured and diverse dust environment near Saturn." (Rousses, 2018) "
This "dust environment" serves as the 'electrolytic medium' through which the depositioning process commences:
"Saturn’s main rings prevent the inward transport of trapped charged particles in the magnetosphere. Material from the outer radiation belts cannot directly access the low-altitude region within the rings. The isolation of this region allows the study of energetic particle source and loss processes because it is only indirectly coupled to the dynamics of the rest of the magnetosphere."
There is a form of "greenhouse" effect with the trapping of cosmic albedo, and incoming energetic waves, trapped by the "interrogatory medium" of the ring system. It is related in action to how a prism works, or dividing the visible wavelength into individual bands.
The presence of this magnetic field allow for the trapping, and transport along a conducted pathway.
Towards the goal of understanding ring bands is a metaphor, or analogy of the lay-out of this orchestra of electro-magnetic resonance. We view these ring bands as a type of ampitheatre, of a flat disc, roughly 30 feet deep, along the concept of our LP record, with the "musical tracks", with the instruments being the configured rings/bands/c[h]ords of this ring material medium, with the tender moons being the individual composers of their various section, held magnetically intact by the overall pattern of the imprisonment frequencies. The various sections of this orchestra are the variously rotating contiguous rings, as a functioning "instrument", which is twisted, interwoven, etc. with the other contiguous "instruments", which are being tended by our fleet of shephard moons; from the task of first consolidating material into specific patterns and constructs,
Looking at the collection of the assemblage of this material, into a cohesive structure of these rings, we view it as a purpose-build machine.
Cast Of Characters
At latest count, Saturn has over 60 moons, in addition to the rings themselves. Before going into specifics of the resonance patternss, it is important to introduce a cast of Characters:
We may tenatively call this the Fleet of Tender Moons:
The above list is a partial one, but will suffice for our discussion. As we will see, these moons interact in such a way with each other, in their immediate environment we may rightly call them conscious with personality.
Those bands of Saturn perform an opera of oppression, composed by terrible musicians, who are not-any-fun at parties.
INTERFERENCE PATTERNS; arranging movements within the Celestial Drama
Now we have established our cast of "composers," we look at the types of behaviours they are imposing with their actions:
Interruptors. "Plows', those who clear a channel, void, or "gap" through ring material;
Moons: Pan, Daphnis, Prometheus: "clear-out a complete path"; "dark channels cut";
Accumulators. Gather material, which was "plowed", grading into size or quality attributes, combing into vertical structures;
Moons: Daphnis "creates vertical structures attached to the edges of the B-ring"; Daphnis: Keeler Gap, "perturber of the A-ring. forming the gap's edge";
Weavers.Matched pair which orbit, embedded within the ring, who's orbits mutually intertwine, to create braids, or propellors
Moons: Daphnis, "creates waves", Pandora and Prometheus,"F-ring shepards";
Inverters. "Propellor" creators, their orbit individually interferes with the ring structure, previously laid-out by another of the tender fleet, so as to invert, or flip portions of the band, periodically, or in a certain consciously intentioned intervals, creating such feature as is called the propellor bleriot.
Moon: Prometheus;
Manicurists.Those who trim the edges of a given ring;
Sorters. Those "clumping" ring material together to form compounds, or structures, such as the illustrated "sawtooth" structures, attached to the B-ring; clumping, grading together materials,. creating bands acting independently to the field itself, of their own velocity, and magnetic influence, may initiate the movement/resonance of a particular ring-structure.
Moon: Hyperion, "'with its spongy-like character'", (92) "the spongy-like surface of Saturn's moon Hyperion, is highlighted [...] has an irregular shape, and it tumbles through its orbit (that is does not spin at a constant rate, or in a constant orientation); (96) "think of Hyperion's unusual appearance can be attributed to the fact that it has an unusually low density, for such a large object, given its weak surface gravity and high porosity".
Administrative Functions: Impact Basin vs. Impact Crater
Not all craters are equal. Study of our satellite neighbor Luna, uncovers the presence of morphing surface features, such as appearing, and disappearing "craters."
On Earth, we build satellite dishes into craters, so it is not beyond the pale of reasoning to picture advanced technology beings creating a communications array within a crater of a satellite.
