09- 12 Feb2021. Telluric Currents_ Earth's Heartbeat, Part 1. Forward and Preface : Schumannism, Religion of the Schumann Resonances.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for the time you are investing in learning what is going on.
I write alot. I move as I am directed by my Guides.
For those inerested, I made a lengthy post on my Guides, as to that which is is that directs my pathway.
One of the most recurrant issues is the recurring narritive of "Earth's heartbeat." As a HUGE part of why many people found their way here, the notion of Gaia's heartbeat comes up.
I would like to take the opportunity to address the idea of the "Heartbeat of the planet."
First, it's important for one to realize the planet is a living entity, and may, in fact, actually possess a "pulse" or a heartbeat. It's been going-on for too long that the masses have treated Earth like a dead ball of rocks.
The living spirit, or will of the planet Herself we might call Gaia. All humans are created of the very material of Earth Herself.
This is how DNA works: It is a code that gets actualize, utilized, potentiated based on the raw materials available in the immediate environment. Proteins and sugars, amino acids, are the simple building blocks that compromise the 92% probability which comprise the world which third density considers "matter", or "solid".
These are potentials, and possibilities of existence. "Life" and existence is such through the will, of the act to keep the wave of potential operating as it has always been acting.
If this concept can be gotten past, the next thing is to get a clear understanding of what this means.
I read alot. Most technical journals, and research papers; but also comments and posts.
As I read through the geophysics journals, to understand the studied process; I am familiar with the technical, scientific understanding of the phenomena of the Schumann Resonances, as atmospheric harmonics.
Yet, how important is the actual data?
Humans are given free will to make their own decisions. Folks can choose to believe what they will, for themselves; based on the evidence of their senses. Logic is one more sense. The most common of the senses is the ability to make our selves believe what we want.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Likewise, lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think.
Belief itself, holds an inherent power. If one believes something deeply enough, this makes it a fact.
"Be open."
This is one of the constraints to this space.
This hurdle applies equally to me.
Be open. How to I approach this contradiction with an open mind?
There is an inherent power to belief itself.
So, even though the proper technical, and scientific definition for the Schumann resonances is that it is a series of atmospheric harmonics from 7.8 - 46 Hertz, caused by lightning;
the greater fact remains that the other narrative of "7.8 Hz = Gaia's heartbeat" is still alive, and well, as a persistent belief-accepted-as-fact.
The job here is to explain technically, how the SR actually works, and how the antennae pick-up signals, and report them, eventually, to us. This is my number one goal here, to explain technically how this all works,
There is the true, scientific explaination of things at work, yet it's only a theory, or a hyposthesis.
True scientists are those who talk in terms of probability and possibility, not facts, not laws.
Although, there is at some point a discussion of what is accepted as a fact, the greater reality of scientism is that the experiment needs to be repeatable. Conditions need to be consistent. Yet, the institution of science as an academic pursuit, realizes the observer colors, and changes the outcome of the experiment.
That is this group, and the discussion on the SR in general. This is a melting pot, an amalgam of science, with the actual work, and research that the established institution has to has provided, in plenty; along with intuition, wishful thinking, increased psychic, acivity; in addition to awakening genetics, as folks are able to let go of, and clear out the lowest densities.
Spiritually, this IS the Front Line; the etheric DMZ of the Ascension Age.
So here I am, we are, this discussion is: at the frontline of the current state of geophysics, along with physics in general, Earth siciences, etc; with the intersecion of the solar system as an entity evolving...not just Earth school;
discussing the meaning of the Schumann Resonances.
I agree there's plenty to this that I am unable to explain to you. There's also much of this that may not actually matter, towards your ascension, if this is why you are here.
Regardless of the factual data, and the technically perfect explanations of this phenomena, it does not matter.
You still have clearing, and etheric cleaning you need to go through. Many still have the so-called "dark night of the soul" that has to happen. Some are just starting to go through this now.
If one holds onto the Schumannist version of the experience, of the "rising frequencies"bitl itt does not matter either, as you have density clearing to go through, exactly the same. It is a common human condition, which all being need to go through, as far as I have beem told.
These lowest frequencies held intact by the Schumann Resonances are here as a condition of the planet, and your physical person. These are density clearing energies, not Ascension anergies.
That said, clear the lowest densities, get the ascension you so desire. This is my personal, actual experiences.
Yet, this is all open to free will.
Believe as you see fit.
In the Schumann Resonance material, there are two narratives. There is the scientific understanding that earth's heartbat is the telluric currents of the global electric circuit; as well as the fact that the schumann resonances themselves are created and operate in a cavity between earth ground, and the ionosphere. Schumann resonances are a series of harmonics, of the environmental electromagnetic field of the atmosphere; the waves of which propagate forth, to interfere with themselves, to create standing waves.
