(Official title: 31 Aug-06 Sept 2021. What is the issue with collective consciousness being innately linked to the Schumann Resonances ?)
[Excerpt from: 12-31 Aug 2021. Examining the Place of Metaphysics & Myth, in Understanding Schumann Resonances]
- What is the issue with collective consciousness being innately linked to the Schumann Resonances ?
The short answer is: coming to a concensus as to what exactly collective consciousness is and where it comes from.
The longer answer: Consciousness itself is a riddle to the rationalizing mind of a human. It presupposes a fource or intelligent that obviates the human intellect. Ego does not allow one to place a greater source of consciousness or origins that the human mind-brain itself.
The supposition that brainwave coherence alone is the necessary precursor to collective consciousness is misguided, and fundamentally flawed. Rising brainwave frequencies do not equate to one tapping into the intuitive field.
The deliberative process is very active; electric in its nature. Electro-chemical sparks create the thoughts and memories to navigate this lifetime.
The feeling, and emotional center is magnetic in nature. The feeling center is the heart itself. The heart is the oldest organ in the body, and becomes fully formed before any other organs of the body. The heart is connected to ALL the organs through blood vessels. Not all organs have proper nerves attached to them; therefore all organs of the body are not eaually all sensory organs. So vital energies flow to all organs, but not all organs of the body are sensory/ nor imposed of the electric-sided nature.
Intuition can be seen as shared sensory & emotional thruput; described best as a tuning process. Morphic resonance as a theory better describes that the intuitive process of collective consciousness is not a deliberative one.
Rupert Sheldrake has pointed out with his Morphic resonance theories, the brain is a tuner at its heart, and not a processor. It is not something consciously that we do, except ny those who might meditate towards this purpose.
"Rupert Sheldrake - Morphic Resonance": ( https://youtu.be/d0koc5-AjcM ).
Thinking vs. feelings
The thinking, deliberative process of mind is the electric-side gets in the way of synchronized brainwaves. Heartfelt activities weave our consciousness together, as a tapestry, in the horizontal direction, one to another.
Thinking (electric-side of sense) is disruptive; where increased brain frequencies directs mind into a vertical channel.
Feeling (magnetic-side of sense) is unifying; where it causes one to pause, to attune to the inofmation externally
The "hot lead" of the brain, (as a battery) is the neuron, which fires into a dendrite; the process of which being an electro-chemical process. Thinking is electric-side sensory activity.
The thinking/processing organ is electric, with (a) voltage as its core nature. Thinking is the electric-side to life in the chemical-based-EMF-powered environment. Thinking is inherently electric, particle-side, unformed, except through the densities of current, magnetism.
The brain organ is comprised of multiple parts, reflecting the patchwork quality to reality of Earth realm's contrived theatre. There are multiple parts to the human brain, all with varying degrees os frequency, ased on the associated body function which it's given charge over.
The named sections of the brain have been studied, then assumed to possess various functions to allow stability of the organism both internally, as well as within the societal structure it is embedded within.
The brain is not an organ unified in its smooth operation. MRI, other brain scans show the brain is a rather complex organ, with multiple "moving parts" that all operate at their own rate, depending upon its function.
Having a unified brain coherence wave across the entire organ, is un unrealistic notion, considering the various tasks that the brain organ is tasked with doing. There's many sub-conscious functions which operate at a relativel low vibration, because they need to work at the rate of the heart, which regulates the body functions, by its rhythms. The brain is "dumb" on many autonomic functions, which you don't think about consciously--which is better for you.
If you had to "think" about your spleen to get it to function properly, it might not ever function. Much of the body vessel itself is of this nature. You are not given to have to think about it. The body regulates itself as an intelligent machine.
The brain organ functions as a committee, with the individual's sense of I Am presence making the final decision on what to do. It's a fantastic notion to believe that the great I Am Presence is the unifier of thoughts; Yet, thoughts themselves can ramble-on, disconnected to a body-felt sensation.
- The 93-percenters
The organic material is comprised of the material of the planet itself. There is nothing, inherently extra-human, or "metaphysical" of the thinking organ itself. The brain organ, and body itself, ARE the planet; as such, the genetics of our selves' bodies are not our own, but shared by all of life on this planet.
It is this genetic code we universally share, which is at the structure behind these universal brainwaves. It is not the will, nor choices, nor mental processing function which seems universally paired to ego with modern humans; which is that which causes or allows 'these universal brainwaves'. It is the simple dimension that we all universely share 93% of the same genetic among ALL organic life on this planet.
