Joy, truely-deeply felt happiness and contentment, does not arrive until the pain, hurt, sorrow are gone.
There are essentially two classes of pain: that which might heal, eventually.
Then, there is pain which does not heal. This could be physical, or mental/emotional/causal/astral/etc.
“Pain is the touchstone to all spiritual development,” said first Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. How true, how true...
When the pain gets to be too severe, then we seek supernatural help, is another way to put this.
Humans are a species beleagured by all manner of pains, hurts, sores, bitterness, and all manner of 'ouchies.' Same feeling-set that can cause pleasure, also will give pain.
Hurt people hurt people.
When one feels little but sorrow, hurt, pain all day long, there is little joy that can be felt, living as a human, ego-body suits, of isolation; when one feels the darkest densities, there is little happiness being emoted by the individual.
It can be difficult to heal, as a human, when the only avenue available are the words.
Words can help...but they are only based upon a lexicon, which is a shared vocabulary. In other words, we need to both have gone through the same basic external forces, which caused the hurt in the first place. In all reality, only the one(s) who inflicted the pain can take then away.
When we are abused, we don't stop loving the abuser, we stop loving ourselves.
Where does one go when the pain gets to be so great, that the only possible solution seems to be oblivion?
The joy does not come, until the pain stops hurting.
What happens when it is such, that the cause of the pain is invisible... or no longer living?
Who can we forgive, when that loved one who damaged us so, is now gone?
As more and more of our family, and friends' bodies fail, due to the changing nature of the celestial and terran harmonics, and the respondant dna is unable to adjust, these folks transition into the etheric and spiritual realms, and then stick around in the spirit form, to guide us in our journey.
Humans are spiritually integrating with those who have gone before us, and now reside in spirit form.
The human form is essentially like a series of nested dolls, or layers, such as an onion, where each successive density outwards into the environment, is a dimensionally-denser variant of the physical shell/vessel.
Your physical body is a tanquard, as it were, that also contains increasingly dense bundles of energy, which accumulate as your chakras, also called the meridian system.
Within this self-aware shell, the intelligent body, you have centers of energy, interdimensional portals of transmission with various “external densities”, which is the astral, and etheric realms; to include the local Heaven of the Eternal Forest, the abode of the Angels; the realms of Nirvana, and Shambhalla, and onwards out to infinity.
With the Greatest of missings of this, do I humbly offer this for your consideration.
You, within you, the physical shell, is the nexus points of all the dimensions.
Humans are receptors of any number of external, dimensional signals.
Or not.
You could be a turd, simply put.
It's completely by your choice however.
Hurt people hurt people. While it may not be your fault that you were abused, it is your choice to deal with it, stop hiding from it, and find a way to talk through about the damage.
A portion of language IS the emoting, or physical release of the emotions.
Feelings are what your hold, emotions are what, and how you give these out. Our emotions are collective; the astral/emotional/intuitive/phsychic/ etheric/causal bodies act through the open exchange of emotional and spiritual energy. Through talking, it's the most common way to release these accumulated densities.
Dance is another way of releasing, so to is yoga, or stretching in general. Movement which allows one to release, is a spiritual experience, and a cathartic release, which can do an equal job to the talking, often-enough.
7.8 Hertz is not Earth's heartbeat. Yes, Gaia is a living planet; she does indeed have a heartbeat, which is the telluric currents running within her bowels. Yes, we can all accept the telluric activity as a heartbeat of sorts; yet this Schumann resonance base harmonic of 7.8 Hertz, is not the Earth's heartbeat.
The heartbeat of the planet is internal to the planet, and acts as the driving force of the “lower DC circuit.”
Schumann resonances happen within the atmosphere, as a function of the AC circuit, which we hurt beings are embedded within.
Precious little of the time we run-around in our day, do we spend either grounding-in to the planet our energies, much less our appreciation, for all that she does, and all that she provides. Without the planet's over-zealous forgiveness of our species, are we allowed to proliferate.
Yet, this is now a huge time of change. The is not the Ascension...before the Harvest time. Harvest is the closing of the Great Year, known as the Grand Accounting, clearing out the lowest densities, to see what is still real, and authentic.