Then, there is an alternate narrative of Schumannism that claims that Earth's vibrations emenate forth a schumann resonance of 7.8 hertz, which represents the heartbeat of the living planet; As such, since Gaia is increasing here frequency, this "heartbeat" is also going to be increasing; Subsequently, these individuals present Spikes of Amplitude and Interesting" patterns on the spectrograms which could be environmental influences, machine glitches, earthquake precursors, solar forcing, local interferences, etc., as solid evidence that Gaia's frequency is "rising.".
Both these narratives can not be simultaneously correct...can they ?
Which is correct?
Should i care ... why does this matter ... can't we all just think positively, then just magically ascend out of a need to care about such trivialities?
Why does it matter to me that there are two competing narratives, vying for your time and attention?
Could one have these two competing concepts in the head simultaneously, yet, not also hold confusion simultaneously. as well?
Would this confusion then cause you to lash-out at me; accusing me of misleading you, and everyone here?
I don't know...could be...
The problem comes when one has to validate, factualy, the objective, collective, reality of the Schumann Resonances.
What are Schumann resonances?
And... what is the Earth's heartbeat?
If this was an actual, scientific fact, we would find research papers that support a narrative that earth's geo-electric circuit/field radiates-out into that atomsphere.
Yet research does not support this, as factual. Telling me my ego needs to be put in check, does not resolve this glaring void of factual evidence to support this mystic claim.
Research finds that Earth's electric grid sends our an electric eignal into the atmosphere, upon seismic activity. Otherwise, earth's electric field remains intact along the "leyline" system of electron-transportation.
Seismo-electromagnetism is the term used these days.
Earth herself, is insulated from the ionosphere, from the insulating cavity of the air itself, the immediate atmosphere we live within. Earth's DC circuit contains this electric grid within herself, due to the dynamics of the atmosphere, acting as an insulating cavity.
I read through the Geophysics journals, with actual research, by people who get paid to research such things. There is a simple joy in reading the scientific literature, for the sake of knowing with the research literature states.
I know what the Science says; and it's my job here to express this as clearly as possible.
I know there is more, There is layers of this that you are not quite ready for.
Yet the real reality of what's happening is far more exciting than the false narrative, of the "7.8Hz Harmonic earthbeat".
To me, this is the real problem with holding on to a false narrative, is that you miss the opportunity for something much more fabulous and fantastic that awaits.
This post is part one of two. I do alot of writing for this group, in part because I have studied alot, and want to present to you what I have found out, and I do ALOT of reading, daily; yet also because time is running short, at this point.
In general, no one know how many days are afforded to him, or here. I would maintain that you can ask your Guides how much time you have on this planet, yet, they will tell you it's not as much time as you think it is.
Assuming a short life is a better option than planning for things never to appear, in my opinion.
Hopefully, If I post enough stuff, when eventually I'm no longer here, the contributions will still be here, where you can look over as you have the time and inclinations.
It is as an act of love, of the Universe, that in the times of much confusin, that one is provided to help make clear, and bring to light, that which was baffelling.
I am here in this position as a emissary of Prime Source, and the Council, of which I have served elsewise, and to which I shall return, once the mission here is complete.
Before this, there is much work to do, and the workers are few.
Many people have come here wih the belief that Schumann Resonances "ARE" the Earth's heartbeat function. This is not supported by factual reality.
It's wonderful to understand that the Earth is alive, and living and has a heartbeat. As a living being Earth would also breathe.
Schumann Resonances would be equal to the breathing, or respiration function of a living thing. If Gaia is truly living, why would one deny her the ability to breathe...I don't get this.
It is a fanatical religious belief that folks like to cling to that a 7.8 Hertz Harmonic is a "heartbeat." We are not here to evaluate belief systems. This is not what this group was started to do; Yet, ...
There is a HUGE chunk of the rhetoric on Schumann Resonances that is based on more illusion--yet, wanting to be passed-off as a scientific fact.
Belief is not the problem. Having belief is not the problem. There is a power in simly believing something; it doesn't need to be true.
There is an inherent power in belief itself. The Schumann Resonances is the form of another power altogether differently.
Please, don't hold onto a belief as a scientific fact. Or, perhaps accept you belief doesn't neet to be factual. Or, maybe accept this is a world of illusion, and that ultimately, nothing is as important as what you make it to be.
I have been here long-enough to have understood the process of making something a religion, or Higher Power. Jesus was an amazing human being, yet, he get crucified, then turned-into a demi-god who was more than human, after he left.