The value of so-called "junk dna" belongs in the area of metaphysics. Humans have not evolved with 93% of us being junk; yet modern secular science would declare this for us.
It is the prevalence of this "silent partner" of the non-coding DNA, which allows the collective to synch-up their "thoughts" (for lack of a better term) to one another, to allow for the greatest possible good to be done.
We can not think ourselves into better action, we can only act into better thinking. This is what might be called a spiritual principle.
In the spiritual realm (metaphysics included) there are most definitely governing principles, to the acquisition of knowledge. That modern secular science has declared 93% of your reality to be "junk", is important to consider in the veracity of the source.
- Mingling of the blood
"Blood Is a Very Special Fluid By Rudolf Steiner" ( https://youtu.be/7rPzdvIO_S0 )
-There is a secular science, and a spiritual science.
The innate goal of secular science to not simply to take away the role of a Prime Source/Intelligent Universe in the affairs of humanity.
Science as a discipline is not with an agenda, it is simply an organized system of experimentation and practices intended towards uncovering knowledge, otherwise hidden to the unobservant.
Science as an industry is different. This pursuit is one that has some issues it needs to work-out before it's spotless in its credibility.
Believing there is a prime source, does not negate a systematic process of acquiring knowledge. I can still know how to technically read the SR data, while knowing factually that it's not "directing" mass consciousness uprising ...
Yet, still have a strong connection with Prime Source Creator.
I'm perhaps the most spiritual, and metaphysical person you can meet. I have been before the Seat of the Almighty, in the hall of the angelic hosts. I don't need you to determine for me how spiritual, or whatever I am. I incarnated at this time to assist folks during this period of transition.
There are big, huge things going on. So, what? You still need to take care of yourself. Without the proper technical understanding, most people lose their shit when they focus on the "huge spikes on The Schumann."
The obsessive watching reinforces the inner voice which is telling one "worry now."
This has been a huge portion of my mission here, from the beginning. It is to work with the individual to assimilate the phenomena into their life, and adjust their habits, accordingly.
From the beginning I have made the claim that I treat the person as a component in an electric circuit. I come to this from the perspective of what you can do, relative to dealing with atmospheric electromagnetics.
The human body is either a conduit, capacitor, or a battery. We can channel energy, accumulate it, or allow it to flow as needed. The thinking process can get in the way of the free-flow of energies through the human body instrument.
The ringing/vertigo symptom complex is not simply phantom symptoms, these are indications of atmospheric electromagnetics, yes...but, it's a greater indicator of our own person accumulation of a residual charge.
Whether or not we hold onto accumulated charges is what determines the ability for it to transmit to other through the intuition portal.
Again, the 93% is shared organic structure, subject to the rules of morphic resonance, and sympathetic vibrations. Yet, the will itself, can get in its own way, and close that channel. The internal chatter of an undisciplined mind, will not accept new sensory data, without conditioning it through the logic circuit, to validate it's "reality content."
The thinking-sense, operating as electric-side sensory perceptions, is disruptive to the smooth flow of the circuitry. Internal, undensified, ungrounded thinking creates noise into the circuitry.
The feeling-emotional sensory perceptions, operating as magnetic-side sensory inputs, seeks to be at union with the atmospheric hum of the Schumann-series, which are subtle; 1,000 times weaker than the solar-planetary link, or the magnetic field of the planet Herself.
The brain organ's processing of cognative functions (so called 'higher order thinking'), which is effectively to say brain organ cold-blooded activities, are effected the most from the electric-side, the vertical conductivity channel of the initial energies, arriving from lightning discharge, AND from upper atmospher forcing of the high voltage potential down into the lower atmosphere.
- In third density, Directionals matter
During many of my observational reports, I have used the phrases: 'top-down', and 'bottom-up.' This is essentially the directin of movement of electrics, and that of magnetics. Amplitude spikes move top-down.
Amplitude spikes are fairly quickly grounded into Earth ground; to transmute the free-flow of plasma, into a coherent wave of Magnetics, which then travel around the globe; to eventually maintain the resonant radio wave 'hum' of the Schumann-series.
Bottom-up is the process of the reverberation, and recommittment of the high voltage, to be transitioned into a current of planetary magnetics.
The high voltage of the upper atmosphere is what I refer to as the Upper DC (Direct current) circuit. High voltage is charge (+/-); generally moving from the ionosphere, down to the lower strata/levels; eventually to Ground, to resolve the flow into its opposing polarity. This is the principle of how a battery essentially works. [Strength of this connection is in nano-Teslas.]
