01 April 2022. What's the science behind human ascension, and what, if anything, does the sun have to do with it? Solar influence on ascension?
As a group, we are not an "ascension-based" group, and there's nothing inherently ascension based in the SR, nonetheless, there are alot of people here looking for the ascension-type stuff. It's simply the changing of the Guards at hand, so more people want to know what is really happening as we enter into the Age of Aquarius.
Much of the discussion that's introduced in the name of ascension, is simply a distraction, and a danger to proper understanding of the SR.
As an act of love, from Source Creator, we are going to give you a proper understanding of "ascension". We really, truly need to have standards in this. Because you need to know, you're getting the following, from God itself.
We are going to do this by 'the numbers' and walk through each step individually. There should be no science, nor technical terms, nor Western-based-ascension jargon.
You know it is the voice of supreme Creator, where it comes across clearly, succinctly, artfully, to-the-point, full of wisdom, recognized instantly as from Source Creator.
Lots of people come here for Ascension-based stuffity-stuff. As a group, we are not confusing Ascensonism with science.
Yet, oh-fun, good golly, don' chya' know there's a spiritual science, with a discipline involved in "ascending."
Part of what this is doing is using the divine light of the Amethyst flame that incinerate everything put within its Domain. So, we ask to cut through the rhetoric, and the misinformation. As I have stated, I've completed the process in 2019.
My Guides tell me that as long as I am establishing the protocol on dealing with this side of things, then let's have at this discussion. What I'm putting out here needs to be stated, because it's the voice of the pure light of Source Creator; as we sit in the Eternal forest, discussing these posts; these are the results of the meditations.
Asking my Guides, what's the deal with the solar influence on people, and Earth ?
Let's do this by the numbers:
1. Ascension is completion of one's Contract.
2. Each Contract is unique, with an individual path, as determined by the soul upon incarnation in this lifetime in Earth School.
3. Incarnation into Earth School is voluntary, and it is the free will zone of Earth school, uniquely adapted for organic life, on this planet.
4. DNA is a code, adaptable to whatever elements and compounds are available within the planetary spheroid of Earth School.
5. DNA code stores much of the genetic memory of a person's family line. 93+% of you is also your ancestors, and humanity at large. 7% of you, which is unique, is your free will decisions, in Earth School.
6. In most cases, free will decisions are us acting independently of our established DNA, or genetic imprint, an/or conditioning (epigenetics.)
7. It takes continued application of the free will towards acting in a better, more positive, other-centric fashion. The minimum requirement for graduation is 51.1%-thinking of others first, consistently.
8. The majority of what it takes to make it through the Contract is applied application of the free will intention towards making the lives of others better; immediately around you. True change happens in small increments.
9. Copious amounts of lineal clearing, familial karma, overall karma accumulated over multiple lifetimes; which are lessons refused to be learned, will be all accounted for, in the Grand Accounting of the Contract.
10. Most people have real life, real world interactions with other people,which can not be avoided. There is so much accumulated karma established within the lifetime spans of most people, that they are literally unable to resolve it all. Without dedicated will towards this goal, there's no clearing these karmic attachments,and accounts which must be paid, in full.
11. While others are still living around you, the work is never done. however, as they pass over to the other side, the karma for you is generally paid in full. For the soul of the person who was here, you would still have work to complete, in that ether-based for. Your soul would have to manifest in another's dream state, for example.
12. We all have agreed to our respective Contracts. This is collective, indeed. Earth is the free will zone experiment. No one incarnates, except throughagreement, and Contract of what lessons we have signed-up for. And, what continued re-workings with other souls we need to amend, of fix, or whatever.
13. Free will zone allows for everyone to work t his/her own pace, in theory. Many individuals flop around, aimless, goalless, and disconnected from society at large. These are not individuals who are working on clearing the Contract,to move on wards and upwards to Graduation.
14. Graduation is where you are fully recognized as havingcompleed all your class work, here in Earth School. All of your karmic entanglements are cleared, and you've fulfilled your life's purpose and mission, then you will have graduated.
15. Ascension comes from clearing the heavy, dense obstructions to growth, and maintaining conscious, clear intention with Source Creator, to determine what work needs to be done. As the heavy, dense, dark, hurtful, familiar shame type of healings take place, then the soul, spirit is elevated. One is develing the ability to gain elevation.
16. The genetic amber of the DNA codon expression of the human body is the "adamu"; which literally means "clay body." That clay body holds intact generations of memories. It is this conditioning of the intelligent bodily sequence to become "polarized".
17. The Planetary body, Earth herself, is experiencing a shift in polarity at this time, towards the eventual repositioning of the North with the south magnetic poles. This is all in timing of divine order.
18. We are currently in the ending of the Kalayuga. We are currently entering into the Age of Aquarius; which is not to be confused with the "new age."
19. This is the period of the "wrap-up of the wrap-up." This is now in the point we would call the Harvest of the Souls. Many are called, but few are chosen. The work is much, but the workers are few. Let those who have eyes, see what they need.