This is the clearing out of the lowest densities, of the orthodoxy of “3D”.
Heaven is not coming down to us.
Heaven is unable to lower its resonance any lower, to allow Itself to simply forgive and forget the thousands of years of fuckery, which has been imposed upon the human species.
It's not the fault of y/our dna which allows for all manner of fuckery among the populace, yet, still be forgiven by the living planet.
“awakening” means that your disconnected 12-strand dna is being stitched back together, one painful memory released at a time.
We resonate at the frequency of the most painful experience we will not let go.
The harmonic of 7.8 is the first of a series of atmospheric harmonics, which act in unison. 7.8 is not some kind of “offing” from the planet, electromagnetically. The heartbeat, is an isolated field, as part of the lower DC circuit, which is Earth-ground.
This first harmonic operates at the frequency of fear. Fear itself operates up to 8 (maybe 9 on a bad day) Hertz, by itself. Your root, first, chakra, the red one, optimally burns at 10 Hertz. Yet, your root, can be 'burning' dimmer than that, with a weaker frequency, which gets held intact at 8-ish Hertz.
Without grounding, your lowest center is magnetically drawn to this lowest frequency of 7.8.
Bursts of Amplitude do not indicate a rising of the Schumann resonances. These harmonics are intact at these frequencies, and are not going to be rising. They are kinda-elasticky, wanting to return back to a balance state after the lightning rings the atmosphere.
Schumann resonances are not rising, and they are not for you. You need to ground-out these energies into the planet herself, to stop your headaches, and the ringing, and whatever other symptoms you feel that “The Schumann” is doing to you.
I can show you that the principles of piezo-electrics, and magnetic induction acting on the inner ear will result in a ringing sensation, or vertigo. The atmospheric electromagnetics conceivably could cause you a sinus headache, or sinus issue due to the piezo-electrics ringing your pineal gland.
Other headaches, outside of the frontal area, would not be the purview of the Schumann resonances.
Lack of grounding is the first problem that people have in general, on a number of levels. As a conduit, your body reacts to the environment around it. Your crystals will vibrate in a sympathetic resonance with the atmospheric resonances.
As this acts on your body, it releases traumas, hurts, and a lot of crappy emotions, that you need to ground. You can not hold onto these pains, and emotional scars, and expect that there is going to be any growth, or elevation; either to yourself, or the collective at large.
Schumann resonances are here as a product of the planet's clearing out its lowest densities, through a form of gravitational attraction.
You can choose to release these energies, or you can hold on to it all, and suffer the consequences.
The first primary rule of learning the Schumann Resonances is to understand the local conditions. This includes of the observer him/herself. You are the center of your Universe, not Tomsk, Russia, nor Cumiana, Italy. But right there, where you are. Wherever you go, there you are.
You are responsible for clearing your own energies, and releasing these lowest of energies which get held intact in the body, within one of the portal centers.
These are blockages which must be released, in order for the joy to come in, to replace these damaged parts.
The Earth loves us, she cares for us, she always has. Humans have a lot of potential, yet also some highly imbalanced ways about us, which seem to only be corrected through periodic decimation.
This seems to be the way.
Yet, you don't have to be a turd. You can chose to willfully give of your energies the best you can, towards helping the collective clearing that is going-on behind the scenes. If you do not have a loving Higher Power, or Creator concept, now might be the time to consider finding one.
You can offer of our time to those who have less than you, and who feel worse than you.
There are those who have lost everything, but still carry-on, and want to keep living. Life finds a way on this wonderful planet.
We may not physically be able to do much with our physical bodies, for whatever the reason, but your intention itself, carried-forth by the carrier wave of love which emotes forth from the heart, does indeed have a charge to it. With practice, your emotional, etheric, astral, spiritual bodies emote forth energies,
This wonderful process is the trade-off of being born deaf, dumb, blind, under the veil of Maya, forgetting what our true potential is, and can be.
The physical shell is but one dimension, in amongst all the various dimensional densities, which comprise the human entity. Who and what you are is very complex, and stretches-out vastly, in other dimensions of spirit, and mind, and or “elsewhere.”
