Written: 03 Jan 2019 (Video posted: 16 Jan 2021.)
This is one in a series of presentations explaining Dimensions, dimensionality, and Density. This is a series of expository writings, based on my conversation with my Spirit Guides, who have instructed me to bring-out this information at this time.
Generally speaking, the touchstone of grounding in this discussion is that I am always relating this to the practical application of understanding the Schumann Resonances : How is this helping us to learn more about the topic at hand?
Last section/lesson dealt with the distinction between Dimension and Density. in some detail, to give a description of the two polarities, represented in the mind of the humans.
Humans are hybrid creatures, created from the brains of two separate progenitors: the primate, and the reptile. These two polarities are generally at odds with each other in communicating.
This is the condition of the bicamera;. dual-hemispheric brain organ.
Dimensionality is moving through dimension, into another. We may occupy multiply dimensions at a time, as they are not necessarily mutually exclusive; again, the host of dimensions exists as quantum, or dislocated, possibility.
As we have previously stated: dimensions are the invisible/formless/shapeless; which do not exist without a density to contain, or conjoin with it. Densities might be seem as repetative patterns; or, the 93% wave of probability.
Before moving forward in proper understanding, we need first clear away some misinformation which is conditioned in the minds and hearts of students endoctrinated into and by the public educational institution.
"Dimensions". In common understanding, within the indoctrination of the Public Educational Institutions (as per my own experience growing-up therein); the phrase "dimensions" is one based upon the necessity of the Builders of the Grid, or cubic matrix. Builders are giving you measurements as dimensions, based upon the physical geometry, and materials being altered.
The original Builders, or founders of the cities, established human society, given a choice, upon the co-ordinate system. The co-ordinate grid of street and avenues, is the re-imposition of the Gid upon our everyday lives. Measurement,and the scientific method becomes the means to the conquest over the Natural cypher.
The square and the compass become the means to subjugate Nature. This element I have gone into in more depth in the previous video, and om the livestream.
Scientifical-logical foundation of reality becomes largely based upon the physical modality of the Cartesian grid. The Cartesian Grid archetype is a system of 3 axes (x, y, z), defining the interior location of a given "space", or measurement within the interior of a cube;
a six-sided, flat-bottomed, uniform state (space, time-wise) of the locationing points, or co-ordinates:: As such, matter and physics are based upon squares, or squaring to 90 degrees of angle, relative to an arbitrary starting point (origin).
Exists there does no random happening which placed so narrowly the nearly-identical spelling of angle; and angel.
In material reckoning, everything physical "which is", is angular, or angle-based.
"What's your angle in this...?"
Are you "on the square"?
Is it a level playing field.
So, de facto, the first taught rule conditioning students' thinking is that dimensions are predominantly angled, becoming matters of degrees...to square.
The term "square" is used in many ways to show legality and legitimacy:
square-deal, being squared-up, Right angle...your rights; etc. are complimentary, used as praise.
Yet, Length, width, heighth are units of measurement, all of which depend upon the same dimension, whether inch, foot, yard, etc.
Inch is the dimension. Foot is the dimension.
Measurement is the value. After the values 1-9 are used to express a consecutive value; a function is needed. Zero is a function, not a number.
These "dimensions" need to be identical, and uniform, yet all squared-up to their 90 degrees as the base, or standard; as a function of the Cartesian co-ordinate system.
You have been tricked, fooled in this understanding, when you use it.
Reality frequently does not square-up to the idealization of mathematics.
The original builders of this society, the 3D grid, those to whom we will refer-to as the Original Masons (for convenience sake) regimented, regulated societies into squares;
reducing the overstanding of dimensions to uniformed measurements of identical dimensions;
measurements are co-ordinates with the co-ordinate grid system.
Understand this: in Building this society, units and measurements in terms of actual numbers has been co-opted as a replacement for understanding of dimensionality;
essentially "locking into place," or "flattening" what is essentially a curved, rounded reality;
Of Building properly understood, the dimensions are as follows: Plumb, level, flush.
We can hear groan'ed by many upon seeing this interesting revelation.
Many are unfamiliar with these terms in relation to Builder's parlance, where defining the Dimensions of a project.
We will illustrate: Plumb is the Dimension of up and down; pictured as a plumb falls from a branch, in a direct line following the dimension of gravity. Where this lands is the originating point.
Level is commonly referred-to as "flat." A floor needs to be level. This is best pictured as a lever, or ship's wheel. If one has seen a ship's wheel with the "spokes" arranged in the middle, one can picture LEVEL.
Flush is the face. As one's face might be flush, or red, one pictures the face, or surface of an object as "smooth", or without proud marks. As we all know, Pride goes before the fall.
As shown, illustrated in our primary example, there is essentially an unlearning which needs go before any other learning, to clear broken concepts apart from the clear functioning of "mind" as we start approaching Impending Dimensionality--going through this Shift.
As such, this introduces us to our first Guiding Principle of Understanding Dimensionality: To UN-learn, DE-understand what you have been already taught, regarding Dimensions.