Suspected Satellites operating as Administrators:
Mimas. Featuring the crater (with structure), named Hershel;
Tethys. Craters containing upright, regular structures, in addition to the red streaks
Dione. Craters with upright structures;
Iapetus. Craters containing regular, geometric, upright structures; equatorial ridge;
Enceladus. Craters with regular structures; capable of supporting life as a liquid water planet under a protective coating of ice water.
What is meant by "administrative functions of the tender fleet"?
Signal Repeaters/Amplifiers.
Line Conditioners.
Communications Relay.
Control Units (in general),
Command Functions beyond Saturn immediate environment.
Impact Basin
Ross Potter, Henrik Hargitai, and Teemu Öhman
(Encyclopedia of Planetary Landform, C. Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014)
"The term “impact basin” usually refers to multiring basins, but it may also refer to two-ring craters with or without a central peak, or to very large degraded craters with an undefined number of rings.
"The term “basin” as a morphologic category was introduced by Hartman and Kuiper (1962) to designate large lunar circular depressions (maria) with multiple ring structures and radial fault systems as opposed to craters, which lack concentric and radial structures (Hartmann and Wood 1971). Melosh (1989) defined multiring basins as large circular impact structures that “possess at least two concentric asymmetric scarps, one of which may be the original crater rim” (internal rings are generally symmetric). Morphological criteria of multi-ringed impact basins defined by Pike and Spudis (1987) include, outward from the interior depression: (1) isolated massifs and massif chains in circular patterns; (2) arcuate ridges aligned with massifs; and (3) scarps aligned with massifs or ridges (Hiesinger and Head 2002). Melosh (1989) defined peak-ring craters (Peak-Ring Structure) the largest type of complex craters in accordance with Wood and Head (1976), who confined the term basin to large basins with three or more rings, including an internal ring, a rim crest, and external ring(s). However, more recently the term “basin” is also used in a more general sense, for any impact craters larger than 300 km in diameter [on the Moon] regardless of the existence of outer asymmetric rims.
According to Spudis, the term basin is “not rigorously defined” and is traditionally applied to “impact structures larger than about 300 km in diameter [on the Moon]” assuming that such features “must have originally contained at least one inner ring of peaks,” but he adds: “true basins possess multiple rings” (Spudis 1993, 1994). Wilhelms (1987) remarked that “even [the term]‘basin’ is misleading because these structures are characterized by huge mountainous rings as much as by the excavated depression."
"Basin formation is poorly understood. This is partly because laboratory experiments and (nuclear) explosion tests are unsuitable analogs due to the greater effect of gravity on the much larger-scale basin-forming impacts. Current formation models differ in their interpretation of the modification stage of basin (crater) formation: what happens once the expanding crater reaches its maximum volume (this is known as the transient crater).
(1) Computer models (e.g., Collins et al.2002) suggest features within the basin rim are a result of
the uplift of the transient crater floor above the pre-impact target surface creating a central peak, which subsequently collapses back into the target.
(2) Other theories (e.g., Cintala and Grieve 1998; Head 2010) suggest features within the basin rim are a result of listric (curved normal) faulting along the boundary of material displaced by the transient crater, which uplifts the crater floor (unlike the computer models, material does not rise
above the pre-impact target and collapse). These theories however cannot account for the formation of multiple outer rings outside of the basin rim.
(3) Melosh and McKinnon (1978) and Melosh (1989) suggest outer ring formation is dependent on the thickness and strength of the target’s lithosphere. If the transient crater penetrates through the target’s lithosphere into the asthenosphere below, asthenospheric material will flow towards the basin center exerting a drag force on the lithosphere above. A weak enough lithosphere will fracture, forming the ring structures.
Impact Basin Definition:
(Encyclopedia of Astrobiology2011 Edition, Editors: Muriel Gargaud, Ricardo Amils, José Cernicharo Quintanilla )
"An impact basin is a large complex impact crater. The threshold diameter to distinguish between craters and basins is approximately 150–200 km. In general, basins are characterized by two or more concentric rings, which are ridges or scarps facing toward the basin. One of these rings is the main rim that borders the cavity from which material was excavated and ejected during the impact. Most basins are heavily degraded or have been covered by younger material. All known basins are old impact features created during the first 800 million years of the planet or satellite on which they are found. Examples are Caloris basin on Mercury, the Orientale basin on the Moon, and the Hellas basin on Mars."
