10 Sept 2021. Session 000.1.12: Speaking My Truth; Language.
Dealing with (the Game of) Language through Mapping, or
Applying Same within Flower Of Life(FOL) & Sacred Geometry Patterns
Written: 17:18 hrs :: 10 Sun., Febru. 2019
Greetings, salutations and message , to all of our family of lightworkers, starseeds, those on the pathway to ascention and Becoming, from the Supreme Council of Light, Source Creator, and the Benevolent Messenger Thoth/Mercury/Hermes, welcome. Namaste.
The above illustration is: Triquetra. This (Sacred Geometry) symbol, of three interwoven vesica pisces, is our working representation of the tangle of language, the yarns we speak-forth, spinning into a woven foundation of our daily lives.
Effectively, spoken (and written) language is the banal, and everyday substance of "getting things done." Our word-power is a speaking-forth into actuality, forth from the imagination of mind. Language, spoken communication has an innate power...yet it may not.
Language might also be used illy, and malevolently by other around us, intending to misdirect us in our pathway, or misinform us, for the purpose of taking our money and resources, or whatever.
The possibility, and probability that language could be used in many ways exists, mainly because language as a tool is inherent in the human genetic structure. Communication is necessicary for the smooth, sane functioning of the human entity. Language, the inherent ability to communicate is given to humans as a tool, yet as a gift, which allows us to expand and grow through its use. We are granted this gift freely, by Prime Creator, so that we may intentionally, consciously, willfully communicate with Source, and receive-back to us an equal communication of inclusion, and acceptance of one's intentions and conscious building blocks of our individuated, specific communication.
As we weave tales, express our stories, express our will, relative to our individual exploits, it is these stories of personal conquest and triumph which fashion the foundations of civilization. This principle of weaving words which creates the further games, interchanges, we all engage with each other. This verbal, communications-based interweving, of one's "knitting into society," is based upon the qualitative "judgements" of all participants, within the given interchange, relative to the rules of the game, as we are currently discussing these.
To Review the previous session: we had introduced the topic of games. Within the working consciousness of individuals, there exists two types of games: the Finite, and the Infinite one. Language, as in interchange between individuals, whether spoken or written, is a proper game.
The purpose of the finite game is to be declared a winner. Angry, hostile, hurt words promote the finite game. Those words intended to "win" conversations, those challanging what another knows, or believes; those intending to "win-over", or convert another, are finite words.
The intention of the Infinite game is to continue the course of play. Perceiving conversations, personal interactions as a field of possibility of reaching The Fun; (a perhaps game of chance, made somewhat magical, as in NOTmundane, or perhaps multi-dimensional...), may be seen as an Infinite game.
Games usually require an operating Grid, or a "board" of some type, to monitor progress. The illustration of the triquetra can be used as the "board" , or the "grid", upon with to map, or plot our territory.
Part of the mission at this point is to introduce the imposition of Sacred Geometry across the functions of one's life.
Eventually, we are arriving at the grid for Quantum Currency. However, before getting there, we need to make a trip into the arena of how to properly "map a sentence", relative to Sacred Geometry of the Triquerta.
Growing up in the 1970 and 80, in school, we students had to learn how to diagram a sentence, based upon the precept of the "tree diagram"-type style of "mapping" a sentence; into its various components: subject, object, verb, adjective, adverb, modifier, noun, etc., etc.
As a child growing-up, I learned this bizarre method of "diagramming sentences". For what? I have no idea. I don't feel this (class work), in the end analysis has made me a better writer, or better able to convey spoken wordage better. (Although this said, its hard to imagine life otherwise, having been exposed to this technique in early schooling.) At any rate, i have forgotten most of it, and do not recall the last time that i used that diagram for anything, except as a comparison, to other systems. As a worthwhile way of examining the language, tree diagrams seem to offer no great insight against the attitude of sarcasm, let us say as an example.