"Space" as based-upon the Cartesian system, is a culturally-imposed notion, defining an illusory state, as above shown.
DeCartes had a dream where he was visited by spiritual helpers to tell him that the conquest of nature may be done through measurement; thereby springing-forth the system of the scientific method.
Dimensions are based-upon degrees within measurements, with internally-consistent governing principles, and rules of behaviour within same; where there are links one to another, or footprints of one dimension within another.
In our example of the cube, with uniformly measured sides of the same "dimension" (inch, foot, etc.), this form equals a single dimension.
As our idealized example is also Plumb, Level, Flush, it's dimensional value entirely equals ONE.
As stated earlier, in order to fully understand "higher" dimensions, or frequencies, it is important for mind, the mental processing, to release the hold of old ideas, informed by Teaching Institutions.
Before becoming free in higher dimensions, one need free the forms of mental aggregates (in Buddhist parlance); free mind and thinking from attachment.
Old, musty ideas need to be released from prominence in mental processings, for the human.
Heading into the New Earth paradigm, much iis changing for ALL of us humans. We need release hold of old ideas across the board.
This is the first example of what's gotta go; the understanding of "space", or physical matter as the basis, or defining characteristic of Dimension. Except for the dimension itself of Forms, or "space" (the 3-axis protocol of the Cartesian system);
Dimensions do not of necessity, exist in a universal "space," nor place; such as within Cartesian coordinates, for example. Dimensions are formless, and exist outside of the cartesian coordinate grid system.
When one releases hold of archaic definitions of Dimensions, and how to approach these, one is free to associate alternate meanings, or values to the concept of Dimensions. For example, once one accepts forms, or 'space' as a single dimension (with its internal measurements inside degrees) then next logically follows a wonderful reorganization of the first Five Dimensions:
Space (Forms)/density/gravity.
Yet, what we see here is a moving from higher vibration to lower "third" Density/Dimension.
This is the flattening process of human experience, of lowering the vibrational density to cause things to physically "appear" in the world of Forms.
By repeatedly uttering resonance virbatins, we establish a potential, which continues as a wave function.
Each of the above Dimensions is internally divided by measurements within its degrees. Materialization into physical matter is the last metaphysical step.
Yet, the human who lives a materially-oriented life sees Forms first, and foremost. This dimensional realm is the closest in vibration to that of the mass of humanity
However, to other beings not materially-originating here on Earth; the "base" dimensions work differently. The first four could be as follows.
Measurement of Spacial/Temporal (densest of the gross forms).
In this session of understanding, and using alternate dimensions, to aid and assist in the growth and elevation, first release the enchantment of physical material matter, of assigning to forms an absolute construct, or value.
Mentally, temporally contrived forms/spaces are illusions, albeit persistent illusions.
To review: To assist one in understanding and using dimensionality, as the primary guiding principle is simply loosen the bond, or attachment, to the material world;
the world of forms and space. This world is not a world of 3 dimensions, yet many hold onto this notion, as a clear-cut, defined thing; a quantity, we shall call it.
. The concept of dimensions being a spacially-based system, upon which there are other "places" to visit, is misguided at best.
What is meant by: 5D ?, "fifth dimension" ? fifth density?
We hear this phrase alot these days.
One feels as if the fifth dimension is an actual thing, or a place we are going to; such as would be an example of us in a boat arriving at a shore, or pier, mooring, or dock, or some such port.
Seems easy enough to say "we are moving into, or towards (the) 'fifth dimension'; Yet, what does this actually mean?
In this session, we are going to examine what is this concept of 'fifth dimension' from the perspective of the function of the Dimensions.
At current, understanding of this phrase '5D,' or 'Fifth Dimension' is based upon a tacit understanding that one "knows" ; that we both assume a common meaning, sharing the exact understanding, of the previous 4 dimensions.
Yet, at a certain point we run into a wall of rhetorical constraint, which balks at 'the battering-ram of' meaning.
What are the previous 4 dimensions?
Part A: Un-learning; attempts to break the linguistical spell imposed by Original Mason's veil of ignorance imposed upon the "masses"/"sheep", as promulgated by Teaching Institutions.
This conversation is difficult, as it requires individuals to un-know, or relearn what has been imposed by Original Mason's teaching Institutions, based upon words, and linguistic impositions upon students.
There's a two-part, two step process in First principle of Using Dimensions; [A: Un-learn. B: Re-fashion.]
We are at the stage of re-structuring our "logical grid", starting with the language used in its constructioning.
One gets the impression that the fifth dimension is the next "step." Yet, this is erroneous in our growth as light workers here. There is no external dimension, there is only moving inwards into our internal dimensions of self, and mind: spacial-temporal. The currently embedded 3D matrix
It is highly recommended the viewer understand the material in the Part:A session. That was the introduction.
From there we continue the un-teaching of the first 3 dimensions.
We examine the SPELL, and ENCHANTMENT of the Masonic Squaring-to-Right our dimensional system.
