Human ascension is nothing new. This is been going on for the entire length of the time that humans have been "homo sapiens."
Presented by Verte Arbusto
Humans as a species are relatively new. Our societal record goes back 6,000 years at the most. Maybe 7,000; if you count back he dynasties in China. However, we are told this was directly established by "the Gods".
There are remnants of society which go back further than 7,000 years, but there doesn't seem to be any written records. It's almost as it the history of humans has been, well, erased. Is this "erasure" that which happens through the fall of time: kingdoms rise and then fall. Where are the written records going back further than the 6.000 years?
There are multiple missing links in the evolution of humans. Modern homo sap just seems to have been plopped here, outside of history. Without a long, established history of being "superior intellect."
Sure, "humans" have been around for longer than 7,000 years...but in what form? Modern humans can not understand the construction of the pyramids, and the numerous other monolithic monuments around the word, set on grid nodal points,
Modern humans can not find anything without a gps now; forget about matching these colossal monuments to grid nodal point of the globe. There literally, are too many of these megalithic monuments, strategically-placed, exactly, around the world for it to be coincidence.
There was a time where "the gods" and the angels" walked around on the Earth, and were recognized as such. It was common in synoptic texts, such as the Dead sea scrolls, to have the discussions about the gods, and angels, and demons who walked around regularly, with the humans. But these have since "left" the public theatre. What happened to the Gods of old? Did they stop existing? Were they imaginary?
Or, were the humans placed in quaranteen, to pursue our destiny as a autonomous species? Believe as you will. However, are your beliefs LESS supported by actual fact?
Belief can exist without fact, that's fine. But if you are looking to get others on the same page with you, you will need facts, data, proof, etc.
Modern humans, sentient bipedals, have a short history on Earth. So short is the history of homo saps, that it's a fairly common thing to hear from fundamentalists that the entire Earth is about 6,000 years old.
It's a persistent illusion, yet how does this manage to hang-around? Could this be that somehow, 6,000 years ago, humans were determined to be a "new species"? Could it be that at that point in history, something signifigant to humans happened?
I realize that this is not something that is provable, sure, I got that. I got literature in my favor. I read alot. This kinda stuff fascinates me. I can not prove that there is a council given to the destiny of sentient affairs. More belief...go with what feels right. These beliefs I have do not prevent me from giving you the proper understanding of the technical aspects of the atmospheric resonances.
Likewise, the same is not considered from the "Ascension seekers," of The Schumannites. There is something shifty, and a bit off, in the ontology of them-thar Schumannites.
The original Humans were created to be "tenders of the fields", and the "dressers of the stones"; as it states in Genesis Chapter 2. I'm not a Christian, but I can readily see this narrative being factual. The world-wide survey of human history is correct, humans were created to be servants.
The overwhelming history of humanity has been the story of the species as slaves, servants, and foodstuff. Largely, humans have been victimized as a race of sentient beings.
So called "spiritual awakening" has been happening for the time that humans were granted an automonmous soul.
This is difficult to prove, except for the fact hat the giants, and demi-gods stopped waling the Earth. Why? Where did the giants, and original dwellers of the planet go? Were they never there at all, and humanity simply sprung-up, magically, approx 6,000 years? Is Earth really only 6.000 years old?
Or, is the history of humans much more complicated? Much different from the held narrative of the educational institution of the West?
At some point, the magic for humans happened. We "magically" gained intelligence, in a very short time span. We magically gained the ability to think for ourselves. The exactitude of how this happened is lost to history. Humans are a species born into amnesia. We are born under the veil of ignorance, and isolation.
In no small part, ascension involves you getting back those memories, you were born forgetting. Your DNA is only 10% yours. The remainder of the "non-coding" stuff is the instruction set coming from those lost, forgotten memories. This is the secret, silent code, which you need to awaken, to get any type of elevation.
Yet, as long as you are a "dirty conduit" for these invisible instruction-sets, until then, you are still mired in a third dimensional density construct. A life perspected through the lense of ego: the inner deity, a manifested through the material matrix. The material matrix is property of Earth, and not you Fame, or celebrity. All the material existence that you know, is based on Earth-bound density, channeled through the ego. Ego allows an individual the ability to think in terms of "me," and "mine." Simply as a convenience to allow you, as an individual spark of creation, the ability for Source to see itself externally.