Silence is no longer an option, for me. Time is growing short, ande there's alot of information that is going to be needing, in the very near future. I personally, have been working on many of these concepts and principles involving multi-dimensionality, since I was a teen-ager, and I am now 50 years of age. My own, personal difficulty is speaking to people can not hinder me any more. More importantly, however, the esxtreme difficulty in communicating with people has also given me the proper motivation i need to examinate the language in such a way as i have, to allow these insights to be shared, with the Collective.
We lightworkers have a wave of cosmic, galactic higher frequencies on our side right now. For those who put in the work, and have needed that special window, of inspiration, this is it.
As i step ever-closer to graduation, completing this Quantum Accounting project, I have to download what i know into a way that the average people can benefit. It's a rather Herculean task. As we work through our place, relative to the awakening of the masses, and the ascention as we rachet-up another notch coming-up very quickly. This is a general, and specific deadline, for which the current energy-stream is going to change.
Before getting into the concept of sacred geometry imposed upon our money matrix, it is important to see language presented within the FOL pattern.
This particular subject matter is difficult to nail down, to stay easily on track. In an attempt to understand language better, i have constructed a graph, or grrid of 3 axes, delineating 3 boundries, or dimensions of building communication. As i plug variables (which are statements made by others') into/within the field of this sacred geometry* (*the Triquerta [bull's-eye] Grid, which is, we will say, the most basic of these sacred shapes, the 3 interlocking vesica pisces) , i find myself able to comprehend language and speaking interactions, in a new ight. This may likely not resonate with all people. Yet, there are those most definitely, who will understand and agree with what i am saying.
As a more useful way of diagramming, and evaluating the worth and merit of what comes from the mouths of others, we need a platform upon which we may construct sound, vibrant shelters, and structures, based on mutual understanding of what each party is saying.
There is a push to accomplish this task of presenting the sacred geometry imposed upon the constraints of language, to help clarify what is intended by the interaction.
The game, of this type, is to provide the correct meaningful response, even if the response has no meaning, in the proper sense of meaning.
This is a gift from Source Creator, for this one needing help with navigating the messy bog of human speaking and language. Towards the practicing of an infinite game in your own verbal interactions, towards bringingh the Creative Spirit of the Logs, into your daily interactions.
Finite game. Polarity, polarizing words, argumentative, harsh, hurtful, lower-vibrational words are a finite game, as those vibrational frequencies will be closed shut, permanently. Ones personal use of language should reflect this realization, keeping the general tenor of one's spoken and verbal language interactions on the upbeat, and in the positive wavelengths.
These finite words and statements are those of the lower vibratory regions. As such, we might view these as words of survival, or sex based; the colour range of red and orange. Winner/loser-paradigm words and phrases are of lower vibration, so get rated, or clocked-in at one of the lower frequencies of the game board, the concentric rings.
Infinite words and phrases are those resonating and vibrating in the upper frequency ranges of blue, indigo, purple. Warm, healing words coming from the heart are in the greens-to blue range. People speaking forth these vibrations as a reality in their life, should be evaluated accordingly, in such an environment as this, where we acknowledge this wonderful contribution.
This triquerta is the first prototype of the spoken word graph, based on sacred geometry. It's a good starting point, where most people would understand the weight, and "severity" of what they say. As one can see, there is a number of elements to this graph. The background grid of squares, is not Cartesian, but musical Octave Scale.
We can slowly see that the old-grid "money matrix," grid-of-greed, is a dissolving remnant of the former age. As these currencies collapse, there needs to be another form of currency to take it's place. one NOT based on a finite game, of greed, accumulation, waste, grift, sneaky, shady language-usage. Instead, one based-upon the Infinite game, for the purpose of keeping playing the wonderful fun game... without need to declare winners.
