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Writer's pictureVert Arbusto

01 May 2022. Frequencies Are Not Rising; Polarities Are Reversing.


I'm going to have to apologize if the two parts (Introduction, content) don't seem to fit together smoothly. The first part, Introduction, is more of what's going on with me personally. There's an ongoing conversation happening.

The second half deals more with the subject at hand: reversing polarities.


This is a wide overview of a topic that's fairly vast. I'm hitting alot of points I'm going to have to develop in upcoming essays. Some of this is a continuation of the previous post, discussing Starseed, and Star race realities in Earth-school.

This essay, generally, is a continuation of the discussion on: why the Veil of Gaia makes it functionally impossible to prove conclusively, objectively, a Prime Source Creator?

Or, in other words, how is the aloneness, and isolation of humanity so complete, relative to the Soul Contract ?

How does the apparent absence of a Creator become so evident; how does Earth-birth theatre become so all-engulfing?

The offset to being born under the Veil as a blank slate, is that we need to ask the proper questions; to find the clarity we seek. We might ask human beings, and get whatever answers we get;

Or, we might choose to go to the top, ask Prime Source [God]ourselves.

Of myself personally, a note before getting into the content.

Around the onset of puberty, I asked God: What is the Ultimate Reality?

It tells us in the sacred literature: you have not because you've asked not. So I asked. Be careful what you ask for, because you will get it.

At that point, lots of things become revealed, which start to challenge the sanity of the person asking. Much of the modern society is cobbled together through the promise of force and violence for non-compliance to the perpetuation of the illusion. True "free thought" is not something easy to uncover for humans.

With whatever revelations, or "downloads" that I receive, I need to make these public, for the benefit of the group--my particular group, not necessarily the entire world.

Not everyone's going to resonate with what I'm saying, and that's fine. Eventually, perhaps this will make sense later, when it's more relevant.

Alot of the discussions that need to happen with people are ones that are going to challenge preconceived notions, beliefs of alot of people. There's alot of undesirable thinking that's happening, imposed by the vocabulary, with no grounding. Challenging the sanchristy of "rising frequencies" is fairly certain to ruffle some feathers. This is not the way to win a popularity contest.

I sorta want to give-up on trying to untangle this mess, before even starting. My Guides appreciate this, tell me to do the assignment anyway.

However, I get "credit" for completing the assignment clearly and concisely. There's not a sales pitch to go with this. The following is what's been revealed to me. It's what I need to know to assist in maintaining my sanity, in an ever-changing world.

So, it's along these lines that I'm offering the following help to make sane sense of what's going on, in these very exciting times !

I incarnated here 53 yrs ago, to assist at this time, as a tech, to assist in figuring-out all this ridiculous tech terminology infiltrating the process of growth for many people who are close to being ready to Graduate*. Alot of confusion has been, is being, will be mixed into the ambrosia of society, due mostly, again, through the technology of the rhetoric of phonetics.

(*By Graduation is meant that they will have completed the Life's contract before traversing the death portal. Yet, this is all free will decisions. Many pass over without fully having lived their lessons they needed to learn. Many people pass having not actually learned more than a few important valuable life lessons they were supposed to learn from their time spent in the adamu, using Earth's resources.*)

For most of my life, I've wanted to evacuate, abandon, leave the inhabitation of this form. Simply through my Will alone, I'm not allowed to leave inhabitation of this form. My consciousness, my sense of me, my I, existed before inhabitation of this earthly form. I volunteered to be here in Earth-school, at this time of great transition, clearing, healing.

There are lessons that come through living this particular form, on this particular planet that are not available elsewhere. The majority of other places, a soul may incarnate with accumulated past-live memories still intact. My Will alone to be done in this suit of amnesia is not enough. Existence in other forms is not something that is accessable to the humanity, at this time.

This form is insulatory, of itself, herself; we ARE of the stuff of the planet. I of myself have had enough, living in the adamu, the intelligent body suit of Earth-birth. Yet, other forms of existence do not ground-in, expel, dispel the same way the humans are/do/can, in theory. Nor, can the other forms interact with Earth-birth humans in a harmonious fashion, up to this point.

We are supposed-to be motivating, and driving ourselves into positive alignment; especially as Earth-ground is moving from negative polarity to positive polarity.

The difference between positive and negative alignment within the human form is: what is the 'source' of getting one's light's refreshed: from Source, or the Arch-angels; Or, is it from other humans ?

Thank you for being here.

Submitted for your consideration...