You can choose to ignore, and forget your, and others inherent divinity, it's fine. We are born forgetting everything before this life, and born into a rather clueless state, that everyone has to construct, as they go along. Yet, your inner divinity allows you to make on-the-moment changes, to the accepted reality of modern society.
The greater fact is that most folks actually do NOT, truly think for themselves. It's safe to give into "groupthink." Much of the commonly held myths-as-facts, are a matter of the ascension seekers deluding themselves in a false sense of confidence.
Seems to me, that most of those following the accepted narrative of the ascensionists, are little better than confidence men.
The innate knowledge of operating as a slave, without the ability for rational thought, is the genetic reality for humans. Humans were created hybrids, to be servants of "the gods," or the advanced beings, or whatever you would call them; who were essentially the landlords over the land, at that time.
The greater history of humans has been as mindless automatons, without an ability to rationally think; therefore given no free will. At some point, the humans disobeyed the Gods, the advanced race of landlords, or land-title holders of this planetary matrix (as well as the ability to choose). After a great battle in the heavens, humans were not made extinct, yet, were granted their freedom, to pursue our own destiny, as a "evolved" species.
This is the great "ascension": being able to pick, for yourself, freely. In addition to accepting the consequences for those decisions. There are two sides to the coin, that many do not want to see. Free will is the ability to choose, and then taking full responsibility for the consequences of those decisions. If god does not exist, he is not punishing you for stupid decisions. You made the free will choice, you get to clean up the mess.
This is the point we are at in things: time for the clean up. It's great that humans made such wonderful progress in polluting the planet, and poisoning it so no humans can exist in certain parts of the globe. Great job for that...but it's time to clean-up the mess. Gaia IS the physical creator.
Our DNA is a code, which uses the proteins and sugars of the stuff of this planet. You ARE part Earth. In poisoning the planet, we poison ourselves. Believe as you will, however, enough "clever decisions" have been made. It's time for the cleaning and clearing of the mess that humans have made of the gift of free will.
This "ascension" bit is not new. The humans have been struggling with this, for thousands of years. This is nothing new. These so called "ascension symptoms" are not what people jump to believe they are. These are rectification symptoms, coming from your distance for accepting the divinity of the planet, that you ARE a part of Earth.
Schumann resonances are not, magically rising. These are not the cause of your so-called symptoms, which are phantom symptoms.
Humans have been struggling for their "ascension" from the swamp. and the muck of the planet, over the course of the past two ages: the age of the Ares, and then the age of Pieces; which we have just exited. We are now in the Aquarean Age.
The Aquarean age is the time of "true ascension" only for those who are ready, and have worked for it.
Regardless how many time you use the words "ascension energies", and practice "only positivity", The Greater intelligence of this design will not be cheated.
Death Is the final accountant. The Universe knows what work you have done. Most, sadly, have just shuffled the cards around.
Ascension means, you take responsibility for your own actions. If you are a rational individual, you are responsible for your own actions. It's not the Gods, nor the devil. It is a human, willfully choosing to be a turd in his or her actions... because, well, because humans have been victimized for the greater portion of the run of the race. The dopey, "sleepy time" genetics, used-to being servile, are what get awakened.
Schumann resonances have been there from the beginning. The first harmonic is operating at 7.8 hertz, and it's not going anywhere. It's always been at 7.8 Hertz; it's not moving anytime soon, no matter how many blasts of amplitude we get.
After 6,000 years, one might think that if the resonances are going to rise, that they would be rising. But they are not.
The "Ascension age" myth, that folks hold onto, is that there's some magic solar flash that's allegedly going to automatically, allegedly remove the bad guys...but who are they, exactly, and what is this mean?
Humans are now given the free will to "BE" god, if they so choose; yet, many individuals acting of their own free will do not act in such a fashion, as to exhibit a divine nature. Some, of their own free will, chose to make things much more difficult for the rest of us, who simply want to be free to make our own decisions, what's right for ourselves.
Humans, ever the victims act out of baseline fear, hurt, damage; and act as savages to get back what's been taken from them. Humans, acting of fear and the lowest densities, choose to make things difficult for the rest of us, who simply want to have fun on this wonderful planet.
This ascension has been going on for millenia. The Gods, and the giants of old, "men of reknown" left the stage; replaced, effectively, by "Everyman"; the inherent divinity of the individual.
The gods of old have left; Zeus is no longer the bearer in the sky of lightning. Humans now are their own god, we can hurl lightning around the skies with a personal god that cares about the people. The original builders, the Old Gods were replaced by modern science, and intelligence, and a hybrid, bicameral mind. The old gods left, replaced by the new gods, or human imagination, without the protections of a caring, loving creator.
