[Posted to FB Group Schumann Resonances (& Other Atm. EMF).]
Thank you for being here. This is going to be a note of welcome, especially for the new-comers here.
Everyday this group gets new members. There's been a recent increase in people looking for membership into the group. Daily, we get new members. I'd like to address the new comers.
If you've been here for a while, then some of this is likely not to be new. The following needs to be said, for the benefit of those recently admitted into the group.
One Simple Question.
First, upon request for admissions to the group is one single question: What is your interest in coming here? We ask everyone to answer this question, to gain admissions.
We ask this simple question to determine who is a constructive member. We don't decline people based on the answer, but for lack of one. This group was set-up as a place for learning of a very complicated subject. The entry question is the best way to tell early if someone is going to be a good member, or if the person is going to be difficult.
Mostly, I ask this simple question at the onset of admissions, so we can better gauge the content of the group.
There are multiple groups out there using the phrase "Schumann Resonance". There are multiple interests out there looking to capitalize on a popular phrase. There are multiple interests out there making 'clickbait' out of the phrases. This is not to be critical; simply that this is not what we are doing here.
This group is the one for exploration of the Science of the Schumann resonances. Explaining how it works is relatively easy. The difficult part is to explain these through decrypting the great mystery of the detecting equipment used to report the phenomena.
FEATURED POSTS: Where All The good Info went.
In the FEATURED section of this page you will find 2 years worth of writing. I go through ALL of the elements necessary for you to understand the technology. If you have come here to learn about the actual tech, and how this properly works, this is where you'll find what you've come here for.
For the majority of time I've been doing this, I have given the reader tons of hard-core science and technical explanation. In all honesty, I've written more than you can read in the remainder of your life. I've worked well past the 10,000 hours point which marks Mastery.
I'm here as Admin of this group, because I have decades of related hands-on experience. I'm doing this mainly for the love of the tech, to share it with others so that maybe you'll get as much joy out of this as I have had.
I have an immense amount of will to explain this extremely complicated, extremely technical information. My complete and total willingness to make this as easy as possible does not, automatically translate to you getting this.
How It Works : Don't Let your Belief System Take You Down.
I have repeatedly explained to people that this might be too difficult for you to get properly. You can live a great live, WITHOUT knowing technically how this functions.
However, if you feel that you need this in you like, then I humbly offer that there is no great spiritual truth, nor value to miscommunicate improper information. Many people are coming into this with some type of knowledge, which in most cases will be wrong, relative to the correct technical process.
You can feel free to believe as you see fit. If you believe "The Schumann" is a spiritual experience, and it's necessary for your ascension, this is your belief. It's not my job to disuade you from your beliefs; or to get you to believe anything different.
However, if your belief system, your ontology, is prone to want to misread the data, or not care for the technical explanation with the fancy, science words, then this is your belief. I am not obligated to coddle your personal beliefs. Most of the narrative provided by mainstream to get you to understand this, is agenda-driven.
The agenda, in a nutshell, is designed to rob your freewill. Much of this "ascension"-based information is geared towards getting you in lockstep with the collective. Much of this information is designed to get you to "go hive" in your thinking. Much of what's out there is designed to get you to give up your free will thinking, in exchange for "the plan"; Or, for "the event."
Much of the ascension-based rhetoric is as meaningful as a heater in the desert. There is nothing of necessity "ascension-based" in regards to the Schumann Resonances.
Ascension is to finish your life's Contract agreed upon prior to incarnating in Earth-school. You can finish your life's contract without knowing anything about the Schumann resonances.
All that you really, truly need to know, is how to GROUND. Yet, this needs to be done as an effort of one's Free Will: the choice and decision to Ground the body-held charges.
Patreon: ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/68843444 )
Wordpress: ( https://vertearbustosschumannresonanceharmonics.wordpress.com/2022/07/08/01-july-2022-admins-note-to-the-group-especially-to-newbies/ )