Earth Ground of the planet herself is the lower DC circuit. Current is a direction, such as North-South of a magnet. [Strength of this field is measured in nano-Teslas.]
Schumann resonances are the AC (alternating current) of the lower atmosphere, which we call a 'waveguide'. The waveguide is the lower atmosphere, up to the ionosphere. The 'ceiling' of the waveguide varies in strength, depending on direct solar radiance of the IMF (Interplanetary Magnet Field). [Strength of this field is measured in pico-Teslas.]
The chemical-body vessel, is a conductor or conduit, capacitor, or battery, or perhaps insulator. It has been suggested to me that the heart can be a filter of emotional, and thought-form energy. The person who acts "without filters" is the person who is acting without a heart-filter.
At what point is one's personal Will (his 'I am presence') impeding the flow of energy though the entire component (yon 'instrument') of said chemical vessel? In other words, are you getting in your own way, of the intuitive knowing, intuitive communication through the genetic code portal?
The Magnetic side of the Schumann-series is that which continues-on around the globe, eventually interfering with earlier portions, to create standing wave resonances, which stack-up into a harmonic series.
This atmospheric 'hum' has been described by Schumann as a "ringing of the atmosphere like a bell." I regularly describe the SR as the echoes, or whispers of lightning discharges. These whispers are not rising. The atmospheric whisperings are not rising, because they are constrained by the established series of resonant frequencies.
Amplitude spikes are not properly Schumann resonances (which is physically recorded as the horizontal information on the spectrogram). These spikes have a variety of potential causes therof. It could be lightning dischare; could be solar forcing; could be local interference; could be upper atmospheric phenomena; could be other, as yet unknown unknown reasons for Amplitude spikes.
Always check for the most local sources of interference first.
There are clear, real-world limitations of the machinery in both measuring, and processing the spectrographic image reports. As a caution, it's always important to not confuse the mediated sensor reports, with the real-world conditions at the detector site itself.
Same thing applies to the human person, and the body itself. Know the most local influences, and deal with those first. Amplitude spikes are not a rising Schumann Resonance-series; these are local influences of added voltage into the circuit...after which, it converts to magnetic side activity.
The amplitude thoughts of your active-side (processive) thinking [cold-blooded logic], is excited at times of added voltage in the atmosphere. This accompanies a vertigo, generally, coming from piezo-electric effect. The thinking process is disruptive, activating the I Am circuitry of the Ego centers (self-awareness).
So-called rising SR is the electric agitation of added voltage in the atmosphere. Added thought stressors (disruptive patterns), is not the flow of energy neccesary to co-join in collective consciousness.
- What are the practical limitations to this theory, as applied to the actual human experience?
The person least-prepared, and least-ready is the weakest link to collective-anything. The independant thinking is what stands in the way of the human's collective experience.
Thought centers and brainwave coherence is not the progenitor of collective consciousness. One can not think their way into better action; only act into better thinking. The magnetics is the "active side" of consciousness, as it continues to act, after the initial amplitude strike has gone.
As frequency increases, the bandwith narrows, and its waves become more focused. Frequency is never isolated; there's always something moving that is geting measured.
As the frequency of the brain increases, its bandwith becomes narrower, and more focused in one direction. This is the logical process, essentially. When the processing section of the brain is getting heavily used, with its frequency increasing, its focus is narrowed. Highly frequencied brains are uniformely focus, and narrow in scope.
High frequency brain activity does not allow for the introduction of new, or competing ideas, easily. More high-frequency activity must accompany new information, in order for it easily to be assimilated.
Electric-side sensory (deliberative-side/'thinking') activity is the vertical conductivity channel. This is the individualist, isolationist posture of deliberative processing; which is sensory information processed through the perceptive lense of ego-attachment to polarity.
Electric-side sensory activity is that which resonates with the vertical spikes found on the Schumann Spectrogram report. As mentioned, this is often accompanied by a vertigo-then ringing-then headache-then nausea- condition, within the physical body/adamu; as electrics convert to magnetics. This is a reaction to the body to the transition of one state into the others.
[(There is an outstanding tertiary issue not really considered, and it is that of the 'ringing & rolling complex'. First, it everyone's focused on this complex in wonder, and bafflement, then misattributes it the SR, then there's a breach in the minimum required "focus" on the overall mission of joining of the hearts and minds. One's personal "ringing" is getting in the way of understanding the true nature of your malady. In other words: a divided, and distracted population is not making for suitable practitioners of 'collective consciousness', but I digress.)]