The Universe has been assisting humans for the last 6,00 years to evolve. That's why you the humans were given Jesus ,,, and what did they do to his Grace: they crucified him. Humans have this way on the souls who have come to assist in the evolution of humanity.
Humans now have the ability to think, and rationalize, and make it quite OK to victimize the others, because, after all, humans are a victim, and hurt people hurt people. Humans have been without the "Gods" as landlords, basically, and have been replaced by the gods of science and the intellect. Humans are all by ourselves... left to find God, or not. Most never will, because you, yourself, need to willfully, willingly choose to act as God... or the Creator ceases to exist.
The ascension of humans has been going on for a long time. That's why we were given Brahma, and Krishna, and Vishnu, and Buddha, and Jesus, and Mohammed and all the other Gods, who incarnated as humans, taking on the form of the celestial victim, the human.
Humans were put into quarenteen, roughly 6,000 years ago, so that we might be free to find our own unique, amazing destiny. Ascension has been underway for millenia. This round is nearly wrapped-up. EVERYTHING needs to be cleaned, and cleared-out before there is any divine "ascension" out of the physical. As long as there is still shit of the humans on this planet, no one goes anywhere, there's no ascension, and it's all still exactly as it has been, humans turning a blind-eye to their willingness to make life utterly difficult for others.
There is a great clearing of the souls at the end of the Great Year. This is where we are at now. The Aquarean age has already started. The Piscean age ended in 2012. All of the accounts are getting closed out how. This is the time of renewal. The Higher Self knows the time is short
I'm telling you the above, because i was told that I had to. I didn't want to. Personally, I feel i'm done talking to everyone. I got nothing that anyone really, truly wants to hear. Yet, we get to go on, in what's largely a thankless pursuit
Much of the above is going to NOT sit will with alot of people, as many seem to think that they will be moving one, without having to do any of the work necessary to making this happen.
Believe as you will. I'm not here to lead you. Lead yourself, that's what this all is about. If you are looking for a leader, you're not still in the muck and mire of the swamp.
I'm told to explain the above you you, for you to either grasp, or not. I'm not arguing over this, I'm doing my job in bringing this to you; when I otherwise would prefer to not be a moving target.
This ascension thing has been going on for milllenia. It is actually near the end, for the majority of folks, still utterly clueless about what's happening.
It is now the cashing-in of all the accounts. This is the "wrap-up of the wrap-up," as we call it. This short period of time still left is the last ditch effort that folks are making to try to get "on board", and there's a great rush to be in the hip crowd, talking about ascension, as if it's the newest thing. This phase of the "ascension" is the clearing up of the garbage created by the human free will decisions, which they cared-not to discuss, nor consider. That's fine. No harm, no foul. It's just time to clean up. you can be a part of this, or not, completely up to you.
However, no one goes anywhere, until the mess is clear.
This, largely, is why we are not dealing with the ascension-side of this: because, those who link the schumann resonances to "the ascension"; in my view, are trying to do the last minute shopping. Last minute preparations, thinking that there's some magically "emerald city" behind 3D; yet, are not doing any of the necessary clearing work to assure this is so.
At this point, humans have a free will to think and act independently, for themselves. This is ascension: where you willingly, willfully choose to make a difference, and choose the better course of action, and not still wallow in the same shit of humanity, that's been there, like a trap, for millenia.
"A man is known through the fruits of his labor." That is how you can tell who-is-who, and what-is-what: by the fruits of a person's labour: how are you investing the tiny, short bit of time that you are accorded here, in Earth School?
You do not have to believe anything I said. However, simply know that there is a whole other narrative behind the so-called "ascension symptoms." These are not caused by the atmoshperic electromagnetics, which are the same now, as they have always been.
What you are feeling now, are the symptoms of the WRAP-UP. This is Rectification symptoms. This is your soul telling you to get inline, because the time left is short.
You do not have to believe anything I've said, which is not proven. That's fine. This is not the place to discuss beliefs. We are working through the technical aspects of the Schumann Resonances, which are not "ascension-based." You don't need to accept my persona beliefs, but have i said something threatening your beliefs of why you came over here?
May be the problem is not me, personally misleading you, because I'm not leading anyone anywhere. Free will would have you lead yourself. My job is to explain how the Schumann resonances work, without the ballast of a false narrative, which many are clinging to.
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