As the directors of what we should do, to have fun; we creators, in forming our own destiny, are wising to have fun, as well as have a currency based on fun, and heart-felt wonderful experiences. Quantum currency is not just about having fun, but having a currency system based upon having fun, and doing well for others around us, to brighten their lives, and forming an economy around doing good things for others. Making money, and earning a living has degenerated to the banal, and most mundane thing we have to do in our day sometimes. This is no fault of our own, the system seems to be rigged this way...or has become canted, and leveredged-out into these bizarre, unfriendly, unhumane manner they have morphed into; thus, not allowing us humans, to live-up to our own unique potentials, which is ultimately worth more to the healthy function ot a healthy society, than when one is held prisoner, anchored to a machine, or some occupation one is ill-suited-for.
Money, the need for currency pervades everything we do. We can not afford to think of our way of making money, the dimension of that space-time we spend in that faraway land of "work", as being separate from the here-and-now, of enjoying the moment. Of, living in the dimension of "here-and-now."
As we move forward into this transition, we are now forced to think in terms of the multi-dimensionality of everything in our lives. This might be easy, or difficult, depending on how dimensionally-strapped, and attached on is to the current material landscape. As the money matrix dissolves, and we are left picking-up and reassembling the neccessary assetts, scattered all around, we need to have a new metaphor, and paradigm, into which we can reassemble the shifting remains.
Befrore discussing the NEW money grid, and the intricacies of this, Source is giving me the assignment of explaining the interaction of sacred geometry as applied to spoken interactions, which build communications of ideas...either negatively, or positively-aligned. Langage as weaving a spoken web, as expressed through the triquerta, is seen as a motive force, in one's personal, and inter-personal collective evolution.
Before people can evolve in our thinking and actions, we need to see the potential for new ground. It is my firmly held belief that we need to know what the potential is. It seems to be akin to having a deadline. Seeing an alternative potential resolution, or outcome, may trigger other to see still other potential outcomes.
In an attempt to help me work through my issues with this chore of speaking to others, i have compiled a graphic technique, or protocol, plotting "coordinate"-type system of quanta-fying the dialog of a person, on a person-to-person basis.
This graph, or Triquerta Grid of Speech allows me to "plot" on here any dialog between two parties, who are having a discussion. Seeing the 3 Dimensions of speech as a way to build a foundation of communication with other speakers; through seeing the 3 sides, or dimensions of speech as a triangle, I am more fully able to "see" what people are saying. The 3 interlocking vesica pisces of this graph, allows for the quanta-fication of language. Through the Triquerta Graphing protocol, language may become a resonator-based currency.
How does one use this "board" to "graph", or otherwise map language?
First, let us define our terms: Meaning, Gesture, Rhetoric. These may be seen as the basic dimensions of language, or spoken communication. Each of these concepts represent "legs" of a triangle, which form the "boundry" of our hypothetical conversation.
As we have discussed elsewhere, the dimensions of the Original Builders, in constructing the (former, Cartesian) Grid, used the principles of Plum, Level, Flush to create the key-code of 90 degree angles, across the reality of society. Plum, level, flush gets into the discussion on "The Grid", in general. As such, this is simply an introduction to the concept of sublimating one overarching dimension, for other "lesser" dimensions--for the stated sake and intention of simplifying, or ease of operation.
In the traditional builder's Grid, all measurements are based-upon a presumed 90^-to-square. It is presumed that "square," is correct, preferred; wherein three 90^'s are affixed, or aligned to P-L-F, are further presented as "perfectly-justified", or "perfectly-bound". That which is "justified", is thus, as it has be agreed-to through justice, as bound-to, or bound-by, law. In other words, "making things square" is the legal justification requiring a "rule of law." Whomever holds the power and force, creates the rule, by which the law is thusly justified.
The imposition of these three dimension, upon the evolution of society, has left the growth of the collective stunted, due to the negatory-effect of sharp angles upon the energies moving through these parameters.
Grids, graphs, based upon the 90^ conceptual system, invites the same sharp divisions among ideas, along with a built-in polarizing effect upon the energy, therefore upon words we use to express our ideas. As a working principle, reducing the usage of the 90^, is a preferable course of action.