Let us examine the symbol of the Masons. It composed of two Building tools: a Square, and a Compass. The interpretation of these two tools-as symbols is a Session unto itself. What is relevant to us is the symbolic imposition of these two tools, as weapons of conquering the folks, under their spell.
The "SQUARE", is the main tool used to convert/juxtopose measurement for dimension. As earlier stated, uniform inches of a side are measurements, not dimensions. The SQUARE shows one this easily.
Three Schools of Mystery of The Masonic Order.
There are 3 schools of 11 degrees, equalling in total 33.3. Ok, we all know this, yet some of us know the complete, and total names of all the ranked degrees among the Masons Organization.
These degrees are the co-opting of the Circular, the Rounded, the Curvey, the Emotional, the Intuitive, the Psychic, and lots of other gifts, granted to the human DNA structure. This is part of the veil of illusion imposed by the Draconian Rule.
There are three phases of interaction between the SQUARE and the COMPASS. The Divisions are Exo-teric, Ego-teric, Eso-teric, corresponding to the "legs" of the COMPASS, in relation to OVER, or UNDER the Square. The higher Orders in degrees, one is allowed to understand the Great Mysteries of the Sphere, or Sephora.
The legs are positioned thusly to indicate Mastery over the the degrees, (the Divine feminine as Principle, and being) under the three legs of the COMPASS.
In the First DEGREE, the EXO-teric Classification, both leg of the compass are in below the SQUARE. This SQUARE represents the everyday, imposed grid upon our collective, as currently stands.
The second delineation of the DEGREES, is the EGO-teric. This represents you, the initiate, going from Novice, to Master; essentially, you have one foot in this World, the other is grounded into the Masonic System.
The Third delineation of DEGREES is the ESO-teric, where both feet/legs of the COMPASS are elevated above the SQUARE. Through the Divine Feminine, comes Mastery over the SQUARE.
This is, yet another introduction to a side topic. Yet, in the re-fashioning process, we need to incorporate the symbology in understanding the imprisoning mechanism. We dissect the symbol, to provide a cure, or innoculant against the Mind Parasites, put in place by the Draconian Rule.
To wit, it will be conceded that in considering Dimensions, one need release L-H-W as dimensions. Re-fashioning the first three Dimensions within our thinking system, and our rational interactions with our day, and those around ourselves, we look to open up many dimensions...out of pure necessity, sometimes. Releasing thought from attachment to L-H-W as the primary Dimensions, releases the ingrained, inprogrammed, conditioned Matrix which has been a big part of the imprisonment of the Species.
The word: “tricknology” becomes salient.
Let us start the refashioning of our dimensional system.
First let us put forth the following question: What is the big deal, or necessity to actually number Dimensions, to the point of asking, or looking into "where" or what it is ...as a separate "thing" from a common reality around one?
Long convoluted question, I know, yet, this becomes our first rhetorical hurtle, or overcoming the linguistic tendency of numbering these things successively. Largely, we realize this is done for sanity, and convenience's sake.
The necessity of creating the three dimensional system, is the imposition of these three (assumedly) material dimensions (axes) locks this material grid in place, flattening the world into quarters, squares, edges, angles. Thus reduces one's view to a limited construct of creation.
The big deal of releasing hold and attachment to the primary three squared dimensions is a necessity to move forward into working with greater, higher vibrations.
The imposition of the grid reduces one's reality down to 3/4 (or at least the Pi ration) of reality. This is what the big deal of releasing hold of the first three dimensions and forgetting, or ignoring this 4th Dimension as if it's a known, accepted quantity.
If These Builders of 3D-imposed matrix were wrong by OCCULT-ing the truth from you...through this system which we all use daily through necessity of convenience--if they were wrong and lied about the first three, then you can believe that they were also OCCULT-ing some amazing qualities of TIME itself. TIME has many degrees, and measurements. For each L-W-H measurement, there is a space and time measurement. Therefore, even cube-based dimensions is properly a six-dimensional reality. So, a six-dimensional reality is one recognizing all of the angles, not only a stunted 90 degrees of them.
Such co-optation of the COMPASS, the Divine Feminine, is a prevalent, pre-veil-ing Technique used by these Early Mason's, the allegedly "illuminated" ones; creating this 3D grid, used to limit humans, for eons, in our collective thought (and intention) processing. Bring RIGHT-to-SQUARE, as a Building Protocol, needs now to be understood by all of us, with the further wisdom of how it is used to flatten, therefore imprison imagination, mind, self, ego, etc--to our mutual detriment. This Protocol needs be understood to the point of Mastery, to where one OVER-stands upon these tricks.
L-H-W, spacial measurements, substituted for the dimensions of Plumb, Level, Flush, is the imposition of the Mason's SQUARE-ing upon one's life, as a whole. Released, as the landscape of one's life, one finds a space to re-position, re-fashion the foundation of understanding and using dimensionality.
A VECTOR is a dimensional footprint.