Issues of the "ringing and rolling complex" have been addressed as such, elsewhere from this essay. In our case here, we see these as side-effects of a faulty grounding circuit of the human vessel. This is the body accumulating a charge, rather than expelling it. Voltage needs to be grounded into the Earth herself, or the result is the vertigo. It also results in overly-logical thinking, ungrounded in a specific density, ultimately resulting in a bunch of unsecured "thinking."
"Thinking" and logic-side sensory activity is merely the electric-side, without any inherent feelings, nor emotions to it. Spikes in Amplitude are not bringing a unified sense of collective consciousness.
This would be the point to introduce a chart, or graphic that illustrates brainwave states, along with the assumed frequencies of operation.Yet, this is not exactly a technical exposition, as have been many of my previous writings. Numbers, and actual values are unavoidable.
It's important to understand that there is a range of frequencies: Delta waves are 0.5-3Hz; Theta are 3-8 Hz; Alpha are 8-12 Hz, Beta are 12-38Hz; Gamma are 38 to 42Hz. This range represents the multitude of states we encounter throughout the day from dream states, into subconscious, subliminal, into the varying levels of waking consciousness, as our brain and self-processing occurs throughout the day; generally, as a result of incoming stimulus, and situations.
Relative to "waking consciousness" [which is the establishment of the I Am Presence; Or, 'that which I control'], each of these plateaus controls various types of activities, which are not necessarily directed by the thought-processing organ itself, but by any number of other body organs. Heart-wave activity, with it's central proccessing of the body-held organs, becomes interjected into the equation for the brain-organ to further processing. .
More electric-side activity leads to higher brainwave frequencies; higher frequencies are more directional.
Yet, these numbers are purely theoreticaly, if one looks to the brain organ to organize entrainment of coherence.
As one can see, the brain organ is all over the place, in the frequencies that it might operate at. The analogy that best works here is the gearing ration of an automobile transmission. Varying work loads necessitate a range of gear ratios to keep things operating smoothly.
The instability of the thought-organ needs to be tempered by the emotional center of the heart organ. The body itself is an intelligent machine, whose center of sensory processing is the heart center. The heart pump operates with a steady rhythm, maintaining a regular cycle, and frequency for the human entity.
Thought-organ utilyses electric-side; formlessness, which propagates through the vertical conductivity channel.
Heart-organ utilyses the magnetic-side, which propagates laterally, or horizontally, from one heart, to another.
Heartrate is beats per minute; which essentially a speed-type frequency. The heart organ, as a pump is a one-way system (essentially a DC Motor). A valve prevents backwards flow. An electronic "switch" in the heart muscle complex controls the timing of the heart rate. Increased atmospheric electromagnetics in the immediate environment with cause a disruption of this 'switch', which is otherwise called the pacemaker. One not properly grounded, would be the most likely one to suffer from this circumstance.
Blood pressure is a little more complex:
" The heart supplies the organs and tissues of the body with blood. With every beat, it pumps blood into the large blood vessels of the circulatory system. As the blood moves around the body, it puts pressure on the walls of the vessels. Blood pressure readings are made up of two values:
" Systolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart beats – while the heart muscle is contracting (squeezing) and pumping oxygen-rich blood into the blood vessels.
" Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure on the blood vessels when the heart muscle relaxes. The diastolic pressure is always lower than the systolic pressure.
" Blood pressure is measured in units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg). The readings are always given in pairs, with the upper (systolic) value first, followed by the lower (diastolic) value.
" Someone who has a reading of 132/88 mmHg (often spoken “132 over 88”) has a systolic blood pressure of 132 mmHg, and a diastolic blood pressure of 88 mmHg."
( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279251/ )
The Schumann-series of atmospheric harmonics is as follows: ~7.8Hz; ~14.1; ~21.7; ~27.1; ~33.3; ~39.9; ~46.5Hz. These fluxuate (+\-)0.5Hz
7.8Hz is not Gaia's Heartbeat. TheSchumann resonance is a series of subtle atmospheric resonances, which are best described as "ringing like a bell". This frequency is the fundamental harmonic of this series. It is part of a set, one can not break it up in that respect; of likening one frequency to the heartbeat function of a living planet.
