08 Sept 2022. Earthquake Prediction At Cumiana, Italy; Along with seismic-emf, acoustic wave precursors.
The report from Tomsk seems to be stuck. No update for the past 24 hours. It seems appropriate that we look at our next meter down the line, the one from Cumiana, Italy
The following extracts of research papers is some of the numerous papers I recieve in my inbox, regarding earthquake prediction precursors.
In all honesty, there's too much research in this field for me to continually update you regularly. I do like to periodically review the topic on fb, or the YT channel, for what's new, and what might be new-to-you. Frequently, the graphs from Tomsk get interchanged with the VLF monitoring from Cumiana. It's important to be able to tell the difference between the two operating protocols of both.
There's 3 research papers which cover the same arena, Earth-quake pre-cursor detection, but from different perspectives. The keen observer will notice that the dates of the research is not new. This science has been out for over 20 years.
Detection of the Schumann resonances is a distinct field from monitoring VLF signals precursing an EQ event. Schumann resonances properly gets measured using the Modes system of tracking the harmonics of the frequency resonances. A much stronger, higher Intensity signal is generated in the electric-side field of VLF activity, over and above the very subtle Schumann Resonances circuit.
To my mind, it's more important for society to spend time monitoring for Earthquakes, rather than the subtler hum of the Schumann Resonances radio station. Tomsk does not seem to feature seisimic activity, so it's fine that they can gear their resources in the research of SR.
Highly-seismic active areas feature a different relationship with Schumann resonances than geologically-stable areas.
Remember: resonances are standing waves. They do not propagate, nor travel around the globe. SR occurs all around the world, but not with a uniform intensity or amplitude. Resonances are standing waves, with oscillate, or hum, in place.
This is simply an introduction to the topic of low frequency emissions attending seismic activity. This is not measuring the atmospheric electro-magnetics that come from lightning, which create the Schumann Resonances. The Amplitude/electric-side channels accompanying seismic activity is much more intense than that which accompanies the SR. Cumiana VLF station, for example, measures up to 15,000Hz,
This is mainly an introduction into this topic, for those who may not have come across the concept that EQ activity generates geo-electricity. Towards understanding associated atmospheric electromagnetics.
"Spectrum of the seismic-electromagnetic and acoustic waves caused by seismic and volcano activity," by S. Koshevaya; [Published: 2 February 2005 (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (2005) 5: 203–209).]
"Modeling of the spectrum of the seismo-electromagnetic and acoustic waves, caused by seismic and volcanic activity, has been done.
"This spectrum includes the Electromagnetic Emission (EME, due to fracturing piezo-electrics in rocks) and the Acoustic Emission (AE, caused by the excitation and the non-linear passage of acoustic waves through the Earth’s crust, the atmosphere, and the iono-sphere).
"The investigated mechanism of the EME uses the model of fracturing and the crack motion.
"For its analysis, we consider a piezoelectric crystal under mechanical stresses, which cause the uniform crack motion, and, consequently, in the vicinity of the moving crack also cause non-stationary polarization currents.
"A possible spectrum of EME has been estimated. The underground fractures produce Very Low(VLF) and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) acoustic waves,while the acoustic waves at higher frequencies present high losses and, on the Earth’s surface, they are quite small and are not registered.
"The VLF acoustic wave is subject to non-linearity under passage through the lithosphere that leads to the generation of higher harmonics and also frequency down-conversion, namely, increasing the ELF acoustic componenton the Earth’s surface.
"In turn, a non-linear propagation of ELF acoustic wave in the atmosphere and the ionosphere leads to emerging the ultra low frequency (ULF) acousto-gravity waves in the ionosphere and possible local excitation of plasma waves."
Source: ( https://www.academia.edu/28179633/Spectrum_of_the_seismic_electromagnetic_and_acoustic_waves_caused_by_seismic_and_volcano_activity?email_work_card=view-paper )
"Pre-earthquake signals: Underlying physical processes," by Friedmann Freund; [Published online: 09 April 2010 (Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41 (2011) 383–400).]