Impact Crater Definition
"An impact crater is a mostly circular or elliptical elongate depression, generally with a raised rim, which is created by the impact of a minor body on the solid surface of a planet or satellite. Impact craters range from the size of microcraters seen only microscopically on surfaces of rock samples (e.g., rocks from the lunar surface) to large craters and impact basins several hundreds or thousands of kilometers across. Impacts into the atmospheres of the large gaseous planets in the outer Solar System can produce transitory circular or semicircular features resembling craters, as has been observed on Jupiter after the impact of Comet Shoemaker/Levy-9."
Impact basin, or crater?
Good question. Which ones are the ones which create the upright "structures"?
While they refer to "structures", I am fairly certain these are not the structures to which they refer.
However, this does give us pause to ask: what are the "structures"? The basin itself?
One Ring To Rule Them All.
Let us review where we are in the narrative; so called "what ya know", based-upon the evidence before us:
Certain of the satellites "came from" the planet Saturn.
The rings come from the planet, along with the ring material itself.
Gravity formed the rings, making them "perfectly rounded"; unknown is HOW this happens.
Certain of these arrived later; unknown are which exactly, although it is presumed it is the exo-ring ones.
That the rings and embedded satellites arrived at one time; then others arrived at a later time; of course taking milennia to process.
The ring structure developed "uniformly," over time to its current "perfect state."
All these satellites are unique and unusual.
The topography of these Tenders is individual to each satellite.
We have the ring(s) complex coming "on line" much later than the formation of the planet proper.
Hundreds of millions of years go by the planet formation to the planet with enough gathered material to establish, enact the ringing-banding processing of ice water into service as the ringing mechanism's formation.
There is no theory among any humans that works as a model how these rings, with 60+ satellites came into existence to begin with.
The uniqueness of this ringed gas giant is not ever understandable, in the view of orthodox astrophysics, as an observational scienceWhile other proto-rings may exist in our solar system, Saturn alone, the galaxy-over, as this tremendously over-sized ring complex, situated around this gas planet, which does not seem to be comprised of the same materials: Planet: Mainly Molecular hydrogen and Helium; vs. Rings: >95% water ice vs satellites: all unique.
(87; Cassini e-book) : "not all these worlds formed around Saturn. A few were more likely space rocks wandering through the neighborhood when Saturn's gravity invited them to the party, where they've remained since."
This establishes a general timeline of assumed events, relative to the creation of the ring structure; from which we might establish our logical starting point, for our discussion. It is believed , assumed that 'came to the party later, as per request of Saturn's gravity' (to paraphrase) are the outer, exo-ring satellites, with rings and embedded satellites arriving "from the planet's accretion material", at roughly the same time.
Perhaps the exo-bunch arrived on the scene not last, but perhaps FIRST. Says Sandra Hendrix, planetary scientist on the Ultraviolet spectrograph team [of Cassini], "each one is wonderful and unique."
This brings us to personalities, and behaviours of a conscious, intentional nature. The ringing-bandage system of Celestial Host Saturn, as a cohesive, coherent system, mechanism, machinery operating, in large part to imprison the solar system, as well as Earth specifically; in large part to stunt, or stop this collective Ascension we are undergoing.
This ring material, collected debris, some of which comes from the planet, but the larger portion is the addition of other imported constituents, synthesized (aggregated) ice water; Enceladus is a planet of liquid water, below a crust of ice. It frequently erupts a spray of liquid water out into space, as it has no atmosphere to speak of, to hold it in place, generally.
The bands act individually, and collectively at various rates, with varying momentums, and inertias behind these bands. There is a wide variety of "tracks" which are simultaneously player by our fleet of celestial composers. A coordinated effort exists by those above satellites specifically mention, as our working group, to synchronize their actions, motions, collectively into creating and maintaining the desired frequencies of energetic vibrations, carrying intentions of lower/lowering vibrations along these magnetic carrier waves.
As we saw, there is an immense magnetic influence extending well-beyond the planet itself, beyond many of its satellites. The field is truly immense, and beyond imagination, measured at over 950 times the strength of Earth's Magnetic field.
All planets share a magnetic, as well as gravitational connection with the Sun. While a planet is in retrograde with Earth, there is a special magnetic connection which does not happen any other time. Retrograde is the perceived observation that the planet is slowed-down in its orbit.