Same thing with Schumann. In his life, he was a simple, humble professor of Physics. He borrowed from the work of others, and invented an antenna to measure these emf resonances in 1952. Professor Schumann failed at first. Eventually he succeeded in measuring what is close-to the first harmonic; the one which most-commonly bears his name.
Because He and Konig first found the first atmospheric resonance, with the assistence of an antenna; these atmospheric resonances bear his name. After his death in 1976, Schumann would be used as a name for this phenomena.
Schumann's name would be invoked decades later. In pursuit of a connection between collective consciousness and a presumed "rising of Gaia's frequency"-along with some assumed factuoids; creates this amalgam between religion, spirituality, science, and myhos called by code, "The Schumann".
"The Schumann" is a confusionary term with a meaning somewhere between the actual harmonic resonances of the atmosphere; the spectrographic meter reading from Tomsk State University; ALL amplitude reading of every VLF and SR graphic representations; along with the mythos of a rising core frequency of the planet itself. I think there's more elements that get squeezed-into the metaphysical clown car of this belief system.
Professor Winifred Schumann is now a Patron Sait of this new religion, which takes the name of his research, and throws it out, in place of Ascension-seekers ignorage of science in general, Earth Sciences specifically.
Metaphysics is essentially the Divine union between the Material Science with the Divine principle, essentially the Science of the Creator, as manifested in the third density form.
My assignment otherwise is a Etheric Technician. It's my job and in my training that I take this complicated stuff, and breeak it down into common, everyday language, fairly easy to digest.
There is a meaningless rhetoric to this that taints the good information. In a clear understanding of the processes of the SR, we are dealing with the lowest of the low energy. These are not "Ascension". The lowest of the low, as measured by the Schumann antenna is (0.3-46 Hz), That is it.
Energies on the spectrum beyond this, does not get measured by Schumann antenna.
The name itself, constrains you to 0.3-~46 Hz.
If you want to see, and talk about higher energies, find another name to use, than Schumann.
I'm not in charge of this, but why are you barking up the wrong tree?
That dog still don't hunt.
Gamma and X-rays are way beyond the range of energies measured by the Schumann antenna. It is this simple.
The discussion is not whether-or-not these are coming in, merely whether or not they are measured by Schumann antenna.
"5D" is a meaningless term.
"Ascension energies" is a meaningless term.
"5D Gamma incoming white light" is meaningless.
"whiteout" is another meaningless term, relative to properly understanding the actual resonances.
Why do I care to address this myth of Schumannism?
You can't ascend out of believing that a lie is true.
Because, you can ascend fine without knowing anything about the Schumann information. Schumann resonances are not rising, although you might be, if you release attachment to the lowest densities: Fear, Anger, Hurt, Hatred, Despair, Guilt, Shame...suspicion.
These emotional resonances are what is holding back a person.
Much of the problem with Schumannism is that people feel that they they can maybe float out of their problems. Source will have your understand otherwise.
Schumann resonances are not the heartbeat, and are not going to be rising. They are fixed. Personally, I do not care that you believe this is a fact...but it's my unenviable task to dissuade you from this incorrect notion. If you hold a belief as such, it's one thing; yet, to be lost and hold one to more illusion as the truth, is a huge problem.
If you are basing a belief system on an assumed fact, yet that fact is not the truth you believe it is, then you really can not grow/ascend any further than this. This is being stuck. Awakening happens once you realize the lies you hold onto, which resonate at these lowest of the low frequency, of the SR.
The truth does not hurt. Having the lies we have told ourselves, held as fact, which get ripped away is what hurts. Having a false sense of security knocked-down, is visceral and tangible.
Some seem to think I'm misleading you...when I am only trying to explain the science and the technology here. If the truth has not set you free, you are in trouble, truly, as I have nowhere else to lead you, then helping you see the dellusions you operate under. I otherwise do not have a personal stake in this. My motivation here to to explain the SR, and all that goes along with it. It is extra, super-nice if you have acually learned something from all of my work.
It's kinda sad that you require someone to lead you, and are looking the the Technician to lead you in your path in life...as if i have somewhere to take you.
I have alot of research, and peer-review papers to lead you to. I have what is actually real to lead you to.
Once you know the real reality, you can be your own leader, and stop accusing me of "misleading you."
Lead yourself. I'm here simply to explain how the technology properly works.
This is ordained by the Universe. You need to see and hear the truth; from an unbiased source. I persoanlly don't care what you believe, I'm here to explain properly how the technology works, so that you don't confuse a science with a belief.
You are free to accept this or not.