"Prior to large earthquakes the Earth sends out transient signals, sometimes strong, more often subtle and fleeting.
"These signals may consist of local magnetic field variations, electromagnetic emissions over a wide range of frequencies, a variety of atmospheric and ionospheric phenomena.
"Great uncertainty exists as to the nature of the processes that could produce such signals, both inside the Earth’s crust and at the surface.
"The absence of a comprehensive physical mechanism has led to a patchwork of explanations, which are not internally consistent.
"The recognition that most crustal rocks contain dormant electronic charge carriers in the form of peroxy defects, O3Si/OO\SiO3, holds the key to a deeper understanding of these pre-earthquake signals from a solid state physics perspective.
"When rocks are stressed, peroxy links break, releasing electronic charge carriers, h-, known as positive holes.
"The positive holes are highly mobile and can flow out of the stressed subvolume.
"The situation is similar to that in a battery. The h- outflow is possible when the battery circuit closes.
"The h- outflow constitutes an electric current, whichgenerates magnetic field variations and low frequency EM emissions.
"When the positive holes arrive at the Earth’s surface, they lead to ionization of air at the ground–air interface.
"Under certain conditions corona discharges occur, which cause RF emission.
"The upward expansion of ionized air may be the reason for perturbations in the ionosphere.
"Recombination of h- charge carriers at the surface leads to a spectroscopically distinct, non-thermal IR emission."
Source: ( https://www.academia.edu/29699873/Pre_earthquake_signals_Underlying_physical_processes?email_work_card=view-paper )
"Seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary," by H. G. Silva, M. Bezzeghoud, [Published: 28 January 2011; (Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 241–248).]
This paper presents a work that aims to moni-tor seismo-electromagnetic phenomena in the Western Part of the Eurasia-Nubia Plate Boundary.
This region has asignificant tectonic activity combined with relatively low electromagnetic noise levels, rendering high quality seismo-electromagnetic measurements possible.
An overview of the seismicity of this region is presented and the research plan is discussed accordingly.
It is known that low-frequency (ultra (ULF), very (VLF), and low-frequency (LF)) electromagnetic waves produce more convincing earthquake precursors (compared to higher frequencies) because of less contamination, large skin depth, and low attenuation, Chauhan et al. (2009).
Thus, two seismo-electromagnetic phenomena (SEM) will be con-sidered: ULF electromagnetic field emissions, Telesca et al. (2008), and VLF/LF radio broadcastings, Biagi etal. (2009).
With respect to the ULF measurements, magnetometers are planned to be installed in the South of Iberian Peninsula supported by the existing networks of seismic re-search and a portable ULF station is also under considera-tion.
Regarding the VLF/LF radio broadcastings, a receiver is presently under installation at the University of ´Evora to monitor radio signals from up to 10 VLF/LF transmitters to study the seismic activity in the Western Part of the Eurasia-Nubia Plate Boundary (WENP) region.
The system integrates the International Network for Frontier Research onEarthquake Precursors (INFREP). Details about this network are presented in other paper submitted to the same issue, and in this context it will not be restricted to WENP region.
Furthermore, these measurements are expected to be com-plemented with the monitoring of the atmospheric electrical field and the radon levels, since these parameters can provide crucial insights into the physics of SEM phenomenology, Smirnov (2008) and Harrison et al. (2010).
With the development of this research plan it is aimed thecollection of novel SEM data emerging from the seismic activity in the WENP region.
We expect to address the time variations of the electromagnetic properties of the crust/plate with the strain field, and its relation with composition, temperature and stress fields.
Moreover, the interplay betweenatmospheric (and solar) perturbations with crust perturbations will be monitored, to observe geomagnetic perturba-tions at different locations.
In this paper, we describe the seismicity of the WENP region, the micro-seismicity of the South of Portugal, and the SEM monitoring future research plan, together with a summary of the expected results."
Source: ( https://www.academia.edu/20417804/SEISMO_ELECTROMAGNETIC_PHENOMENA_IN_TECTONICALLY_ACTIVE_REGIONS?email_work_card=view-paper )
( http://www.vlf.it/cumiana/livedata.html )
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