We are at the point of having established a decided need for an organizational vessel, which might transmit signals, much like our Earth-launched satellites control all sorts of functions for us humans.
Without assigning any one particular task to any particular satellite, we see our list of potential, and possible roles necessary to monumental construction tasks. Especially if we consider this ring structure to actually be a broadcasting "tower" of immense proportions. The "tower" is this resonating structure of the ring machinery.
The purpose of this Tome, my Final Examination is not to discuss how to stop this fleet of tender moons. that is a discussion well beyond my "pay grade." This writer/observer's main goal here is to raise awareness, and bring into common dialog the mechanism for imprisonment.
As our individual guides carry us along, our Oversoul, etc., in our chosen paths, we integrate understanding; adopting Hermetic principles into our lives, to counteract the effects upon us, on Earth.
As Rings and bands are created, then woven together in the above-shown fashion, we can identify the tapestry of humanity as it has been dizzily woven throughout the ages, embedding itself into the human, genetic structure of our DNA. What was once a random field of potential. has become the mechanism of enslavement, and imprisonment, on a number of levels.
While the actions and behaviour of these conscious tenders weave a pattern of interference in human affairs, enabling such enslavement of the Divine Masculine, and Divine Feminine, on this planet, as it has been for quite a while.
As we volunteers, and workers of light consciously apply our higher dimensional consciousness towards freeing-up this "log jam" of magnetic potentiality bound-up in the machinery of the system of Saturn; we see the dissolution of these rings as a loosening of the bonds of humanity, as well.
While the above list may not be exhaustive, it serves as a point of accumulation of this discussion; as a point of reference, from which to generate dialog on this topic. From what we know, the writer has developed a volley of questions, which I am looking to answer
Asides the obvious "as above, so below" principle of enactment; how can this writer prove, or show, the intention and operation of a division of these Tender Moons, which act in such a fashion as suggested above, of co-ordinating and directing the satellites, as "administrators"?
Aside from an obvious need for these functions to exist, how does one show that these particular satellites are performing the tasks identified?
How is it provable that these satellites are sending-out "messages", used to contact other satellites, or the planet?
If this writer is not able, nor willing to ascribe a function to any particular satellite, how would one know that any given satellite is doing any of the aforementioned functions?
What is the mechanism, or means, by which such "messages" may be sent between satellites? Should we not be able to detect messages, as this writer suggests?
If certain of these satellites are derived from the planet, should not there exist similarities?
Without similarities, identical features, how does one know they are from the planet?
Should not these satellites of similar origin be comprised of similar materials?
Where did all the water-ice comprising the rings, come from, if not the planet itself?
Where is found other water/ice on the planet?
What force, or mechanism of gravity causes rings? What manner of gravity causes the immense ring structure of Saturn?
If no two satellites seem to share similar(-enough) features, how is it assumed that a certain group of satellites has originated from the planet?
If from similar origins, which "personality traits" of the satellites would they share with each other?
If similar origins, what traits would the satellites share with the rings, and the planet?
Which traits are unique, yet similar between satellites?
which traits are similar (and unique) among these satellites, and Our Satellite, Luna?
How are impact basins created, making them different from impact craters?
Why does this writer believe that impact basins are not actually impact craters, yet are excavated from the surface intentionally?
Depositioning of the ring material; dissolution of the bonds.
One cannot imagine this gassy giant sans bands. Seems fairly obvious they have been around for quite a while. Yet, as we have seen there was a time before they existed.
As we see, there is a complex, highly structured magnetic band, trapping the energy of the planet Saturn, in ways we have discussed.
Free will and imagination, connected into the universe of infinite potential. This is the trade-off for humans. We forget our memories, and "other abilities and powers", in exchange for the gift of free will, and operating in "the moment." For a human being on Earth, the inherent power of living in this exact moment, keeping one's head in this moment right here, is phenomenal; well worth trapping, imprisoning, co-opting, contaminating, etc., by lower dimensional, high-technology entities.
Human free will gets the reign on this planet, so-much-so that individuals declaring there's "no god" get that. This person becomes correct in this statement: There is no god, because s/he is the co-creator god; s/he doesn't realize it (even though their life may be in shambles)...because s/he is busy blaming the non-existent god on the world's problems; so therefore, since this "rationalizing" person has believed there is no god, there s/he co-creates the "no god" scenario.