Earlier it's been mentioned the scientific myth of the analogizing of the fundamental harmonic to the heartbeat function of a living planet. It's important to, at this point, break-free from this preconceived notion, which has been put out there, for the masses to consume. As I'd said elsewhere: "It is important to understand that Gaia has a heartbeat function as a living planet, without assigning that to what can best be described as the breathing function of the planet."
The Earth's heartbeat function is kept within the confines of the "chest of the planet". The Earth Ground circuit, is the Lower DC Circuit, as it's called. The rocks, and water conduct a current along the planetary leyline protocol. Occasionally, during seismic activity, a current gets redirected upwards into the atmosphere along telluric currents, but these are much stronger than the subtle energies of the Schumann-series.
8 Hertz. The Fundamental frequency of the Earth's Wave-guide is 8Hertz. This means: in one second a beam of light has bounced around the world 8 times. In that one second of time, the light has bumped into itself, and interfered 8 different times. The result of these interferences is resonance harmonics. Upper harmonics indicates how many times these waves have bounced into each other, before resolving into the Schumann-series.
As the flash of lightning "light" propagates outwards, the signal direction moves from the vertical channel, successively, into a horizontal direction, as it progresses around the globe. This is the cause of many interesting patterns of colours on the Spectrogram, as the electric-side (the wave-front) passes through earlier portions of the "echo" of the fading lightning flashes. I describe this as a weaving of the radio waves of the atmosphere--between the electric-side and the magnetic-side of the signal.
Lightning discharges, primarly are the cause of Schumann resonances. These start out as a high voltage discharge between the upper atmosphere and the Earth ground circuit. These are short-lived, quickly resolving into magnetics. Much of the 'symptoms' is coming from the magnetic-side of these proliferations. The ringing of the inner ear is a magnetic induction process.
As always, it is the most local of the signals that are in direct contact with you, and your sensory organs; are those which are going to cause the most effect on you personally. This is why it's super-important to get a variety of sensor data from around the world, rather than trust one source for everything.
Amplitude spikes will give one the vertigo-nausea complex, coming from the electric-side. Amplitude spikes are local; before resolving into magnetic quality, which is that which travels/bounces around the globe. The magnetic side is that which has the potential to "raise human consciousness", as it is this which is travelling around the globe, eventually encountering everyone's field.
I'd submit, the ringing of the cochlea of the inner ear is the onset of collective consciousness, IF you decide to release this accumulated charge, into the Earth ground field. It's not automatic on the person's end. It needs to be a conscious effffort. If one's conscious efforts have resulted in a ringing sensation, then it's because one's closed-off the grounding circuits. The individual mind of the person holds onto the charge; as such, the individual's crystals resonate in sympathetic vibrations with the ambient emf.
The will of the individual operates on the electric-side. Small wonder the common perception is to increase the electric-side to increase collective consciousness. A huge confusion over what is waking consciousness, and what is collective consciousness.
Amplitude spikes are not the rising of Schumann resonances; these are an addition, or excess expression of electron-Volts into the immediate environment. Lightning in the atmosphere is the intitial input, or striking of the bell. Amplitude bursts are short-lived, before turning into the magnetic-side waves, which are much longer lasting.
Amplitude spikes are effective on the thinking-side of thought processing; assisting to raise the operating frequency of the brain organ. Generally, this is more likely to effect the higher operating states.
The human mind is not alterning the global resonances. Human "thinking" can only attune with the immediate, local resonances.
Brain wave frequency is not "transmitting" into the atmosphere. Brain organ is a spongy-material, which is naturally absorbant. It does not transmit.
The heart is a pump, a muscle, conducts an electro-chemical charge, due to the electro-chemical action of the pacemaker mechanism. The heart organ is a strong transmitter of electro-chem frequency.
Electro-chem is where the hormons and pheromones are transmittted across the quantum field of the dna code matrix. Heart organ conducts a DC charge, through the quantum dna matrix, to an intended recipient; as provided for through the abilities of the projective imagination of the electric-side of the operation. In other words, the other person is already set-up to recieve these types of "extra-sensory" inputs from another conscious being, dependant upon the level of attunement and entraining which has gone on, preceding the entraining.
- Brainwave freq. vs. SR series vs heartrate coherence.
Without going into a alot of technical detail, I have described how higher frequencies are ever-increasingly directional, and focussed at a point, which is ever-increasingly smaller.
