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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

11 Sept 2021. Session_000.1.21: Speaking My Truth; Examining "The Grid”

Written: 11:21 hrs :: 8 Friday, Febru. 2019

Greetings, salutations and messages from the Supreme Council of Light, Source Creator, and the Benevolent Messenger Thoth/Mercury/Hermes, to all of our family of lightworkers, starseeds, those on the pathway to ascension and Becoming, welcome. Namaste.

This has been a work in progress. I never got back to this project before it got dusty. It's time to clear this out of my archives, onto the webpage, so we all can benefit from it.

Examining "The Grid”; How it interfaces with language.

Comes an inertia with Silence.

Issues can become easier to deal with, by not stirring the pot. If the objective is not to "win" (the exchange), there seems little need for the word-exchange. Ignoring problems does not cause them to disappear.

Yet, what if conversation itself is the problem?

Conversational logic begins at the point where one begins looking for it.

A logical starting point exists only when there is no more-logical of a starting point. Details get dismissed for not proving the logical point. Yet, what is the starting point is not logical, yet merely rhetorical. "Because I say so" has no foundation in reality?

Triangle of the Logos.

Conversational logic starts at the point where one begins looking for it. "Logically," details may be dismissed, when they do not logically "prove" the point attempting to be made.

Logically, the human mind is capable of rationalizing and justifying anything, as well as dismissing anything not up to the "logical standard."

The triangle of the Logos is an improved grid system, to help "diagram" one's language interchanges.

Language, words are an expression of dimensions, and dimensionality. Because language is inherent within our genetic code, (DNA structure), we depend on language to communicate our internal state. For good, bad, or otherwise, through our usage of language and words, we weave a grid.

(For our discussion), let us describe a grid as a means of holding prisoner to our ideas, along with our personalities. Grids direct energy into a containable, controllable sections and geometries.

We have a discussion upcoming about dimensions and dimensionality. Earth is a realm of multidimensions.

Much of Earth-based consciousness, the formulae and equations designed to curtail, limit, enslave the humans' understanding of dimensions, outside of the primary 5 creating the three density levels.

Usage of language, and the gift of speaking is a dimension. Speaking, word-projected language, has the ability to solidify currently existing notions of dimensions, that there's 3 entire dimensions to The All.

Language has the ability to do the opposite, to unhinge and destabilize the conceptions of dimensions across the human DNA, our basic genetic structure.

As one person takes-in, internalizes the words, linguistic utterances of others,that person (both actually) are transformned, transmuted into a higher vibrational octave. It does not take big, lofty words to make this happen--those tend to come from the head, not the heart. Heart-centered words create the biggest, most signifigant change in a person.

Before exploring the Triangle of the logos, we need to discuss "The Grid." Before explaining how to use a "new grid," we need to consider what has been the "old Grid," and how this has effected our thinking going forward into multi-dimensions.

What is The Grid?

There are multiple types of grids, defining a range of variables. Essentially, the grid is the imposition of a materially-based geometry, designed to establish, maintain linear movement. In general, it is the establishment of corners, squares, points, linear lines, as the easiest manner of accomplishing a task, or a mathematically-related, logical coordination between measurements.

In our society, Western Educational Institutions condition children to believe that the quickest way to travel between two points, is to move in a straight line.

This is a logically plottable, showable straight line This may be true at times, yet, the phrase "straight line" may be deceiving.

A Grid is a clever contrivance used to impose a system of limitations upon the user (the observer); found in many places across society as a whole; represents the "field of play" in many sports, which involve a ball.

In fact, it seems all ball sports need a court, and a grid, with which to measure success. The court is a type of grid itself; imposing physical boundries upon the game, therefore upon the ball.

The Grid in human play, the Grid is the imposition of the square, upon the freedom, and infinity of the sphere. Pool table is a grid. Grid is the preferred operating system, paradigm, in modern society: found in the layout of roads, court (in the game sense), Court (in a legal sense), ball fields, mathematics, scientific systems, upon any facet of living, in which a human needs to be subdued, controlled, or "organized."

The Grid, as commonly referred-to, is based originally upon the Cartesian co-ordinate system, of 3 axes (x, y, z), each with uniform measurements, (for example, one inch, for example.)

Picture graph paper as a grid of the x,y axes, creating squares of uniform measurements, for example of one inch square. This implies equal angles of 90 degrees.

We see, in our example of the graph paper, the Grid is the consistent imposition of measurement (equal , uniform dimensions), upon a tableau, or foundation of material space.

Essentially, Grid is the actualization, formalization of the materialist version of "space."

Plottable co-ordinates are the archetype behind modern understanding of dimensions. Grid is the formal imposition of "space" as a defined material coordinate. If it can not be mapped, it does not exist, in a physical, real sense.

The Grid seeks to justify dimensionality into a uniform system of measurements. Imposition of the Grid is the acceptance of uniformity "in all directions", all presumed directions. It is the acceptance of the Builder's Rule upon directions, measurement and dimensionality.

Grid is the substitution of measurement, in place of dimensions.

Grid is a repeated, easily-replicable pattern which imposes boundries; assumedly, upon a field of action. A Grid will impose a form, the enslavement geometry, in such a way as to set the course of action, for all the interactions which take place upon the tableau off the particular Grid.

Grids keep order and containment without any additional work by the builders. A Grid imposes the geometry of the 'field of action,' in addition to the rules necessary to keeping "all the balls" in 'action.'


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