To achieve our goal of depositioning, dissolving the bands, it boils-down to consciousness being directed by the steady focus of logic as a tool, powered by the intuitive engine of the heart; directed in Higher Dimension towards particles. Our collective consciousness focuses upon the forces holding intact these particles, molecules of ice, being trapped, directed, manipulated within the Saturnian Entrapment Machine/complex, of the ringing-bondage; ultimately compiled by one molecule attached to another, through co-valent bonding, and through magnetic tension, and through tending of intelligent moons.
We direct our attention on the quantum (higher dimensional) realm, beyond, 5th, 6th density lower vibrationally-aligned, service-to-self entities. It is possible to be of assistance to our Celestial Host, in this time of being the closest to Earth.
Upon study of the ring system of Saturn, one thing becomes clear; that the massive rings are constantly moving, constantly in flux; with the entire system, planet included in regular "chaos" by our standards. 24 Earth hours is 10 Saturn hours. wow, for a huge planet, that rotation is immensely fast.
Those of us operating in higher Dimensional engineering or technician's work (such as this writer), can picture in other dimensions, evolving in conscious intention in a manner, or direction which serves to aid our goal of depositioning, or mentally dissolving this ring material. We, who are tasked with the Herculean task of assisting, are well capable of imagining, mentally picturing, higher dimensionally placing geo-physically ourselves in the environment, of bearing this conscious intention, the light of realization and comprehension brought to bear on this task of depositioning of the ringing-bands.
The first step is to see clearly, in the mind's eye, what one wants to see happen. Do not get caught on the "how", or the physical means. We simply picture the rings as being disappeared.
The "work" is often the most difficult in holding the course; not being dissuaded from our goal. We work in holding-forth the mission, our assignments, as per Contract; working to see this actualized. There is failure, only in imagining it otherwise.
It is important for the work, sake, of understanding of the lightworker-volunteer, who is contracted to assist in the liberation of our Celestial Host Saturn, to understand the nature of this bondage, from the human ego-mind perspective. Through the action, completing the circuit of comprehension of the mechanism how this bondage is working, then we are able to see the "weak point," which we can not then un-see.
The main task of this writer is not one of giving incantation of other rituals of magic to nullify effects, or other workings along this line. It is the writer's job, as celestial technician, helping to "reverse engineer" what people may believe they know; hopefully causing this one to re-focus his or her conscious intention into new, higher dimensional direction. This writer is looking to re-focus individual's perceptions, based on re-assessing what seemed "obvious", or "elementary"; into an ability for the observer to create his, or her own magic; through following the correct process. We are looking to cause, or trigger a shifting in perception and perspective. into seeing what was underneath all this time, readily present, yet not-quite apparent through standard 3D/ego-mind focus.
In other words, this writer is looking to get individuals to refocus the mundane, so s/he can create "miracles."
My main role, here in Earth School is one of Technician of the (etheric) lights of humans, as a whole. At a few points, I connected etherically with every human alive on the planet. My higher selves are still in residence in higher dimensions. This vessel is serving the Emissary of the Grand Council, of the Central Sun. I serve Their Grace, along with Prime Source Creator through usage of my free will.
From the perspective of consciousness, and conscious intention, the relative size of the "miracle", such as dissolving the rings of Saturn, is not what matters most. The main problem of getting this miracle to happen is in getting a small, dedicated group of individuals to believe equally, that any given miracle can happen. Inherent within belief itself is a power; belief itself is a form of consciousness, therefore inherent with power.
Bands of Saturn perform an opera of oppression, composed by terrible musicians
Towards the education and edification of those of us Contractually-obligated to assist with this task of liberation, this writer humbly offers a base of understanding, from which to view, understand the conditions of bondage which we are seeking to loosen.
(**A note on "downloads" [from Higher Self, or Oversoul, etc.]: After having heard a variety of sources talking about channelling, or downloading, certainly this topic is not fully understood with any continuity, or cohesion. It is not my job to figure-out how they get information. What is my job is to listen to what people are claiming is channelled, or downloaded, and verify for myself, through my own Guides. I have multiple Guides, whom I ask for guidance, in ALL things related-to humans.