If need exists to number Dimensions sequentially, for sanity's sake, we offer alternate ways of considering these "baser," or lower vibrations, densities, so as to trigger recognition of yet higher still vibrations and densities resonating around you every moment.
Sequentially numbering one's dimensions as a way of understanding them is deleterious to proper functioning in multiple-dimensions simultaneously.
A VECTOR is a meeting between two, or more "forces", or "dimensions". A Vector is the creation, or formalization into meeting between two dimensions, or forces, creating various "footprints" within the medium of both, and other dimensions.
These so-called Footprints, may be also pictured, seen as Energetic way-points, or energetic signatures, such as a waterfall, or huge unique feature of the Earthen landscape, as working examples in practical existence.
At this point, this one will pause to say something personal. I recognize, as a person living in this traditionally 3d imposed reality, what I had to go through in school learning all about the commonly-imposed measuring system. It was torturous.
Yet, eventually mind got conditioned to accepting the limitations of the space-based system of functioning in a consumerist-based system of commodification of all things evident to primary body-based senses. Intuition, instinct, telepathy, morphic resonance as protocols of attaining, or gathering information are systematically, forceably suppressed in us humans at early ages. Intuition is a dimension.
Empathy is a dimension.
Instinct is a dimension.
Is difficult for many to accept an emotional state as a dimension, yet, we submit this is what the big deal is all about, of living in dimensions of emotions, and in varying emotional states, tempered by reasoning, and some logic.
I can understand, the complexity, and grueling quality to un-learning an entire system. As I write, and expound upon these subjects, it brings up many memories of life as a teen-ager, receiving downloads explaining the proper way to view dimensions, and dimensionality. If honesty about the experience, I will tell you it was brutal, and grueling to know otherwise, yet had to accept the reigning paradigm of the day. Time has come.
So, of necessity, I burden the viewer with the crazy-making mechanisms for shifting thinking of dimensions, and current reality in higher vibrational living.
As shown earlier, in a sequential fashioning of L-H-W, when replaced by P-L-F, we are better placed to re-position numerical dimensions. Yet, we see this with a clear overstanding that these angular degrees, are compressions, approximations, dissections of the whole, the All, of the perfected form, the Sphere.
We overstand the knowledge of the 90, the SQUARE, that theswe angular degrees of square and straight, become a total of 360 added together to Master the circle. The Circle accedes its infinite perfection, for the intention of interacting with the limits of the square, for intention of building and creating.
Measured sides of the square are finite. Measured circle, measures into infinite, depending entirely upon perspective. The circle is infinite in its ability to endlessly reproduce herself. Therin lay her power, the possibility of infinite reproduction. The power of the SQUARE is that of the ability to penetrate the circle; wherein she yields to the 90, wherein limiting herself to 360, in numbered degrees. Yet, she is more. Infinitely more, in fact.
As such, we humbly submit that the more rational way of seeing this reality is infinite material degrees, depending upon perception.
A different take on these primary numbered, progressive dimensions could be seen as Exotic/Egoteric/Esoteric.
Inherent within the Clear functioning of all three, lay the subjugation of the eternal circle; perfected into a sphere, or sephora.
We realize the next step in our progression forwards is to put into use techniques of revisioning, reprocessing the infinite degrees of perception which are opening-up all the time.
Inherent within each spacial measurement of L-H-W is an equal Time measurement. Yet, even within this basic mathematical construct of squaring the sides, the resultant three-quarters of this "reality", is occupied by TIME degrees of dimension:
Time moves linearly, as in clock fashion, providing the most fundamental grid of Human-reality the always-forward-moving march of the grind of Time, grinding forth and a mechanized gear system;
For every given spacial measurement, there is an equal time measurement that attends this function, yet external forces, such as gravity, have an effect on the absolute equality to utilyzing said measurement (e.g: plowing an acre of land, for example);
Time works within the expectation, intention degree of the individual observers comprising the Building of a given project, where times of completion are projected;
Time working individually as an underpinning of each worker/observer operating according to different rates of their perceptions of value, as to their individual concept of importance to the overall function within the project;
Time works in a vector when attached to salary, of dollars per hour; money per hour is a Vector.
Time is attached to other factors within the practical, and operational structure of any given project, yet are not considered "important enough" to consider time.
More could be added to this list, yet the example becomes obviously "fleshed-out" well-enough. Time as we use this function has many degrees within this dimension, which get ignored, or deemed not important enough. The dimension of Time deemed most important is the "daily grind" version of it, designed to keep us imprisoned.
Even though we all know Time can be non-linear, the only version of Time given in the 4D construct of Materialism is the Daily Grind, yet, as such, non-linear time becomes our understood, presumed Forth Dimension.
Our understood Stated Fifth Dimension becomes the Dimension of speaking-forth into reality, into Lower Reality, higher-yet dimensions, for use in the lower ones. Seeing an expanded potential and possibility for utilyzing alternate dimensions is a good place to start on our path of quickening, increasing in frequency, in our Ascention. As we move upwards, and onwards, we can see how time and space are not obstacles, to this pathway.