Telluric currents are natural phenomena in the Earth or its bodies of water. The strongest electric currents are related to lightning phenomena or space weather.
Lightning helps to move along streams of electricity. electromagnetism. Lightning discharge, as we have seen, is the progenitor, or initiator to Schumann resonances.
Schumann Resonances are a series of atmospheric harmonics which oscillate at a fairly stable resonant frequency.
A word on frequency: This is another of those mis-used concepts / words.
Frequency, properly means "cycles per second", or how often a "peak event" occurs. Waves are measured in frequency units called Hertz (--named after a German scientist.) In the true sense, frequency properly is horizontal radiation as a coherent wave, in the sense of ocean waves, or sound waves propagating. These radiate linearly, depending on the starting point.
Another sense of frequency is the speed, or relative velocity; such as the Amplitude spikes. Velocity is a straignt-line vector measurement. Over a given time period the "intensity" remains constant, or a fixed change in the "speed" or velocity.
Schumann Resonances originate as lightning discharges, proceding to radiate forth initially as a plasma-type package; electrons more in a free-floating state become released as a high-charge state, the high voltage from the ionosphere, released as a "column" which spreads-out, ionising the amosphere, joining molecularly with the nitrogen and oxygen in the atmsphere.
Eventually, one might picture this "column" as falling down, or degrading into the magnetics portion of the program.
As the plasma combines with the atmosphere, creating ozone in the process, there is now a "mass" of sorts, to assist in this "knocking-down" into the magnetics, which start to propagate as coherent waves. These coherent waves start then bouncing between the ionosphere and the Earth ground, as waves, which are measured in the pico-Tesla scale (-15 places before 0).
As these waves propage forth, those are the horizonal frequency of Quality. The Frequency reading of the Tomsk graph is a reading of the peak-to-peak length, in Kilometers, or some portion of that linear measuremen scale.
We went from the vertical frequency, of Amplitude, which is not properly a Hertz, peak-to-peak reading on the meter, or vertical speed is an intensity, measured as deci-Bels on the Schumann meters.
Then there is a resonant frequency. A responance is a harmonic that is created by waves which thrash into each other to resolve into relatively-stable frequencies. Resonances are interferences that "hum", or oscillate in place. These do not roll, nor propagate like the magnetics which circle globe, to eventually form the Schumann resonances.
The "frequency" of the Resonances remains stable, due to the constraints of the constants of the speed of light, and the size and shape of the waveguide caviy.
Schumann Resonances operate within the cavity between the ionosphere and the Earth Ground. Electric charge is exchanged between the ionosphere and the Earth ground.
The magnetosphere-ionosphere combination is the upper DC circuit; which serves as a capacitor.
The ionosphere, as above-noted acts as a capacitor. In combination with the magnetosphere, it holds onto the high voltage charge, delivered through the interplanetary magnetic link. The ionosphere is the upper DC circuit.
Under the right conditions, the capacitor releases its charge through the cavity of the atmosphere, which normally insulates the upper DC from the lower DC circuits. The "right condition" essentially is a lightning discharge.
It is the insulating cavity between the two DC circuits, which is the "waveguide" of the Schumann Resonances, This cavity is the AC (Alternating Current) circuit of the global electric circuit.
Schumann resonances are created by the bouncing waves within the AC circuit of the atmosphere; which continuously bump into each other, which resolve into the series of harmonics: 7.8 ; 14.1 ; 20.7 ; 27 ; 33 ; 40 ; 46 Hertz.
The Heartbeat function of the global electric circuit is an integral part of the telluric process.
It is a common misunderstanding that Schumann Resonances is literally showing earth's heartbeat, ans hisw is factually, technically incorrect. As I have been repeatedly showing, the atmospheric resonances are radio stations created by the broadcasting of lightning discharges. Schumann Resonances are echoes of lightning spikes.
Earth's ground currents are the telluric system which conveys "nervous information" from the atmosphere to the planet herself. The electrics of the Earth ground circuit are the heartbeat, and nervous functions, of the planet.
The following article explains in more detail how electric currents transmit through the planet hereself.
The following is a rather lengthy article; yet it's only a portion of the original.
I realize alot of people don't like to do alot of reading.
It takes time and effort to read, and who has that, really?
Hopefully, you dont feel as if I have wasted you time in explaining what actually is "Earth's Heartbeat".
If the one thing you learn here is that Schumann resonances are NOT the heartbeat of the planet, then this will have been worth all the difficulty.
Earth electricity: a review of mechanisms which cause telluric currents in the lithosphere
Daniel S. Helman
California State University Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences, Long Beach, CA, United States
Thanks for this post. And this website is easy to use. Bonni