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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

14 April 2021. Towards Building a Lexicon

"English is a common language, which divides the people."

A vocabulary is a general set of words, used by a given population.

A lexicon is a specialized sub-set of the vocabulary.

Thought moves at the rate of our language, and the speaking component.

Before we can move our ideas very far, we need to have a shared vocabulary within our group.

AC. Alternating Current Circuit. Results of lightning discharges [DC sources: irradiance, or lightning] , waves which vascillate; eventually coalesce, combining into interference patterns, which we recognize as the Schumann resonances.

Amplitude. Measurement of Intensity, or heighth of the signal; which is called the Vertical Conductivity; measured in units of deci-Bels of Pico-electron-Volts. A di-pole type antenna is used to measure Amplitude.

"At rest fair weather state", is our theoretical "zero point"; which starts as a dark blue (Navy)-coloured background, which is as above-stated an interactive canvas. Upon this canvas gets reported with, or plotted by the information of the dependencies.

Dark blue (navy) background. The darkest blue of the chart represents the "fair-weather at-rest condition" of the atmosphere. Regularly, the area of the spectrogram between the 33 Hz to 40 Hertz Harmonic (the cap of the chart) is the dark blue. The coloring of the spectrogram is based on the subtraction from dark-blue, into the direction of the reporting depencency, such as white, during clear amplitude bursts.

Frequency. Standard means of measuring wavelengths, in terms of meters, or kilometers in this case. The frequency measurements are of the actual waves themselves, and not the resonant harmonics. The spectrogram shows the horizontal bands, which are the resonant harmonics, of the Schumann-series.

[**Additional notes on frequency. This is a term with broad, and often confusing usage. For our purposes, we'll define this term. Frequency properly is used to designate peak events over time, or cycles per second; such as a wave, which moves in a horizontal fashion.

Amplitude is vertical frequency, or Intensity, measured as deciBels of electron-Volts. Spikes relative to the spectro- are scaled vectors, based upon the limitations of the scope itself.

Resonant frequency is the difference between two fundamental, or originating waves, called “wavefronts”. These fundamentals run into and over each other repeatedly, causing interference patterns, called “standing waves”. These are quasi-stationary, meaning they oscillate in-situ, or in place in the atmosphere.

Harmonics are a series of resonances, which are splitting-off from the original primary resonance into a harmonic set of evenly-spaced resonant frequency varients; in this case its “differential frequency”, or the separation between the resonant harmonics is 6.6 Hz. Again, this is a diference, or differential in the series, as these more fundamentals break-up, against each other.

Frequency, as given in the standard measurement of radio waves is the distance in kilometers, over time. The number values given in the dependence from Tomsk is a measure of kilometers; this is not the resonant frequency.

Frequency of the electric scale of a person is separated by 10 Hz. Each of your primary energy center portals ('the chakras') operates in 10 Hz differentials.

Frequency as periodicity, of heart rate function; synchronization of body centers with states of brain activity: called “coherence.”

Sympathetic vibrations is the best way of looking at this phenomena; essentially it's where one base resonance was moved to meet another, stronger base resonance.**]

Charge. Voltage, measured in +/-; this is an Intensity, or the vertical conductivity channel; This would be the measurement of Amplitude.

Current. Is a direction, such as North/South, of East/West; this is the horizontal conductivity channel; This is the measurement of Quality, or magnetic flux.

DC. Direct Current Circuit. Generates from the direct radiation of sun to earth connectivity; further transmitting and conducting through the planet through the planetary "leylines". Many rocks are actually conductive, under the proper circumstances.

Harmonics. Frequency waves are peak-to-peak events, which is properly measured as Hertz; cycles-per-second. As the originating frequency waves travel around the planet, interfering with each other, these interferences start to "rarify", or stack-up, into the series of harmonics; which are seen as horizontal bands on the spectrogram at 6.6 Hertz increments, starting at the base of 7.8 resonance frequency.

The Ionosphere. This "envelope" is essentially where the irradience from our sun is turned from a plasma into "visible light". Through having certain densities of the plasma discharges from the sun, "caught" within the magnetic gravity of the Earth's magnetic field. This plasma-type "sea" of electron charge(+/-); it is an envelop of electronic potential of ~200-250,000 volts. This layer of highly charged electrons envelopes, and encircles the Earth planetary sphere as a boundry layer of high-charge potential which holds intact the mass of plasma, not penetrating the magnetosphere. This system is held intact, and constant due to a number of due to the spinning motion of the planet, and various atmospheric pressures, of the spacially dense elements of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, etc.

Light. Exists as both particle, and wave. Particles maybe contained within, or as a plasma field, which is shapeless, or formless, existing unified through their shared bonds of electrons. They exist within time, or "as time," without a spacial, or density construct anchoring them "into place." These exist without space essentially. Time, as a universal construct starts to dissolve within the constraints of these plasmic fields.

"Lowest resistance", Principle. The easier means of conducing the high potential into its Grounding "home" of the planet's DC circuit. A lightning strike is not a "straightline". Yet, the crooks, and jags are indeed the linear resolution of a pathway of least resistance. A pathway is not "forced". It is allowed through the exchange of charged plasmic, photonic energies into a cohesive wave.

Modes 1-4 . These are the four basic colors [white, yellow, red, green] used to plot the spectrogram, which is a composite of the dependencies, which are above given. Mode is a relatively complex ratio of wave size and shapes, in proportion between the Amplitude and the Quality.

"pico-" is -15 decimal places, so these number values technically are in the negative values; because they are such subtle/weak forces. This charge is 1,000 times weaker than the Earth's natural magnetic field; measured in nanos.

Quality. Magnetic flux; the horizontal frequency, which is the wave function of peak-to-peak measurement; as measured in pico=Teslas. The intermagnetic planetary link in measured in nano-Teslas. Induction coils are used to measure Quality.

Rectification. One of the primary understandings is about the function of a rectifier. This is a mechanism that transduces one to the other: AC current to DC charge. The human body is a transducer of AC into DC of the Earth ground circuit. Much of the activation of the atmospheric charge around us, is not intended for us to hold on to, as it results in multitudes of problems for our nervous system, concomitant with cognitive / mental functions.

Spectrogram. Composite plotting of the above-detailed dependencies, in their modes. Horizontal bands represent the actual Schumann resonances. Resonant harmonics are a series of standing waves, which are caused by emf waves bouncing into one another, to create standing wave patterns, along a spectrum, or range of frequencies. There is not just a frequency, there is also an intensity of the signals. The spectrogram is a "weaving" together of the two directions of electromagnetic signals, as they pass-through the atmosphere.

SR "Waveguide".The so-called waveguide of the SR is the "insulating cavity" of ionosphere-to-Earth. This cavity remains consistent over the course of time. Yet, there are variable fluxuations which happen periodically; such as diurnal (day-night) variations and occasions with coronal mass ejections. This cavity is generally consistent; yet, fluxuations of this effect the SR, through increasing the density of the harmonics.

UTC, Universal Time Code, is an atomic clock based at Greenwich, England. It determines a second based on the decay of cesium atoms in a magnetic bottle, not one which is based on the previous method of a solar year, or of Earth's annual solar revolutions.

"White [mode] light". Strong, clear amplitude spikes will peak in the white mode (#1), due to the narrow wave-form that this mode is measuring. The shape of the wave, as a high-charge (positive charge, high voltage) gets plotted as a strong white on the spectrogram. Beneath this, however, is also a supporting yellow, which further emphasizes a white characteristic to the spectrogram report.

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