Re-purposing, re-compiling, re-coding; We are working to make complex ideas accessible, to be allowed to digest, understand, by the majority of Lightworkers who are advanced along their pathway.
Yet, still, what seems most difficult in this process, is to re-acquaint oneself to a new way of thinking; yet, if one is viewing this, there is likely a visceral understanding, or resonance with this information. As we free our hold onto pre-conceived dimensions, we adopt new principles, for introducing ourselves to, as well as practicing dimensionality in our daily lives--much to the utter amazement to those around us.
It's one of those little things, which make life worth the living.
Imagination/dream state, while consciously operating within one's day; to "daydream" as a means of accomplishing tasks on a higher, non-material dimension, is worth exploring to the initiate; This degree of dimension operates within a larger field of Intuition as a larger dimension; there seems exist an Intuitive Spectrum, wherein powers or abilities may operate;
Mind is of dimensionality, allowing one to easily transition between dimensions, negotiated between Higher Selves;
Telepathy/mind reading, is within the Intuitive Spectrum of behaviour, wherein one does not use spoken words (rhetorically-based communication) to convey meaning across undefined space;
Intentionality is a degree within a larger dimension of exercise of Free Will.
This list will be continued as we move along. For the moment we will limit, and encorporate the aforegoing information as a starting point to re-dress consideration of dimensionality, and this world of Dimensions.
Implied within the first three parts of this Session, for proper re-alignment into a new dimensional paradigm, is the unlearning of many phrases, concepts, and linguistic constructs. Language shapes perceptions. For good, bad, or otherwise, we need to examine our use of language, if we are to continue moving forward into higher dimensions.
The next step in our Process for evaluating Dimensions, is to examine the particular Guiding Principles we shall use. Introduced has been the identity and definition of Guiding Principles used in working within Dimensionality. Before this, as is customary in human language, a defining of terms becomes necessary. A large part of this discussion becomes dealing with the language itself; primarily, to un-learn what's been conditioned to this point.
Language is a code. Properly used, it has the potential to trigger, to open-up genetic pathways.
Tones, the range of intelligible sounds, is a distinct dimension.
If the viewer has reached this point, can understand the bulk of this presentation, then there is a commonality of understanding of the processes which shaped the Language. The Rules: means and methods of conveying conformity in transmitting this language is evident.
We will assume for the time being, we have had a similar, or identical training in Grammar, spelling, etc. More important than the particular method, is the point here of the "explosive" potential of words. When used properly, words can trigger growth.
Along the lines of the Guiding Principle "mean what you say, say what you mean," we look towards a re-compiling of the code of language used to describe and discuss this newly-opened arena of multi-dimensionality. Moving between Dimensions has never been easier!!
Recompiling linguistics and language to allow for the use of Guiding Principles, requires the restructuring of the language we use.
Applying the blueprint of the Flower Of Life pattern (Fig. 1) we, extrapolate a triangle. Picture one such triangles with the following sides: At the base is Meaning. One side going up is Rhetoric. The other side is Gesture. Somewhere in the middle of this geometry, can we "plot", or localize our words. This geometry can be called "Triangle of the Logos.
(See Fig. 2: Triangle of the Logos)
Fig. 1: Flower Of Life pattern
Figure 2: Triangle of the Logos
Let's define our terms:
MEANING is fairly obvious, yet it's the most difficult thing at which to arrive. Behind the veils of Rhetoric, and Gesture, the (spoken) word might forever bounce around inside the triangle, never defined with significant meaning. "Meaning" is what all people are trying to convey through the word portals. Yet, sometimes this "meaning" is the simple meaning of a gesture, with little other value.
RHETORIC is a mind-game. Rhetoric is the speaking-forth of reasoning. In itself, this is not necessarily negative, except for the fact the human mind is able to justify, and rationalize just about anything, with a will behind it.
GESTURE is a body "response" to external input, generally from others. Gesture (in this application) is a speaking-forth of a body function. A hand wave is a physical gesture, which generally signifies greeting; yet many nuanced meanings may be attached to a simple hand gesture.
The phrase "How are you (?)" is a good example of a verbal gesture. This statement may be posed as a casual question. This is a gesture of greeting, similar to a handshake. Or, it may be a statement intended as a statement, with no reply expected: this is rhetorical; thinking need not apply.
Or, this phrase might be one of actual caring, where the person poses this as an actual question; a statement of meaning, where the person posing same is intending to convey care, and emotional meaning. Inherent within the words is no clear meaning. Depending how the statement is phrased, with whatever emotional carrier wave behind same, one can infer a "meaning."
Within the context of our Language triangle, comes a manner for examining the structure of (spoken) language. As many of us learned in elementary school, the accepted method of analyzing speech is the tree diagram. ( https://youtu.be/deiEY5Yq1qI , "How to Diagram a Sentence (absolute basics)"; for those who missed this the first time around, or need a refresher course.)