Yet, it is all held perhaps meaninglessly in the empty space of the head, which is, itself, devoid of feelings. A human person might actually live a life, devoid of feelings for others, in such a way that it would impede their willingness to act, on behalf of others. Some choose to stay in the way, and don't want to move.
This is fine. It's all choice. There are those who will be coming-to, much later down the road.
It can take great act of will to forgive, to allow another “one more” change. Forgiveness goes far, yet, there can also be a point of needing to let go, for self-preservation. This is acceptable, and becomes necessary.
Letting go of others who will not change, is more of the clearing of the densities which must take place.
The harmonics of the Schumann-series are not rising. This portion of the program is the Harvest-time.
There is no joy, no heaven, until we clear out all the ballast, individually, collectively; in order to be free of the dead-weight holding us in place.
Which brings me back full-circle to where I am as I post this. The pain being replaced by joy. This post has gone longer than I originally had intended, but my Guides are with me, directing what I should write. I am a part of what's going on as well. It's not randomness which put me in this place.
My Soul Contract was completed, officially last year.
This part here is the “extra credit.”
Often enough, the work a person has left to do within an incarnation is different from what the one thought it would be, going into a project.
The work is not done.
How many people here really, truly know how to read the graphs, and charts, and distill this information down to the individual. Not many; the ones that do know publish research papers about it. You need to find them...and where does one even begin to do that?
It's not just enough to have a purpose. One needs to be appreciated for their time, and the efforts, of it becomes overwhelming, to the one. This is a principle of the materiality of the world, the consumption of physical resources.
I do this work because it's my Mission to give this to you as clearly and straightforwards, as the language permits. Thank you's are nice, and appreciated, but I don't expect them, really, deep down.
What makes this worthwhile is to have people say to me,”thank you for presenting the information in such a way—I would never have thought of it, but now it makes so much more sense.”
Those words, or something along the line goes straight up the pole to God Himself. Words but fail to explain what that means.
At this point in my life, I've outlived many things which should have done me in. I'm sorta on borrowed time...except Death doesn't want me until I'm done with the mission.
But time runs, and runs short for us all, at this point.
The constant pains of the scars from the wreckage of my past are daily reminders that time is ticking. We really truly do not know how much time we each have individually. Chances are, it's a lot less than you think it is.
Doing this work here is my manner of public service, on my best days.
Some days it can be tough wanting to get out of bed in the morning. Maybe spending 5 hours in bed asking God to please help is not such a bad thing.
It's when I come here to see the precious few who have actually gotten something from the posts, and what We are trying to illustrate upon your pathway, as we move through this rather uncertain, shakey ground these days.
I forget that on my best of days, that I have a direct line to Source, and give the messages that no one is going to be able to, simply because most have not dedicated, and re-dedicated themselves to the Service at hand. I gave my promise before I incarnated that I would do my best.
There were many of us who took this oath upon incarnating into the vessel, simply: I will do my best.
That's all anyone can ask of you, do your best in the moment.
Don't let the lower densities rule your thinking for you, because you are not consciously watching your vibrational levels. Perhaps you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Stop what you're doing. Take care of the need. Your problem will still be there when you're done... but a careless word said to another at the wrong time, will cause immediate and much longer lasting results, then the time it would have taken you to eat, if you're hungry.
Or to take a nap if you're tired.
The time that you waste pushing on when you're exhausted, will not be any kind of savings if you crash your car. This is my own personal experience, which comes with a heavy price for that lesson.
Blessings are free. Lessons come with a cost.
That 'still, small voice in your heart' will come with a blessing, if you listen to it. When one does not listen, nor acts upon the suggestions of the still, small voice which stands knocking at the door of your heart; if not, then the outcome is a lesson.
Be a good steward of the feelings of others. The emotions / feelings are the number one thing we signed-up for, in occupying this vessel, in the human domain of third Earth density construct. Pay it forwards.. it's better to be rewarded with a blessing, than to have to pay for a lesson.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for your time.
Do well, be well.