Higher brainwave frequencies develop vertically, proceding in a more specific, rationalizing manner. This is where the logacal separations between abstracted ideas is able to proceed. The electric side allows for more abstracted, multi-dimensional, density-devoid brain organ activity. More electric-side activity releases the hold of the densities, and the chemical-based realities (gravity, direction, measurement, rhythmical movement, grounding, etc.). More ambient electrical activity, creates a crazier version of a person, in other words. The thinking is ungrounded, and unencumbered by what we might call "real world physical limitations."
The heartbeat, one's heart rate determines the linear foundation of one's dimeanional matrix. Higher dimensions do not negate lower ones. They all exist simultaneously; yet dimensions are formless. They need to be constrained by the densities. In focused consciousness, especially that bounded by the chemical based reality, all dimensions can not, logically exist simultaneously...some are simply meaningless, in the face of others.
Some dimensions simply outrank others, based on the specific needs of the attendant consciuness present at the moment. What is most important is always those events happening in "the Now."
Who determines this? The observer, of course.
The "observer" is a local phenomena/influence. The observer is the center of his/her universe. It is not coincidence that the number 1 is represented by the letter I in roman numerals. English language is based upon the letters of the Latin alphabet, largely. The root of ego is "ich", which is basically self, of "I." Like it or not, the observer is placed at the numerical start of his or her [understanding of the] Universe. In the esoteric literature, we are told that the human entity is a microcosm of the galaxy. It is not random chance where the 'I'/ego is represented as a pole, or the vertical conductivity channel.
Numerically, the observer is represnted by the numeral 1, which is the rational mind at frequency, creating the "I Am presence" of the individual. Spiritually, metaphysically, the observer is a numerical "0"[zero], representing the beginning of a cypher.
[There are statistical averages, which are externally imposed upon us, as a description of normal behaviour. ]
We start with a baseline. This is our theoretical Zero, which might be represented as our ground. All measurements need a stable, fixed point, from which to cast a measurment; whether it's a time, or spacial value. A working voltage is based upon the differential between the reference ground, and the voltage measured at the lead terminal. The "lead terminal" may be your body.
The observer is the central focal point; the beginning of the measurement, at the establishment of the "I Am point", or the numerical 1. Zero is the at rest starting point; which is represented as a dark blue, on the schumann spectrogram from Tomsk.
The intial voltage starts at 0.03 deci-Bels of pico electronVolts. The initial establishment of the "I Am" point, becomes at 0.03 Intensity, or signal strength. The power measurement is signal strength, as recorded in deci-Bels.
When we look at measurements, we need to discuss the instrument which is doing the measuring. It is important to synchronize and calibrate externally, the measuring devices. There needs to be a standard.
We look at the devices measuring brainwave frequency; and the devices measuring the Schumann resonances. The same instruments do not measure both of these frequency generators.
- How does one actually measure the frequency of brain waves? In all the literature on this subject, I don't recall reading any technical description of the instruments used for this purpose.
Where is the fixed point, from which we measure to get a proper frequency?
If we were to compare the speed and performance of multiple automobiles, we need to start at the same point, and use the same track, under similar conditions. The same instruments measure the velocity for all of the vehicals.
Yet, when we compare brainwave frequency, versus Schumann resonances frequency, versus heartrate frequency; we are not comparing similar things.
Frequency is the measurement of something in cyclical motion; peak events per second. Sustained velocity is not a frequency.
What is the fixed (logical) point from whence we start our measurement?
Frequency does not exist in a vaccuum. SOMETHING is in motion: what in motion is being measured? Where is our theoretical starting point?
"The brain is difficult to study not only because of its inherent complexity; the billions of neurons, the hundreds or thousands of types of neurons, the trillions of connections. The brain also works at a number of different scales, both in the physical sense and in the time domain.
To understand the brain’s electrical activity at these scales, no single technology is enough. As a result, neuroscientists have a suite of tools at their disposal. Some of these, such as fMRI and EEG, can be used in humans because they are non-invasive; they work through by looking into the skull.
But these tools suffer from a lack of detail. To get a more microscopic picture of neuron activity, researchers turn to animal models. This allows the behaviour of individual neurons, or small groups of neurons, to be analysed in much greater detail.
Summary : Neuroscientists are justifiably limited in the sort of approaches they can use to study human brain activity. However, so far no technology exists that allows detailed neuron activity to be recorded through the human skull, meaning that the measures we can take give fairly coarse information as to how our brains work.
These spatial and temporal resolution limits will undoubtedly be improved in the near future, enabling more precise measurements and greater insights into human brain activity.