First, let us state that this act of dissecting, of breaking-down, diagramming sentences, is of questionable value. However, as a function of human thinking, the need to rationalise, and break-down into constituent elements is a function of rationalization. There seems a human condition of breaking-down, exploding, blowing-up those things which are a mystery. In other words, to see what makes a thing living, that thing gets killed.
Rupert Sheldrake talks about this phenomena in biology, of killing a living thing to find out how it "ticks." As such, in accord with the human need to "blow sh*t up", we are presenting this diagram. Our illustration is not, actually destroying anything; yet, for the purpose of exploring how to diagram a sentence, we present the Triangle of the Logos.
Logos (using the Capital L), is a divine principle.
"Logos, (Greek: “word,” “reason,” or “plan”) plural logoi, in Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning," according to Encyclopedia Brittanica. Logos, in the proper, capitalized sense is a Divine principle of the word.
The KJV bible, John 1:1 states: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Divine principle of intelligently conveying words, sounds, etc to cast meaning to 'others,' is the Province of Logos. Mouth noises may be a body, or biological function; yet how intelligent is a belch, or fart?
Modern usage (that which happened after the invention of the printing press) has reduced Logos from its Divinity. Writing explained.com states: "Logos definition: Logos is a rhetorical device that includes any content in an argument that is meant to appeal to logic." The Divinity was removed from formal education, and scientific functioning. Divinity was removed from Theory.
Divinity was removed from Western Society. This is seen in the usage of the language, as well as the pursuit of scientism. The Divine principle of intelligently, meaningfully communicating via words, has been reduced to empty rhetoric.
Words are building blocks. They are the bricks of language. Mutual understanding, and connection is based upon the building units. As our language progresses, improves, so too does our thinking, and actions.
Re-structuring, re-coding, re-compiling the language is a strong suggestion towards re-conditioning the mental aggregate of consciousness. Re-shaping, re-structuring how, what we speak is a practical (first step) in the application of calibration one's life to newly-opened dimensions, and portals of potentiality.
Re-calibrating the language landscape to allow for restructure of dimensionality, will allow one to profoundly affect their life.
The Triangle, and the Pyramid, of The Logos, is a tangible, visible way to focus words, and thinking into a fresh, new perspective. This is an example, a model of how to move language into multi-dimensions. This is one model, and there can be others. Yet, to this point, this model is the only one dealing with the poor quality of the spoken word, among humans. As we examine how words shape our reality and collective imaginations, we can construct other triangles, other associated geometries based upon the Pattern provided by the Flower of Life.
We can construct associated geometries to help us organize our thinking, and rhetoric to allow for yet-greater dimensionality within our daily lives.
This diagram, our illustration becomes of how to integrate dimensions into everyday living, can be fit into the FOL pattern.
Second of importance is the fact that consequently, other facets of language, such as body movement, colour, scent, etc., can be linked to conscious communication. We can see a way to map our words, and conscious intention onto the flattened landscape of the status quo.
We examine the functionality of language residing within the geometry of our Living triangle. It is advised in language usage, to center our communications equally between Rhetoric, Gesture, and meaning. As the 3rd Density realm dissolves into the sixth dimensional Flower of Life archetype; we will be collectively opening-up to new dimensions, and new realities; where, heretofore unseen, unrealized, unknown dimensions start to appear.
Our illustration, the Logos' Triangle, provides the model for mapping language onto the greater FOL pattern; allowing us the ability to amend our course, based upon the conveyance of language.
Specifically, how to plot conversations, in details will be forthcoming during future sessions.
What are Guiding Principles?
Within one quest for other, Higher Dimensions, there comes a certain point in finding "meaning", or existence. This quest seems to take on a life itself; like an Epic journey, such as Ulysses, or Gilgamesh.
This is a wonderful, if not unsettling ocurrance, for those of us in the forefront, (helping to unravel everything); as one sees Dimensions appearing around us. As 'things' become "unhinged" from the commonly accepted (lower-vibrational) "reality," into a newer, more fun and interesting state of reality, one finds need of Guiding Principles, to operating and navigating within this landscape.
With working in dimensionality, comes an understanding of the importance of Guiding Principles. Higher Dimensions become spiritual attainments. There are no laws, only principles. Need governs principles. There are those which over-ride, or guide other principles. The need for having, understanding, using Guiding Principles, has been broached earlier. Mainly through application have we introduced principles in action.
Neither is there Divine Law, nor is there a Divine Mandate. This is all voluntary, by decision, in this realm. There exist Principles which guide and govern our abilities, actions and reactions.
At this point, we will open this topic for discussion so one can understand more fully what is meant by the phrase, and why it's so important for us at this stage.
Guiding Principles are not mandates, merely suggestions; yet some are extremely important suggestions.
They are based upon our lived experiences, within this material realm. It is our shared hope that we volunteers can raise our vibrations through adopting some of these principles. Consider these tools as navigational aids, perhaps. In the Spirit of the Keeper of The Lights, we offer these principles to aid in navigating this new, rocky shoreline of this New Land.