Frequencies Are Not rising; But Polarities Are Reversing.

Frequency is a tally, or count of peak events. Even at it's broadest meanings, frequency is merely keeping track of like events, happening successively.

Yet, these days, we see this term frequency all over the place. Lots of things which it is not, get labelled a frequency: someone's behavior, an attitude, a belief system, acting on said beliefs.

For the most part this word now gets used to express a polarity, rather than a continued count of peak events.

Where the term "frequency" is used, I ask: Of what? Frequencies of what? Without knowing what the thing that's peaking, the word frequency is technically meaningless.

This is the nature of rhetoric, a word without usable, practical application. In many cases, the word has been mangled beyond usable meaning.

Much of the "ascension-based" rhetoric is meaningless, technically speaking. It's insidious and manipulative. Technical, or pseudo-scientific words are tossed around intending to convey a certain meaning, when these technical phrases are not actually anchored in science, nor are they used in their proper context.

There are many words that are simply place-markers where a true, correct principle should apply; yet, there's a mess of supposedly factual information that only makes sense to the holder of those "frequencies"/ thoughts/ concepts.

Among all of the worst offenders, and the most egregious of channels, the phrase "rising frequencies" is perhaps the worst of the bunch. Because, it's the one at the corner of many, many peoples' belief-systems, is this concept of rising frequencies. Apparently, everything is rising in frequencies.

My primary interest in this is to explain that certainly, the Schumann resonances frequencies are not rising. The first important principle to note is that Amplitude (the vertical spikes), are deci-Bels of pico-electron-Volts, NOT a frequency number. So, the ever-increasing spikes of amplitude are NOT a rising frequency.

The Schumann resonances are not displaying the Earth's heartbeat function. This is also not rising in frequency.

Seismic activity represents Gaia's heartbeat--believe whatever you care to. Schumann resonances represents the breathing, or respiration function of the living planet.

To measure a frequency, there needs to be a baseline. What is the Zero, or beginning point which you're starting from, that which we go back, to establish a count. Frequency is peak events, or a tally of occurrences. What is the repetative action which we are monitoring, and keeping track-of?

What is peaking? What exactly are we measuring? And is this something which has a continuous repetative "peak" to it?

Does an attitude, or a belief, or behaviour get counted as a frequency number?

Is "rising frequencies" actually not a real frequency count of anything significant, but intended to be used to confuse those who don't otherwise know any different?

In all interactions, beware of the con-job. The words and phrases used to designate trickery, guile, corruption, guile, manipulation, shuck-n-jive, etc., is practically limitless. Beware of the meaningless words. It's bad enough that we don't get to readily use our natural telepathic abilities, we are also forced to learn a convulsed, corroded, corrupted language to express terms, which are not languageable, nor verbally expressable.

Words themselves can be the con-job.

The three sections of the brain are the brainstem, which operates in the 0-12Hz section. The Cerebellum (back brain) which hums from 12-40Hz. The Cerebrum, which is the largest part, separated into 4 lobes, and two hemispheres, operates at a frequency range from 40-100Hz, A Hertz is a cycle per second.

Brainwave state is measured by electroencephlograph; which detects electric/voltage spikes on the scalp. The brain organ transmits "thought" through electro-chemical means. The brain is a sponge, which uses enzymes/electrified proteins to hold memory intact.

Consciousness may transcend the scalp. The highest set of frequencies are removed from the bodies physiological frequencies. The higher the frequency of brain-state activity, the ever-more detached, unhinged a person becomes; ever-more lost in thought, imagination, and other dimensions.

There is a detached, rhetorical, meaningless quality to the higher frequency brainwave states. This is at best, at worst, the most dangerous, damaging behaviour of human beings comes from the out of touch nature of the highest brainwave states.

The Buddhists, and other venerable pathways of wisdom suggest taking the middle path. This is the way of the backbrain, the area between 12-40 Hz. From 40 Hertz on up, a person is now on their own, in his or her own head.

A principle of frequency is that as the frequency rises, the wave narrows, becomes more directional. Frequency evolves into velocity, which is a straight-line vector. Increasingly rising frequencies promote isolation, narrow-mindedness, alienation, uniqueness, further entrainment of egoic mind.

Each higher mind has a cognitive overlay of the world based on desires, wants, needs, and emotional stability. We become physically involved in the world, our immediate environment, based on those and other factors, that are not inherent in the planet Herself, but of our place in the phenomenological world.