Furthermore, complementary approaches that allow the temporary disruption of neuronal processing will help us to understand what sorts of regional brain dysfunction might lead to the cognitive deficits associated with mental disorders."
["How to measure brain activity in people"; (https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-functions/how-measure-brain-activity-people )]
(There's way more to this than I can reasonably comment on...)
Without looking at the assumed states of "consciousness" depending upon the frequency, we look at the comparison of speed and frequency.
We compare the actuality of radio waves, versus brain frequency, as read at the skull.
Firstly, it's important to note that in order to measure brain frequency, the probes need to be attached to the skull. The signal strength decreases, depending upon the distance. The "strength", or Intensity of the brain's electromagnetic field does not radiate-out far from the brain sensory organ. Relatively-speaking, the magnetic field of the heart is much stronger; yet, this is still not as strong as the electrical impulses themselves, originating in the brain organ itself.
[This also does not address the issue of the brain organ being essentially a tuner, and not necessarily a processor. As a tuner, it uses this electromagnetic-chemical process to send and receive (through hormone and pheromone ) to mediate the environment.]
How many thoughts are truly original, and not come from assimilating sensory data? Many of the original thoughts come from a misreading the actual situation at hand, is my experience. Even so, is it original thinking which is necessary to tune into collective consciousness?
If higher brainwave activity illicits more-original thinking; remembering what we discussed about the vertical conductivity channel, as frequency rises, it becomes more directional, more specialized. Directionality matters.
Brainwave states arrive in a plateau setting. There is a range of frequencies, depending upon which part of the organ is doing the work.
[0.03-]<0.5 Hz = Infra-low waves. "They appear to take a major role in brain timing and network function." Call this the carrier wave of the brain.
0.5-3 Hz = Delta state. "Delta brainwaves are slow, loud brainwaves (low frequency and deeply penetrating, like a drum beat). They are generated in deepest meditation and dreamless sleep."
3-8 Hz = Theta state. "Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation."
8 Hz is the Earth waveguide Fundamental.
Schumann resonance fundamental harmonic is 7.8 (+/-0.5) Hz. There is also a half harmonic at ~4.5 Hz.
The atmospheric resonances are constrained through the dimensions and parameters of the waveguide, which changes regularly throughout the day, experienced as diurnal variations. These are traditionally reliable, and dependable. The solar magnetic connection with the planet, provides a consistent constraint to the ceiling of the waveguide.
We can see from the Tomsk spectrogram, that nighttime often results in allowing for only the fundamental harmonic to develop. It's during this point, that we are allowed to sleep in the deepest portion of the spectrum; which is underneath the 7.8 harmonic point; which begins the point of waking consciousness.
8-12 Hz = Alpha state. "Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha is ‘the power of now’, being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning."
~14.1(+/-0.5) Hz = SR second harmonic. Might be fair to say, above this is outside of "the power of the now."
12-38 Hz = Beta state. "Beta brainwaves dominate our normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks and the outside world.
Beta is a ‘fast’ activity, present when we are alert, attentive, engaged in problem solving, judgment, decision making, or focused mental activity.
Beta brainwaves are further divided into three bands;
Lo-Beta (Beta1, 12-15Hz) can be thought of as a 'fast idle', or musing.
~21.7(+/-0.5) Hz. Third SR harmonic.
Beta (Beta2, 15-22Hz) is high engagement or actively figuring something out.
~27.1(+/-0.5) Hz. Forth SR harmonic. Beyond this state comes an impulse into higher brainstate activities.
Hi-Beta (Beta3, 22-38Hz) is highly complex thought, integrating new experiences, high anxiety, or excitement.
Continual high frequency processing is not a very efficient way to run the brain, as it takes a tremendous amount of energy."
~33.3(+/-0.5) Hz. Fifth SR harmonic.
~39.9(+/-0.5) Hz. Sixth SR harmonic.
38-42 Hz = Gamma state. "Gamma brainwaves are the fastest of brain waves (high frequency, like a flute), and relate to simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas. Gamma brainwaves pass information rapidly and quietly. The most subtle of the brainwave frequencies, the mind has to be quiet to access gamma.
Gamma was dismissed as 'spare brain noise' until researchers discovered it was highly active when in states of universal love, altruism, and the ‘higher virtues’. Gamma is also above the frequency of neuronal firing, so how it is generated remains a mystery."
~45.6(=/-0.5) Hz. Seventh SR harmonic.
