Tomsk (Left) Schumann Resonance Detection station at TSU/SOS, Russia;
Cumiana (Right) VLF Monitoring, in NW Italy; ULF Monitoring (Bottom).
[Text below the images reads as follows:]
Marconi Antenna + Geophone ; Amplitude scale: two channels listed below.
Channel 1, seismic monitor. Frequency range: 1 to 30 Hz for the top spectrogram. Signals coming from geophone I/O SENSOR Nederland b.v. model SM-4/UB8
(see at 40 dB amplified with a very low noise preamplifier.
Channel 2, electric field. Frequency range: 1 to 105 Hz for the bottom one. Signals coming from Marconi antenna.
Picture, every 30 minutes, shows last 8 hours. All date and times are in UTC. The scroll time is 40 s, and the frequency resolution 84 mHz.
As the receiving station is placed not too far from an industrial area, sometimes strong tones are detected by geophone sensor, caused by mechanical machine (1 km far from here).
Geophone Multistrip hourly representation, useful for local seismic events correlation. Four traces are reported:
Geophone trace , it shows the average and peak signals coming from the geophone sensor, in 1-20 Hz range.
ULF noise 10 Hz , it shows the medium value between 3 and 30 Hz.
ELF noise 100 Hz , it shows the medium value between 30 and 300 Hz.
2th SR freq. , it shows the frequency of second Schumann resonance (in Hz).
What is the difference between Schumann Resonance detection, and VLF Monitoring ?
VLF is Very Low Frequency; a relative term describing a section of the EMF spectrum from 300Hz - 22KHz; which is used for monitoring for earthquake and seismic activity.
[Web link to Cumiana VLF Monitoring: (]
[Web link to article on VLF Emissions used as precursor to Earthquake: (]
Schumann Resonances are subtle EMF standing waves, or resonance harmonics from 0.3 to ~46 Hz; in the ULF band of the spectrum.
[Web link to dedicated Schumann Resonance detection: (]
How To Read Tomsk Spectrogram: (
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