How this works for this emissary, is that my "download process" of when I ask my Guides, or "the Universe" for an answer, or following some triggering-event, my physical-mental consciousness, 'common-3D-based logic-sense' is given a code, which unlocks a "lockbox", or internal storage bin, to reveal a picture, image, allegory, illustration, etc.; which ultimately will need "decrypting", or decoding into a human-spoken language (which is to say NOT a light language.) The origin, or "location" of this lockbox is in a Higher Dimension, maybe the 9th Dimension, not sure, doesn't matter. For this one, the "downloading" component comes when this emissary has to share or transmit through human-language-speaking.
Fresh Perspective.
Accessing the pictures and images of the lockbox in my brain, I am being directed by my Guides to assist in the joy of re-imaging, and re-processing the manner in which we may re-picture properly the cohesive force of the belting material.
Ultimately, there lay ahead of us this question in practicality: How do we initiate the protocol, the process of dissolution and depositioning of the bondage material, surrounding Saturn, through our mental actions?
First Step: Formalize "an official statement of declaration, and action." The Principle's application starts with the clear stated intention to re-envision the bondage of the rings, as dissolving.State formally, clearly that one is dedicating conscious energy of the will, towards the purpose of loosening the bonds, symbolically, and in actuality. With this statement of purpose should come a written, physical manifestation of authority.
Human mental functioning of the "reasoning circuit". is the mental processing of breaking-down "logically" the constituent elements in a given situation. We have the ability to re-envision a problem's solution, if we understand thow a given problem was manufactured, often. Specifically, this emissary refers to mechanical problems, such as this one at hand, of undoing milennia's worth of entanglements.
Upon being triggered, awakened, one is not going back to "old ways" of thinking. One can choose to not do, or not see, yet, once a persopn knows, s/he can not un-know. It is the gift, and task of this emissary to trigger, cause such awakenings in people. Once the eyes open, one is obligated to act upon this new knowledge. Where one puts his/her consciousness is where the focus remains. Once something is seen, it can not be "unseen," it can only be forgottten, at best.
Second Step: "Envisioning of other." If one has neither the will, nor ability to "see", or "reason" any-other situation than the one present, in the immediate vicinity, then there really is nowhere to go from there. However, we who are Contraced to do this task, are required to use imagination towards constructive resolution of the problem; namely the bondage of the ring material.
So far, both of these are abvious step to take to begin. However, there is a demarcation point, at which we might physically start, on our path of action. The physical "doing" of re-envisioning to to commit to writing, or ink, etc. exactly what the re-visionment is.
Step Three: Journal, document, keep a running dialog of the daily actions of the committment; learn; research, take notes. We maintain a physical connection, through our written committment in our journals.
Step Four: Assign a dedicated place in one's house, or apartment, where the physicdal manifestations are kept (newspaper clippings, etc.), in addition to the daily journal. We might do well to call this our ALTAR dedicated to our higher purpose.
Step Five: Setting our daily ritual of committment at regularly scheduled times, which are at "key point" in the day, for example @ 11:11 hours. For our example, we say: "It is 11:11 make a wish ... I am wishing the bands to be gone."
Step Six: Assign key temporal spots in one's day to meditate upon the vision of "other than"; here we specifically envision the dissolution, or deposition of the ringing-bands. Set-forth a ritual time, and manner of connecting Higher Dimensionally.
Step Seven: We may ask all Benevolent Higher Dimensional Beings, inclined towards the requests of humans, to assist in our neutralizing efforts, or amplifying, and clarifying our requests of re-invisioning the effects of the tender moon fleet; consciously, intentionally freeing and loosening these bands of enslavement of Saturn, and humanity consequently.
Step Eight: Continued, regular meditation on the heart and condition of Saturn, with an ear, eye towards healing and raising the vibration of the planetary body to allow for a "melting" of the ice particles; with an additional release of the magnetic field trapping the particles in stasis, rather than infalling to the planet, as Celestial Law would dictate.
Step Nine: Using our imagination, we picture Saturn without rings, bands, yet changed from the material which has been "returned" to its source of origin. The overall effect of the magnetic field is no longer bound by Saturn's captured energy, misdirected through the ringing-band structure.