That detached nature of the upper mind allows me to believe I can communicate with the sky, clouds, and ask for sunshine on a cloudy day. Can I? Does the quantum field, under the veil of Earth-school allow for this to happen?

There is the phenomenological world that's chugging along on auto-pilot, based on the imposed construct of sacred geometry, as an operational principle, allowing some things to work well together.

This is one of the trade-offs, here in this school, which is part experiment, part stage and performance arena, part theatre to change one's incoming spirit/ soul polarity; part battleground/ playground for the Gods.

An allegedly superior intelligence can't impose itself upon humans, due to the unique relationship with matter itself, that we are not just objectively studying matter/material, it is within the material environment itself. Being embedded within the material matrix, yet looking to separate "oneself" from the material matrix of the planetary form of the genetic, organic form, living-clay body of the adamu.

The body itself, the form of the human being; the genetic, cellular memory held intact through procreation, is a naturalized, automated process, that can be messed-up through human willfulness, and ingesting certain substances, etc. during pregnancy. Genetic and epigenetic factors apply.

The modern human entity, homo sapiens, is a hybrid being created by the originally created beings that came with the taming of the planet. I wrote elsewhere about the humans of Genesis Chapter 2.

DNA is a code that will adapt of a huge variety of conditions of a planetary host body. Our physical bodies, the Earth-birth instrument, is an intelligent form, which is very sensitive (could be), and very versatile. The uniqueness of union with the material of the planet Herself, as a living being, is part of what one signs-up for coming into the physical body of the "Adamu". The physical body of the modern human, has been called the clay body. "Adamu" literally means red, ruddy clay, of the type used in the Lower Abzu ("E'Den").

The clay body, Earth-birth suit is a living, intelligent form of itself; yet animated by the will of prime Source, for the ability to see the greatest version of itself that could be possible, for non existent, to, yes, there is a Source with the Greatest assurance, all these various versions of "truth" are available, simply through focus of the will on that polarity.

Whether a given frequency is rising or not, is less important than the phase, or polarity it is pursuing. Frequency can be either positive, or negatively-aligned.

Again: what's our baseline? Where's the operational zero? Where's the start of the count?

Earth Herself is the operational Ground for most electronics, and electrical circuits in modern, civilized society. All modern wiring has a green-insulation wire, which channels excess electricity back into the ground of the planet.

Earth Ground has a circuit of current. Current is a direction. This s the magnetic portion, from whence comes warmth. The Heart frequencies are magnetic frequencies. Earth's currents are always in motion. There had been a long period of stability, where the magnetic poles had remained strong in place, up until 1859, when they started to wonder notably.

The electric-side is voltage, excess electrons (positive charge) in the atmosphere; moving vertically, from top down, usually. This is the vertical conductivity channel. These atmospherics, of excess voltage activates the upper, higher frequency mind of the individual. This has to be ground-out, into the current of the planet, or you will likely start going batty.

No, we are not living in a matrix like the movie, but your wicked-high head-rate of thinking is causing one for you. That Cerebrum, of detached, electric-side activity brainwave state activity is the "dome of the firmament", the so-called "matrix" of the material world.

The spirit is limited by the material matter of the brain material itself. Without a greater sense of how we are NOT all alone,whether on this planet, or in the Galaxy as a whole, those upper brainwave states make a big problem for the human being, living at this time.

It's important to understand the magnetic structure of the geo-location of the place which we were born. It seems that they can 3D-print an entity into existence these days--at any rate, with whatever organic material exists it operates as a function of the planetary material matrix, using the materials of that particular area/region. The planet is North to South/East to West orientated. The energies move in certain currents, at certain rates, traditionally.

What is, in fact shifting at an increased rate is the shift of the magnetic poles. Regularly do I see that phrase "the shift" but no one knows what exactly it means. Feel free to believe what you will. Spiritual growth as the base of a shift requires conscious focus and work. What does not require work is the swapping poles.

The animal world in general, birds and many migrating animals use otoliths, magnetically-aligned bones to find their way back home. Humans have this too, and of course don't understand it, nor recognize the significance, etc. The magnetic fields are drifting, shifting, etc, and it's making people go bonkers.

Frequency in the proper sense is measured against a second of time. Yet, a second is getting a little shorter. This does not actually mean that frequencies are rising. This is a tough concept to wrap the mind around.

A shorter "second" means the frequencies are DECREASING, in actual fact.

There's more to this, obviously. Hoping this serves as an introduction to the topic, for discussion.


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