This would be how we might place these frequencies, in a progressive fashion. Yet, as I've been making the point, not all frequencies are the same, because we might not be looking at the same thing. What is our starting point for measurement?
We remember, again, that a resonance is an interference wave, caused by two fundamentals interfering with each other. As such, the resonances remain stable ove the course of time.
- How does waking consciousness differ from collective consciousness?
If you look at many of the online discussions about brainwave activity, this standard becomes the measuring stick for what the brainwave activity does for, or to one, relative to "waking consciousness.".
( https://brainworksneurotherapy.com/what-are-brainwaves )
This is a great discussion. Again, the best scientific minds seem to be universally divided on this issue, specifically if consciousness can exist outside of human rationalizing, and rational thinking.
Yes, it very much can, if we step away from the vertical conductivity channel, the isolation circuit of DC (one way) into the horizontal frequency direction. As frequency increases, the waves get tighter, shorter, more directional.
Deliberative thinking is powered by the electric-side. Electric-side is DC, Direct circuit, one-way directional; powered by thought, as processed through the interperative lens of Ego. Electric-side sensations/thoughts move through words, and specialized sounds. In order for the unformed and shapeless to take form in a digestable manner (to the divided human mind), it's necessary to speak-forth divine utterance, into lower of the material realm.
Feelings and body felt sensations are registered in the Heart center; moving laterally, from heart to heart, connected, con-joined through magnetic resonance. The feeling center is allowed to operate through the structure of the genetic code itself.
The heart itself has a pacemaker unit, which is an electric time-keeper, or rhythm-generator, which keeps the heart muscle-complex operating as a pump. This electric circuit of the nervous system is a feed-back loop between the brain control center, and the muscle complex itself. There is a relatively high charge involved in this process. The strength of this process, as an electric circuit, is another property of the vertical conductivity channel of the body. This energy itself is not what is detected as the auric field of an individual. The nerve channels are actually sheathed, to create a type of insulation, which is not leaking, nor leeching a signal radiantly-out into its environment.
It is not the electric-side of the brain circuitry which is radiating-out into the environment. The Auric field given off by a person has a footprint in the actual physical process of electric nerve action, nerve energy. Yet, there's a greater physical component of the muscle complex itself generating a magnetic field.
The electric-side is the precursor to "waking consciousness." A full awareness on the things we need to attend to, on those things directly in front of us, is what operates at these higher frequency ranges. Waking consciousness is what we need to avoid immediate dangers, and snares. The higher the frequency, the higher the intelligence, basically.
Intelligence does not necessarily equate to awareness of the "immediate surroundings." Intelligence can be seen as the dedicated focus of mental processing energies, towards resolving a problem, or issue of concern.
Direct focus is attention. Awareness is un-focused attention. There is a level of attention that is best described as "waiting", or perhaps "listening." Awareness might also be seen as noticing the way things move and change, rather than studying the details (perhaps?).
Listening is what is done through the heart organ; Hearing is done through the ear-brain organs. Again, the difference is in orientation of how we recieve these incoming energy forms: Are they thought-forms, or feeling-forms?
Collective consciousness differs from this protocol of the vertical condutivity (electric-side) circuit consciousness. Collective consciousness involves a knowing that is part listening, acquiring information as we progress along. Waking consciousness works to apply solutions to problems, or issues of concern to the I Am Center of the brain organ.
The Heart organ center of sensory perception looks for coherence with the ambient environment. The heart center seeks coherence with the horizontal channel, of the actual Schumann resonances themselves.
In Summary:
We do not deny that there is actually a collective consciousness among the human population. For us, this is something that needs not be proven.
For me personally, I depend upon this power, to assist me in various things that I need to do at this time. This is not at doubt; yet what is at question is the means of how this might happen.
The resolution of collective consciousness does not come through the deliberative thought process, accompanying higher brain wave frequencies. Collective consciousness comes as a function of the intuitive circuits of the human experience, while occupying the adamu.
The various frequencies you mention in your lengthy discussion, does the human brain/body benefit in anyway by listening to these tones through headphones? I have off and on over several years but not really sure if I’ve benefitted in anyway.
I slso suffer with very bad tinitus which varies from loud hissing, buzzing to a low sound that resembles a car engine idling to sometimes going off balance. These sounds feel as though they’re coming from the brain or in my head not my ears or hearing which I suffer with a high degree of auditory nerve hearing loss many years ago, a figure of a 50db loss in all frquencies above 2000hz in both ears was a hearing test…