20. We are at the closing of the Great Year, which is a 26,000 solar year cycle. This is the inception of the Aquarian protocol, and the desolution of the Piscean antics. The Piscean age is characterized by the two fishes, facing opposite directions. Aquarius is the water-bearer, who is pouring her cistern out all over the place. This is symbolic for the dissolution of the lies and cover stories and conspiracies.
21. There is a Fource, an entity, something, which is poised to keep people from going through this process properly.
22. There is no substitution for completing the contract completely, despite the trappings of this physical world. Beware of the glamor and rhetoric of the secular world, which would ensnare the very elite themselves.
23. No one can do this for anyone else. There is no substitutes. Failure to act simply delays the inevitable.
24. The shifting poles, in addition to a variety of other things, creates a time concern for the earth school residents. Time is actually speeding-up for us all. Everyone intuitively feels this. As we enter the Aquarian Age presents a new paradigm for people to contend with.
25. Much of the "climate changes" are coming as a result of the shifting poles. Because of the geo-electric circuit moves current from one location to another of the planet to even-out the incoming influence from the sun. Temperature is a side-effect, not a cause for global changes. It's all magnetic-electric current that conducts temperature throughout the grid.
26. Historically-speaking, ascension of a human being would be taking place in a monastary, or Ashram, or Sangha, etc. In a society of his peers, one might more easily, and favorably working one one's Contract, through dedicated karma work. There are all manner of sacred texts, discussing this very endeavor. They all discuss the morality, and fuckery of the humans who are dead-set against you in your dedicated pathway of clearing.
27. Western, modern society, which prides itself on the successful removal of Creator God-of-our-ancestors from science, and all manner of society, is not one given towards spiritual, meditative introspection. Modern, Western, (allegedly) science-based society has unhinged, and unbalanced itself from the cares of its creations. Modeern, Western-based society is not one given to an ascension-basd culture, nor one that lends itself towards a language of love and care, necessary to clear the familial lineal karma in need of clearing.
28. Western society invents a narrative, or "backstory" which enfolds technology (the inherent offering of Westernism) into a contrived, linuistically-coherent narrative labled "ascension."
29. If western society has no societal history of actual ascension coming from clearing the Contract, what actually is the Western-version of ascension? Beware of the incarnation of Ahriman.
30. Western-based ascension, has no actual established, documented history of ascension is setting the stage for the incarnation of Ahriman. Who is Ahriman? He is the off-set, or the balance to Christ and Lucifer.
31. Duality consciousness is itself a power of motivation with humans, in the clay form body. Belief is itself a power of motivation in human affairs. Thinking, thought, deliberative activity is itself a power of motivation in human affairs.
32. Ahriman is the God, or Intelligent force behind materialism and scientism ("the science"). The calcification with the ego coming with the calcification of the pineal, allows mankind the blindness to realize materialism; the material correspondent with life in this planet.
33. Everything provided by the planet, is given as a gift from her, that we may use. Materialism seeks to own the planet, to be used for the deification of material possessions. Ahriman is the push to own the planet, to be uses in any purposes, which are not in balance of life, love, directed consciousness.
34. Material possessions seeking to make for you convenient a life here, it is you giving your consciousness to the thing itself. Consciousness, the ability for free will expression, is a gift.
35. Western-version ascension is geared towards the individual giving-up, giving away his or her free will.
36. Western-version ascension is the giving away, or giving-up the free will choice, to a number of features, and personalities.
37. Of our free will decisions do we serve our Contract; Through giving away our free will, we stick around here longer. "Here" is the 3D, chemical-based reality of Earth School.
38. The mediated environment of the machine becomes the accepted norm. That which falls outside of the machine's validation becomes "unnatural." As a condition of Ahriman's incarnation, people trust the produced version better than they trust themselves.
39. "Rising frequencies" are necessities of the machine, and a mechinated existence. Rising frequencies are positing a further isolation from Source. Rising frequencies are continuously isolating, and alienating ourselves along with others.
40. The notion to solar radiance is going to automatically do anything relative to the human DNA, is a red herring, or ruse, or simply outright incorrect. Not everyone is allow his, or her DNA to open-up into the transformation.
41. Nothing with humans is automatic, except for eventual dissolution of the material form of the adamu Growth with humans is not automatic. Evolution is a principle that works in reverse. Devolution of the shittification of the species is a more-real reality, and end place for most humans.
42. There is no place besides Earth that humans could live on, or within. Earth is conscious, and she knows this, She loves us and allows humans to have the ridiculous fantasies about matter, based on the Earth-school experience. Yet, all of the matter, and material on her are hers. Eventually everything on this planet, which is a thing, goes back to Her. Human materialism, with its "laws of science" and "laws of nature" are allowed to exist in this expression, to allow humans to evolve as a species. Yet, this is going to be changing, soon. The planet herself is about to Reset.
43. Humans are not running "The Great Reset." Human avarice and the calcification of the ego, is the conditions necessary for Ahriman to incarnate within, and through all the humans.
44. Ahriman is giving the Western-version expression of ascension. It can be extremely distracted by all of the rhetoric of "ascensionism", of rising frequencies, gamma bursts, 5D, etc.--yet, while all the while, never once actually ascending, because the required work is not being done.
This is a work in progress. There's more to it, but this will do for now.
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