These are not necessarily in chronological order, where one needs to do one Principle "before another". These are somewhat self contained, yet they all work together, interwevedly, if that can be a word. They are numbered for the sake of convenience largely. This stated, the general, overall order in which these are presented is moving for general suggestions, towards more specific, higher order principles.
These are numbered for the sake of convenience to assist in organizing this general trend.
There are way more principles, which guide this one, than we have time or ability to enumerate. This list is not exhaustive, nor absolute. These are the starting of a list, showing examples of Guiding Principles...which may not even be the Best of all possible ones; yet, a start is needed, with examples of how to use them.
As things change, the "rules", or governing principles change as well, to accomodate these necessary changes.
01. Undo damage of the third Density conditioning:
01A. Un-learn, un-condition that which has been taught; including necessary geometries (of oppression);
01B. Re-fashion the imposed restraints of (Masonic) Institutions; amend that which one have been taught; re-value one's constraints;
01C. Re-value to revitalize one's perceptions (the societally-conditioned imposition, that which one thinks one knows) of Dimensions;
01D. Re-compile the code of language; a portion of this is ego; another portion of this is to adopt the Language of Love within our daily functionings;
01E. Guiding Principles; establishment, of Principles to guide the seeker.
Above reflects the landscape to which has been covered. We are at the point of enumerating into list, these principles, which I have applied to my own actions in this lifetime. These are spiritual, Guiding, yet practical principles which can help an individual to grow along their journey.
These following guidelines, are suggestions to working in dimensionality.
Each of these below will be addressed in their respective times.
02. Possililities aplenty; Bifurcations of possibilities are opening-up, expanding around us at all times; we need to let go of expectations.
03. Adopt the Language of Love into one's "self talking"; learn to use visualization techniques for collapsing one's timelines causing mental, and spiritual leeching of one's energy;
English language itself, has been crafted to be the preferred language of argumentation; the printing press has played its part in this drama.
04. Making the mundane into miraculous. Two sides to the same coin; manageablity. How to balance these two principles.
05. Patience is an ACTIVE verb, not a passive one; nor an adverb which one is granted, as a "gift."
06. Trust the process. Trust that things are working properly, if one has followed the requisite work, despite what the five primary senses might suggest.
Our example is boiling water. It may take a while before you see the bubbles of top, breaking through the surface. A portion of this process involves patience.
07A. Dimensions are a mental/logical construct, which will likely need to be disconnected from the constraints of one's (perceived) SANITY. Sanity has the same root as SANITIZE, as in disinfect one's mind. Un-hinge Sanity from dimensionality; dislodging "reality" from (thinking about) dimensionality; Dimensions and dimensionality releases the SPELL of Sanity, allowing for balance as one's mental dimension; Sanity is not mental stability. Sanity is not balance; mental, spiritual, emotional
07B. Basis for dimensionality of third density is a sphere (sephora), NOT a cube;
07C. Dimensions are also seen as Densities, or frequency ranges, octaves; energy potentials; potentiality for non-linear occurances; unexplained coincidences, miracles; energy accumulations; all with their own manners in which they operate, which when overlapping, produce Vectors.
D. VECTORS are Dimensional Footprint; :Dimensional overlapping are "footprints," energetic assembly places where multiple Dimensions collect. These overlaps, or intersections are VECTORS, in the physics sense; As seen in the Flower of Life diagram, there are overlapping spaces shaped as a vesica pisces. Therein the boundries of this geometry is the so-called "footprint" of one dimension within another. Many of these can not be see with a 3rd Dimensionally-based eye, as some are only felt. Another way to picture this "footprint" concept, is to picture an energetic location, such as a waterfall. [Youtube channel: Modern Spirituality, has created a basic introduction to higher vibrational dimensions, "The 5th Dimension (Experience & Understand The Fifth Dimension)" https://youtu.be/7CzpE1WEjGs. Explaining the idea of the energetic signature];
E. Examples of "other" dimensions: Imagination; Mudras (hand formations); Mental (temporal); Intention; Etheric energy; attachment (forms); Meditation and Zen practices; ecstacy;
08.The printed line, as a form of communication, limits one's ability for Dimensionality; difference between the manuscript, and machine linotype;
Movement itself, is a language, therefore a Dimension; Dancing is a Divine Principle, as the basic foundation of atomic attraction, or cellular bonding, there ability to chemically "bond", or "Dance," as it is all vibrating, and moving around us;
Dancing is a is a form of linguistic expression, which needs to be utilyzed more by all initiates on up.
09. Operate, live in the Moment. This is not living FOR the moment. Living FOR the moment is one specific, big moment, separate from the others, because the goal was that one, precious moment. Living IN the moment is an acceptance that all moments are equal in value, yet they are not all equal in duration;
Meditation, mindfullness are tools in arriving at moment-by-moment living.
10. Principles are standards for living. There are neither Rules, nor Laws. Beyond the wonderful "miracles" of working in other dimensions, there are daily principles for living, and operating, which become a necessity of discipline as the student goes upwards into Dimensionality
11. Instruction is what Master provides; Discipline is what the Student keeps. Ultimately, there is no punishment, only consequences to one's decisions and actions.
