13 April 2021. Cumiana - Tomsk Full report captures
Top: Dedicated Schumann Resonances (0.3-40 Hertz horizontal frequency);
Left: VLF and Seismic monitoring of the Electric-side of the signal, as measured by a Marconi-type antennae.
Seismic monitoring up to 30Hz, to accompany the Ulf, and LF readings; 1.5K/15K caps on the graphs. Under that is the past 5 days metering of the electric-side.
Beneath this is the filtering of noise.
Right: The magnetic monitoring. We see the actual data, given as pretty colours. These dolors represent the direction that the signal is arriving at the antenna complex. Top right corner of the graphs is seen a graphic that shows the directional lay-out of the induction coils, along with the sidereal measurements. Multi-day panels are given in the readings.
Wordpress link: (https://vertearbustosschumannresonanceharmonics.wordpress.com/2021/04/13/13-april-2021-cumiana-tomsk-full-report-captures/)