We pause before going further. The first 9 steps are basic enough that anyone can do these. It merely requires a dedication to actually doing the job. Clear, simple, yet potentially revolutionary, once put into motion through the will.
Step Ten: Dissolution principle . Envision and project etherically (through the means of the third eye chakra). the loosening, and weakening of the magnetic grid of the ring system, holding it intact as a cohesive structure. Picture the weakness of the symphonic structure of vibrations holding intact the rings. We start to identify with a polarity shift to allow us to envision a dissolving, Dissolution Principle in place, now-ruling the field of material, which also includes these embedded moons of the Fleet.
We set our meditational vibrations, focused through third-eye chakra, the temporary condition of the ring structures; ever-releasing their hold upon the relationship to the balance of the Collective, of the field of captured ring material.
Among other things, we collectively picture this banded ring material as dissolving, disappearing, depositioning; while all the screwy tricks, the knots, propellors, kinks, twists, braids, etc., other manipulators, loosen, lose their coherence, therefore conscious intention of their twisting, kinking effects upon the solar system. Once relieved from ourself, "the conscious observer", of the archaic, mistaken understanding of the belts as being inert and harmless, we Higher Dimensionally align to nullify, and neutralize the effective interference patterns of the fleet of conscious tender moons.
Step Eleven: Depositioning. Deposition is an alchemical, physical, principle of transmutation and transition of transferring higher potentialed electrons to those of the lower-potential polarity. Charged ions, protons are released from the higher voltage polarity, through the electrolytic material, completing the depositing as the electrons reposition themselves into a new stable configuration. As we attune our energies of positive polarity into the negatively-charged environment of the ring particles, we cause an eletrolysitic process, in a higher dimension.
Step Twelve: Sharing with others, with our others. This, is perhaps the most difficult. Having had an awakening as a result of doing the first eleven of these steps, we bring this "magic" to others, that we may, as a group of like-minded individuals, band ourselves together in like mind, of like accord, towards our communal goal, of depositioning the bands of oppression encompassing Saturn.
The steps above are outlined towards a "guided meditation" of the process of dissolution and depositioning.
The initial phase to getting a miracle to happen is to believe it can happen. There is an inherent power within belief itself. When one can reason, condition the thinking circuits to accept and envision "other space"` of that which we wish to see materialize, then we ae in the process of making miracles happen. We envision in "other space" the alternative situation which we want to see occur: we picture the depositioning of the ring material (ejecta) losing itself into the innerstellar "void" of healing; Or, into the gravity well of the planet, safe from harm, back to it's claimed "source of origin," the planet Saturn. Whichever direction the depositioning particles may align, we would consciously allow them this ability of freedom of movement; mentally neutralizing the effects of the magnetic fields, holding the ring particles intact.
Within the alchemy of working to re-envision this ring system structure with loosening behaviour; we may see this as the Volunteers "course in miracles."
Humans are born under the condition of forgetting, coupled-with free will, (while living in the human suits), which gets manifested through the imagination when powered by the conscious intention of the "I"; these actions of expressed will become refined, rarified, actualized through the mechanism of the tools of language; have a latent ability to move mountains.
Yet, as blessed and miraculous as this may be, we volunteers of this lightwork are blessed, gifted, coded-with other innate abilities, to use all that which has been presented above, as a foundation; to see into other dimensional densities, to assist humans in our chosen assignments.
There is an inherent power in belief itself. Hopefully, before the end of reading this Tome, the reader will have been triggered into seeing differently. There is an inherent power in belief, which is why all belief systems work, equally as well. Creator god is no respector of persons. Believing-in-other is the cornerstone, the foundation to working in the miraculous.
The magical trinity seems to be: Believe-in and See other-wise ; Speak-forth that which one desires to happen ; formalize the decisions into actualized physical manifestations (such as writing). It is important to speak-forth that which one wants to see happen; and do NOT speak-forth that which one does NOT want to see happen. Speak-forth the joy at that thing having been resolved.
A large portion of the work we volunteers do, is to work in Higher Dimensions, unknown, unrealized to the bulk of humanity. It is because we live in those other dimensions, which allows us to get different results from the bulk of humanity.
Humans, as a species, have been lied-to, enslaved, etc. It is well time to imagine our enslavement over, through envisioning of the dissolution and depositioning of these ringing bands of oppression.