12A. Remove the "Rev. Limiter"
12B. Envision different.
13. "You," in "your" consciousness, is always at the starting point of any given dimension; for moving through Dimensions, "you" in your consciousness, are the observer; therefore, "you" in your consciousness are "god", a creator Being
14. Lead a spiritual-based life, one based on principles. Learn to dance, as a spiritual pursuit; dancing can be a manner of playing "one's game"
15A. Undo the SPELL of Teaching; Being Taught implies your are tense, that you have a tense, even if it is terse. Learning is what happens to a person. There is an imposition of intelligence, through the use of a SENTENCE. Institutions pronounce Sentences, using proper Spells, and spelling, formatted into justified pagination...the mechanisation of the machine, imposed upon our lives, our Dimensions.
Through Force & "Might", actions used to intimidate, has been pronounced & "broadcast" co-opting and compromising the Divine Principle of Logos, are we kept prison-ated, institutionalized, reduced to imperfect tense-- for adjudicating the wrong Spelling;
In other words "through your rock-like density, and ignorance, the crucible of the Legitimizing system is interlocuting you. Voir dire!!"
15B. LOGOS Abused. Linguistics: speaking as a living entity.
16. Disease is living out of balance. Find balance, live in Health. Addiction is disease, because it is an imbalance in the spiritual realm.
17A. We all have unique paths and Contracts;
17B. Not everyone gets a romantic partner, yet, there is a Grand balance; where something is taken away from here, something else is granted or allowed over there. Not everyone was Contracted to have a family life, with children, or even a "regular" relationship, which everyone seems to "just know", yet can not actually define for another.
18. Natal chart: What does your birth chart say about you? What should the Lightguides know?
This helps one determine the give-and-take of the Guide's Contract.
19. Death is one's advisory; although, this said, that may just be for those of us on this shamanic pathway.
20. Eat healthy, live cleanly. Make sure your "lights" are burning, and glowing brightly;
21. Dealing with Ego: Ego can be your friend; one best left sleeping.
22. Weeping is not crying; both are biological, physiological responses to trauma in our environment. Weeping is a cleaning action, response; it is a release of built-up, unhealthy "poison" which have been accumulated
23. Learn "your" native language, the light language, or universal tongue, or some such. There's an archetype of language.
24. Spiritual Helpers vs. Spirit Guides: The Universe provides lessons; as well as blessings. Lessons come at a cost; blessings are free. Spiritual Helpers provide lessons. Spirit guides provide blessing. Energy vampires and parasites are Helpers, not Guides. Helpers cost something from you.
25. Correct knowledge may be an anchor to one's ascension;
26. Gratitude: An attitude of gratitude keeps one on an even keel.
27. Laziness as a tool to get things done. Listen to what your body is telling you.
Laziness is the opposite of procrastination.
28. Observations preferred to Judgements. Never forget that a judge's proper role is to hear BOTH sides of the argument. If one can not help but to pass sentence upon another, then one needs to step down as judge. Try simply being an observer, and watch.
29. Numbers, (numb-ers) are 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. These are abstracted values, for the sake of convenience. Abstractions are logical representations, designed to keep you separate from your feelings, as message carrier of vibratory mathematics; seeking to solidify, and formalize movement.
So-called "higher order functioning" mathematics depends on abstractions of dimensionality, through the use of Functions, which is the appropriation of a Vector.
0 = Zed, has no value, it is a place keeper;
1 = not a number, but the point of origination; this is I, ego, eine, "mine", self, which is the original, originating Elf
2 = duo, dos, swei
3 = tres, trees, dri
4 = quarter, quad, square, fear
5 = quint, qunco
6 = sex, hex, ses
7 = sept,
8 = octo,
9 = nueve, neo
10 = deni'zen, lair of the Elves; it is a mental construct, created by Elves; builders of this abstractive convenience;
11 = el'ven, or Elf as observer, plus one witness;
12 = dos'zen = the originating, observing elf plus 2 witnesses;
13 = elf observer, plus three additional witnesses.
30. The part of you which is most important, is that of you which is invisible. The Light body is contained within the larger, Gross body. The physical body vs. the Light body?
31. Trust in a Higher Power, rather than a God: A Higher Power is personal, individual: one is spiritual, one physical. Higher Dimensions can be used as forms of Higher Powers, if one does the proper "legwork" is seeking it.
33A. There are two types of Games: the Infinite Game, and the Finite game. Life on Earth is a Finite Game, as the slate for its Destiny; it is a learning experience, which can only be done collectively, as an "Infinite" pursuit.
Interactions between people is a form of Game, an exchange of sorts--often a "volley" with words.
33B. On Earth, decision-making is a form of Game, as per the principles of interactions among the residents. Polarity is a form of Finite play. Polke-making, pole creation, is a form of finite-game-making
33C. Ascention or Status quo ? Ascension AS status-quo?